Shocked one by one, but Ye Feng didn't hesitate. He flew into the air and flew at full speed towards the abyss where the sea demon family lived.

"My Lord, is that illusory projection true?" on the way, the avatar asked.

"Yes and No."

"Although we can't be regarded as one mind, how can we feel the same brother? Don't sell off with me..."

"Why did I sell off? You asked him if what he said was true, then I asked you, with regard to our current strength and power, what did he say was true or false?"

"Ah... What you said is also right. Is what he said true? We should live as we should. We have to suffer if we are manipulated by other people's experts. But didn't the illusory projection say that we don't have to be afraid of anyone here. Whoever dares to make trouble with us, we'll kill him!"

"Stop this nonsense and hurry back to take care of the inner world. Maybe when the inner world turns around, the illusory projection is resurrected!"

"Then don't scare those sea demons. They are a little ugly and filial to me. The Terrans I saved also point to their care!"

"I am you, you are me. There's nothing to worry about. Go quickly."

The phantom projection was wounded by the Taoist ancestor, and the residual body turned into the inner world and settled in his own body. This is nothing to Ye Feng. After all, this is not the first time. However, Ye Feng was sent to the past by illusory projection, which will inevitably affect the future. He can neither practice breakthrough nor suppress the Hai nationality. How should he spend these ten thousand years?

Help the Terran restore strength? If you tamper with history, will you be damned by heaven? Will everything you experienced in the eternal world disappear? Once it disappears, the power of faith must be gone. What will their disciples look like? To be pessimistic, once the Terran gets bigger, won't it fight inside? I'm merciful enough. I think I killed hundreds of millions of people in order to get some Aura! If the Terran becomes bigger now, it will have to tear down the sky at that time!

I was created by illusory projection, and my own means have existed against the sky. If all these years are used to cultivate means, I can't become an invincible true God! Will Daozu spare himself then? impossible. That kind of person, for his own cultivation, would not hesitate to destroy his family, and even dare to kill the ghost of the Father God. Would he let me go? If it's a little bad, it will be destroyed directly. The worst thing is to force me to take refuge in him like the Buddha against the ancient God Emperor.

Ye Feng thought and returned to the watershed again. Looking at the sea Warcraft prying under the water, Ye Feng wanted to kill several Jieqi. However, it was inevitable that Ye Feng tampered with history and caused unnecessary trouble. Finally, Ye Feng didn't start. According to the memory of his incarnation, he went through the heavy siege of the sea clan and came to the abyss of the sea demon clan.

The sea demon family is not a real sea family, nor is it a monster, but a general name given by the sea family to the human ghost attached to the body of the sea family. Most of them were destroyed when they played against the sea family, and they had to lose their opponents. The rest died on land and couldn't find a good host before they took away the sea family. Therefore, the sea demon family has no unified appearance, but they are all human temperament and style.

After coming to the immortal world, the avatar outside the body first did not join the sea demon family, but settled in the Terran. After more than 20 years, the avatar outside the body helped the local Terrans, subdued the local Warcraft, repulsed the sea people along the coast, and was honored as the God of war.

Later, the way of heaven repeated, and all the real immortal masters died. In order to protect the surviving Terrans and avoid the pursuit from the sea tribe, the external avatar contacted the undersea Terran and sheltered those low-level practitioners through their power. As a price, the incarnation outside the body will refine the soul for the sea demon family, and the official title given to him by the sea demon family is the sacrifice in the mouth of the sea family.

Ye Feng looked for his memory, greeted the sea demon all the way, and soon came to his residence - an undersea cave. At the entrance of this cave, there are treasures to avoid water. Although it is also very cold and humid, at least there is no water. After entering the cave, the four walls are also inlaid with many night pearls, luminous stones, fluorescent water plants and other things. Even without soul power, you can see very clearly. Along the road, there are many treasures given by sea demons to incarnations outside the body, such as colorful corals, pearls with large heads, and thousands of years of sea trees, which are rare and good things.

Ye Feng was upset. Naturally, he didn't want to see these vulgar things. He walked all the way along the cave and soon came to the deepest part of the cave, which is the place where the Terran cultivators were placed. Those practitioners had heard someone come in. When they saw it was Ye Feng, they quickly knelt down to the ground and wished him good luck.

"Get up, you don't have to be like this in the future." Ye Feng looked at a group of ragged people, his heart was not a taste, and his voice was much gloomy.

"The God of war treats us like a mountain. This etiquette must not be abolished!" a middle-aged cultivator raised his face and begged.

"If you want to kneel, just wait until you see the sun again. Kneel upright! What etiquette do you want in such a ghost place? Get up."

When the practitioners heard that Ye Feng was in a bad mood, they stood up and went back to their corners to continue their cultivation. Ye Feng was thinking about how to place them. A shrimp shaped sea demon came in.

"Worship your excellency, everyone wants to ask you to refine your soul." the sea demon said respectfully, turned and left.


"What's the order for the offering?"

"When the notice went down, he said that the Buddha would teach a set of means to practice soul and invite those who want to learn to wait in the cave."

Refining the soul for the sea demon is the condition to keep the Terran survivors. Once the sea demons learn the means of soul training, will they turn their faces and refuse to recognize people! The practitioners thought and opened their eyes and stared at Ye Feng.

"You don't have to worry. After teaching them, I have a new place to arrange you. I'll teach mental skills later and learn them carefully, okay?"

New place! There's a new place! Everyone who had been in the deep-sea nest for several years was about to jump out when they heard that there was a new place to go. They were about to kowtow to Ye Feng and thank him, so they were dazzled by a burst of light. After they got used to it, the gloomy and narrow cave was more than a hundred times more generous! On the smooth four walls, countless bright white symbols flow continuously, illuminating this huge undersea cave like day!

The sea demon family heard that Ye Feng was going to teach soul refining, but they didn't let him wait. Later, they went into the cave in groups. Like the survivors, they were shocked by the great changes in the cave. When I look at Ye Feng again, my body is bent a lot.

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