"Amitabha, Amitabha! When I meet you, all the retribution of these years will come..." Amitabha cried.

"Why don't I send those spirits back and watch them be... Snapped?" Ye Feng asked with a smile.

"Alas! I know you are kind-hearted, but we can't protect ourselves now! Anyway! Younger generations say that I don't go to hell. Who goes to hell? I'm an old man and have to suffer if I don't realize it. Unfortunately, my seventeen disciples have just reformed......" Amitabha said, squinting at Ye Feng.

"If you are not afraid that they will be implicated by me, you can send them to the world to hide from disasters. In the end, there will be only us, that is, aizha. Ha ha!"

"Can't you accommodate that tree?"

"If we can, we don't have to come?"

Ye Feng came for Ye Qing. If he could accommodate himself, he would not take the risk. Now, Amitabha has nothing to complain about. Let the seventeen Arhats go to Ye Feng's inner world, follow Kun you to study Buddhism, and sit on the high-rise of the ruins with Ye Feng. How do you like it!

Ye Feng loves it. The wood God in charge of the five spirit world is not happy! He looked forward to the stars and the moon for 3000 centuries. Finally, it was time to taste the reality of emptiness, but the fruit ran away with long legs. He must ask for an explanation! So when Amitabha Buddha and Ye Feng love Zha Zha, he also found the guy who promised him that he was too empty.

"I'm trying to get benefits for you without telling that bitch. You've run away from your own benefits and come to me for advice! You slept in the ice quilt last night and your brain was frozen!"

"Beijia! How dare you scold me! Forget who joined hands with the four spirits to save you when you were chased and killed!"

"Who saves me is also for good! I can afford any of you these years!"

"Worthy of anyone? A while ago, you ran to my territory and wanted to swallow the too empty reality and kill the brothers and sisters of the spirit branch king. Can you also be worthy of me! If I don't show up, do you still want to tell the spirit branch king that I did it!" Beijia's voice fell, and the God of fire appeared behind him.

"That's their boasting! I just want to teach them a lesson! Later, I recovered the reality of Taixu and opened the door of the battlefield. It's not all my efforts. Do you enjoy your success?"

"Sit back and enjoy success? First abduct the leaves of nothingness and give some benefits to the earth God's men. They foolishly lost the battle. Finally, you add five to one with the earth God. The injured mother didn't even drink a mouthful of soup. This is called sit back and enjoy success!"

"I haven't drunk any soup! Isn't the truth of Taixu yours in the end! Plus this five spirit world, you're two in vain. What else do you want?" Beijia said cunningly, pulling his neck.

"What do I want? Old lady wants to go to the king of Ling Zhi! When it comes to killing you five woodlouse together!"

Ye Feng didn't know that the God of fire would curse the street, but after sitting in the ruins for a few days, there was a cool smell in the lifeless and aura ruins. After a few days, some unknown weeds began to sprout in the cracks of the ruins, and small insects such as ants occasionally flew past their eyes.

"We're both idle. We might as well go out and look around. Maybe we meet some rare things. It's useful to take them back." Amitabha said to himself.

"Anyway, I love you. Listen to you." Ye Feng said with a smile.

Ye Feng and Amitabha Buddha's accomplishments are easy to read for thousands of miles, but since they are in love, they are not in a hurry. Like two mortals who have just become immortals, they fly and chat in the low sky and soon come to the military camp of the spirit world that day.

The mountain protection array and soul jade in the celestial spirit world were taken away by the spirit family. The surrounding aura was also refined into yellow crystals by the folding sword Buddha to send the kids away. There are some flowers and plants left, which are all vulgar things. After they turn around in the sky and look at the big pit that swallowed the heavenly spirit Buddha, they find their aura and continue to fly forward.

"After all this, you must have come up with a clue?" Amitabha asked while flying.

"There are too many true and false things. If we know now, we should be caught between the nothingness tree and those pests."

"There's a paste in my head. Tell me more."

"The memory of the tree in my family is only a thousand eras. She also said that she had never contacted the mother tree for fear of being contaminated with evil ideas, but she insisted that the body scattered the soul was too empty at the beginning. What do you think of this?"

"I've done this to others before. Brainwash."

"She said it would sprout only when she saw me, that is to say, the people who instilled her lies were originally fooling me."

"That makes sense."

"In the first World War before, someone abducted me. I should have been afraid of my involvement in the war, but in the end, I didn't get any benefits, just let Qing'er get a bargain. Don't you think it's strange to think about it?"

"If you think about it carefully... Ah! It's really strange! Why didn't I think of this!"

"You didn't expect it because you only paid attention to me, but you didn't pay attention to Qing'er. But since they know my ability, they must also understand that Qing'er and warships are the enemy of the spirit family. So they don't steal chicken and rice, but hide it!"

"Hide from heaven and cross the sea... You mean, the God of fire is heaven?"

"Before, the ice God was bad for us. It was the fire god who came out to save us. If she didn't uphold justice, the Buddhist world must be her fief. But when she opened the door of the battlefield, it was an ice crystal door. At that time, I wondered if the ice God was caught and forced to do this coolie..."

"With our ability, even in this world, it is by no means easy to open the door of space and let people use it. Not to mention the consumption. The gate of the battlefield is absolutely coolie! It is absolutely reliable that the ice God thief can't eat, give people a handle, and be caught." Amitabha Buddha's eyes widened when he preached. It was obvious that he had thought of the following words.

"Follow these clues and think back. The person who brainwashed the nothingness tree of my family should have some concerns and dare not tell me the truth. He turned the corner and made up such a lie for me to guess. As for who she is and what concerns she has, think about the experience of the heavenly spirit Buddha, can you guess one or two?"

The God of fire dominates the Buddhist world and breaks the fire himself. The heavenly spirit Buddha came to the Taixu battlefield to find the earth vein. The ruler of their heavenly spirit world is likely to be the earth God. Later, the heavenly spirit Buddha was defeated and swallowed up by the earth together with his men. This must be the hand of the earth God.

But if the earth God is the master of the celestial spirit world, he has to use a trick to hide the world and swallow the creatures he controls. The only possibility is that they have an agreement between heaven and man - all the creatures killed by the other party's hands belong to the other party!

Because only in this way can they transfer Ye Feng away, force themselves to fight back, and let the heavenly spirit Buddha put down their vigilance. Finally, Ye Qing closed the dead end, and was swallowed up by the earth God after admitting defeat. Otherwise, the two sides will fight on the battlefield, and those spirit families killed will belong to the God of fire!

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