"It's a foreign expert. Just say something about your experience and you can change a continent! Or I'll tell you something about your own experience and you can give me something?" "Yutian" appeared and said coyly.

"Hehe, I'm an outsider. It's not good to know that. You'd better tell me how to take it away after the mainland is refined again."

"Ah! You still want to take it away! Can you move with this cultivation for such a large area?" the Yellow ghost also came up and asked.

"That! I......" if you don't take it away, what is it for me? Do you mean to make this continent a place for me?

"Greedy little handsome boy, you can't take this land away. But from now on, you are the person of Tianxing world. When you want to come back, there is a place for you here. But..."

"Oh! That's right. That means this is my fief, isn't it?"

"You hate it! You won't be fooled!" Yutian said, and the little fist was sent immediately. Ye Feng quickly flashed behind the Yellow ghost.

"You can't even hook him. Forget it. Get this land ready quickly. I have a lot of bad things to do later!"

When the Yellow ghost finished, Ye Feng only felt that his feet were soft. He quickly flew up and took a look. He saw that the ground under his feet had become a dark yellow aura and spread far away. As soon as the surrounding flowers, plants and trees touched it, they became a little green aura and slowly gathered together. The minerals, water veins and fire veins hidden underground also became corresponding auras, A little bit together

"Have you practiced this too?" Ye Feng was absorbed, and the voice of the Yellow ghost came to his ears.

"Ah... It's just fur. It's not worth mentioning. Hehe."

"What accomplishments do you have? It's good to understand the truth! My son has the same accomplishments as you, but he can't even make a decent weapon..."

"He was born in the emperor's house, with less experience and more chaos. When everything is ready, he will naturally be at ease."

"Well, I was born in the emperor's house! I really wanted him to go out for training, but I was reluctant... Ye Feng, can you take him with you when you leave?"

"If I tell you that I've been like this all my life, do you still want him to follow me?"


"My family has heard from an expert that the highest life in the universe is nothingness. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, desires nothing, but knows everything. Then comes the Tao. He controls everything, never dies, and no one can surpass." the incarnation outside his body didn't finish listening at the beginning. Ye Feng looked sorry when he talked about these.

"You mean, we are all in it. Even if we are willing to do anything, we are all in the road. It is determined by heaven and earth?"

"I'm parroting now. It's estimated that I can't reach the realm of nothingness and can't escape." Ye Feng smiled.

"I know everything, but I don't care about anything. I can't do it just like this! If Yutian, there's still some hope."

"Indeed, her mind is much bigger than mine..." Ye Feng also sighed.

While chatting, a large piece of debris had been turned into aura by the yellow skin ghost. I saw a flash in the Tianxing precious jade, and absorbed the aura in my eyes. Although Ye Feng had thought of what was going on, he was still so surprised that he swallowed his saliva.

"Master... My possessions must be gone?" Qixia wanted to bring wine to Ye Feng, but she couldn't find Ruyi treasure bracelet.

"Deserved it! I told you to rob and fight, and finally I ended up with a chicken flying egg, even the body!" Huoer leaned out and said with a grimace.

Qixia is not afraid to lose her body. In this way, she can haunt Ye Feng all day, so she is ridiculed by Huoer. Instead, she is proud.

Qixia's mind is very clear in Ye Feng's heart. It's inevitable that she will have trouble in the future. She wants to go back to the armillary sphere and Ruyi treasure bracelet and refine it again. As a result, 'Yutian' was not difficult for him, but after he really took the things back, Ye Feng found that the two babies had been integrated!

The armillary sphere is originally a space Taoist instrument. Ruyi treasure bracelet is just a larger ring. Ye Feng initially wanted to refine the two treasures together.

But there is always a way to flow. Qixia's accomplishments are there. It's a fool's dream to surpass her level and expand the space of her noumenon. So Ye Feng tried several times without success. Now the two babies can integrate into one. Ye Feng was stunned.

"In the sky star world, no one knows its existence except six of us. So don't say that you have heard of it. It's a great opportunity..." the Yellow ghost said reluctantly.

When he first got the Tianxing precious jade, Ye Feng really thought it was a gift from the ancestors of the human race. But this man is proud of himself. After everything just happened, does Ye Feng dare to ask for it? Die! Hearing that the Yellow ghost could say two words, he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"Hahaha, are you afraid? To tell you the truth, when we asked the woodcutter to take it, the guy was so afraid that he had to leave a trace of spirit in Yutian before he agreed."

"I... did you hear me right? This big baby... Really... Really wants to send me!" Ye Feng finally destroyed his image.

"If it weren't for what you said, we all discussed how to destroy the world and rebuild it with it. Now the woodcutter must want to break our thoughts and protect the world..." the Yellow ghost said bitterly.

If you want to stop thinking, just throw this thing to me! If anyone knows this, my family will have to throw it into the universe!

Ah! No! Those who can leave this treasure here are definitely above heaven and man! The baby left by this existence can be sent by anyone who wants to give it to others! Is it the guy from the Black Sea who secretly manipulated the firewood chopper?

Ye Feng fell into meditation. With the help of the Yellow ghost, Tianxing Baoyu absorbed all the broken continent and returned to him again.

"Handsome boy, what kind of continent do you want?"

"Ah! Is that OK!" Ye Feng was frightened by Yutian, stared and jumped away for two steps.

"It must have been impossible before, otherwise the sky star world would not be like this! Now... Thanks to you, I have been together with this baby... You can do whatever you want!" feather sky came up again.

"Then it will become round. Fire is hidden inside, wrapped in gold and earth, water and wood..."

Ye Feng just said half, and felt his left hand sink. He wanted to lift it up and have a look, but he found that he couldn't move at all! When I was about to look down, my vitality flowed back to my left hand.

Before, the soul power was sucked away. With the help of the little princess, Ye Feng could barely hold on by relying on Yin and Yang, but vitality can not be converted in a short time! Ye Feng was only a little stunned, and his black hair turned gray!

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