"You are a financial fan. Mobai is a poor man. You will stay with him for no reason! Now tell me honestly why Mobai wants to marry you! Otherwise, let you two worship here!" asked Ye Feng with a gloomy face and a trembling Ruyi under the white volcano.

"I dare not say..."

"Hum! I dare not say... Do you want me to say it for you!"

"You scare me, you don't know anything..." Ruyi stared behind Ye Feng and muttered in a low voice. Because just when Ye Feng roared at him, the monsters he incarnated outside shrank behind Ye Feng like cats and dogs.

"One or two are fools! Even if they are stupid, they will not be taught! One day they will leave me and see how you live!" yelled Ye Feng, turning back and kicking a monster close to his leg into a meteor.

Ruyi has seen Ye Feng get angry, but it's the end of scolding a fool. Now he also kicked the monster. Ruyi's little heart immediately mentioned his voice, and his body was covered with a layer of star power's unique blue.

"What did you do without telling me? Tell me as soon as possible. Don't let me ask again, otherwise, hum!" said Ye Feng. He threw his chin at Ruyi. A group of monsters behind him immediately grinned and surrounded Ruyi.

"Speak quickly! Master, he is not like before..." Qixia kindly reminded half a sentence, and was shut into the master jade pendant by Ye Feng.

"You really didn't do this before..." Ruyi said shivering as she looked at the monster around her.

"In the past, I was confused, fooled and used by you! Then every time I worked hard to find the truth, you pretended to be poor! What happened later? You didn't rely on me one by two! Say, what did you do behind my back!"

Xiaocha, a group of star families, can hide things from Ye Feng. But without exception, they are all major events related to the stability of the three realms and the next whereabouts of Ye Feng!

First of all, there is no harmony within the star family. Among them, the most powerful fighting is the long Princess of the star family and the mother and daughter of the star queen! The star God, as early as hundreds of millions of years ago, has disappeared!

In addition to the internal struggle between mother and daughter, the astral family has foreign enemies. Ruyi can't tell what kind of existence it is. It's not because Ruyi is too small or involves any secrets, but because the enemies of the astral family can't be seen, touched, and in the clouds.

According to the star family, that thing is called emptiness, which is an existence dedicated to destroying the world. Wherever they go, not only the world and creatures will disappear, but also space and time, and even the three races, will be swallowed up by "emptiness"!

The contradiction between the star queen and the long princess is precisely due to their attitude towards "emptiness". In order to protect the position of the star family among the three major races, the star queen, who represents the tradition of the star family, insisted that each pair of star families who have raised two offspring, participate in the battle against "emptiness".

The eldest princess, as the only surviving Star II generation, not only gave her offspring more choices, but also turned the fight against "emptiness" into a common task of the three races.

Under her protection, the adult astral family can choose to live outside the astral world. As a price, they must marry their fellow family and breed offspring to take their place in the war. During this period, the astral family who remains outside must pay a certain amount of resources to support the astral family against "emptiness".

"It has nothing to do with you. You scare me... Woo Hoo!" Ruyi wipes tears and peeks at Ye Feng from her fingers.

"Bastard!! it doesn't matter. Do you want to send me to fight monsters for you!"

"I've done so much for you, so you can't bear to use some resources. Xiaocha, they cheated you so much at the beginning..."

"They are outsiders! They are good to me and bad to me. In the final analysis, they all want to benefit from me! But I always treat you as my family, but you collude with outsiders and hide it from me!" Ye Feng said gnashing his teeth and sent a group of monsters to look at Ruyi and disappeared.

Ruyi doesn't understand why Ye Feng has such a big fire and stays in white volcano crying all day. The more things Ye Feng learned, the more angry he became. After extorting a confession by torture, Ruyi immediately found the only expert he could trust and consulted all this.

"I really don't know this. When I left, the star God was still in the star world." the ancestor of the star beast scratched his head.

"I ask you to say this because you are smart enough and have a lot of experience. But if you don't tell me something useful, I can only treat you like those fools in the future."


"Why, do you also think I do these for granted, all for the sake of universal life?"

"If you don't say it, everyone will think so. But if you say so... I've seen 'emptiness'. At that time, those things appeared for the first time, and the star God didn't know how to deal with them. In order to keep the star world, we can only let the younger generation be possessed by them and seal them together."

"Ruyi said that everyone has his own destiny. No matter how powerful the emptiness is, there are three races to carry it. It has nothing to do with me."

"Well... The parents of those children in the animal world must go back to the war, otherwise they won't be controlled by a Tianji clan."

"What about ice blue? You've known him for so long. Don't tell me you don't know what race he is!"

"It should be the blood of xingzu and Jingzu. If he didn't have the memory and inheritance of xingzu, he would be like that all his life." the ancestor of xingbeast said, squinting at Ye Feng. "Didn't you take your avatar back?"

"I don't want to do that, but I know that if I don't do that, I can't pass the current level. As for you, don't pretend to me! As early as the day you gave me the star God belt buckle, I must have thought of such a day!"

"Things haven't reached that point yet..."

"Haven't arrived yet? Let me ask you! Where is TIANLIAN? What good place can the animal world be in this vast universe?"

"Er... These two places are very good!"

"It's more than good! It's great! It's so good that there's no sign on the adventurer's star map! The skyward world and the celestial Union even have to shine with the animal world!"

"Eh... Isn't it that the Tianji clan deliberately made a ghost in order to monopolize resources. Otherwise, it's a right place. It must be a little famous." the ancestor of the star beast smiled foolishly.

"Is it possible that the Tianji clan alone is playing tricks? The nine star families in the animal kingdom had to have their parents at least before. I have one Ruyi around me, and all those left by TIANLIAN are counted. There are 17 star families in total, only one of them is rare in the world. These 30 star families come together! Just for the sake of the three worlds! It may be a little famous territory! Just for this! Ding! Point! Chop to death The resources saved by talents! You think I'm also a crystal family, with a stone head! "

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