"There must be a pasture, but there are no foreigners living in Fengzhou. If you go alone, even if you are safe, can you get used to it? Moreover, there are hundreds of millions of carnivorous bees in Fengzhou. Even if you build a pasture, you can't be self-sufficient in thirty or fifty years. So you have to stay here to buy livestock, stay and breed when you meet strong ones, and do it step by step."

Hearing hundreds of millions, Hua Xingtian couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Once again, I was very happy to think that I would be in charge of such a large industry. I thanked Ye Feng again, so I tried to mention Ao Feng.

"Although he is just a silly boy of the dragon family, if this matter is let go, the chamber of Commerce will not be missed in the future. So I plan to send a task to buy senior Warcraft."

"The shopkeeper doesn't want to use the hands of adventurers to deal with those orcs?"

"It's natural that the weak eat the strong. It's only because they don't have the ability to eat meat. You can't say whether to deal with it or not. You've lived here for a long time. First tell us about the surrounding state capitals and Shengyuan escort agency."

"I know the surrounding state capital of Yanzhou. It used to be the territory of Taoism. Later, it was destroyed by Buddhism several times. Now it is a bandit's nest. In those years, I was driven out of my house and passed by Yanzhou. I was robbed more than ten times. Thanks to the cultivation of true God at that time, otherwise I would have been killed..."

"The experts there live by robbing passers-by?"

"No, no, no! There are many Taoist traditions in that place. There are quite a lot of elixir and weapon refining masters. Jianghu experts who can't get on the table usually need it there. The bodyguards know this. I just heard them say it when they drink."

"Is the Shengyuan General Administration very powerful?"

"People in the city say that it must be very powerful, but some external escort said that their general administration has some backstage. But these are all told by people who drink too much. I don't know whether or not."

Shengyuan dares to rob the city Lord's residence of business. There must be a lot of influence in Dingfeng city. If he hadn't drunk too much, who would dare to say them? Thinking, Ye Feng took out the map and found the Yanzhou in the northwest of Xianyun Prefecture and the southwest of Fengzhou.

Yanzhou is long and narrow, like a caterpillar. In terms of area, it is larger than Fengzhou and Xianyun Prefecture. But most of the state is mountains and rivers. From the perspective of pattern, although there are six states around Yanzhou, it is the same as the seven unique places, and there are no cities marked on the map.

"Yanzhou doesn't even have a big city?"

"Never heard of it."

"In that case, go home and pack your bags. Once the reward is offered this time, you will not be involved. Move to the chamber of Commerce and take care of it sooner or later."

When Hua Xingtian heard that Ye Feng really wanted to offer a reward to the beast family, he immediately sweated on his face, said goodbye to Ye Feng, and immediately returned to the tavern to clean up the soft. But as soon as he opened the dark grid in the cellar, a bleak dragon roared from the sky!

"Ye Feng thief! You deceive people too much!"

What Ye Feng and Hua Xingtian said was heard by AO Feng.

Ao Feng was going to warn the fire dragon to be careful. After Ye Feng moved away, he would find a way to deal with Ye Feng and let out the evil spirit. But who thought Ye Feng wanted to use a reward to deal with the Warcraft in Dingfeng city. Ao Feng couldn't bear the vicious means of killing people with a knife. After they hid, they immediately turned back and confronted Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's statement is very simple. The bee people didn't have enough to eat. They originally planned to buy animals for the winter. However, the previous escort was robbed by Warcraft several times. There was no choice but to attack Warcraft.

"You are all excuses!"

"I have 300000 blood bees in my hand, and there are hundreds of millions of blood bees in Fengzhou. If they are hungry, what will happen?" Ye Feng sneered.

300000 immortal blood bees are enough to destroy Dingfeng city! Even if he Ao Feng could kill these blood bees, he would never feel better. In addition, Ye Feng in the back and the unique poison in the chamber of Commerce, you have to throw it here if you are careless!

"Dingfeng City, Aofeng, hehe, your name and this city are different! Don't you think so?"

Ye Feng made a mockery again. Ao Feng couldn't help it anymore and shouted that sentence of deception. Ye Feng's smile remained the same, and then he turned into twelve separate gods.

"Ao Feng, your soul power is much higher than my master. What can you see now?"

Ao Feng can see his separation! Take a closer look, each avatar has a divine soul at the level of God... The low-level avatar is a true Qi controlled by the soul force. Only after reaching the Tao realm can the divine soul be split and transformed into a real avatar. Ye Feng's accomplishments are obvious there. He can show his real separation. The only possibility is that his spirit is broken!

"I was shattered by you, but now you say I deceived people too much! Heaven has eyes, come out and give me justice! Heaven doesn't care, I'm at odds with you today!"

Heaven doesn't want to meddle, but some people don't care! Otherwise, the two people really fight. Ye Feng has a chaotic body and can't die. Can Ao Feng's small body hold him up? If Aofeng really dies, will the dragon clan give up? Will the Phoenix watch the dragon bully Ye Feng? What will these two rich races do when they fight and have long coveted the two forces? Help one side, or reap profits? There is also the bee clan. It was originally Ye Feng's... After Ye Feng roared, the eye of heaven didn't appear. The old man in grey robe finally appeared in front of him.

"Although he killed him, your spirit was broken. I took the opportunity to separate the demons for you. You're not at a loss."

"I didn't say anything bad, and I didn't want to investigate, but as a sword repairman, I was blocked at the door and didn't do anything. I'm afraid I'll break my mind!" Ye Feng said, and the separated people took out a sword respectively. "I'll ask you to come out and give a witness, so that if you die, the small one will come back and the old one will fill his life!"

Ye Feng is a chaotic body. He is not afraid of the attack of soul power. He is wearing a highly poisonous sword. He is surrounded by thousands of thugs and has 100000 artifacts in his arms. Opposite Ao Feng, he is a mature Horned Dragon. His soul power has no place to play. Although his body is strong, he is highly poisonous... The old man in grey robe frowned at Ye Feng and stretched out his hand to Ao Feng. The latter turned into an inch long dragon, He put it in his sleeve!

"You are the one chosen by heaven. You care about how to achieve great things." the old man bit the word of heaven very hard. Then he turned his body into emptiness and disappeared.

The expert who tossed Ye Feng said it was not too much. But he was entangled by a lengtouqing again and again. Ye Feng didn't have a good temper. When Hua Xingtian packed up his things, he directly posted the notice on the acquisition of God level Warcraft. As a result, the city gate, which was just deserted, suddenly became a busy city!

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