"Master, if you make these things against heaven, you will be in great trouble! What can we do if we say he doesn't listen..."

"If I can't, I'll find sister Qingyun. The master has always been afraid of her."

"She has never been the same as us. Haven't you seen it for so long." Qixia glanced at the fire and went back to accompany Ye Feng.

Huoer is not stupid. It's just flirting with Ye Feng to talk about trouble with him. She knows what Qingyun is like to Ye Feng, but she doesn't dare to twist others because she is afraid of Qingyun sword. Now it's related to Ye Feng's safety. Huoer doesn't care about those. She takes a look at Qixia's back and goes back to Huoshen palace to talk to Qingyun. As a result, Qingyun laughed at Huoer's worry.

"If they were afraid that their master would go against the sky, they shouldn't give him these capital against the sky. Besides, can the master's scheming find sin for himself?" Qingyun waved and sent Huoer out.

The next morning, Ye Feng practiced several sets of swordsmanship with his wives and returned to the world. As soon as he stood firm, he saw the dust exploding in the distance. When he released his soul power, he saw hundreds of thousands of blood bees attacking a group of magic bears who broke into bee state.

When Ye Feng was in the wasteland, he was beaten and fled by a fierce beast bear. Later, he got rid of the bear with the help of the hornet king, and it was just a fierce beast. It is conceivable that the bee clan was killed and injured. So seeing a group of evil bears killing in the bee colony, Ye Feng took out Qingyun sword and rushed up directly.

Ye Feng was abused by bears because there was no wild Qi in his body. After several battles, Ye Feng's true Qi was almost no different from the local cosmic God. Coupled with the power of Qingyun sword, there were only dozens of God level magic bears. He was slaughtered by Ye Feng without even using a sword Qi.

"The shopkeeper is so powerful!"

"The shopkeeper is the cosmic God. It's a little fun to kill some magic bears!"

"These broken bears, don't come early! I thought I could save three internal alchemy. Please help me upgrade..."

When the blood Bee King was not present, the blood bees talked around Ye Feng. Princess blood bee, who led the team to kill the demon bear, was afraid of Ye Feng. She didn't come to him until she sent her injured brother back.

"How many died?" Ye Feng asked with a black face.

"There were 41 magic bears in total, and the shopkeeper killed 39..."

"I asked how many blood bees died!"


"Get up!"

Ye Feng said, the soul force suddenly shook, and the surrounding blood bees flew out involuntarily as if pushed by someone. They didn't stop until they flew three miles away.

Several blood bees thought that Ye Feng wanted to swallow the booty alone. They also wanted to explain that there was a terrible suction around Ye Feng. When the blood bees struggled to fly out of that space, most of their true Qi was absorbed!

"What's the shopkeeper doing? How did he hit us!"

"Keep your voice down. The shopkeeper is very powerful. If you really annoy him, we all feel bad..."

"Isn't it just a few dead bears? As for such a fuss, who didn't say he wanted him..."

Princess blood bee listened to the brothers and had no idea. Finally, I sent some younger brothers back to invite the queen bee to see what wind Ye Feng was smoking.

The blood queen bee was promoted two levels in a row, and her body was a little uncomfortable. So she hid in the beehive to practice. When she heard that Ye Feng robbed the spoils with the children, she thought she owed Ye Feng too much. Ye Feng was afraid she couldn't afford it. But when she flew near and was ready to clarify for Ye Feng, she saw those dead blood bees sitting around Ye Feng staring at her!


"What! These blood bees are dead. I saved them. They are my own!"

Ye Feng lost his temper for no reason, and the blood queen did not dare to ask more. She smiled with Ye Feng and secretly transmitted a message to her daughter, asking her to take the children back first. Then he followed Ye Feng and wanted to inquire about the news of the resurrection of the dead. As a result, Ye Feng didn't ask about the news, but he took the blood bees and flew to the other side of the border!

The bee queen once strictly ordered the bee family not to cross the border. Now Ye Feng flies to the opposite side. The blood bee queen can only look worried. With this Kung Fu, another group of Warcraft ran towards Fengzhou! The blood Bee King wanted to call the children back to prepare for the war, but Ye Feng had rushed up and fought with the invading Warcraft.

Moreover, Ye Feng didn't fight alone this time. God level spirit bees, more than a dozen wood monsters and even Phoenix, who had never appeared, all ran out to fight. Almost in a twinkling of an eye, dozens of Warcraft were slaughtered!

"Master, let's stay and do business. It must earn more than opening a chamber of Commerce!" Huoer cried with a smile.

"When the master becomes the mountain king and does nothing all day, he has to marry more village wives. Otherwise, the three mistresses can't help you." Qixia smiled with Ye Feng. "Nonsense! If you want to be a bandit, it's called helping justice! And you..."

Ye Feng stared at Qixia for a long time, but you didn't give a reason. Instead, he turned his face red, angrily received two weapon spirits, sent the magic plants to clean up the battlefield, and personally helped the injured spirit bees recover from their injuries.

"Uncle and grandpa, you are in such a hurry. Are you going to fight later?"

"Not for a while, but I can't stop now..."

Ye Feng had something to say. The spirit bees immediately came to him and asked about it. Ye Feng didn't hide his ideas from anyone and told them to his subordinates truthfully.

The blood bee clan said it was extremely ferocious, but in fact, they fought desperately with their opponents by relying on the swarm tactics. This is quite normal in other people's eyes. After all, the bee family has a short life span. If they don't work hard, it will take three or five hundred years. Even the bees themselves don't take this seriously. After they die in the war, they are sent to the hall of longevity. They are replaced by dead bees from other ethnic groups. They bring them back and eat them directly.

But what is Ye Feng's temper? Will he watch the blood bee change its seeds and eat, and take his life to protect the safety of bee state? If that's the case, he doesn't have these spirit bees. They have died of old age for many years!

"Uncle and grandpa, there are so many bee people in Fengzhou. It's impossible to prolong their life by taking pills like us?"

"If I say, it's better to be eaten by the same race than by Warcraft. Uncle and grandpa, your heart is too soft."

"The world is so big that it's impossible not to die, and the bee clan is even more impossible. So I didn't think I could make the bee clan in bee state like you. But even if they can't prolong their life and live forever, at least let them die? At least after they die, can they sleep in their hometown? Even if they are buried in the fairy grass field as fertilizer, it's better to be eaten by their peers!"

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