When the golden winged ROC was trying to avoid, a sudden chill came from the eagle's claws. Although it was not enough to freeze him, Ye Feng's speed was not slow. With a slight tremor of his body, he was hit by hundreds of flame swords. After a wail, the exploding flame directly fell to the ground. After smashing into the soil, turn your eyes white and pass out.

The Warcraft just cheered. In the twinkling of an eye, the Deputy City Lord was picked by a sword. They were all silly on the spot. But after Ye Feng succeeded, he didn't want to forget it. He first called out five little Phoenix and threw out three thousand spirit bees to surround all the Warcraft watching around.

"It is said that Dapeng is your relative. This one is still golden winged. It won't have anything to do with your golden phoenix?" Ye Feng asked contemptuously, pointing to the golden winged Dapeng like a roast chicken.

"Pengzu is our relative! What's a golden winged ROC? Why don't you bake this mixed hair roast chicken again and give it to the bee family to change honey." xiaojinfeng said, giving Ye Feng a white look.

"That's much easier, children! Listen! Live or die, don't get highly toxic! Call me!"

The spirit bee was very aggressive. After following Ye Feng, he didn't have a chance to do it. When he heard that life or death was no matter, he immediately teamed up with 30 or 50 to fight a group of Warcraft around Shang Ye Feng.

The orcs who can be disciples in the city Lord's residence bully the Terrans. Now Ye Feng let a group of low-level bee families deal with them. Each one is red with anger. No matter whether Ye Feng will make a move or not, they fight with the spirit bees.

Warcraft, a little farther away, saw that their companions were fighting with spirit bees. They didn't think they would suffer. Except for two snake families who slipped back to report to the city Lord, the rest were shouting cheers to their companions in situ.

Most of the spirit bees only have pseudo immortal cultivation, and the worst is the eighth level king of martial arts. Although there were many babies to protect themselves, they were also beaten and rolled around in the face of a group of divine Warcraft.

Warcraft got cheap and became more and more fierce. One by one, those who spit fire, fan, spread their hooves and jump around, rampage and act recklessly in the bee colony.

However, in the middle, they also stabbed the sword of the spirit bees and hit them countless times. Although Ye Feng didn't let them poison, the spirit bee family itself had bee poison. It didn't matter if the God level was stabbed thousands of times by dozens of spirit bees. After being stabbed thousands of times by dozens of spirit bees, the Earth Dragon who was most resistant to beating couldn't stand it and left the spirit bees and wanted to run away.

The spirit bees were beaten hard, and they had already killed their red eyes. When they saw a group of Warcraft running, they took out medicine bottles to heal their wounds and offered artifact. The wind, fire and lightning hit a group of Warcraft.

A group of Warcraft had been exhausted for a long time. They could not withstand the attack of divine tools. Except for two magic resistant ones who collapsed into the peripheral herd, the others were killed, maimed and thrown in the street.

"Uncle and grandpa! Do you want to kill the rest!" cried a spirit bee with only one arm.

"I have my own opinion on the rest. It's important to go back and heal. By the way, think about what you want. Come back and enjoy it together."

The spirit bees heard that there was a reward. Their anger dissipated a lot. They glared at the Warcraft and were taken back by Ye Feng.

Ye Feng asked the spirit bees to come out, just to see their combat power. But in the view of Warcraft, he was exhausted and used a spirit object to top the cylinder. Now Ye Feng received the spirit bee, and several people who thought they had more eyes began to shout again.

"Brothers, his soul power is exhausted, and his bees have no strength! Let's go together and gather him to receive the reward!"

"I think so. Let's go together. Even if he is the God of the universe, he can't carry our hundreds of divine beasts!"

Ye Feng listened to a group of Warcraft and looked at the five little Phoenix around him.

"Before, you could defeat tens of thousands of jade bees. Now these hundreds of Warcraft are just a matter of course?"

After fighting the jade bee, the five little Phoenix didn't know how powerful they were. Encouraged by Ye Feng, the animal blood immediately boiled and turned into a body. Then they flew to a group of Warcraft.

Everyone knows the Phoenix, but who present can see the real Phoenix! Seeing that five children turned into five Phoenix rushing up, the brave Warcraft thought it was magic, but also turned into the body rushing up, and the timid ones followed behind, ready to fight a Taiping fist. But when the Golden Phoenix opened her mouth and Bai Feng released the shining spell, a group of Warcraft that were dazzled and frightened immediately fell to the ground, and then they were poisoned by Phoenix Fire and Phoenix and ice cold, He cried and howled.

"Didn't you say that all the Warcraft outside are powerful? We don't think so?"

"Your bees are good at fighting. We are so powerful. What are you going to give us?"

"Well, haven't you heard Fengzu say what he sent you here for?"

"Experience!" said the five little Phoenix in one voice.

"I'll take you out to practice. You eat, drink and use mine. In the face of Fengzu, you can't beat the bees before. You run away from me to avoid disasters. You're still young and don't know the depth. But you have to pay attention to my reward when you fight. It's a little hard to say?"

"Ah!" the little fire phoenix pulled her mouth.

"It seems so..." little Baifeng bowed her head

"We are divine beasts, and we don't eat or drink anything from you?" little Jinfeng said stubbornly.

"Stop talking. Everything can change in his aura. If the aura we use for cultivation is made into fruit, it will be enough to feed tens of thousands of bees..." whispered little black Feng.

"I always think his world is more comfortable than Fengling. I don't know what's going on..."

The five little Phoenix were taught. Ye Feng smiled first and pointed to the big and small Warcraft lying on the ground.

"These guys are captured by you and bees together. The dead ones are left to them for the winter. The living ones are your booty. Do you want to sell them to the Terran as spiritual objects, or kill them and sell them to the bees for food? It's up to you. If there's nothing you like in their ring, you can change it with me. How about this time?"

How about this time? This time, even if the Feng family is completely pulled in by Ye Feng! But the five little Phoenix didn't know this. As soon as they heard that it was good, they immediately began to search for the spoils. As for the disabled Warcraft, it is said that they should release them directly to let them always remember the power of the Phoenix family... Little Phoenix didn't know the weight. There were hundreds of Warcraft killed. Ye Feng collected their bodies. Little Phoenix hasn't finished searching yet, There was a dragon roar over Dingfeng city.

The five little Phoenix didn't even know that it was dragon roar, so they involuntarily turned into their own body, flew into the air, and sent out a sharp Fengming in the direction of dragon roar.

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