Ye Feng's unusual behavior surprised the wolf family. But Bai Jie's strength is there, and no one will take her seriously. One by one, they still hold their arms, tilt their mouths and stare at Ye Feng with squint.

"My eldest wife majored in voodoo, the second wife majored in sword, the third wife majored in body, soul and sword, the fourth wife majored in arranging troops and array, and the little lady majored in soul. What do you want to compare?" Ye Feng also held his arm and stared at the wolf king.

"Which one is better than us? You save us saying we bully you! But it's boring to fight like this. Add some color!"

When the wolf king finished, a group of wolf cubs compounded on the side. Some wanted nine turn chain armour, some wanted to spend erjindan, some wanted flower girl, and what's more, asked Ye Feng to turn his concubine into a little princess!

Cao'er doesn't like to talk much, but she won't be vague about the face of the Ye family. She will teach people a lesson immediately after listening to the wolf's son.

"Compared with my wife, if you win, you can be their apprentice if you lose. The last one concerns my reputation, so you have to compare with me. As for the bet I want, just bet on life and death."

Ye Feng had no anger when he spoke, but the confused wolf cub was suppressed in situ by a murderous spirit like the essence, and he couldn't even turn his eyes! Finally, the wolf king slapped back and turned him into a meteor

Ye Feng moved his heart, and cao'er immediately sank his face. Biluo didn't care if ye Fengsheng was angry. He took out the sawtooth short sword with a smile and stuffed it into Bai Jie. Ye Ling immediately turned into a green light and disappeared on the canine blade.

"It's all my fault. Don't do this..." the little princess looked at the whole family and became very ugly.

"You've caused trouble. Go to fight first. If you lose, you'll wait on us every day. Wash your feet and beat your back." cao'er said with a black face. Bai Jie punched the little princess in the back.

The grass let the little princess go first, and a group of wolf cubs were eager to try at once! The little princess looked at her sisters and Ye Feng. Like an angry little daughter-in-law, she bowed her head and walked out of the animal bone firm. As a result, as soon as she appeared, there was another startling animal roar outside.

After half an hour, the herd finally quieted down. At the door of the chamber of Commerce, the little princess sat on the lotus seat and read the Guanyin Heart Sutra. The cultivation of the orcs outside is uneven. Most of them haven't heard the gambling fight between Ye Feng and the wolf king. Seeing her like this, they still watch the great beauty chant scriptures. But when Ye Feng said the rules of gambling in public, the herd immediately burst into a stronger roar.

"Except for the tiger king, as long as you can beat my wife's moves, the baby of the animal bone firm can choose one, but if anyone loses, you have to worship under their door as an apprentice. If you want to do it, let's go together!"

Ye Feng let the orcs besiege the little princess! What is he doing! At the moment of hearing what Ye Feng said, not only the grass but also the wolf king were confused! Because ye Feng only excluded the tiger king! Even if he cares about his face, he won't do it! But this is undoubtedly a provocation to the whole wolf family!

"Bad guy! You want to force me to learn those bad tricks!" the little princess sat on the lotus seat and frowned to convey to Ye Feng.

"We have plenty of money. It doesn't matter if you lose. But if that's the case, these orcs may have to learn poison, and then..."

What will happen then, Ye Feng didn't say. But he had already told the little princess about the methods in the cultivation field. After all, once the little princess learns this, it's easy to spread the doctrine.

But the little princess thought that it was difficult for people and refused to accept it all the time. Now Ye Feng threatens with the Dharma of universal living beings and the poison art of killing the world. Can the little princess still insist on her own opinion?

The little princess has any inner activities. That's her own idea. But a group of orcs heard Ye Feng's words and immediately rushed with animal blood! Later, he used his own means and jumped on the little princess!

So far, the little princess has cultivated herself with nine kinds of Buddhist roads. Although they are not means of killing, they can resist most orcs, whether it is reincarnation, reincarnation, extinction and meditation. But in the face of the descendants of the wolf king, her means were obviously not enough, so at the moment when a group of wolf cubs rushed up, the little princess showed her long unused six foot gold body, and the golden bell cover of the Buddhism also opened its fire to welcome the animals.

Buddhist means focus on attacking the heart. The little princess is full of good thoughts. Even compared with Ye Feng, the power of all sentient beings is better. After the first attack of the orcs, 80% of the wolves were shocked by the golden bell jar!

But the remaining hundreds of all kinds of orcs, as well as a group of descendants of the wolf king, also broke through the golden bell jar and jumped on the little princess's golden body!

I'm a Buddhist monk and a woman. I shouldn't have started with someone! In particular, these orcs are either clawed or bitten with teeth. If they succeed, it's still a small thing to help their sisters wash their feet and beat their backs, but they are innocent in broad daylight! What should I do!

The little princess was teased by Ye Feng many times. Before she got married, she also disgusted with him for many years. But no matter which time, Ye Feng left room. It seems that this crisis is unique for the little princess! She had never had a similar experience. She thought a lot at that moment, and in the end, she could only do what Ye Feng said

Maybe it's natural, maybe it's heaven's way to help. The little princess's field perception is much faster than Ye Feng. Just when a group of wolf cubs pass through the Golden Bell Hood and secretly laugh, they find they can't move!

What scares them even more is that the immobility they feel is not the kind of being bound by people, but a kind of bondage from the soul!

At that moment, they felt extremely ashamed of their evil thoughts! But in the gentle golden light, they feel extremely safe. It feels like when they were young, they were urged by their mother to go out hunting. They are not only afraid of the strange outside world, but also surrounded by maternal love

Ye Feng's family produced another expert in the field. The wolf king and the tiger king were stunned! The former clenched his steel teeth and couldn't believe it. The latter clenched his fist, as if worried about the little princess. And Ye Feng's smile, also because of the sudden two finger zen, became a little flash.

"Xiaojie, what's the use of pinching me before the chance comes!" Ye Feng pleaded with a trembling voice.

"My mother pinched you because she didn't like you!" Bai Jie peeked at the grass and saw nothing but indifference, so her strength increased by another three points.

"Sword domain ~! Can't sword domain still?" Ye Feng had an expression that life is better than death.

"No! All the disciples have been accepted by Xiao Wu. What's my face!"

"Tiger clan! We teach tiger clan. Whatever we teach is better than the wolf cub chanting scriptures!"

Ye Feng sold the tiger king. Bai Jie turned her white eyes and closed her hand. Lian er's warm little hand also secretly stretched out and helped him rub his back waist. But the retribution for his bad deeds seems not to have come to an end. Lian'er just rubbed it twice, and Yue Yao added fuel to the fire!

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