"My mother! I passed Ye Feng unexpectedly. I have to keep this dress!"

"Of course! This is the most ferocious man in the world. Even the ghost king has been split. If he touches this dress, it will ward off evil spirits!"

"Keep your voice down. He will hear you later. A sword will cut you. Look, I'll bleed again!"

"You know what a fart! People's fire sword! It's ashes on the ground. Where's the blood?"

Ye Feng and the old leopard head sat on the flying boat, listened to the discussion of the crowd, smiled bitterly at each other, and set off to return to the green forest house. As a result, when I got to the door, I saw cao'er competing with Liu Feihua

"Master ye, the ghost woman is walking around. The friend of the beast family also said that she assassinated you!" Liu Feihua said loudly.

"Hehe, thank you for your concern. Cao'er, this is my fellow townsman. Come and say hello."

When Ye Feng finished, Cao Er put away the dagger, bowed his head and walked to Ye Feng's side and said a good word to Liu Feihua and others. Liu Feihua obviously didn't expect that Ye Feng would take in the ghost family. He was stunned at that time. Ye Feng didn't owe him an explanation, smiled and punched the people of Tianluo martial arts academy, and returned to the green forest house with cao'er and the old leopard's head.

"I'm just patrolling around. Who knows they'll chase me when they see me! If they're not afraid of trouble, I want to confuse them!" cao'er complained as soon as she entered the yard.

"If you are not afraid of the ghost King's revenge, you will walk with me tomorrow, and no one will be difficult for you in the future."

"I'm not afraid of him!" cried the grass trembling.

"That's the best. Follow me."

Cao'er followed Ye Feng and went back to the backyard. Ye Feng took off the flying sword from his arm and gave it to cao'er to let her try to recognize the Lord.

"Sir, this is your self-defense. How can I want it!"

"Recognize the Lord first, and I'll teach you the flying sword technique." Ye Feng said, taking out the sword box from the ring and recognizing the LORD with his back on his body.

"Your Excellency, is that also a flying sword?"

"Why? Is it true when it's true?" Ye Feng said with a smile.

"What do you mean, my lord?" the old leopard head interrupted.

"I'm the real flying sword. Give it to cao'er. The most is sixteen sleeved swords. Otherwise, cao'er is a soul master. How can she make the flying sword?"

Ye Feng said, and the sword box made a crisp click. Forty nine two foot long thin handled flying swords flew out in an instant, like a stegosaur, surrounding Ye Feng and his three people.

"How powerful! It's the first time the old leopard head has seen such a big flying sword! It's much more powerful than those small ones!"

As a master of kendo, Ye Feng's mind at the moment was on the 50th flying sword. When he heard the old leopard's head exclaim, he ignored him. He controlled 49 flying swords, walked into the yard, closed his eyes and felt the consumption for a while, and again used the sword finger eight wasteland - the war of reincarnation.

Against Hai Leng, Ye Feng used this move with 16 dagger like swords. Hai Leng's kind of battle madman dare not take it hard. Now forty-nine real flying swords are used. It's like a tornado with two blades blowing around Ye Feng. The silver sword light shook the old leopard's head and grass. They subconsciously covered their eyes and took a step back.

The sword refers to the eight wastes - the war of reincarnation, which is Ye Feng's sword technique in his previous life. When he refined this move, he didn't use a flying sword, but a real sword. The power is many times higher than the flying sword. But at this moment, Ye Feng is very satisfied to reproduce this peerless sword technique with his current cultivation.

After feeling the real Qi consumption for a while, Ye Feng took out a Qi gathering pill, threw it into his mouth first, ate a spirit gathering pill, took out his sword finger, pointed to the rockery in front of him, and drank it. Forty nine flying swords were immediately divided into six layers and split towards the rockery. After a burst of hiss, the rockery more than ten meters high was cut to the height of a root leaf peak!

"Six Harmonies in the world - the madness of spirit sword!"

Ye Feng shouted again. Forty nine flying swords immediately spread out, and then they rotated respectively. Ye Feng pointed to the rockery and drank. Forty nine flying swords stabbed at the rockery from all angles like forty drill bits. After a burst of smoke and dust, there were forty-nine more transparent holes on the poor half of the rockery! After those flying swords ran through the rockery, they flew into the air again and spun.

"Ha ha ha! What am I supposed to be fifty? I see. I see!"

Cao ER was frightened. Hearing Ye Feng's laughter, he couldn't help hiding behind the old leopard's head. Although the old leopard head was afraid, he didn't dare to go too close to the grass. After swallowing his saliva, he tried to straighten his waist, took out his posture of sitting still, and hardened his head to watch Ye Feng practice his sword.

"The clouds move everywhere -- the sword of heaven! Close!"

When Ye Feng finished drinking, the sword pointed to the sky. Forty nine flying swords seemed to have received some attraction. They jumped from all directions towards Ye Feng's fingertips and turned into a huge sword with Ye Feng as the hilt in the blink of an eye. Ye Feng held up the huge sword and laughed wildly. Unexpectedly, he staggered a step. Finally, he simply sat on the ground and 49 flying swords flew back to the sword box.

"My Lord! What's the matter with you!" the old leopard head hurriedly ran over and helped Ye Feng up.

"I'm just happy without him! Ha ha!"

"If you run out of Qi, it's most beneficial to practice. Master, you might as well practice for a while. Cao'er and I will protect the Dharma for you." the old leopard head complained.

"I'm just in a hurry. Just wait for the medicine to disperse! Cao'er, you can't learn these three moves just now?" Ye Feng said and smiled.

"My lord laughs at me! You are such a magic skill that swordsmen all over the world may not be able to use. Cao Er is just a soul master!"

"Hehe, just have fun. Don't be angry. I'll teach you how to set it easily."

Ye Feng finished and practiced Chiba sword with a flying sword. He practiced this sword all his life. Naturally, he found it easy, but it was obviously too difficult to practice it with a flying sword. After reading it, Cao Er didn't even learn it at all.

"Tomorrow, I'll find Liu Feihua to teach you his sword array. It's estimated that you can learn it." Ye Feng said with a bad smile.

"My lord knows him very well?"

"That man is too racial, but he has no bad heart."

"For their cultivation, Cao Er wants to kill as many as she wants. Why should she learn flying sword from him? And if she just turns around, Cao Er can learn it by herself."

Cao'er said and turned back to the house.

"Ha ha, the Terran has a saying that the falling flower is intentional and the flowing water is ruthless, but my adult is definitely not a ruthless person!" the old leopard smiled and went back to his house.

"Men and women love each other. It's human nature. I naturally won't go against my heart, but I really don't have that mind!"

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