The two old men didn't agree with each other. They said they would fight. Ye Feng was afraid of being affected and wanted to hide. However, the two gods just compared swords and didn't use sword meaning and Qi. Ye Feng hid out and looked for a while. He couldn't help coming closer and looked carefully.

God Zun who asks for wine uses a set of drunken swords. The moves are erratic, but the artistic conception is not very good. He has the style of rogue fighting. The cursed God Zun uses a set of two handed swordsmanship, which lacks a trace of dexterity. It looks like a bull wrestling. But Ye Feng didn't compare his sword with others for a long time. His hands itched. He couldn't help stepping on his steps and rowing with his sword fingers.

After hundreds of moves, the two old gods failed to take advantage of each other. They touched each other, jumped out of the battle circle, cursed each other, and turned their eyes to Ye Feng.

"Boy, you've been learning for so long. Hurry to honor ten bottles of Baihua wine and quench your thirst!"

"Honor the five bottles of this statue. This statue will cover you in the future! Otherwise, you will be taken away by the old wine ghost, but you won't get a trace of favor."

"Two gods, what you just said is true?" Ye Feng said with a smile.

"Of course it is!" the two old gods said at the same time and looked at each other again.

"Then let's compete with each other by swordsmanship. If I lose, I'll hand over two bottles of Baihua wine. They lose..."

"Boy, you dare to compete with us!"

"We are true gods. You are just a true fairy. Don't you think it's called leapfrog war? Ha ha!"

"In terms of strength, I'm afraid my accomplishments are not even the bottom in this sword state. But when it comes to swordsmanship, hehe." Ye Feng said, took out two bottles of Baihua wine and put it on the ground in front of me. The fire sword immediately appeared at his waist. "There are only two bottles of good wine. Only those who win first can have wine!"

When the two teachers were hesitating, a middle-aged man in a gray robe jumped in front of Ye Feng, threw out five low-level manbao, put it next to Ye Feng's Baihua wine, pulled out his sword and split at Ye Feng.

"Little beast! You are not good at wine, and you come to rob us!" the God of good wine scolded.

"Hehe! I'm afraid it's hard for you to divide the accounts. I'll teach the younger generation how to be a man. Baihuaniang still belongs to you." the middle-aged man in the grey robe smiled and his sword became more fierce.

The middle-aged man in the grey robe has a long spike and big sword in his hand, which makes it another foil. At first glance, it looks like a woman's move. But his steps were steady and his moves were fast and powerful. Although Ye Feng could see through his moves, his flesh couldn't keep up with his speed. They fought 30 moves, and even the Qingfeng sword was just able to resist.

Ye Feng knew that he could not defeat the other party. He falsely shook his sword and jumped out of the circle. The fire sword immediately received the ring.

"Boy, don't you want to find an excuse to cheat?" the middle-aged man in gray robe leaned on a long sword and looked teasing.

"The elder joked. The sword mender's trickery will break the heart of the sword. I just feel itchy when I see the elder using a fast sword. I want to use another sword."

"It's not good to rely on foreign things, and I don't use a fast sword. It's just that your body is too bad to keep up."

"Can't you keep up?" said Ye Feng. Sixteen swords flew out of the ring, turned around Ye Feng, lined up in a row and hung upside down behind Ye Feng.

"Ha ha, the boy's flying sword is so big! Isn't it from the mine?" the white eyebrow Mao God Zun smiled.

"No wonder your swordsmanship is good, but your accomplishments are not high. It turns out that it's double cultivation of sword soul. It's interesting." the grey robed God King said, waved the long spike sword in his hand and hooked his fingers to Ye Feng.

"Thank you for your advice, master. The sword points to all directions and the war of reincarnation!" Ye Feng burst into a drink. Sixteen long swords cut at his opponent like two knife wheels.

"Hum, if you don't need true Qi, the flying sword is just a decoration. One move of the king will make the clouds turn a hundred times!" said the grey robed God King. The speed directly mentioned the limit. The big sword swung left and right. After shaking the sixteen flying swords one by one, he jumped in front of Ye Feng and waved a sword to Ye Feng's shoulder.

The other party could reach my neck and force me to admit defeat, but he deliberately moved down three inches to cut off my shoulder. It seems that he really wants to cut me down and give me a blow! Ye Feng thought and smiled. He simply stood with his hands down, waiting to be beaten. The sword that had just been knocked down also flew up from the ground again, rotating and flying towards Ye Feng. When Ye Feng was hit by a sword and stumbled, he flew back to Najie one after another.

"Thank you for your advice. I lost."

"Why didn't you just run away?"

"The fast sword is faster than the elder. You have to lose if you avoid. It's better to lose faster than that." Ye Feng said, picking up the bet on the ground and sending it to the grey robed God King.

"Well, you can teach me. I'll give you the treasure. As for the two bottles of wine, give them to the two gods."

"Thank you, elder!"

"Well, there are thousands of masters in the world, but there are few sword cultivation. So it's right to take care of each other. In those years, we built the sword state together, that is, to communicate with each other and practice well."

There are thousands of masters in the world. Sword cultivation is indeed very few. Before Ye Feng came to Jianzhou, in addition to Qingyun jianzun, he was really a sword repairer, and he had seen the black king. After listening to the words of the grey robed God King, although I still don't open my heart, I'm very glad to practice here.

"Qingyun, I don't care if you take him to Jianzhou, but I'm afraid the old guy can't give up?" fake Ye Feng asked with a bad smile in the air.

"What else? Watching him enter the Tao with Dan in the ancient and secret place? What will he do after entering the Tao? Will he be caught by the God King to refine Dan? Or will he conquer the world with Dan?"


"Thanks to you being a scholar, you don't speak without thinking." Qingyun glanced at fake Ye Feng and disappeared.

"Hum! If you want to win the world, books, swords and Dan are indispensable!... should it be like this?"

Ye Feng realized the Tao at ease in Jianzhou, and a year passed in the twinkling of an eye. Although the square is not as clean as the secret room, he is surrounded by sword repair. It gives Ye Feng endless inspiration to feel other people's Kendo and sword heart every once in a while. At the beginning of his enlightenment, he also changed from feeling the meaning of the sword to a more original problem - what is the meaning of the sword.

The heart of the swordsman is to inject soul power into the heart of the sword. Sword Qi is actually true Qi. The essence of true Qi is the weakening of the Qi of immortals, and then the Qi of barbarism and chaos. Chaos is not open, and the Qi of chaos, that is, the things that constitute the present world, is all mixed together.

In this way, the sword idea is the combination of mind, soul power and Qi. Isn't this just to follow the example of the chaos and stir up everything of the swordsman? If you can change the true Qi into the wild Qi, will your sword meaning go to a higher level?

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