"Do you know who spread the news?"

"Of course it's from the Zhou family, otherwise I won't come all the way to find treasure!"

"The Zhou family, the largest family in the south?"

"It's from their family. They're a big family. They won't ruin their name for such a thing?" a young Wu Shuai interrupted.

Ye Feng was first suspected and then questioned. His face was a little ugly. But at the thought of the so-called first family, Ye Feng didn't attack. He glanced at everyone and flew south with negative hands.

"Isn't it because the cultivation is so high that you want to scare us people in Baiyun Mountain? Virtue!" the Wu Shuai who robbed Ye Feng said.

"There is no tiger in the mountain, and the monkey is called the king. Northerners all have this virtue. Ignore him, let's go!"

The leading King Wu said, and a group of people continued to fly towards bailing mountain. As a result, as soon as their front feet left, Ye Feng flew back

The aura of Bailing mountain is medium to high, and it is a little famous in the north. After the beginning of the great cleansing, the experts of Bailing mountain closed the mountain gate and ignored the world. They didn't begin to accept disciples in the North until more than 30 years ago.

When Ye Feng passed bailing mountain, he once instructed several King level masters to practice. He was familiar with it. When the practitioners of Baiyun Mountain went far, they suppressed their accomplishments and flew towards bailing mountain.

At 10 noon, Ye Feng came to bailing mountain. Hundreds of people gathered at the foot of the mountain gate, one by one, facing off with the cultivators on the mountain.

The whole army was destroyed when Tianren mainland faced blue star. Even if ye Feng had a general Yufu, he couldn't confirm his identity. It's not good to intervene directly when he saw these. After a little hesitation, he released some soul power to inquire about the statements of the two sides. Not surprisingly, the external practitioners thought that bailing mountain had swallowed the relics and gathered people to force them to hand over the treasures.

At this point, it is certain that the Zhou family is playing tricks in secret. Although I don't know what their purpose is, if ye Feng helps, it will become that there is no silver here. After he leaves, bailing mountain will be besieged by more experts.

Ye Feng thought and smiled. Then he took out a burst iron ball and blew up a big pit at his feet. He threw his low-level secret treasures, two fake immortal weapons, some low-level pills and thousands of immortal crystal stones into the pit. Before the crowd came, he hid in the distant hill and watched the excitement. Huoer didn't understand what Ye Feng was going to do. Seeing that he threw away so many good things, he immediately started to make trouble.

"Don't make trouble, Huoer. When they fight, the master will bring back the things."

Huoer still didn't understand Ye Feng's meaning. He tooted his small mouth and looked at it for a while. He simply stayed outside and waited for Ye Feng to take back his things.

The sound of exploding the iron ball was not small, and the practitioners who besieged bailing mountain heard it. After Ye Feng had just left, several low-level military commanders flew over to check. When I saw the baby in the pit, I immediately fought.

As soon as the practitioners who besieged bailing mountain heard that there was a fight here, they flew over to check. When they saw the treasures, they immediately joined the ranks of treasure hunting. In the end, even the people of Bailing mountain came together to compete for the treasures with foreign practitioners.

"Ha ha! Thank you all for your help. Mr. Zhou is very grateful here!"

When everyone came, Ye Feng laughed and flew to the top of the treasure. After waving back several martial kings, he took it back.

The people's Congress came all the way to look for treasure. Now they finally found it and lost their hands. However, Ye Feng won a profit. Naturally, they refused to give up. They left their opponents and surrounded Ye Feng.

"Do you want to be the enemy of our Zhou family?" Ye Feng sneered.

"You say the Zhou family is the Zhou family!"

"What's the matter with the Zhou family? If the Zhou family wants a baby, can they call me to wait for nothing! Hand over the baby quickly and let's shoot and break up, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

"Now that the matter is over, why do you talk nonsense with him? Let's go together, kill him first, and then divide up the baby! When God doesn't know, the Zhou family can't find the murderer, and dare to kill us all."

Everyone has a mind to kill and seize treasure. Now someone says it, no one pretends, and uses their own means to kill Ye Feng.

Ye Feng came to rescue bailing mountain. Of course, he wouldn't argue with a group of ordinary people. He used his footwork to break through the siege and flew south. As a result, he left the public's sight and was blocked by three senior martial kings.

"Your Excellency openly pretends to be a member of the Zhou family. What do you want to do?" the young king of Wu swore to Ye Feng.

"Do you think the Zhou family is the Zhou family?" Ye Feng said with a smile.

"If you say it's the Zhou family, take out your waist token, or don't blame me for being rude." the old King Wu said and took out a jade token engraved with the word Zhou.

"Hehe, it's really your Zhou family's trick." Ye Feng said, took out the gold medal of Feitian palace and showed it to each other. "Did the Zhou family spread rumors to meddle in my Northern Affairs?"

The strong dragon did not press the local snake. When the three saw Ye Feng's gold medal, their faces became very ugly. After looking at each other, he surrounded Ye Feng.

With a little study, senior King Wu can participate in the ancient war. Ye Feng will not die. Seeing the evil intention of the three people, they no longer suppressed cultivation. At that time, the three people were frightened and trembled. After falling to the ground, they didn't even have the idea of running away. They directly kowtowed to make a series to beg for mercy.

"God has the virtue of living well. I will give you a chance to live. Go to the second floor of Tongtian tower to practice for a year immediately, otherwise I don't mind going to your Zhou family."

The Zhou family's rumor is nothing more than to encourage the southern cultivators to attack the northern sects, and then take the opportunity to intervene in the affairs of the northern region and obtain more cultivation resources. And the sky tower is one of their goals. So when Ye Feng finished, the three senior martial kings were confused.

"A year later, the world is in chaos. If you want to save your family and life, go to practice at ease."

The Zhou family's plan was easily disrupted by Ye Feng. The three senior martial Kings also brought back news that they were forced to practice in Tongtian tower by the fake immortal of Feitian palace. After receiving the news, the Lord of the Zhou family immediately calmed down and disappeared. Then he found his own sacrificial adult and spoke out Ye Feng's practices and words.

"It must be that damn guy..."

"Immortal Zun, do you recognize the fake immortal?"

"He turned into ash. I know him! Inform the family experts that I will lead a team to the Tongtian tower to practice in seclusion three days later."

The white witch said that, she fell the teacup with hatred, left the ignorant owner of the Zhou family and disappeared.

The White Witch took people to the Tongtian tower to close the gate, while Ye Feng held his sword all over the world and traveled to the north and south of the Tianren continent. In the twinkling of an eye, the one-year appointment with the flying Fairy on the grass is close at hand. Ye Feng tidied up his mood and came to cuixian Valley, which has been away for nearly a year.

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