"All creatures have wishes. Can you tell me what your wishes are?" Ye Feng sat on the ground and said to the spirit fire in the palm of his hand.

The spirit fire didn't answer, but it swayed a few times. Ye Feng raised his eyes and saw that the anituo Buddha and Guanyin were staring at the palm of his hand. Ye Feng looked at them for a long time before they made excuses to leave.

"There's no one around. If you really want anything, I can try to help you. Similarly, if it's convenient for you, you'd better help me."

Linghuo still didn't answer Ye Feng, but he flew to his head from the palm of Ye Feng's hand.

"I'm a lingzhi clan. It's not easy for you to take me away. If you leave me, you'll be dead. To put it bluntly, we'll be grasshoppers on the same rope before the end of the Taixu war."

"And from a standpoint, I'm the chess piece of the God of fire, with the belief support of the whole origin world behind me. Even if I lose the war and get caught, I'll just change my master. But you're the spirit of the God of fire. If we're caught together, you won't be as lucky as me?"

Ye Feng said, Linghuo jumped hard on his forehead, but finally fell into his palm. Obviously, Ye Feng guessed right again.

"Since I came to the Buddhist world, Huoshen has saved me several times. No matter what her purpose is, she is kind to me. Therefore, I don't want to change the master unless I have to. As for you, just say what conditions you have. As long as I can do it, I won't refuse."

"Give me your daughter." Taixu's spirit fire said crisply and was directly thrown to the ancient battlefield by Ye Feng.

When Ye Feng saw Guanyin again, she was dressing up. Unlike ordinary people, she hides jewelry in her clothes or under her hair. If you don't use soul power, you won't notice it at all.

"Originally, I was worried about what bride price to give. Originally, you like these gadgets."

"The great former Buddha is full of artifact, which makes you laugh." when Guanyin spoke, there was no wave on his face.

"There's one thing you probably already know, but you never take it to heart."

Guanyin had known that Ye Feng liked her and had always taken it to heart. For this reason, she also told taishanglaojun. Listening to Ye Feng's statement, when he wanted to make fun of himself, he turned over slightly and ignored him.

"You are willing to commit yourself to me in order to refine the Dharma. How can you ignore me when I say these?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"Since it's related to Buddhism, it's better to listen to it." Guanyin bit the words very hard and turned his body directly.

"It's a little mysterious, but when we come to our realm, there's nothing we can't understand." Ye Feng took a few steps forward and continued after coming to Guanyin. "Monks always say that all creatures have Buddha nature, but it's not so easy to really treat all creatures as creatures."

"I understand this." Guanyin walked five steps forward.

"Really understand? I don't think so?"

"I'm not as savvy as you, but you can't question my practice!" Guanyin turned around with an unhappy face.

"The spirit is also a spirit. Naturally, it also has its own subjective consciousness, but the vast majority of the spirit will not express their own opinions due to their identity. Therefore, the Taoist ancestor left five spirit jewels in the five spirit world. There is another sentence."

"What did he say?"

"He said, the spirit should not be a slave. Instead, choose the Lord to serve."

"Well, choosing the Lord to serve is worthy of being the ancestor of Taoism." Guanyin lowered her eyes and said if she had lost something.

"Now that you agree with this statement, don't say one thing and do another, otherwise the babies will be sad."

Ye Feng walked over with a smile and wanted to take Guanyin's hairpin out from under her hair. As a result, Guanyin dodged.

"Monks have six clean roots and weak mind. They follow me and certainly don't care about these appearances."

"Do you want to try?" Ye Feng said with a bad smile.

"Try what?"

"Try your artifact. Would you like to hide it?"

Guanyin's artifacts and jewelry were all given by others on her birthday. Guanyin thought they were good in attributes and appearance, so she always wore them. Although over the years, the master and servant have not been able to communicate like Ye Feng and Huoer, several instrument spirits are also contaminated with Buddha nature. So when Ye Feng said he wanted to try, he took off the hairpin without hesitation and handed it back.

"Little fellow, tell me the truth. Do you like being hidden under your master's hair?" Ye Feng asked bluntly.

"HMM... can't you do without saying?" Qi Ling is the image of a bird. When talking to Ye Feng, his head shrank to his wings.

"As a Buddha, if you don't tell the truth, you have to leave a knot. At least it will affect your practice, and at worst it will be possessed by the devil and affect your master." Ye Feng used the Ruyi rule.

"Why is that! I don't want it!"

"Don't involve the master, or don't hide under your hair?"

"My master is so beautiful. I'm also very beautiful without it..."

After listening to the saying of Qiling, Guanyin was surprised and looked at Ye Feng more.

"In fact, it's not just the spirit of the instrument. Even the most common aura has its own ideas. Otherwise, there won't be any theory of mutual restriction. You who have refined seven emotions and six desires will not treat me... Hey, hey!" facing Guanyin, Ye Feng finally experienced a handsome hand for only three seconds.

"That is to say, my aura likes you?" Guanyin choked Ye Feng with a red face.

"Eh! Eh... Your Divine body and soul are transformed by aura. There's nothing you can do to like me more, hehe!" he directly became a silly boy.

"Since even Reiki likes you, Taixu Linghuo must also like you?"

"That guy asked me to hand over his daughter before he would help. I've just been thrown into the Taixu battlefield!" Ye Feng said, sinking his face, turned and flew away.

Ye Feng failed to tease Guanyin and ran to the fairy orchard to drink muggy wine. The Taixu spirit fire he threw to the outside world was not as comfortable as him. Just after it appeared in the Big Volcano, it was discovered by the Taixu real water, and the illusory projection immediately appeared opposite it.

Water and fire are not allowed. Ordinary water and fire still know how to fight each other, not to mention spiritual water and fire. At the moment when the unreal projection saw the Taixu spirit fire, a dark light of water blue appeared above the Taixu spirit fire.

Facing the attack of the old enemy, the Taixu spirit fire instinctively gathered the surrounding anger and launched a counterattack. But it does not possess any living creatures. Although its qualifications and means are no worse than Taixu real water, it does not have enough real Qi and soul power for it to control. After only a little support, the flame was assimilated by Taixu real water and continued to hit it.

Damn Lingzhi! Damn real water! You all bully me! Sooner or later, I will burn the source and turn you into the body of spiritual fire!

Taixu Linghuo thought, but he didn't continue to fight. He dived directly to the ground along the fire pulse of the great volcano.

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