"Hehe, brother, if you have this awareness, I'll fight with you to the end. Let's see what his boss can do and dare to dominate Zhongzhou."

"Brother, if you can laugh, big brother has a bottom in his heart. Just say what to do. Big brother listens to you!"

Ye Feng is the Ninth level king of martial arts, and his spiritual cultivation is not low. In addition, he brought more than 40 hyperactive Taurus and the panic stricken Qingzhou City, which has settled down temporarily. However, with a large number of three ethnic coalition forces coming outside Qingzhou by flying magic weapons, Qingzhou fell into panic again. ASEAN did not know that Ye Feng was in Qingzhou. When Ye Feng appeared under Qingzhou City with more than 40 Kang Taurus, the martial kings who had just been aggressive immediately turned pale.

"Up to now, it's too late to say anything, isn't it, Yuling?"

"Ye Feng... Why are you here!"

"Brothers! Tell Yuling what we're doing here!"

With Ye Feng's cry, more than 30 hyperactive Taurus showed their original shape. With Ye Feng's first sword Qi shooting at the ghost family, they rushed into the ASEAN camp like crazy.

Kang Jinniu in Qingfeng city has been following Ye Feng for nearly ten years. The worst ones are level 8 middle level. In addition, there are bone refining pills and Yi Jin pills all year round. When King Wu below level 7 meets them, he has to walk around in a circle. Although there are many people in ASEAN, the highest level is the third level king of martial arts. In addition, the opponent is Ye Feng. Soul repair doesn't dare to take action at all. Kang Jinniu just makes a charge and turns over all the soul masters who can't fly and the siege equipment brought by ASEAN.

"Hehe, with this skill, dare you attack the city? Does the owner rob more feather people and regard Qingzhou as a feather people?" Ye Feng stood in mid air and smiled at the king of Wu opposite.

"Ye Feng, don't be crazy! Our 300000 army will drag you to death!"

"Just mole ants, dare to shout in front of me, sword!"

For more than three years after entering the ancient battlefield, Ye Feng refined pills and body every day, and his cultivation has long been stable. With a cry of sword, more than 30 swords collected in Najie and 49 flying swords in Tianyu sword box flew out together, like two silver dragons, circling around Ye Feng.

Who doesn't know ye jianzun in Qingyun mainland? Seeing Ye Feng's sword, not only those low-level martial Shuai trembled, but also the martial kings in the front row were in a cold sweat. But before Ye Feng could do it, 3000 Qingzhou guards who had been watching the war at the head of the city rushed over with their swords.

"ASEAN is just a rat. Don't bother to do it yourself! Qingzhou, come with me and kill!"

Qingzhou guards are all double cultivation of soul and martial arts. Before the ASEAN soul cultivation was not destroyed, they did not dare to fight. Now not only the ASEAN soul cultivation was completely destroyed, but also Ye Feng and Kang Jinniu pressed the array. A group of people rushed forward like beating chicken blood.

ASEAN is a joint effort of three ethnic groups. In addition to the ghost attack, there are many Yu archers. Seeing the Qingzhou guards rush up, they also use bows and arrows to contain them, but with the first soul martial double cultivation releasing soul power attack, the front of the Yu nationality immediately collapsed. Several ASEAN kings saw this and wanted to resist, but before they got close, several masters of Hongye xianzun shot. For a moment, Mingying and the secret treasure of his life flew all over the sky. Wu Shuai, whose cultivation was a little lower, was marked by them and fell to the ground like dumplings.

The sky is busy, and Kang Jinniu is not idle. When he sees someone fall down, he rushes over with his head down and swings his horns, which is a meal to pick. On several horns with high accomplishments, Wu Shuai and Yu people wear a string, and they can't pick anyone. He had to turn into a human shape and beat the fallen people flat one by one with a special big stick made by Qingfeng City, like pounding garlic.

The flying soul is equipped with Kang Taurus. Ye Feng waited until ASEAN retreated and didn't take the opportunity to do it. Even so, looking at hundreds of thousands of dead bodies outside Qingzhou City, Ye Feng felt very uncomfortable. Although these people were not killed by him, if it were not for what he had done all the time, Qingyun mainland would not need such a great purge. But when the war was reported to the owner, he didn't think so.

"What! Ye Feng took thousands of Kang Taurus to Qingzhou City!"

"Yes, my Lord, the 300000 people we sent had only one fight, and they killed more than half of them! Among them, the ghost family soul repair and the archer of the feather family were killed by Ye Feng!"

More than 40 Kang Taurus crippled ASEAN, and after being turned over a hundred times, the owner was also trembling. Later, he came to the closed place of the owner's ancestors and reported the matter.

"Hum, I don't want to move the Sword Fairy city. Now they want to die themselves, but no wonder others!"

"Lao Zu, let's fight Kang Jinniu. Will Niu demon king and Yue Yao intervene?"

"Compared with our backstage, they are nothing! If it weren't for the order from the peak, I would destroy his sword fairy city first!"

"Lao Zu, can you use the treasure obtained by your grandson in Qingzhou? If you have that help, even with Ye Feng and Kang Jinniu, Qingzhou can be broken every day."

"That baby can't even break the defense of the original. It's definitely an ancient treasure. As for Qingzhou City, wait a while. When we find the ancient ruins, Qingzhou will be destroyed!"

"But the whereabouts of ancient relics are unknown. Can you ask Shangfeng, even if there is only a general direction?"

"Hum, when our ancestors came to Qingyun, the original Yu and Hai people were driven to the south. Later, Qingyun sword statue took thousands of years to build the Sword Fairy city. If the ruins are not in Zhongzhou, they are hidden in the beast forest. Maybe they are hidden at the junction of the four nationalities..."

"Do you mean Qingfeng city?"

"Ye Feng has a lot of wealth and is not inferior to us. But the little thief selling babies came to Zhongzhou. What can you think of?"

"Is this baby stolen from Qingfeng city!"

"If it's stolen from Qingfeng City, send someone to try it."

"According to my ancestors, we might as well attack Qingzhou and Qingfeng city on both sides, so that Ye Feng can't give consideration to both ends. If there are ghosts in Qingfeng City, he is willing to go back to rescue. At that time, we will take advantage of Qingzhou and find ancient relics."

"Well, that's reasonable! I'll go to Qingfeng city in person. You take the three old men and baby to Qingzhou. If Ye Feng shows up, try to lure him to a remote place..."

In the great victory of World War I in Qingzhou, small sects and families scared away by their masters came to take refuge one after another. Zhang Xing was afraid of mixing the eyes of his family. He didn't want them to go to town. But Ye Feng said, "don't be a good man. Zhang Xing finally opened the gate.". The men and women of the Yu nationality who were imprisoned for their participation in the war also returned to singing and dancing.

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