"Ye Feng, you said that attacking the beast world is a great good thing for TIANLIAN. The ancestors know and should help. But I can't transfer too many troops until the world is flat. Otherwise, in case they..."

"Little guy, do you know why I came to you?" the beast woman interrupted Tianbiao.

"Beast lady, please say." Tianbiao hasn't been called for a long time. He was stunned for a while before he realized that he was talking about himself.

"Ye Feng, the bad boy, helped me win over some of my men. I don't know how many. But the border area of chongtian world is now my territory. Don't say that chongtian world transports troops. Even if there is a fly, I know. What are you worried about here?"

"How long is the border of the skyward world! It's only a thousand years, and you've occupied it all!" Tianbiao's image was destroyed.

For a thousand years, if it is used to cultivate forces, let alone occupy the border and surround the soaring world, it will be good to maintain a small world! But the beast girl is cultivating power! She spread Kendo in the sky world in the name of the ancestral family!

Besides, the beast girl has no bad heart and will not be unkind to her subordinates. The little families with a little ability have sharpened their heads and drilled into her camp! Up to now, the name of the beast woman in the small family circle is similar to that of the little princess. Is there a living Bodhisattva to save suffering and difficulties!

"Hum! I wanted to kill him at the beginning. He helped me to save my life. He must work hard!" the beast girl said, patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and immediately patted Ye Feng three points into the ground.

"Well... How about I send 500000 heavenly people first?" Tianbiao also patted Tianming on the shoulder. Obviously, he was ready to give his son this great credit.

"Ming Shao has been in the army for many years. He must be good at logistics, personnel rotation and benefit distribution. It's better to leave them to him. What do the two experts think?"

"I'll just kill people. You have to be a military teacher for me. Whatever else." the beast girl patted Ye Feng again. Ye Feng was three points shorter. I don't know whether she really had too heavy hands or was taking revenge for public and private affairs.

"I have no problem with your arrangement, but Tian'er has little talent and learning. I'm afraid it's difficult to be an important task. Why don't I send a separate person..."

"You're homeless. What else are you divided into? Besides, just your fighting power, what's the point of dividing some? Take your star core and walk!"

"What! Go now!" Tianbiao is on the verge of complete image destruction again.

"Once this thing is leaked, my father-in-law will have to shine on it. When he doesn't know how much we can get, he turns around and says that we are forced to be helpless. Moreover, with the fighting power of the beast girl, we can send troops to garrison one after another. There's no need to really do it." Ye Feng secretly sent a message to Tianbiao by laughing.

"Ye Feng, I want to curse my mother. Aren't you angry?"

The animal kingdom is not far from the heaven Union. The heaven and man realm will be here in four or five hundred years. But with the gate of time and space of the beast woman, that is the blink of an eye. However, when Tianbiao got back the star core and the four people were about to go on the road, a small head of the ancestor of the star beast sneaked out of the void.

"Beast girl, don't you want to take me to see the excitement?" the ancestor of the star Beast asked pitifully.

"Get out of here! That's my hometown. If you go there, will there be anything else?"

"I promise not to eat, just watch the excitement!"

"It's silly of you to be a grandmother! Make sure that your heads come out and say it together! When you turn back, I'll chop which one!"

The wariness of the ancestor of the star beast was punctured by the beast woman, and the small head immediately retracted. Ye Feng and Tianbiao both knew that the ancestor of the star beast was honest. Unexpectedly, he had this side. At that time, he looked at the beast woman with new eyes. However, when the beast girl was ready to open the door of time and space, Tianbiao stopped her again.

"Beast girl, Ye Feng doesn't like killing animals. His wife is still spreading Buddhism in Tianxing world, asking people to put down their butcher knives and become Buddhas. Let's take him. If he shows mercy again, it will be difficult to do." Tianbiao said to the beast girl.

The beast girl looked at Tianbiao and Ye Feng, but she didn't reply. She waved her hand and made a dark aura. In the twinkling of an eye, she turned into a door of space, and then walked in by herself.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you something. The beast girl has promised to give me the beast soul killed in the war. If you don't need anything, I want to buy your share," said Ye Feng, stretching out a finger. "Ten percent of my harvest."

Beast soul, listen, it's nothing. However, as the leader of TIANLIAN and the master of free environment, Tianbiao knows the use of these animal souls too well - as long as the power of faith is sufficient, it can rebuild an animal army in a short time!

"What are you going to do?" Tianbiao asked with a dark face.

"After the star core has landed, TIANLIAN can't let me settle down again, so before that, I want to cultivate strength for self-defense. Of course, if you worry about me, I can recruit some sword repair from chongtian world."

"The eight characters haven't left yet. Why do you think about these? Wait until everything is settled, and then it's not too late."

It's true that things haven't been settled yet, but it can't be done in three or five years to let his men cultivate successfully and form combat power. As the leader of the alliance, Tianbiao cannot fail to understand these. So after hearing this, Ye Feng already got the answer and didn't mention it later until he came to the beast world and saw the real beast Army

The animal world is a world with strong tolerance. From the lowest level wild cats and dogs to the wild ancient beasts with the strength of heaven and man, it can be said that there is everything!

Among them, those who have intelligence will gather their own kind and form tribes. More powerful ones will build cities and gather surrounding tribes to join. What's more, a racial alliance will be established to rule a world in the animal kingdom.

The enemy of the beast woman is an ancient wild beast with far more strength than heaven and man. After countless years of killing and conquest, there are countless Warcraft under his command. There are six or seven hundred worlds under his direct jurisdiction.

In order to limit his killing, several Orc experts with similar strength regarded him as an animal God and accepted the worship of all animals, which made him calm down. The beast woman was originally one of those masters. Because she was unwilling to be soft, she was exiled by several other masters.

"Who shall we fight first?" the beast woman stood on the land of her hometown and immediately changed back to her original shape. Although this time there was a cover of nine turn chain armour, Ye Feng still didn't dare to look directly.

"Let's not touch the local experts and find a place to collect resources. Whoever dares to meddle in his own business, we'll destroy him."

In fact, the beast girl is worried about who to hit. After all, there are many old acquaintances and even younger generations of her family under the hand of the beast God. Now Ye Feng let her obey her fate. She also thought it was a good arrangement. Later, she took Ye Feng and them to a world of aura, the spirit world.

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