"Ye Feng, what do you mean? Is Yueyao bad for you?"

"If she bullies you, you say, let's help you!"

"You're worried. Ye Feng doesn't want to find another way out. It's the war against blue star before. We Qingyun star lost a lot. If we don't hurry to restore our strength, we'll suffer a great loss in a hundred years! You, I'm not talking about righteousness here, but we don't unite in this Kung Fu. When will we wait?"

A hundred years, for ordinary people in the small world, is almost a lifetime. Even people in the small world can't live for a hundred years. But for cultivators, a hundred years is just a close pass. For ordinary intermediate martial kings, a hundred years is not even enough to upgrade! Although we saved the patrol ship and robbed three war puppets this time, it can't kill the fake immortal after all. It really depends on people when it comes to the battlefield!

"Ye jianzun doesn't say great righteousness, nor does I. When I get there, what do you want to do? Just say that I fully support it."

"What immortal immortal Zun said, we are all the same. Listen to you."

"It's only a hundred years. All I can do is gather aura by fairy grass, use elixir to promote growth, and then let everyone slowly stabilize their accomplishments. If you can trust me, Ye Feng will wrap up the fairy grass elixir."

"They can do it, how can we do it!" cried the two in the abandoned place.

"Don't worry, you two. The abandoned land is short of resources. Our Qingfeng city will definitely fund one or two. What about the rest after we go and see the situation in various continents?"

"You... Help us cultivate fake immortals! Yueyao will make trouble when she knows!"

"Datong leader is hard spoken and soft hearted. Just scold her at most. Besides, wouldn't you be happier if she drove me away in a rage?"

"You're so bad, even Yueyao. People are nice to you!" immortal Zun smiled.

"Immortal immortal Zun, please forgive me! I dare not kill Ye Feng."

After talking for a while, sister Hua Ningxia returned. This time, she knew the identity of the people. Hua Ninglu and Hua ningshuang, Xuanfeng and her daughters, as well as the newly formed cannibal queen bee, also came with her. After saying hello to the people, he took Ye Feng back to his small wooden building.

The beehive of huacongshuang couldn't entertain people, so after Ye Feng left, cao'er began to organize the banquet. Ye Feng came back again. Brother Mo Qingfeng was busy. When he saw nine generals, he quickly flashed aside and was about to kneel down.

"Elder brother still wants to worship immortal every day?" Ye Feng said with a smile.


"If you don't want to, don't kneel. Send someone to listen to the rain Pavilion, sing us a little song in the yard, and then take a seat."

When Ye Feng came back, he had to listen to a small song. The big players in the rain Pavilion went to battle one after another. Nine generals closed all year round. How could they have enjoyed these mortal things? Plus those special products of the beast forest with full aura, they were very useful and envied Ye Feng.

"These are for ordinary people to enjoy. What do you think?"

"Yes, I think if I knew this, I might not be a fake immortal." the exiled man shouted.

"Ye jianzun used these means to attract idle people in that city?" immortal Zun asked with a smile.

"Life is short. If you don't have any talent, it's good to have fun in time. Otherwise, you'll give them aura. Some people don't know the greatness of heaven and earth and make trouble everywhere." when Ye Feng spoke, he thought of ASEAN again.

"You immortals, please cut in," Mo Qingfeng whispered.

"You are ye jianzun's eldest brother. You don't have to see the outside world. If you have anything to say, we just want to hear what ordinary people think of the world."

"Thank you, immortal immortal immortal. I'll just say a few words. Since our Qingfeng city was built, the people in the city have become richer and richer. Many outsiders have enjoyed the Qingfeng city. They are greedy for our days. Join me one after another! And there are not only ordinary people, but also Feixu immortal Zun and her men, the ghost king of the ghost family and the senior martial kings of the sea family. Go When ASEAN came to attack the city, our city guards were beaten away by them. "

"Elder brother wants to expand the city?" Ye Feng asked with a smile.

"Hey, hey, I can't hide anything from my fourth brother."

"No," said Ye Feng with an expressionless face.


"Lord Mo, this city really can't be expanded! Otherwise, you will waste ye jianzun's efforts! Ha ha!" immortal Zun smiled.

"Second brother, how is the real estate management of the city Lord's mansion now?"

"Everything is very good. Eat and drink, fairy grass secret treasure pill and so on. They are basically empty every day." Duan Shijie said carefully.

"Then keep it as it is, and then turn all the shops in Zhongzhou into good houses. If you have the spare power, you can help the poor there. If you can, send someone to help them reclaim wasteland and cultivate land."


"Don't worry, elder brother. I have something important to discuss with your Majesty the queen bee. Let's talk about the good hall later." Ye Feng smiled at the stunned appearance of the three brothers and said to Hua Ninglu, "Your Majesty the queen bee, these nine are the generals of our Qingyun star. Six of them are willing to accept the development of the Lingfeng clan in the past. Ye Feng guarantees for them and wants your Majesty the queen bee to agree."

"Feng'er doesn't have to be like this. The Lingfeng family depends on your help. If you agree, we'll go. And we have that little flying shuttle, it's convenient to come and go." Hua Ninglu smiled.

"Hehe, just promise your mother. We'll go to other continents in the future!"

"Don't those two smelly girls in my family want to visit? I'll send them this time. I let them lazy and dare to catch me as an old mother!"

"Then later, we'll take the younger generation who are willing to go first. When everything is arranged over there, we'll pick up her Majesty the queen bee and her sisters to have a look. How about it?"

"Go, go! It has always been my wish for Lingfeng family to return to the twelve continents. If Ning Shuang hadn't just been born, I would like to go with you."

Hua Ninglu said, remembering the experience of being exterminated, her nose was a little red, and her tears swirled in the smoke circle. Hua Ningxia and her two understand Hua Ninglu's mood, so they sue everyone on the table and take her back to rest first, leaving Hua ningshuang with them.

"Xuanfeng, do you want to have a look?" Ye Feng asked inadvertently.

"Fourth stronghold leader, I......"

"Now there are some important things that need to help the spirit bee people in six continents get a foothold in ten years. If there is no problem with the two children, take some of your men with me and give credit to the black bee people."

"Xuanfeng is just a mere black bee. How can he follow the fourth stronghold leader and all immortal zuns!"

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