"Then you named them to attract the Dragon King's attention?"

"Comparison is the most harmful thing, isn't it?"

"The strongest dragon in the animal world, watching a group of wolf cubs show off their strength, must be angry." Qixia smiled.

"Then what?" Ye Feng asked with a smile.

"Then the dragon clan must also want to take a name and get a set of more beautiful armor. At that time, they have to ask the master for help!"

"What you think is too simple. If I don't limit it, the wolf family will beat the chongtian family in the next two months. In the third month, the world leaders will start to eliminate the remaining evils of the family. In ten years at most, the chongtian family will be completely destroyed. In that way, the wolf king will really be pushed to the forefront of the storm." Ye Feng said calmly.

"The master is so terrible..."

"There's something I haven't told cao'er. Since I learned how to break the sword, I have no feeling about the life and death of chongtian family or those fake sword practitioners. Now I command you as the master. If I become strange one day, you'll tell the little hero what I said." Ye Feng said in a deep voice through the contact of the spirit.

What did Ye Feng experience and why did he let Qixia say that for him? What does that mean when it becomes strange? Qixia doesn't understand. But Ye Feng never gave her such a cautious order through the contact between the gods and souls, which made Qixia very nervous. Later, I stared at Ye Feng's every move so that he wouldn't become 'strange'!

Compared with Ye Feng's mystery, Feng Yuetian's trip to the dragon family can be described as twists and turns. On the way to see the Dragon King, the eldest grandson of the wolf king was robbed by dozens of dragon grandsons. The last and most serious time, he and eight flower girls have been caught in a closed place by the second son of the Dragon King! Or did the Dragon King feel murderous at the door of his home and show up in person to take him to Longtan!

Fengyuetian is willing to come for Ye Feng, but in the eyes of the Dragon King, it's not as simple as Ye Feng gave his eight daughter-in-law!

You know, his nine sons will fight for territory and things. The beauty of flower girls has been spread in Longling for more than ten years. In the face of such a natural beauty, the Dragon King himself was very excited, not to mention his children and grandchildren.

Now fengyuetian can send them to his own door on his own. In addition to sending girls to himself, fengyuetian also has to have enough strength. On this fengyuetian, it seems that he can't see how high his strength is

"Boy! What weapon is that in your hand? Why hasn't the king seen it!" the Dragon King stared at his big eyes and shouted in a low voice.

"Er... This..."


"This, this... What is this? When shiye gave it to us, he didn't say..." Feng Yuetian said shivering.

"You don't even know what you're holding! What are you doing with it... With that thing!"

"I know this! This thing is used to beat people! I used it to beat your old nine down! Your old eight and seven seem to have seen me beat my old nine, and then they didn't make it difficult for me. But your second said, I can't beat him with this thing, so..."

The more fengyuetian said, the more ugly the Dragon King's face became. When fengyuetian realized this, the Dragon King wanted to eat the wolf, and fengyuetian also shut his mouth.

"Show me." the dragon king stretched out his claws and said with a fierce face.

"Er... This is the only treasure of our wolf family."


Under the dragon power, the legitimate and exclusive baby of fengyuetian finally falls into the hands of the Dragon King. The Dragon King took this artifact less than three feet long and weighing less than 100 kilograms. In any case, he could not imagine how a wolf for three generations beat his little son with it. But when he forced fengyuetian to demonstrate to him, his afterthought took half of the roof of Longtan palace and turned into a wisp of smoke and flew into the air

Ye Feng equipped the wolf family with weapons against the dragon family, and sent a wolf cub to send the flower girl. In addition, Ye Feng's experience of falling out with the Dragon King in Tianxing world is undoubtedly a demonstration to the dragon family!

So on the day after receiving the flower girl, the Dragon King took his nine sons and found the Tianbiao. Nominally, I want to thank Ye Feng, the big matchmaker, but my words are all curious about the soaring world.

The transmission array connecting the two worlds is located in Sirius peak, so Tianbiao knows that fengyuetian brought back the flower girl and saw the equipment of fengyuetian. But he didn't know that the gold tube in the wind moon sky was a cannon, and he couldn't imagine how powerful such a small thing could be. Listening to the Dragon King's words, he thought he was a flower girl who valued the sky rising world and wanted to catch some back.

"Your Majesty the Dragon King, those flower girls can't practice. They all speak the local language. Even if you can find it, you can't help but find someone to educate you. If you don't have that kind of expert in your family, I advise you to forget it."

"Oh... So it's true. Ye Feng has to take them back and teach them these. He has to take a dowry. Isn't it time-consuming, laborious and expensive, and he won't do any good?" the Dragon King asked with a look of great concern.

"Hehe, Ye Feng didn't catch them back! The boy was bought back by real gold and silver! If I remember correctly, the money for buying a girl is enough to exchange for a good weapon!" Tianbiao said, glancing at several dragons.

"Hum! That boy is very slippery and wants to take advantage of him. Isn't it that simple?"

"I can't tell. After all, he doesn't tell me the truth. Your majesty really wants to find out. He really has to go there and see for himself."

"Well, these girls are going to marry to my house as daughter-in-law, so it's better to find out. Why don't you bother you again and send us?"

"Hehe, the Dragon King is kind. How can we say trouble when we open the door to do business? If there are 50 people and 10 people go together, it will be exactly five million."

"What! Five million for a trip! Why don't you rob!" erlongzi was angry when he couldn't monopolize eight beauties. He turned his face immediately after hearing Tianbiao ask for money.

"Hehe, 30% of the money is the cost of transmission, and 10% is the cost of building the transmission array. 30% is the cost of renting land with the wolf king, and 30% is the cost of renting land in the opposite Aotian city. I have confiscated the handling fee. WOW! The prince says so now, is it wrong for me?" Tianbiao PI said with a smile.

"It's such a big place. You have to spend money to rent it?" the big dragon asked with a black face after the two dragons lost their temper.

"To tell you the truth, Aotian city is my son-in-law's land. I said the same when he asked me for rent. But my in laws said that the rat who couldn't give up even this little money must be in big trouble when he went to the colorful world over there."

Free money is the rat generation, and the mouse is the lowest existence in the animal world, so as soon as Tianbiao's voice fell, the nine dragons were silent. The Dragon King wanted to say two more words. After listening to the rat, he paid directly.

A moment later, ten dragons disappeared on the transmission array. Tianzhao appeared curiously and stared at the sky sign.

"You see, I'm useless. I haven't been back for more than ten years. I don't know what Ye Feng is doing there."

"The crystal stone in that tube is a magic crystal with four attributes. If it explodes at the same time, it will be similar to your usual blow."

"I said how... No wonder the Dragon King family went! They are afraid of the wolf rebellion!"

"Xiaocha said that Ye Feng is helping the wolf family grow up, but Ye Feng doesn't explain anything to her now. She can't figure out many things. If you are willing to help..."

"No more! It's impossible for me to cut myself off." Tianbiao waved and interrupted.

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