In other words, the grass completely lost consciousness after being eroded by evil Qi. However, Ye Ling, who was with her, was once refined into an instrument spirit by Ye Feng, so after the human soul was confused, the heavenly soul immediately replaced her, and Ye Ling always kept a trace of consciousness.

Just when cao'er was killing, Ye Ling found that the essence core of the beast would automatically absorb the murderous gas from cao'er, and with the murderous gas accumulating, there was a trace of consciousness in that thing!

Ye Ling and cao'er both know the legend of absorbing the sperm core for promotion. Seeing this, Ye Ling realizes that this may be the precursor of fusion, and quickly takes the sperm core out of Najie and puts it on cao'er.

As a result, cao'er was excited by the murderous spirit in the sperm core, and immediately seemed crazy. He killed people when he saw them. He didn't stop until he was hit by Yueyao's racial secret skill and began to fuse with the sperm core.

When Ye Feng arrived, Ye Ling wanted to show up and tell him what happened, but when she thought of Cao Er chasing the little princess, she didn't tell the little princess, so she stayed on Cao ER and hid from the disaster.

Now cao'er has passed through the customs and become the first expert of the Ye family. Ye Ling also has a big backer. This time, let alone the little princess, even if the ancestors of the Terran and Nan Yi are together, she is not afraid.

"We've been listening to Bai Tianya say how Ye Feng is, but I didn't expect his wife to be hidden. It's only a few years since I saw her, and she has been promoted to heaven and man. It's really gratifying!" after seeing cao'er, the Terran ancestor said with a smile.

"I'm still a little ashamed to say this, and I don't know whether those children have been resurrected now..."

"Resurrection? Or children? Are madam and childe in danger?" Nan Yi asked with concern.

"That's right. How could director Bai tell you... I got a chance, but my husband was jailed. I'm really in vain this time." Cao Er bowed her head and briefly said what she had done in the martial arts academy.

"Madam, you are really amazing. The woodcutters are frightened by you!"

"Don't laugh at me. I don't know how to talk to my husband now."

"Don't say anything if you don't know. I don't believe his little ancestral realm and dare to disrespect his wife? Ha ha!"

When cao'er rushed to the sky front, Ye Feng was still recovering. Those Taoist mountain bandits who had stayed with him before were sent back by the star family to continue their further study.

The day after Tianbiao withdrew, the smiling tiger went back to find lianzhennan to recover his life. Besides Yueyao and the little princess, Ye Feng has only Xing LiuYe, who is learning fencing with Bai Jie outside the hospital.

Seeing cao'er's bitter face, Bai Jie only said hello and didn't follow in. When Yue Yao and the little princess slipped out with a smile, they ran to other camps to listen to Fang Gen.

Ye Feng almost jumped out of bed when he saw that cao'er was really promoted. When Cao Er saw him like this, the color on his face finally looked better. Later, they talked about the battlefield, and Ye Feng got into her world relying on grass.

"Alas... It's a big woman after all. She says it's rain and dew, but she still favors her." Bai Jie complains.

"Hehe, if you want to say that, next time he comes to haunt me, he will send your rain and dew..." the little princess blushed and smiled.

"You stinky girl, you really hurt me! I won't screw you!"

The little princess is not a lingzhi family, and she is not afraid of Bai Jie screwing her. The three women are crazy together, and it will soon be dusk. Just thinking of going to Ye Feng's camp to have a look, a noisy drum came from the camp.

The little princess opened her divine knowledge and saw that the garrison in the camp was gathering towards the camp gate. Some family owners stood anxiously outside the Chinese Army's big tent, as if they were waiting for someone.

"Not really by the bad guys!" Bai Jie whispered.

"Anyway, he promised me not to go out when the sky fell."

"If he doesn't go out, if he lets the eldest sister go out, won't more people die? Don't get involved in this. When you turn back to spend the dead, you'll be indispensable!"

Bai Jie said that she was going to inquire about what had happened, but suddenly there was a voice of Ye Feng in her ear.

"Leave them alone. Someone will report later."

Ye Feng didn't let him manage. He just didn't want to show his enthusiasm. Bai Jie was curious, but he also knew the reason. Looking at the movement in the distance all the way, he returned to Ye Feng's big account.

"The little hedgehog has heard. It's a young master of the heavenly family. He sneaked across and was caught by others." Ye Feng was wearing a loose nightgown and sitting on the master's chair. Looking at his lazy face, he really looked like a sick man.

"Hum! It's really worthy of being a heavenly family. It's not enough to pretend in TIANLIAN. Do you want to go to the sky world!" cao'er said with a grim face, obviously thinking of Ye Feng's prison disaster again.

"I don't have any loss. Don't think about those unhappy. Besides, isn't lianaotian like that?" Ye Feng said with a smile.

"Those defenders gathered together to save people?" Yue Yao asked.

"The other side wants a ransom, where can I raise money?" said the little hedgehog to Yueyao.

"It's all like this. Raise money for him? Let him Laozi..." cao'er was saying, and Ye Feng stretched out his hand and dragged him to his side.

"Cao'er, the murderous spirit in the essence core is too heavy. Take the little princess to shut down for a while and let her help you dissolve it." ye fengrou said.

"I think it's OK! Otherwise one day, we'll all be poisoned..." Bai Jie said half a word and was stared back by Cao er.

"I don't remember anything..." Yue Yao saw Bai Jie's experience and didn't dare to say it.

"Hum, everyone knows to compete for favor! When I go to close the door, you take good care of my husband. If he gets hurt again, he will poison and mute you!" Cao er said solemnly with a gloomy face.

"Sister, it's terrible..." the little princess was muttering, so she was caught by cao'er and went back to the world to dissolve the murderous spirit.

When the little princess left, the husband and wife showed a trace of relaxation. Then they helped Ye Feng clean up, came to the big tent of the Chinese army together, and found the star family owner who was registering and donating money to the people.

"This kind of thing has happened before?" Ye Feng asked the voice with a disapproval when he saw the star family donate money.

"Not before, but often. But Tianjia doesn't need money, that is, it will turn around temporarily and return it in a few years." the master of Xingjia said expressionless.

"Senior, the young master of Tianjia goes to the opposite side... Is there any chance?" Yueyao whispered.

"It's not chance, it's marriage." the second master of Xing, who sat counting the money, made a grimace.


"Yes! It's marriage!" Xing LiuYe sighed and said to Bai Jie with a wink. "You have to take good care of this boy. Don't go to the opposite side, or you'll be caught by the flower girl. It's too late to regret again!"

"Hum, you look like this. I'm afraid my husband hasn't been seduced. I'll hook you first?" Bai Jie's mouth is unforgiving, but she tightens Ye Feng's arm in her hand.

"The flower clan is a race that is good at waiting for flowers and plants?" Ye Feng asked the sixth master of the star.

"If men are grass, they must collect a lot, ha ha ha!"

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