"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. I gave them everything that should be given. We can use whatever others can't ask for. What else do they want? Do you want my aunt to give me the top for them!"

"Just like this, my brother is not as good as you."

"I can't practice and don't want to use poison to refine my body like Shifu. I only rely on the spring pill to prolong my life these years. I feel my body is getting weaker and weaker... Brother, I want to give up my body and be a ghost fairy. I'll accompany you wherever you go."

"Being a ghost fairy is a small disaster in twelve years and a big disaster in sixty years. Moreover, it's more difficult to advance inch by inch than to ascend to heaven. Do you really want to do it?"

"Sooner or later you'll die. You'd better die before you become an old woman, or you'll be afraid to think about it."

"You are so old that you have your own ideas for everything. When you arrive in heaven and man, you can do whatever you want."

After chatting for a while, the brother and sister sent the two Yu disciples to Qingzhou and returned to Qingfeng city together. While Ye Ling was talking with cao'er, Ye Feng went to the underground cave alone and asked Chuling about Ye Ling.

"It's good for people who can't practice to be like your sister. What else do you want?"

"I think she's like me."

"You're too greedy! Your mind that doesn't know how to give up will affect your practice sooner or later!"

"Without my family, I'd rather not practice. You just say whether there is a way, don't care about me."

"There must be a way. I'm afraid it's different from what you think..."

According to Chu Ling, Ye Ling can't cultivate true Qi. It's limited by her body. If she wants to cultivate, she can only change her body. But if you take away a person with too low qualification, even if ye Ling's soul power is high enough, it will be difficult to advance inch by inch in the future, and even reduce the cultivation of soul power. Unless it is to take away a congenital spirit, that is, a person like Ye Feng, or integrate a heaven and Earth Spirit.

It's rare to have a congenital spirit or something. As for the spirit of heaven and earth

"You don't have to fight that bad mind. This continent has existed for many years. Even if there are spirits in heaven and earth, they have already soared to the upper world. Unless you go to the new lower world, you may still find one. But if you go to this cultivation, it's no wonder that you can burst the lower world!"

"Hehe, this is really there, and I don't have to find it..."

The next day, Ye Feng told Ye Ling exactly what happened to the spirits in heaven and earth. Ye Lingyi heard that there was such a method. The whole person became lively. Later, he pulled Ye Feng to the nearby lingchi.

"Remember how my master was killed?"

"Isn't it the ghost king?"

"What did he cheat his master with, you know?"

"Unparalleled elder has never said... Is it a spirit in heaven and earth!"

"When master was alive, she wouldn't tell me what I asked her. She must be afraid of me repeating the mistakes?"

Ye Ling said, and the red devil appeared in front of the brother and sister. It first squinted at Ye Feng, and then jumped into the spirit pool. After a while, it took out a fist sized mud ball and threw it in front of Ye Ling.

"Hey! Ye Feng! After you died, Ben red devil cried several times! Now that your boy is resurrected, do you have to give Ben red devil some benefits?"

"You bastard, don't you know your identity!" Ye Feng bluffed with a black face.

"Isn't it just the general, the leader who died? What's the big deal! Ben red devil has taken care of your sister for so many years. Hurry to get hundreds of fairy crystals for Ben red devil to taste, or he won't cover your house next time you die!"

"Bastard, if you dare to eat immortal crystal stone for your cultivation, you're not afraid to blow your head!"

After scolding, Ye Feng grabbed the mud ball on the ground and found that it was the Earth Spirit pearl he gave to Yueyao that year!

"Shifu wanted to rely on it to go through the disaster, but it was recognized by the ghost king at that time. Before the disaster, it fled back to the ghost king. Otherwise, Shifu wouldn't be so miserable if it protected the spirit."

Ghost King's pearl? Isn't this in the hands of the East family! Can it be said that this thing is given by God to the owner to destroy qualified practitioners! I gave it to Yueyao for healing. Yueyao didn't know I was alive, so she sent it to you again?

"Then you have to go back to heaven and man and find a way to integrate. There are many books in the Longevity Palace, and there must be relevant records." Ye Feng said quietly.

"Brother, why did you get a palace? You live a long life. It sounds so vulgar!"

"Nonsense! Longevity Palace is a place for worshiping the Lord of God. How can it be mine! My home is..."

Ye Feng wants to say that my home is in the purple bamboo forest, but when you think about it carefully, the purple bamboo forest is just a closed place given to him by Feitian palace. It is not home at all. Compared with that, it is the most comfortable place in cuixian valley. But with so many spirit bees dead this time, is it all right for Ye Feng to go?

"Brother, don't you have no home over there?"


"You were alone before. It doesn't matter whether you have a home or not. You have to find a good place for the family reunion this time?"

"When you all go, let's go around the mainland. We'll live wherever you like."

Ye Feng said he liked where to live, but he finally came back to Qingyun mainland. It was so easy to go. He also discussed with Ye Ling to integrate the spirits of heaven and earth. Niu demon king, Xiao Ming and Feixu came to the door one after another. Then came Hua Ningxia and her sisters. They just kept Ye Feng in Xianju mountain for a year before they returned to heaven and man with their family.

Hua Ninglu and Hua Ninghong live in two continents. From the perspective of kinship, they can only be regarded as the same family. But as the only survivor of the spirit bee family, the relationship is better than that of her own sisters. Seeing them like this, Ye Feng didn't mention the dead spirit bee. After giving Hua Yinghong the ring containing the corpse, he took his family on a trip to the mainland of heaven and man.

Heaven and man have plenty of aura, but the best place is either planted with fairy grass or occupied by big sects. Moreover, cao'er didn't want to live too close to the spirit bee because of the death of the spirit bee. In addition, he wanted to help Ye Ling integrate the spirit things of heaven and earth, so he simply stayed in the Longevity Palace.

"Brother Feng, this is the place to worship the God. We live here. If a new God comes, will he..." in the evening, Cao Er stood by the bed and asked in a low voice.

"The God of Qingyun star is hard to do. It's not so easy to come here to take office." Ye Feng smiled.

"The more you say, the more afraid I am."

"Your accomplishments are too low to feel anything, but this level of aura is really rare for me. For the cultivation of God, it is more difficult to make progress here than to ascend to heaven. In addition, the forces in the upper world are complex, so I said that it is not easy for anyone to come here."

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