"I'll go! He's the perfect sword repair of the God of heaven! If he doesn't be suppressed by the way of heaven, he won't be the first expert in the world in Zhongqian world!"

"It's more than here! Sword repair? That thing is invincible at the same level and invincible beyond the level! Even if the lower boundary of the cosmic God, it may not be able to fight him!"

"No wonder my grandfather asked him to preside over the overall situation. He was so powerful!"

"Don't interrupt! If he doesn't say anything, he'll have something to say. What he just said to us is so impolite. There must be something important. It's hard to point it out directly."

Ye Feng is the highest combat power in the audience, even in the world. He can't speak clearly. Finally, someone thought of something. When people are together, you look at me and I look at you. Finally, they don't talk outside at all. They go to the inner world of huoyun God and study the big events said by Ye Feng. This time, people can speak freely. They quickly guessed Ye Feng's mind - Baizhan immortal is using them to contain Buddhism!

"Isn't that what he meant when he said to go out for a surprise attack with an armillary sphere? We are equivalent to the immortal killing array. Stay here to attract enemy soldiers. The hundred battles real people are the surprise troops. Take advantage of the emptiness behind the monks and run to pick up bargains!"

"How many monks are there outside? If you count them all together, it's not enough for the troops of five worlds! According to the military book, it's enough to contain, at least one third of the troops..."

What is one-third of the 60000 troops in five worlds? One third of the three thousand worlds is a thousand worlds! Even if a world is ten thousand, it must be ten million! Even if 10 million true gods don't do it, just lie there and wait to die. How long will these 8000 people have to be killed? And it's just a big world. If there are three thousand big worlds, it's 30 billion!

People thought of Ye Feng's meaning, and they were cold again and again! Later, after discussing the countermeasures, he became angry with Yun shenzun and went to Ye Feng to discuss the "surprise attack".

"There are so few people now that we can't move for the time being. If we really want to raid other worlds or the upper world, we have to contain at least one third!" Ye Feng said with a smile.

"Ye jianzun, ye Shangshen, don't frighten me. I haven't shivered for more than 60000 years since I became an immortal! Look at my leg. It's still sudden now! Show me a way to live, or I'll be possessed in a moment!"

"We have a good relationship. When we really can't, I won't see you laugh."

"Don't! My God is not worth money! It's all up to my subordinates to maintain it! Please show us a way to live!"

"If you don't have many ways to live, it's hard to go. It's almost impossible to retreat. If you want to preserve your strength, you don't even have a door."

"How do you say that? You are an expert in the world! You must have a way!" huoyun God Zun was really anxious and his knees softened.

"Against Buddhism, I can protect you from anything, even the whole family. But you don't have any special skills in this field. It's really a success, and you'll be sent back at most. But if you want to block some news, you're a martyr of a heroic and righteous soldier, I really can't help you!"

There are many reasons why the founding emperor killed the founding fathers, such as pride in merit, self-respect of mercenaries, and great bullying of slaves. But in the final analysis, it's the friendship between flat and cheap. They know the details of each other. After they know the details, they won't really be afraid of you.

Huoyun God respects them. Although they are not regarded as founding fathers, Baizhan immortal uses his subordinates to restrain Buddhism and runs to pick up bargains by himself, which is definitely not a glorious thing. Once it is spread, his subordinates will definitely preserve their strength when he destroys the top level of Buddhism and cleans up all the world. So this time, huoyun shenzun finally "understood" his situation, and people were stupid.

It is said that Ye Feng is employed by Baizhan immortal and has an armillary sphere to protect his body. He can leave at any time. With the addition of Keats, Huoer was promoted by half. Even if he didn't get the Buddhist bone relic, he was worth it. Why did he say that? What is his real purpose?

Ye Feng's purpose is only to go home. And this has nothing to do with huoyun God. But if ye Feng wants to go home, he has to help the illusory projection and balance the world. Now bingmen wants to occupy the Buddhist world, which is the biggest imbalance.

It doesn't say how many Buddhist disciples the hundred battles immortal will kill after occupying the world, nor how many soldiers the Buddhist disciples will kill if they resist him. Just the aftermath of the fight between the two sides is enough to destroy many small worlds. In addition, the spirit stones consumed in the battle and the wasted spirit of heaven and earth, if the Baizhan immortal succeeds, the two worlds will have to be skinned even if they are not destroyed! And this is just the beginning!

When Baizhan immortal occupies the world of Buddhism, the military gate will become bigger and the Buddhism will naturally become weaker. Neither Buddhism nor Taoism can do this. Later, the lower boundary of the Buddha will recover the lost land, the lower boundary of the gods, compete for the place of faith and spread the doctrine of Taoism. There are more experts in the military sect, that is, the battle of orthodoxy between the three sects. Don't mention how many lives will be ruined at that time. It's impossible to estimate how many years it will take?

Therefore, if ye Feng wants to go home, he must completely deal with these things. Otherwise, even if he escapes back, he can't stay out of the matter because of such a big cause and effect. If he doesn't provoke any soldiers and Taoist ancestors to the ancient world, he will really die. As for how Ye Feng will settle this matter, let's continue.

After hearing Ye Feng's words, huoyun God was stunned for a long time. Ye Feng was not in a hurry to greet him. While communicating with Qixia spirit, he drank a small wine and waited for him.

"Master, it seems that I am to blame for this? Why don't you leave me and go by yourself." Qixia said tentatively.

"Don't you know my secret?"

"... don't worry, I will never say it." I don't know why, Qixia felt a little uncomfortable when she heard this reason.

"We get along too short, I can't trust you." Ye Feng said with a bad smile.

"If we get along for a long time, can we get in love for a long time?" Qi Xia said with her mouth.

Qixia's life experience is very poor. It seems that she is showing off all day. She has no right line. In fact, she is just hiding her loneliness. Ye Feng has lived for three generations, but she can't see these. Even though Qixia pulls her arm, she still looks like an old God at ease.

Qixia made a noise for a while. Seeing that Ye Feng was unmoved, she calmed down and asked about his plans while pouring wine for Ye Feng.

"Baizhan immortal told a big truth."

"What is it?"

"Give me relic."

"Why is the master so sure?"

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