"I'm so old. What's the use of these? Put them away and leave them to the swallow. By the way, where did you hide the swallow? Everyone is worried!"

"Your Majesty, just don't say it. I'm angry when you say it! They two elders let Yan'er absorb the soul of the dead for cultivation! It's really going to kill me!"

Ye Feng and Hua Ninglu were like mother and son. Ye Feng didn't hide it from her. Of course, she didn't care about the grass. When Ye Feng heard that, she immediately scolded the grass with a black face. Cao'er was said to have no face and hid behind Ye Feng and cried.

"Don't cry. Yan'er is in the heart washing pool and follows jiutou xianzun to practice. Wait, you pack up some things and go to live with the child for a while. It's not too late for her to come back when she stabilizes her cultivation."

"Feng'er, why did you send it to the Hydra? Is the commander still angry with you?" Hua Ninglu asked in surprise.

"There are many wandering souls in Jianxian city. I was afraid that my child would practice recklessly and spoil her mind, so I sent her to the heart washing pool."

"It's true. There are quite a lot of ghosts in that city. But you say something to Ning Xia, which makes us worried!"

"Elder sister, I didn't let her tell me about the child. After all, Yan'er was born in Ye's family. She doesn't have much chance to bear hardships in her life. Let her experience it by herself. Besides, jiutou immortal's face is cold and her heart is hot. She can't treat her badly."

"Just say she's good. She works against us in Jianxian city all day. At the beginning, Ning Xia and them were robbed by her..."

"Ha ha! That's what happened. I really thought your majesty had a good relationship with her!"

"You still laugh, hurry to see the children!"

With the help of Hua Ninglu, cao'er also had a lot of courage. He dragged Ye Feng and hammered again and again, forcing him to take himself to the heart washing pool. After Hua Ningxia and Hua Ningyu's daughter came home, the number of spirit bees in the heart washing pool more than doubled, and many spirit bees flew to the territory of other nationalities.

However, the spirit bee clan is now bigger, and neither the piranha clan nor the snake clan dare to offend them. Ye Feng saw several times that the spirit bee chased other people's local households on other people's territory. Some spirit bees saw Ye Feng fly past and threatened him with a stabbing sword

"You're a dead boy. You're causing me trouble! The crocodile king has complained several times. They sleep well at home and are chased and poked by a group of spirit bees!" the Hydra scolded with a black face.

"Just ask my two sisters to accompany me? What do you mean by complaining to you?"

"The flower sisters pinch the pill. Do they dare to find it!"

"That means the crocodile king is not afraid of you, but of my sister?"


"I'll make the decision for the crocodile king. In the future, the spirit bee will poke and pay for a pill. If my sister doesn't give it, she'll go to me! In this way, whoever bothers you again, you'll throw him to Qingfeng city. See if they dare in the future!"

Ye Feng smiled and turned his eyes angrily. However, as soon as she saw the grass, she immediately took care of it and used a means to get Ye Yan, who was in cultivation, to her side.

"Hum! The little girl eats and drinks here. Now her mother is here, too. It's time to settle!"

"Now not only the three families have gone to Qingfeng City, but even the bee family is willing to live together for three generations. It's really time to calculate."

"Ah! It's really done!"

"The bee clan thought of it temporarily, so it was the last thing to do. Now even her majesty Hua Ninglu has moved to Qingfeng city to live with my sister Shuang."

"What! Even the flower dew was abducted by you!"

"Every year, in order to reduce the number of Warcraft, the three commanders have to pretend to be bad people, which is hated by the Warcraft. After hearing my method, of course, they immediately agreed. Then he said, whoever doesn't give him gifts in the future, just squat in the Sword Fairy City."

When Ye Feng finished, the Hydra lost his temper. Cao Er ran over and held Ye Yan in his arms. It was like the Hydra robbed the child.

"You bad boy, no wonder Yueyao gnashes her teeth when she says it. Even you... These two women stay! When will you settle down my men and release them!"

"Report back to xianzun, brother Feng said, let me come and stay with the child for a while..."

After Ye Feng left, the Hydra immediately changed back to its body and lay on the ground with a strong sigh of relief. However, all this has just begun. In the next few days, with the piranhas and a large number of snakes moving into Qingfeng City, the ears of jiutou xianzun were not quiet.

"Xian Zun! We're late! All the good places have been robbed by other people!"

"Xian Zun, the lingchi area is occupied by the lingzu and Zerg, and the only forest that depends on water is also occupied by the Yu clan!"

"Xianzun! There are no houses in the city! We don't have enough money to stay in the hotel!"

Thousands of words gathered into one sentence. The Warcraft in the heart washing pool went late. But who's to blame for being late? The nine headed snake didn't believe Ye Feng in the heart washing pool where Ye Feng first came. He refused to disarm until he had to deal with the feather clan and the spirit clan. Now not only the feather clan and the spirit clan, but also the Zerg clan join in the fun. Even the flower condensate squatting in Wannian's family has gone to Qingfeng city to take refuge in their daughter. Hydra is now looking for Ye Feng. How can I tell others? Get rid of the others and arrange a good place for my men?

The Hydra asked for a bitter meal. He knew it in his heart, and Ye Feng naturally knew it, but after he sent cao'er to the heart washing pool, he went to look for the spirit of heaven and earth. The Hydra had no choice but to find cao'er to test his breath.

"Zhongzhou city is the largest city of the human race. Your family's Qingfeng city is the first city where the six ethnic groups live together. It's not easy to manage the six ethnic groups without making trouble?"

"Isn't it? Yan'er left before he was born. His family was full of three brothers. He finally came back. After Ye Ling got married, he still ran around and left our mother and daughter at home. Sometimes he really wanted to beat him to relieve his anger."

"Smart people naturally have the responsibility of smart people. If he doesn't do these things, none of us can do them. It's like looking for a house and doing business in the city. If we intervene, we will be laughed at."

"You've been fooled by him. He doesn't care about that! He thinks of some bad ideas all day long, and the rest depends on his big brother. Even the house we live in ourselves is built by his big brother."

The Hydra said from the grass. Mo Qingfeng inevitably had to work hard, but it was not easy for Ye Feng in the small world. At this moment, he was carrying a fire sword and chasing a green goblin all over the world.

Green goblins are wood spirits, but different from other spirits, wood spirits themselves are tree spirits, and their perception of danger is too much higher than the other four spirits. Ye Feng only found a trace here, so he began to escape. After escaping to a place, he hid in flowers and trees. The breath was immediately mixed with plants, even if Huoer wanted to find it.

In desperation, Ye Feng had to burn mountains and destroy forests in three days, and half the world was lit. However, his kung fu pays off. Relying on a forest fire, Ye Feng finally forced the wooden spirit to the beach.

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