"Do you know where this is?"

"Dare you?"

"Do you know why I gave it to you?"

"It's not that we're dead, you want to say!" Ye Feng hugged Bai Jie and pretended to be surprised.

"Hehe, would you do the same? I thought you would be serious!"

"It's wrong to have an affair. If you want to break your heart again, you should be killed by heaven and earth. I swear to heaven that I will treat you and cao'er in the future. If you break this oath... Hey, don't you block my mouth?"

"Why is it blocked? I'm not married openly. I just want a guarantee. Then I said, what if you break this oath?" Bai Jie said with a smile.

"I'll be killed by heaven and earth? Or I'll be scared?"

"Bad man, you can deceive people! Let me tell you, this desert is called the land without death. If you die here, it will become something on the other side of the mountain." Bai Jie said, pointing to the ancient swamp.

"Wouldn't it be better to die!"

"That's why it's dangerous."

"How did the transparent giants get their treasures? They didn't kill and rob them?"

"I don't know. When it's daybreak, let's move on."

There is an ancient swamp behind. Bai Jie is there. Ye Feng can't go back. Even if you know that there are many crises ahead, you can only go ahead with a stiff head. The next morning, Ye Feng and Bai Jie hid behind the boulder, ate and drank enough, sorted out their clothes, turned their backs to the ancient swamp and began their journey to the Gobi. At the beginning, they were afraid of any danger inside and didn't dare to go too deep, so they explored along the ridge.

After flying for about an hour, the ridge disappeared, and the cold Gobi Ishihara became a hot desert. Seeing that there was no danger, they explored deep along the junction of the Gobi and the desert. After flying for about a thousand miles, a broken town appeared in their vision.

Neither of them expected that there would be civilization in this ancient and secret place. At first sight, they were very excited, like a pair of boys and girls, holding hands and flying happily. But when they came to the top of the city, they were in no good mood - all the buildings in the small town were built of human bones!

Both Ye Feng and Bai Jie have killed people and are brave people. But looking at the white bones all over the city, these two people are also deceitful and uncomfortable. Looked at each other a little, turned around and flew back to the bottom of the ridge. Bai Jie's hand was still shaking.

"Those who can break through here must be at least the cultivation of real immortals. They have been demolished and built a house. If we are caught, I'm afraid we can only make the floor!"

Bai Jie was afraid. She was frightened by Ye Feng and went into Ye Feng's arms with a cry. Ye Feng wanted to tease her at first, but with Bai Jie crying, he quickly put away his bad thoughts and comforted others.

"It's all your fault! If it weren't for accompanying you, what would I do here?" Bai Jie complained.

"Yes, it's all my fault. Otherwise, how could our little princess Bai Jie suffer this crime?" Ye Feng said lovingly with Bai Jie in his arms.

"What do you think the people who built the house are! Don't they know that the dead are big and safe? Why do they build houses with other people's bones? Besides, can people live in such scary things!"

"You're right! It's a place where people don't live at all. When we pass by again, a fire will burn him!"

"Tear down the city after burning!"

"Tear it down! Dare to scare me..."

Ye Feng wanted to say that it would be cheap to frighten my wife, but he just swallowed it half way. For nothing else, there is a large group of dead bone birds in the distance, flying in the direction of Ye Feng and them!

Those dead bone birds vary in size. The big ones can be hundreds of meters, and the smaller ones can be forty or fifty meters. In a pair of dark eyes, there is a faint green ghost fire. After staring at them for a few times, Ye Feng feels cold on his back and his heart churns for a while. Bai Jie looked at it, then her face was blue with fear, and her body trembled a few times before she was pulled into her arms by Ye Feng.

"That ghost fire seems to take people's heart and soul. Close your eyes and follow me!"

Ye Feng shouted and took Bai Jie to fly in the direction of the swamp. Not surprisingly, the bone birds stopped as soon as they reached the ridge. After staring at them for a while, they flew back in the direction they came.

"What the hell is that? I'm scared to death!"

"Compared with that, look at the sky first..."

Ye Feng and he went back and forth to the white bone city. It's almost afternoon now. Even if they go back, they can't get out of the ancient swamp before dark. If the transparent giant beast wakes up and meets those bone birds again, Bai Jie will worry about his life again!

"Bai Jie, do you think those white bone houses are strange?" suddenly, Ye Feng seemed to think of something.

"Of course it's strange! Who can live in such a house?"

"Those white bone houses look strange. They are definitely not buildings in the pan Yun world. How can you be sure that they are inhabited by people?"

"It must be! The houses in my hometown... Ah! Were those houses built by people of the four families!"

"Can we only go and have a look? Otherwise, we'll just dig a hole in the ground and hide until tomorrow and go back to the camp."

Bai Jie doesn't want to go back to the white bone City, but she has the threat of bone birds and transparent giants. If she wants to save her life, she can only go back and try. But this woman is a woman, especially a woman who has just had a relationship. Even at this time of death, she didn't forget to act like a spoiled girl. In the end, she had to let Ye Feng carry her back before she returned to Baigu city with her eyes closed.

With Ye Feng's cultivation, he had almost no feeling on his back, but his beloved woman carried it on his back. He was much more careful. As soon as he saw the white bone City, he quickly moved outside the city wall, released a wisp of divine consciousness, and carefully checked the movement inside.

There was no aura fluctuation in the white bone city. Ye Feng circled the city, quickly jumped into the city from the broken city wall, found the nearest white bone house and hid in.

There was nothing in the house except the mud covered walls, but there was a dark hole in the middle of the ground. Ye Feng looked around carefully and made sure he couldn't see white bones and other things, so Bai Jie opened her eyes. As a result, the treasure rat of Ye Feng's family jumped out again. Taking advantage of Ye Feng's carelessness, he got into the underground hole.

"Don't make trouble first. Let's watch it together later."

"Don't! You have that bad woman. You won't give fire when you find the baby."

The fire screamed, and the red light at the hole darkened. Knowing that she was flying in, Ye Feng hurriedly pulled Bai Jie down.

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