"You two are wrong," the landlady interrupted.

"... what are you listening to?" the Hailong disciple asked closer.

"Shifu asked me to receive a batch of priceless materials. He said that he would try to refine a magic weapon himself recently. He could invite heaven and man to drop it! At that time, heaven and man will be in charge. Who dares to rule over us!"

"That has nothing to do with us. We're talking about fighting against family exploitation. It's useless for a sect to have magic weapons. After all, no matter how powerful the sect is, we can't beat our parents and scold our mothers. The key is that we have the ability!" the whale disciple said.

"Don't believe in gambling! If it's relevant, each person will lose me ten fairy crystals. If I lose, please drink for nothing! Dare you?"

The disciples receive salaries of six hundred fairy stones every month, and ten fairy stones are of course nothing. I bet with the landlady later. As a result, three days later, Longquan called the crowd and announced something.

"The master received a batch of advanced materials before. Some of you have heard that rumors have spread these days. The master has caused some trouble and asked us to refute the rumors. Now listen, the master wants to refine the gravity test field, not a god subduing platform. The test field can help mortals practice their body, not move troops from the fairyland. Take in the sea blue world. Everything is scattered!"

Two disciples who bet with the landlady mixed a meal of wine in the Conch Building with the news. Yuling and binglian were stunned at a pile of gravity arrays.

"These are all for ordinary people. Is it worth wasting so many advanced materials?" Yu Ling frowned.

"Unfortunately, if these materials are refined into utensils, they are enough to dress the sect..." Bing Lian sighed.

"Hey, hey, not only the gravity array, but also the statues attached. Worship and prolong life." Ye Feng smiled and took out several statues of Taoist ancestors and refined them directly into the array. "Let the girls of conch family spread these treasures to the lower world and give them to ordinary practitioners for nothing."

"It's useless! Such a precious baby, if you don't take the opportunity to join the sect, you have to charge some fees!" Bing Lian shouted.

"Don't worry, sir. Wait until I find two disciples to try."

The worst disciples of Tianbao sect are Jinxian. Even if some sea people are not good at body art, the gravity array used by ordinary people has no effect on them. Ye Feng said, and the two female ghosts rolled their eyes together.

A moment later, two disciples drinking in conch building were arrested for experiments. Because they were free to eat and drink, these two guys drank a little too much. They walked and their heads were heavy. After entering the hall, they didn't see their feet. They were caught by the Dharma array on the ground and knelt on it immediately.

"A pair of bastards! Drink like this in the daytime! Don't you think there's too much salary and no place to spend!" Yefeng scolded with a black face.

"No... no! It's like the boss's wife's treat!" the whale family has a big belly and rarely gets full. Finally, someone treats. It's hard to drink.

"It's more important to know moderation when being treated. Don't you know the shame of such a big man taking advantage of the female disciples?" Yu Ling said.

"We dare not! Shifu, spare us!" the Hailong disciple kowtowed.

"Don't ask me, ask the Taoist priest! If he is willing to show his spirit, he will spare you. Otherwise, he will punish you both for half a month's salary and repair the conch house!" Ye Feng said, pointing to the statue on the gravity array.

In addition to going to the lower world, disciples worship gods almost every day. Many disciples also feel the feedback of the power of faith in their cultivation, and even break the bottleneck of cultivation. But when it comes to Daozu's manifestation, it really doesn't.

However, the two disciples drank too much first. After listening to Ye Feng's instructions, they immediately worshipped the statue and finally told the bitter water. As a result, when the two female ghosts were frowning, Haoguang began to flash on the statue of Daozu!

Neither of the two disciples had seen such a vision. They thought it was really the manifestation of the Taoist ancestor. They kowtowed like smashing garlic. The two female ghosts were also frightened by the scene and quickly called the people in the door to witness the vision together.

"What's going on?" later, Yuling found Ye Feng and asked seriously.

"What's going on?" Ye Feng smiled.

"Don't pretend. You're definitely playing tricks when Daozu shows up! That's Daozu wow, you can't do this even if you don't sincerely believe in it!"

"I believe in it with absolute sincerity, which can be proved."

As Ye Feng said, he took out a gravity array and prayed to the statue. As a result, the statue really showed Haoguang.

"That's why I refined this to eliminate those who have no faith and just want to mix with us." Ye Feng said proudly.

"What's going on?"

"Hey, hey, this gravity array is true. Then there is a soul repelling array in the statue."

"Hmm? Soul repelling array? I haven't heard of it. What's its purpose?"

"The main purpose of the soul repelling array is to seal off evil spirits. It is usually used only when you encounter monsters that are difficult to destroy."

"You... Is this..."

"This array is indeed inherited from the Chongyang palace. I worked hard for three years and finally became it."

"Since it's a magic array, what's the matter with the shining of the gods and the power of sensing faith?"

"Ha ha! Speaking of this, I really have to let the master show up! After her old man's insight sees the baby, she will definitely reward me with some more baby self-defense!"

A moment later, Tianbao Zhenjun appeared in the hall, first looked around the statue, and immediately rewarded Ye Feng with 100 million immortal crystal stones and a set of body armor.

"My Lord, what is the doorway in here?"

"There is the smell of insect ancestors inside and soul attached stones outside. What do you think?" Tianbao Zhenjun smiled.

"Master, this baby can not only sense faith, but also have a wonderful effect. You must not see it, or you will have to reward me with a sword." Ye Feng said with a laugh.

"With the help of the hatred of the insect ancestor, you can feel your faith in the Taoist ancestor. With the help of the soul power of the insect ancestor, you can make the shell of the soul attached stone shine. This little trick is to change the Tianchan treasure armor that is hard for the gods and 100 million immortal crystal stones. Do you still want benefits? When I am the one who opens the treasure house!" Tianbao Zhenjun pinched his waist, pointed to his nose and cried.

"Master, we are in the sea clan's world. This baby will be sent to the lower world. If the sea clan is dissatisfied, it will be ruined... In this case, do you think we should reward it?"

"If you smash it, you'll get a reward! You're stupid..."

The statue of God was smashed, and the insect ancestor ran away! If it runs out, let alone the lower boundary, even if it reaches the upper boundary, who can stop it! At that time, life will be ruined and there will be no grass! Without the pestle for subduing demons, you can't accept it at all. To drive the pestle, you can't even do it yourself except Ye Feng... "Boy, does this... Hurt Tianhe!" looking at Ye Feng's sincere smiling face, Tianbao Zhenjun was a little afraid.

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