The three spirit bees lay on the ground, thinking about their experience in the past half a month. The more they thought, the more they were wronged. Finally, they hugged each other and wiped away their tears. Just then, the voice of the three princesses appeared in their ears.

"Still crying! Run back to Ye Feng and beg him to take you in before the hive is closed!"

Early the next morning, the three spirit bees returned to the territory of the WASP family again. As a result, the story of the three of them has been spread all over the hornet family in these three days. The bumblebee in charge of patrol caught the three of them and sent them directly to the Royal dining room of the Bumblebee king!

Fortunately, the magic plants have been watching around. Just when the wasps are ready to break them up and bring them to the wasp king for food, the number one thug of Ye Feng's family, with a group of younger brothers, rescued them and sent them to Ye Feng.

"Ye Feng, these are all external spirit bees, or they were sent by yourself. Why do you rob them!" the hornet king asked slightly angrily after chasing out.

"I'm for your own good. Why do you talk like that?" Ye Feng said with a smile.

"For my good? Are we Hornets eating two spirit bees and afraid that they will not retaliate?"

"There is a saying called eating Zhiwei, which means that you are happy to eat today and want to eat tomorrow. Lingfeng clan is not afraid of revenge, but you won't be upset to watch a group of delicious food flying around in front of you every day? Ha ha!"

"Ah... It seems reasonable to say so."

"Is it reasonable? I'm sure of these three spirit bees. Then I have an ancient Warcraft. I'll give you compensation and take it to dinner!"

The Warcraft thrown out by Ye Feng was found in the white bone city in the past. For Ye Feng now, these corpses are just a big piece of meat, but for the hornet king with only divine cultivation, it is like a treasure of heaven and earth. He asked dozens of children to carry the Warcraft and go back to the nest to eat it.

Besides, Ye Feng, after sending the fire, asked about the origin of the three spirit bees near the fairy grass garden.

The three spirit bees escaped to Ye Feng to save their lives under the guidance of the third sister. What else can they do. Standing in place for a while, he took out the phoenix feather sent by Ye Feng and begged Ye Feng to take them in.

"I've been with the spirit bee family for thousands of years. I've never seen anyone who forgets righteousness for profit. You three look bitter. You didn't come all the way back for your baby. Tell me, what's the matter." Ye Feng asked, pointing to the spirit bee with many eyes.


"I have fought side by side with the spirit bee for several times. I have never seen anyone who is greedy for life and afraid of death. You can come all the way here because you have worked here and are despised by the people. After all, you fly to the hall of eternal life by yourself. Why do you want to escape if you are not afraid of death?"

When it comes to the longevity hall, the three spirit bees withered and cried on the ground for a while before telling the story of what happened when they came home and the bullying of the jade bee family.

Ye Feng got a lot of news from the hornet king. The jade bee clan is no secret to him in the longevity hall. After listening to the three spirit bees, they immediately understood that this was the three princesses. They wanted to break away from the ethnic group and become king by their own power!

Bee state is the world of jade bee family. If lingbee family wants to separate, they have to be well prepared. Otherwise, the hive will have to be destroyed by other groups before it is built. But with the plundering of the longevity hall and jade bee, it is not easy to prepare for the separation of population and resources. As for the third princess, I'm afraid she won't be the queen bee until her niece takes over.

"I won't take you in, but I can help you in the dark against the jade bee clan." Ye Feng said, taking off the armillary sphere and handing it to the spirit bee with many eyes. "Take this back to the third princess. I will arrange it later."

"You're serious!"

"Hehe, you're not afraid to go back and die, but you're afraid I'll lie to you?"

"Even without this, the three of us can live another thirty or forty years. But Yufeng bullies us all the year round with the support of Fengji! We haven't had a few full meals before we came here. Every winter, even if the Changsheng hall doesn't find the empress mother, many brothers can't stand the pain. They will take the initiative to die and save food for their brothers..."

Ye Feng took Huaning frost back to Qingfeng stronghold. He once went to Baihua Valley and took away the Lingfeng discarded by Xiancheng over the years. He also understood that Huaning dew was helpless. But the Baihua Valley has food and drink after all, but it can't leave. Now when the three spirit bees said this, Ye Feng was angry and the green veins on his brain jumped up!

"The master is angry! Why don't we go and kill the bee girl, find some Phoenix to fill up and occupy the bee state?" Huoer flew out and urged.

"Bee girl..." Ye Feng said with a gloomy face, took out the honey collected by the spirit bees and gave it to three local spirit bees. "There are more than 3000 kilograms of honey. When things are done, take it to your mother and say I'll buy your life. Go."

"I can tell you, don't die! Return the honey in the future!" Huoer said with a frown.

The next day, the three spirit bees returned to their home and were thinking about how to hide from other brothers and talk to the three princesses. Qixia appeared, asked the three Princesses for their location and sent the three spirit bees directly.

It is said that the three princesses will save the three younger brothers. They really want to test Ye Feng's attitude through the three of them. Seeing the three younger brothers appear in front of her out of thin air, the three princesses were not surprised. At this time, Ye Feng appeared in front of the four younger brothers and sisters.

"Are you that Ye Feng?" the three princesses asked nervously, holding their three younger brothers.

"It's the real master. What's your wish to say to your highness, princess?"

"You came to me. Why do you ask?"

"Since I can come, I can go back immediately," said Ye Feng. The armillary sphere broke away the hands of the three princesses and returned to Ye Feng's waist.

"Did you get the royal jelly from Feng Ling?"


"Are you really entrusted by the Phoenix family to join us in business?"


"Feng Ji won't promise you."

"If you don't involve the Phoenix family, you won't agree. I'm afraid even your little life will be thrown here. But if you involve the Phoenix family, she is likely to abandon your spirit bee family or send out a nest of spirit bees." Ye Feng said and smiled.

The three princesses heard that the queen bee said that Ye Feng was right. In addition to being surprised, she also praised Ye Feng's tact. After hesitating for a while, he stared at Ye Feng and said.

"I'd like to go with you, even if it's Fengling. Take me now and don't come back."

"If you want to go, I'm welcome at any time, but when you leave, your mother, your sister and brother may be implicated by you. Have you thought about these?"

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