Huichun pill is a seven grade pill. Ordinary people have never heard of it, but it has extraordinary aura and is full of life. Just smelling the fragrance of the pill, I feel a few years younger. After everyone felt this, they couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Master Ye! Is this a rejuvenation pill!"

"I've just learned to refine this before. I eat it every day as a baby. As a result, I can't see my identity. I'll give you one to eat, so that you can taste the feeling of being underestimated by future generations, ha ha!"

Ye Feng just said that when tiezicheng was on his face, tiezicheng still wanted to turn his face and scold his mother! After listening to Ye Feng's words, he realized that this is a real expert in front of his feelings! People's appearance, that is to eat spring pills, eat too much, rejuvenate! How dare he talk back to Ye Feng, hold up the spring pill with both hands, bow to Ye Feng and ask again.

"I have one dark gold, one meteorite iron pith, and this thing called fire spirit liquid. I'm only half a bottle. Then add 100 level 8 magic crystals and 300 level 7 magic crystals..."

Ye Feng still had to speak. The fire flew out and went directly into the bottle of huolingye. He only heard a sound of sucking and slipping, and there was no following. Ye Feng picked up the bottle and saw that there was nothing in it!

"Huoer! You didn't eat the food in Najie for so long. Why did I take it out and give it to others, but you robbed it!" Ye Feng ignored the stunned eyes of a group of people, directly pulled out the fire sword and shouted angrily.

"Master, there are so many Najie, who knows you have fire spirit liquid! If you want to know, I would have eaten the Xuanjin and Xingsui!"

"Master ye, that's enough! That's enough!" tiezi became a refining tool all his life. How can he not recognize the fire sword and fire son! As soon as he heard that Huoer wanted to eat, he immediately rushed to Xuanjin and Xingsui and held on!

"It's enough for me to change nine cloud shuttles and a luxury flying boat?" Ye Feng asked with a smile.

"Enough! Don't even say that. Just give me that rejuvenation pill. It's enough!"

"For us alchemists, refining the same things is just for life or improving our skills. What we really want to do is to refine an unprecedented treasure, named in the history of the Qing Dynasty! So I heard that there are nine cloud piercing shuttles. I thought it was done by people who are greedy for fame and wealth. Now I'm very glad to see you like this!"

"Master Ye has a strong family and extraordinary means. Naturally, I want to do what I want to do. But I have raised materials for decades in order to forge the sword in my heart. If it weren't for the master, I don't know when to get what I want and verify what I have learned in my life! Not only that, master Ye gave me five years of yangshou, this grace and virtue... Master ye, please accept me!"

Tie Zicheng was about to kneel down when Ye Feng said he was hurt. As soon as Ye Feng flashed, he held him by his side. Then he took out three rejuvenation pills and put them in his hand.

"People live in the world, they always need some friends. Moreover, these pills are just like your flying boat. They are all used to refine skills. It's not worth mentioning. But I'm in a hurry today. I only took these pills with me. I'll see you later and send them back."

"Master Ye is willing to make me a friend?"

"Hehe, I love to make friends with heroes all my life. Master tie has this means. I just want it!"

During the dialogue between Ye Feng and tiezicheng, the people in the boat and car shop stared at Ye Feng's Najie and tiezicheng's Huichundan. They wanted to rush over and grab it. But Ye Feng is a master of Qipin pill. If people dare to reveal their wealth and be so generous, they must be the people with extremely hard backstage and extraordinary means. And the scene that Huoer stole his mouth just now also confirmed these, so these people just felt YY a little, and no one dared to have other ideas.

Besides, Ye Feng sent a group at Youxing boat and cart shop, made a friend of a six grade tool refiner, took some useless materials and got ten flying boats. He said goodbye to tiezicheng happily. With the guide given away by the shopkeeper, he left Youxing boat and cart shop under the attention of everyone.

"Good morning, adults. The younger one is Liu Shun. I'll take the adults to the city later. Please take care of them."

The young man in red spoke politely and behaved appropriately, and the Warcraft immediately looked at him with admiration. Just as he wanted to return a gift to Liu Shun, Ye Feng had asked him to leave. After listening to their dialogue, the Warcraft realized that Ye Feng bought ten flying boats at once!

"Master ye, why do you buy so many flying boats!" cried the tiger Warcraft.

"You know a fart, master Ye. It's called money and willfulness. Buy it if you like. You should be like you. There's nothing else except lice!"

"Hehe, sister-in-law Hu flatters me too much. What money do I have? These flying boats are exchanged with things. As for why so many are exchanged, isn't it convenient for business? Stop it, Liu Shunna, take us to get the flying boat."

All the flying boats in the boat and car stores were stored in the warehouse. Liu Shun took Ye Feng and his party for two or three miles on foot, checked them one by one in the warehouse, and then put away nine of them with special rings, leaving one for the next. Although the luxury flying boat was good, Ye Feng and his party had to take the cloud shuttle.

Warcraft all followed to check the flying boat, but after it really flew, it was inevitable to look around and touch around. Liu Shun has been a guide for two years and is used to seeing these. And Ye Feng's status was noble. He didn't dare to despise the Warcraft. While controlling the flying boat, he told the Warcraft about the flying boat.

"Our flying boat is the fastest cargo flying boat on the market. As long as there are enough magic crystals, it can fly eight thousand miles a day. It's faster than ordinary magic weapons for walking. Moreover, the flying boat has its own defense array. After it is opened, it's hard for middle and low-level martial kings to hurt it!"

"My mother! With so many people, you can fly eight thousand miles a day and resist beating. How much is it for a ship?"

"To tell you the truth, the flying boat can hold 80 people. If it's loaded, it can fly 8000 miles a day as long as it doesn't exceed 10000 Jin. Such a baby can't be bought if you have money alone. That's why master ye, a rich alchemy master, can take out so many excellent materials and replace ten ships at once!"

"Of course! Master Ye is the messenger of Jianxian city. As long as he is the baby in the beast forest, master Ye has what he wants!"

"We have all kinds of treasures in Jianxian city. Master Ye wants to change as many as he wants."

"You are adults from the Sword Fairy city. I just lost respect! But why didn't master ye say it just now? If the boss knew your identity, he would give you a discount!" Liu Shun heard that Ye Feng was the messenger of the Sword Fairy city. He immediately turned his eyes and began to talk about Ye Feng.

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