Besides, Ye Feng was attacked by soul force. He was not only happy about Ye Ling's means, but also worried about Ye Ling's temper. When the leaders of the stronghold gathered together, there was no good color on their faces. They were so frightened that a group of people couldn't help but gather together and didn't even dare to give out an atmosphere.

"Cough! Brother, why don't you just come and sit down and hide among them?"

Seeing Ye Feng unhappy, Mo Qingfeng has no bottom in his heart. Hiding among his minions is nothing more than looking for a sense of security. Now they have been named, so they can only harden their heads and sit in the top position.

"Ling'er got some chances and his soul power increased greatly. Our stronghold leader tried it himself and you saw it." Ye Feng said in a gloomy tone with a black face.

"The eldest lady has such a chance. Congratulations to the fourth stronghold leader!"

"Congratulations to the fourth stronghold leader!"

"Our stronghold leader doesn't want ling'er to go the way of martial arts. Congratulations are not necessary. I mean, our stronghold leader is the first in the stronghold, but a child who has just got the chance can... Cough! With our current wealth and status, once someone tries to plot against us one day, will Qingfeng stronghold be like the Zhuo family!"

The opening of zhongzhoucheng branch six months ago brought unprecedented confidence to the subordinates of Qingfeng stronghold. But also half a year ago, they said that they were not afraid to wear shoes and restrained Liu Shifeng. Now Ye Feng speaks from his own experience. His subordinates understand and put on their shoes! If you meet someone who doesn't wear shoes, what can you do!

"The village is mainly built in Qingfeng City," said Ye Feng, drinking tea.

Ye Feng said, "build a city, and all the minions in the Juyi hall are as numb as a chicken.".

"Fourth brother, you said you were afraid of people's concern. Won't we be more hated when we build the city again?"

"The eldest brother doesn't have to say much. The second brother has begun to summon craftsmen to buy building materials. You first prepare the warehouse camp to accept craftsmen and building materials. Wait until the site is selected, start work immediately."

Ye Feng made a direct decision. Although the minions were shocked, they were also at ease. As for Mo Qingfeng, he knows that Ye Feng is not an arbitrary person. Now Ye Feng forces the city to be built, there must be his reason. When the crowd dispersed, they immediately asked about it.

"If we don't build a city, our brothers will fight against the ghosts independently. Once the city is built, the treasure of the beast forest will hook up. The big families and sects in Zhongzhou will certainly come and step in. So I want to publicize this matter through my marriage and build the city according to the trend."

Ye Feng is right, but let a bandit leader build a city. How can this great change be done with a right or wrong sentence. So after Ye Feng left, Mo Qingfeng talked with his men about building a city every day for more than ten days. He said he was enlightening his men, but in fact he was encouraging himself.

In the twinkling of an eye, the new year is coming. Good news finally came from Qingfeng firm. Ye Feng will marry cao'er on the fifth day of the new year. As soon as the news came out, someone came to the door immediately.

It was a thin and black old man. He was not tall, but he was not bent. He was wearing an old green shirt, but he showed an inaccessible momentum. Duan Shijie saw him. He didn't know who he was. He didn't dare to talk to him. He hurried to the backyard and found Ye Feng.

"The old man said you forced him to marry a ghost girl. He wanted to tell you. Fourth brother, you don't eat one of those?"

"Second brother, if I want to eat that, I won't be able to fly ash all over the ground? Cao er's eyes see that she wants to marry me. It's really hard for her to do that."

"Then you hold it. In case he wants to do it, fly ash will fly ash!"

"Second brother, look at the shop. If people dare to come to the door, they won't do it."

What kind of hand does the ghost clan use? They all use soul power to attack... Duan Shijie is disgusted, but he doesn't say any more. He secretly calls two Kang Taurus to prepare them to turn Erdan, and Ye Feng has come to the front and met the old man in green shirt.

"I'm Ye Feng. I don't know what the old gentleman has to say?" Ye Feng hugged his fist.

"Ye Feng! During the general election, you slaughtered hundreds of ghost families and broke the ghost king with a sword in public. Now you want to marry my ghost woman again. Is it humiliating that no one in my ghost family!"

"I've seen some miscellaneous histories. It says that ghost families also called soul cultivation in ancient times. Because the soul force attack was too strange, they were excluded and expelled more than 6000 years ago and slowly gathered in the barren land of the northwest. I don't know if I'm wrong?"

"Although the ghost history is not known to the world, it is not a secret. What does it have to do with your forced marriage to a ghost woman!"

"If you don't use your words to seal a marquis, you will succeed. Which expert dominates the party doesn't have many lives? If you kill several soul practitioners, you can't marry soul practitioners. What's the reason?"

"Hum, I'm just a second-class martial commander. I dare to call myself an expert!"

"It's not easy to be a second level martial commander! For me half a year ago, I'm an expert now!"

"Hum! I know you have sharp teeth! Call cao'er out! I want to see her!"

"Cao'er is my fiancee. I'll see you if you want. Isn't that good?" Ye Feng asked in a deep voice.

"I'm her senior brother! What's wrong!"

"Hum! Elder martial brother, it's so late!" Ye Feng said, his momentum suddenly turned cold, and the fire sword immediately appeared in his hand.

"What do you want!" said the old man, taking a step back.

"Ask your master!"

Ye Feng said that he was about to do it. The old man who claimed to be his senior brother knew that Ye Feng was not afraid of soul attack, but would be braver and braver. Seeing that he was going to do it, he took out the secret treasure and jumped back. With this Kung Fu, cao'er came out. When he saw the old man, he frowned slightly before holding Ye Feng.

"Is this your senior brother?"


"Do you want to talk to him?"

"When Shifu was robbed, he took refuge in the ghost king. Since then, I don't want to talk to him anymore. But he took care of me when I was a child. Can you let him go?"

"Junior sister! It's not like that. I took refuge in the ghost king to..."

Why, Ye Feng was not interested to know. After listening to cao'er, he led her back to the hospital. The old man seemed to have difficulty in speaking and didn't dare to shout loudly, so he had to turn and leave.

"Grass, are there ears and eyes nearby?" Ye Feng whispered in the garden.

"There seems to be, but it doesn't look like the ghost King School."

"Why are you so scared if it's not the ghost king? Are you worried again?" Ye Feng stretched out his pinched red hand and showed it to Cao er.

"Hate it! That's not the case!" Cao er said, hammering Ye Feng.

"Then why not make it clear?"

"I think senior brother, he seems to be controlled."

Soul master is a strange profession. Cao'er feels that the elder martial brother is wrong. Ye Feng doesn't ask much. He drags her back to the room and asks Qingyun to help look around. Then he asks why.

"The eldest martial brother is dull and loves us very much. But when Shifu had an accident, he changed himself and took refuge in the ghost king. So from then on, I thought something was wrong with him."

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