The Dan prescription is called du'erjin pill. It doesn't say how effective it is or how long it will last. Instead, it's the two main medicines that make people confused.

There are two main medicines, one is the magic seed, the other is the divine body. As for the amount of materials used and the cultivation achievement of materials, it is also not mentioned above.

"The devil seed is easy to handle, but the Divine Body... Even if it is refined, who dares to eat it! Can't it eat people?" Master Zhang said bitterly.

"The devil seed can't be refined by fire. Even if I use the power of law, supplemented by heaven and earth spiritual fire, I can completely refine it. As for the divine body, I have some real divine bones in my hand..."

Ye Feng said, suddenly remembering that when immortal Dingtian appeared, he gave him ten elixirs! Isn't that true God's skull, refined with the devil's soul!

With ready-made pills, you have to try the efficacy yourself before you can decide how to use them. But this time in the battlefield of gods and demons, Ye Feng didn't dare to try by himself. If it was as effective as huaerdan, no one around him could stop him.

"Lord, what you promised at the beginning was that you would not forget me, but you didn't say to let me test the medicine!" mang God looked at the pill in his hand and his eyes rolled around.

"Bastard! My master refined pills himself. Now I give you three pills and let you try the medicine. It's not good!"

"Don't you have two left?" mang God said with a bad smile.

"I can't kill you. I'll give you another one!"

"Sleeping trough! Just now you said it was good!"

Mang God and Ye Feng have something to do with each other. Ye Feng really can't trust others for some confidential things. Finally, he had to add five bottles of Baihua wine to fool mang God and eat the golden pill.

Hua Erdan was indeed created by immortal Dingtian. As for why he could fall into Ye Feng's hands, it can only be said that he has a definite number. And this du'erjindan is the prototype of that hua'erdan. Its function is much higher than that of hua'erdan.

Mang God ate a grain and felt that his strength had more than tripled. In the face of Ye Feng's soul attack, he didn't even blink. What's more, du'erjindan has almost no side effects. After mangshen eats it, except for red eyes and some irritability when talking, the rest are no different from ordinary people! And the efficacy is as long as an hour!

"Take another one." Ye Feng said in a deep voice after the effect was relieved.

"Still eat! Such a powerful pill must be overdrawn! You can't eat it again!"

"If you don't eat, I'll waste one more."

"You said another one. I owe me three this time. I can remember..."

The effect of the second grain of elixir is far less than that of the first grain, but the strength of mang God has nearly doubled, and the efficacy has been maintained for more than half an hour.

To understand the efficacy, we should use the pill and come up with a strategy to retreat the enemy, but Ye Feng has taken refuge under the heaven gate and is still the bottom. Once this kind of thing is publicized, it's hard to say whether we can find someone to help. Dan Fang must be unable to keep it. So Ye Feng didn't dare to leak out the news, but left Xining military camp with mang God as an excuse to find materials.

"Don't you want to kill me when you catch me? I can tell you, if you dare to touch us, that man will never spare you..." mang said with some guilt.

"If I were that kind of person, now you will be guarding the camp in the Chinese army city! No one will know that I ordered you to die by any excuse."

Mang God is an exile. He has a deep understanding of the struggle for rights. When Ye Feng said this, mang God sweated.

"I'll take you out. I have something to discuss with you. Lead the way ahead, go to the fire and burn the peak and talk."

Huoshao peak is the territory of the demon clan. Even Huang Tianzun doesn't dare to pry easily. Mang God thought of these and finally put down his heart. He flew all the way with Ye Feng and came to huoshao peak again.

"If I'm right, then Lingquan is the retreat of the person who protects you. He'll kill. Maybe it's also related to that."

"... even so," mang God thought for a moment and said casually.

"I want to invite him to join the Lingtian army. At that time, in addition to being able to shut down in a decent way, I can also help him."

"What! You want him to join the Legion! Do you know who he is? You can help him with his means!"

"I checked your background. As for who he is, there is only one person I can think of. If it is him, things have changed now. Even if he comes out, few people know him. Moreover, those who know him won't come to heaven city easily. As for whether I can help him, let him say that you are too stupid to understand."

Ye Feng's voice fell, mang God's face changed and changed, and finally fixed in a blank face. When he recovered again, he seemed to have changed.

"Ye Feng, right?"

"See your majesty!" Ye Feng knelt without hesitation.

"So, what do you know? Tell me how you perceive all this. Say well, God will be your patron saint and let you protect your family here."

"Your Majesty, my subordinates were forcibly captured. Before contacting mang God, I knew nothing about the God devil battlefield, but because of this, I didn't have any preconceived prejudice."

"The bystander is clear. It's not enough to explain everything. Continue."

"When my subordinates went back to Panyun world and mobilized the people to build the city, the double envoys of tiger Fu once said that they were not the opponents of Qingyuan real people."

"Immortal Qingyuan? But is he the eldest disciple of Jianling sect?"

"It's him."

"Go on." "mang God" frowned.

"The double envoys of tiger talisman are the perfect accomplishments of the gods of heaven, but together, they think they are not the opponents of Qingyuan immortal. Although Qingyuan immortal is the God of heaven with five sword meanings, he was afraid of more than 1000 true and false gods of the white family. It can be seen that the people who can kill Xining and Lingtian army are far more powerful than them. It's no exaggeration to say that he is an expert in the world "And this mang God is the descendant of the former God Emperor. You only left him alive and protected him. Your subordinates really can't think of a second person." Ye Feng said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, flattering is very smooth, but you can rest assured that God doesn't intend to embarrass you. You just say how you plan to help God."

"Back to your majesty, when you were still a martial commander, there was a Lingtai sword Pavilion on your mainland. Every hundred years, hundreds of people would be allowed to enter it for training, but in the end, there were often none of them who could survive. Later, when you became a general, you knew that Lingtai sword pavilion was a magic weapon to help the cultivators survive and encourage the survival of the fittest."

"What a bystander! In a word, I can solve my doubts for thousands of years! But what does it have to do with you helping me?"

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