"You are a sword repairman!" the second generation of the true God official angrily said with his right hand shattered by the destruction of the sword.

"Is sword repair great? Among these people, I seem to have the worst means, oh?" Bai Jie said contemptuously.

Ye Feng and the second generation of Heavenly God officials saw their accomplishments. I thought they had the means to get rid of demons before they dared to be so arrogant. Now, seeing that Bai Jie is actually a sword repair, she is also worried. He hurriedly took a step and blocked the second generation of true gods behind him.

"I have offended you so much, please don't mind."

"Don't you just want to see what we can do? Now you can see it. If you have anything else to say, hurry up. We're in casual repair. We don't have anyone to support, and we don't have time to work here with you." Bai Jie said impatiently.

"Since the girl is quick, I won't hide it from you. The reason why the land of western Xinjiang can block tianpoison monsters is that the exorcism array here is very powerful. Moreover, the demon family army has moved to the relic center. If you can make use of it, you can do a big business."

"The demon clan is very cunning and won't enter the array easily." Yue Yao said calmly.

"Now that I have said it, I naturally have a way to lead them into the array. The key is that my military strength in western Xinjiang is insufficient and I can't subdue so many demons."

"It's easy to do. Let's kill some first, and the rest belongs to you."

The plan of the second generation of Heavenly God officials is to attract the demons into the array. First, they use Ye Feng's hand to retreat from the demons. When Ye Feng and them fight to the end of the crossbow, they will eat all black and white. So when Ye Feng said this, his face changed slightly.

And Ye Feng, although he didn't know the other party's specific plan, he was not stupid enough to fight with the demon clan on other people's territory. So after saying that, he directly gave the other party a fist and flew towards the opposite demon family nest.

"Boy, you made a wrong calculation." Bai Jie dumped the second generation of the real God official, and followed Ye Feng out with the other five people.

"Big brother! You can't just let them go!"

"That woman is really perfect. If she has a sword intention, even I may not be her opponent. Although the young man doesn't talk much, the group of people listen to him. If you don't let them go, can you stop them? And it seems that you have guessed our plan long ago..."

The two second generation officials talked about Ye Feng. Ye Feng didn't have time to think about them. Not to mention that his trip is for fame, Ye Feng will not let go of this group of demons just against the poisonous demons that day.

"The poisonous monster was very powerful that day. I was destroyed by its poison at the beginning. Wait a minute, I'll sneak attack. You six stay here. Be careful not to be touched by the poisonous gas." Ye Feng whispered outside the demon family's nest.

"Brother Feng, I'm not afraid of poison. Take me."

"Just because you are not afraid of poison, you are left to take care of them." Ye Feng grabbed Bai Jie's hand and squeezed it slightly. Then he left the people and flew to the cave not far away.

The cave occupied by the demon clan is not a cave formed by dripping water, but the magma erupted from the volcano. The demon clan widens and deepens the pores above. From a distance, I just feel a little dark, but when I fly close, I can see tens of thousands of blood demons hiding in those large and small caves. Rao shiye Feng had some means, and his scalp was numb by this scene!

Ye Feng saw the blood devil, and the blood devil naturally saw Ye Feng. But now it's daytime. The spirit blood demons dare not come out. Only a dozen flesh blood demons climb out of the cave and rush towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng came here mainly to attract the attention of the outside world. Although he didn't see the cave at the top of the mountain, the God must be able to see it more clearly. Seeing the blood demons rush up, they first hit several explosive pills, and then shot a wisp of yellow sword intention to the ground.

The flesh blood devil was afraid of toxins. After being hit by several explosive pills, he immediately howled and fled back. In the twinkling of an eye, he fled back to the cave and disappeared. After the sword fell into the earth, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no change at all.

For a moment, there was a dead silence around the magic camp. The grass watching not far away could not help holding a cold sweat for Ye Feng. As for the second generation of Heavenly God officials who were observing at the top of the mountain, they were stunned and stared at the light green poisonous fog.

"Brother, what do you see?"

"It seems to be poison."

"The poison devil came out?"

"It's not the heavenly poison monster, it's the Qingyun sword master who poisons. No wonder it's poison..."

When the two second generations of officials were discussing, a slight vibration came from the ground. Most of the people of the western Xinjiang army had experienced this. Without the words of the two second generations, they opened the mountain protection array and the exorcism array.

In other words, Ye Feng's sword intention to shoot at the ground is not the nameless sword intention he understood. It is the pulsating sword meaning in the earth attribute sword meaning. The meaning of this sword comes from the understanding of the rhythm of the earth. Although it is not very destructive, it can detect the underground changes. Ye Feng's purpose of using it is also very simple - to lead the snake out of the cave.

Now there is a change on the ground. Ye Feng also feels the location of the tianpoison monster. With a move, the cold frost sword immediately appears in the palm of his hand.

"Master, will you use my sword?"

"The idea of driving advanced sword consumes too much. I'd better be careful in the face of so many blood demons. As long as I freeze some of the poison of the poisonous monster that day, I have my own way."

While talking, the ground trembled even more. With the vibration, some flying monsters flew out of the underground cave and shouted at Ye Feng like a demonstration. But just in the blink of an eye, these little monsters were scattered by the rubble gushing from the ground. A mountain like tianpoison monster also followed those rubble and soared to the sky!

Cao'er, it was the first time they saw Tiandu monster. At that time, they were pale and cried out.

After the sky poison monster takes off, it will create dark clouds. At that time, the spirit blood demon will join the battle. Ye Feng singled out the magic camp. It is said that he should do it right away to stop it from doing so. But Ye Feng stood still and didn't move. He let the tianpoison monster spray black fog and saw tens of thousands of spirit blood demons hiding under the dark clouds.

The Tiandu monster under the cave is very huge, more than twice as big as the two Ye Feng met before. Just sprayed two mouthfuls of black fog, almost covering the whole magic camp. Tens of thousands of spirit blood demons, sheltered by dark clouds, gathered close to Ye Feng and smashed one blood rain technique to Ye Feng like a downpour.

"Hehe, this power is not enough for the soul refining of the Buddha, but some physical benefits." Ye Feng retreated beyond the scope of the blood rain and shouted.

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