"Master Ye says it's not pleasing to the eye, that's not pleasing to the eye! Just smash his mother!" brother Hu said, and his ten fingers immediately turned into ten sharp claws.

"Master Ye is right! The people in the shit palace deceived others too much and smashed his mother!"

"Master ye..." the leopard head pulled Ye Feng at a loss.

"Do you remember what I told you last night?" Ye Feng asked the leopard head with a black face.

"I remember, I remember! Master ye, if we want to participate in the election, we have to keep the children from getting hurt, so you must not be angry! If you offend someone for my uncle's business and really hurt the children, my leopard head will die!"

"Then let me ask you, what awesome experts do the orcs have in Zhongzhou city? What business is there worth flattering others? As long as they don't go to the beast forest, they're afraid you'll bite in Zhongzhou! Besides, the four commanders don't show up even for such an important event as the Lingtai sword Pavilion election. Let me be led by a bandit who has no reputation and comes from Qingfeng stronghold. If you are players of other races , what would you think? "

A bandit came to the human territory with a group of Warcraft. There was neither a backer nor a backstage. A whole bunch of little children fought with people in the challenge arena. They were bullied anyway. Even if the Warcraft revenge and get angry afterwards, what about the children?

"Old leopard head, I know you're listening. You've been in the world for so long and you can understand what I mean, then I'll tell you clearly that your business is an excuse. Today I'm going to borrow your business to build Weizhong state! But I'm doing this for our 18 children. You can do it for me!"

After Ye Feng said that, he took out the fire sword and said goodbye to his waist. The flying sword was also taken out and put on his arm.

"Why are you so stunned? In the palace, there are no chickens and dogs left. Kill me!"

Ye Feng wants to make Warcraft sit in a sitting position. He has to hang them with qingxinpu, but Ye Feng says he wants to kill. Warcraft can't wait. Moreover, it is also related to the safety of the children. Eighteen level-8 Warcraft, just like the people who killed their father and enemy, each showed their weapons and killed them all the way to the front door of King Wu's house.

There are more than a million Warcraft in the beast forest. The big commander can select and train them. Which of the small Warcraft participating in the election is not a gifted Warcraft. As their father, Ye Feng brings these 18 Warcraft, which is not the top master in the Sword Fairy city! Ye Feng took them from the backyard of the king's residence. Many people didn't know what was going on, so they were torn to pieces by Warcraft. In addition, Ye Feng set fire everywhere with fire sword gas. A good King's residence of Wu became a purgatory in an instant!

Ye Feng killed and set fire with Warcraft. The new Lord of King Wu's residence soon learned the news and hurriedly summoned more than 1000 disciples and his men to meet Ye Feng and kill them. As a result, when they found Ye Feng's people, the latter half of the palace had been smashed into ruins, including the base palace and a raging fire. It was not long before the new Lord took over. At that time, he was so angry that he ordered his men to kill all Ye Feng.

Ye Feng wanted to kill Li Wei. The new leader took revenge. After the two sides met, they didn't talk, and immediately killed him in one place. But Ye Feng had only 19 of them, but there were thousands of people opposite. After being restrained by experts, they were surrounded by people in a hurry.

"Master ye, brothers, I'm going to enlarge the move. You squat down!" cried the hedgehog who helped sew the futon.

Ye Feng didn't know what the hedgehog did, but it wasn't difficult to squat down. After smelling the speech, he squatted down immediately. As for other Warcraft, squatting is more comfortable than standing. Brother Hu and leopard's head even changed back to their original shape and attacked their opponents' legs.

"Bastards, there are many of you. Look at your hedgehog grandpa's rainstorm pear needle!"

The hedgehog roared and turned into a giant hedgehog with a height of more than one person. His body shook and shot tens of thousands of dark and bright needles around him. Although many of them were blocked by the experts of King Wu's residence, more than 400 people were stabbed to death on the spot, and half of the remaining 500 or 600 people were colored!

"Good hedgehog! Look at me again, crazy leopard claw!"

Taking advantage of the panic of the opponent, the leopard also used the ethnic stunt of the cloud pattern leopard family. The people opposite felt that there was a cold wind blowing, so they were caught by the sharp leopard claws and broke their limbs. When the cloud pattern leopard came out of shape again, dozens of people in the King Wu's residence were killed on the spot, including many high-level military commanders.

"If you don't show your hand, you'll kill all the people! Just stabbed the arrow rain!"

Brother pig's cry was a little ugly, but his just stabbed arrow rain was not the one that Ye Feng realized the Qingfeng sword technique. Dozens of two foot long just stabs, with a broken scream, shot at a king of martial arts. Although the king of Wu resisted with all his strength, his legs were stabbed three times. The king of Wu wailed and was about to fly away. The fire sword shot by Ye Feng directly burned into black dust in the air.

"Roaring mountain forest!"

Ye Feng recalled the fire sword, and brother Hu finally enlarged his move! He opened his mouth and roared in the direction of the new Lord. The master in front of the new Lord was shocked and bled. Several martial Shuai with low cultivation level even their brains flowed out of their ears!

"Ha ha! Do you want to compete! Try your father's wind, snow and frost again!"

Ferrets are spirit beasts, and their unique skills are high-level spells. With a wave of his small hand and a cold visible to the naked eye, they shoot straight into the sky from his body. When they fall down again, they turn into an icicle with more than one person. In the twinkling of an eye, they smash the opposite crowd!

Then, the meteorite rain of the stone ape, the thunder flash of the thunder carving, and the whirlwind knife of the wind antelope fell into the opponent's camp. In the blink of an eye, there were only more than 20 senior military commanders and three junior military kings who protected the so-called new Lord and were surrounded by Ye Feng.

"My grandpa treats Yunwen leopard well. Even if I treat him badly, just take him away. Why do you want to destroy my palace!" the new master shouted at the top of his voice.

Ye Feng killed Li Wei in Zhongzhou city. Although relying on the relationship of Jianxian City, he was not afraid of Zhenyuan xianzun's trouble, but he didn't want to make trouble. When the new master howled, he took a direct move to chop seven spins and split at a group of experts.

All 18 Warcraft beasts know Ye Feng's accomplishments. When they see him rushing up, who still talks nonsense with the new Lord! By all means, they soon killed all the men and disciples of the new Lord. But just as brother Hu was about to kill the new Lord, a dark shadow blocked his claws. When brother Hu saw that it was the old leopard's head, the sternum of the old leopard's head had been completely broken, and most of his heart and lungs had been torn. After the old leopard's head fell to the ground, he couldn't even maintain his human shape!

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