He can use his sword and dare to see the official. The last wariness of the mountain thief leader was dispelled. He flew all the way with his separation and soon came to the so-called world Master's house.

There are few resources and specialties in Zhenjiang world, and they are often robbed, and the Lord's house has no arrangement. Not only was the mansion built without momentum, but the small soldiers standing guard at the door also looked listless and unsuspecting. The leader of the mountain bandit said a few words casually, and someone went in to report.

A moment later, the world leader came to the door of the house himself. When he saw the mountain thief leader, his eyes moved slightly. It seemed that he had spoken to each other, and then he said hello to him with a smile.

"I'm not here to listen to your greetings. I have important military information." he said separately, waving his hand and pointing to several people around him. "Listen to me, whether it's a mountain bandit or a guard! The TIANLIAN people opposite have bought the star beast and broken the front line's defense array. Although I don't know what will happen next, you need to make plans early."

The sky front is the only barrier between the two worlds. Once the defense array is damaged, not only the experts of TIANLIAN will invade more frequently, but also the major aristocratic families will have to send more experts.

At that time, the small world of Zhenjiang will change from the border far away from the emperor Tiangao to the battleground of major aristocratic families. It doesn't matter to be a civilian, but as a cultivator, you will get involved in all kinds of unprovoked struggles.

So wait until you leave. The Lord of the world immediately went back to his house to clean up and prepare to move. As for whether separation is a lie, the Lord didn't even think about it. After all, there is nothing worth being cheated in this Zhenjiang world.

Besides, Ye Feng didn't rush to make a fortune after he collected his separation. While the world in Zhenjiang was busy, he searched for local flowers and trees among barren mountains. After two days, he took a group of experts and went directly to the Lord's house.

The Lord of the world is a virtual world. When he feels the breath of a group of experts, he knows that he can't be good today. Just as he was about to take his family away, Ye Feng appeared opposite the transmission array.

The Lord doesn't know the origin of Ye Feng, but Ye Feng used his sword to warn him two days ago. Now he brings a group of experts. Therefore, in his opinion, Ye Feng is the direct descendant of the great aristocratic family. He will make this series of actions, which is nothing more than preconceived in the Zhentian world before other aristocratic families come.

"As the Lord of the world, I know that the front line is difficult, but I want to abscond with my family?" Ye Feng said. Huoer sat on the fire sword and appeared beside the Lord of the world.

"Misunderstanding! My lord misunderstood! I want to demobilize the deployed family members first, and then send troops to the front line for support!"

The LORD said, and the fire looked back and forth on him. Although Huoer wanted to see the difference between the people in the sky and Ye Feng, he scared the LORD into a cold sweat.


"It's true! It's true! If adults don't give up, I'm willing to lead the deployment and work for adults!"

"Just your cultivation... It's not enough to be a doorkeeper for my aunt and grandmother. I'll serve my master!" Huoer flew back to Ye Feng and said.

"Yes! What my aunt and grandmother said is! But I'm very familiar with the surrounding world, and there are many industries in this small town..."

"There are also a group of thieves in your world who make a living by blackmailing TIANLIAN experts, right?" Ye Feng interrupted.

"Misunderstanding! My lord misunderstood! Those people were originally the servants of the pan family. Because the pan family leader was killed, the pan family thought they were incompetent to protect the leader, so they were dismissed. When they meet an expert from TIANLIAN, they will report to Xiao first!"

"Don't lie! My master has the means to tell the truth." Huoer joked.

"Don't dare! I'll call them now to serve adults!" the world Lord lay on the ground and stared at Ye Feng.

"Master, why don't you ask him to come and have a look?" Qixia appeared and said.

"Don't bother him. Bring people here."

Ye Feng's making so many things is just making a show to scare people. After Qixia got the order, she immediately performed the space movement technique to move the bandits' nest together!

The Lord of the world can't see through the accomplishments of Ye Feng and his party, but he knows that Huoer and Qixia are both spirits. Seeing that an instrument spirit still had such means, the last doubt in his heart dissipated!

Ye Feng did not embarrass them or rob them. When the Lord of the world has summoned the guards and mountain bandits, take them directly to the next world. As for the reason for going, it is said that it is necessary to recruit troops and raise resources to repair the damaged defense array.

"My Lord, you are so brave..." on the way, the master who led Ye Feng said.

"Although it is dangerous to go deep into the enemy's rear, this money can be made better than war and treasure hunting."

"My Lord, there's a rumor in the army that it was the surprise attack thousands of years ago. It's not adults drinking that caused trouble, but you... Is that true?"

"Hehe, don't make me so divine. If no one holds me, I'm the ancestral realm."

While chatting, they came to another border world, changfengtian. In the memory of chongtian, changfengtian is a rich world. But in the mouth of the leading experts, this is a world with sparse aura and lack of resources. I think it has been plundered by TIANLIAN experts. Ye Feng asked the border master of the town to cross examine him. As expected, this is the case.

"My Lord, the local people are fierce and foolish. The Lord of Changfeng is also the new leader. So..."

"So you have to be shocked?" Ye Feng interrupted with a smile.

"Hei hei, if you have a magic sword in your hand, you will make all living beings admire you."

The town boundary Master said this just to inquire about Ye Feng's background. Ye Feng was also thinking about this along the way. So after looking at the town boundary master, he took out a big flag embroidered with leaf characters and threw it to him.

There is no Ye family in the great aristocratic family of chongtian world. And the flag is embroidered with heaven couplet. So the town border master looked at the flag and immediately showed a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"Ye is one of the ancestral aristocratic families. After the master left, there was a change in the ancestral land, and the people had to find a new house. Who wants to be mutilated by other aristocratic families, they have to go to the TIANLIAN boundary to make a living. But this time we returned, we were invited by the beast girl... It's God's will to make people!"

"I have no eyes. I don't know your ancestral origin. Please forgive me for neglect!" said the town boundary master, kneeling again. But I was frightened by Ye Feng's cultivation before. This time I was frightened by his identity.

"Look at you, is there any legend left in our ancestral family?"

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