Xiaohe Village is not small, as a famous village near Shihu City, there are thousands of families living here.

But it's not big.

No, the news that Zhao Eryu, Xia Feng and Wang Erzhu went up the mountain to hunt a blind bear spread throughout the village with just one meal.

Even the two brothers of the Yuan family, who were recuperating at home, heard the news.

Yuan family.

Inside the house, the pungent smell of blood and the smell of medicine were mixed.

Plus poor ventilation.

Formation of some kind of disgusting taste.

"Big brother, ahem, did you say that bear is the one we caught in the net?".

On the kang, Yuan Tianwei's face turned pale.

Although he picked up a life because of the timely treatment, heavy bleeding is heavy bleeding, and the deficit in the body is not so easy to heal.

For quite a long time, he could only lie down.

Even going to the toilet is difficult.

"You still have to think about it, it must be!!" Yuan Tianjie gritted his teeth and said.

He had just come in from outside, and the familiar smell in the air made him feel a fire in his heart.

What fired two shots, not chaotic in the face of danger, and an old gunner

As soon as I heard it, it was a lie made up by Xia Feng and Zhao Eryu.

I don't look in the mirror when I make up nonsense.

A man who had never touched a gun shot him in the head with two shots in the face of a black bear's head-on onslaught.

Isn't that a joke??

Even if you are a prodigy, you have to read books before you can become a university scholar.

How can anyone be born with it??

It's simply impossible!!

The only reasonable explanation is that after they left that day, Zhao Eryu and Xia Feng went together to dig out the blind bear trapped in the steel rope net!


A trapped black bear, anyone can shoot it with a gun!!

"This Zhao Eryu is really damned!!".

I thought that I and my brother almost gave up our lives, but in the end we didn't get anything.

And Xia Feng didn't do anything, just walked over and picked up a big black bear.

Yuan Tianjie felt that there was a force in his heart and nowhere to vent.

If it's just a little bear meat, you can endure it by gritting your teeth.

There are family laws and rules.

If when the two brothers of the Yuan family were digging out the warehouse, Xia Feng and them would intervene.

That's called breaking the rules!

There was a commotion afterwards, no matter what price Xia Feng and they paid, morally they should return the blind bear to the two brothers of the Yuan family.

Otherwise, the reputation will stink!!

But because of the failure to dig out the warehouse, the two brothers of the Yuan family have already gone home to rescue, and the black bear was not hunted on the spot.

This means that anyone can continue to hunt!

What's more, according to the rumors outside, Xia Feng relied on hunting dogs to catch the blind bear.

And didn't pick up the ready-made cheap!!

Not to mention the dispute over the ownership of prey.

Yuan Tianjie can endure the loss of bear meat.

But the problem is, that bear is still involved in a copper gall!


In these years, who doesn't know that copper gall is worth a lot?

The minimum is two thousand, and the maximum is three or four thousand.

What a terrifying number that is??

Not to mention that it's just a villager in a village, even if it's a brother, maybe they can turn their faces for this money!


Thinking of this, Yuan Tianjie's eyes gradually became fierce.


"Even if they can't get the bear bile back, they should divide us in two... No, it's forty percent of the benefits!!".

"How could they have taken down that black bear so easily without us in front of us??".

Yuan Tianjie made up his mind, when his father came home at night, the family would discuss it carefully and see how to make Xia Feng and them obediently spit out the part that originally belonged to them!



The perspective returns to the summer breeze.

Xia Feng didn't know that he had been targeted.

Having eaten and drunk enough, lying in the yard and basking in the sun, he was thinking about one thing.

How can I clean up that bear bully at the lowest cost!!

What is a bear tyrant?

Xiongba, also known as Xiong Zhen, refers to the largest of the bears.

Rural people are uneducated, and they read "罴" as "ba", and over time, they will become bear tyrants.

The hegemon among the bears is also smooth.

The title Bear Ba is naturally a bit arrogant, and the biggest bear Xia Feng has ever seen is a brown bear that lives on Kodiak Island.

That thing can grow up to more than 2,000 pounds!

Stand up more than 3 meters tall!!

Not to mention humans, the small pickup in front of it is almost like a toy!!

However, in the mountains near Xiaohe Village, the largest bear is about 1,000 catties.

It's not a black bear, it's a brown bear.

In fact, as long as it is a bear weighing more than 500 pounds, it can be called a bear bully.

And when it comes to dealing with bears, the difficulty is completely different from dealing with smaller bears.

One of the biggest problems is:

How to reduce casualties?!

The hunter himself is fine, as long as he has a gun in hand, he has arranged a retreat in advance.

As long as there are no accidents, your own safety can still be guaranteed.

But hunting dogs are different.

They need to get tangled with their prey at close range to make sure it doesn't run around.

And if you want to hold off a bear in his heyday...

To be honest, Xia Feng didn't think his hounds could do it.

It can't be doubled!

Don't look at the last dog hunting, the green dragons didn't even lose a single hair.

That's purely because the black bear was injured in the first place, and the most important weapon, the right claw, was directly scrapped!!

And Xia Feng didn't delay for long, and the two sides joined the battlefield just a few minutes after they met, killing him.

Try to be a black bear in its heyday??

It's not that Xia Feng hasn't encountered a similar situation.

In his previous life, when he was fighting in Mexico, just a few minutes after getting off the plane, the hound had not yet recovered, and he encountered a big brown bear of more than 600 pounds.

Or a brown bear with only cubs!!

The bear slapped Xia Feng out of the way.

Seeing that his master was attacked, the hounds blew up their nests.

No words, in order to protect the summer breeze.

Fight to the death!!

That's a whole 17 hounds!!

Among them, there are also Tibetan mastiffs, Rhodesian dorverts, pitbulls and other extremely ferocious super-large dog breeds.

The result??

In less than a quarter of an hour, by the time the companions arrived, 17 hounds, 11 dead, 5 disabled, 1 slightly injured!!

When Xia Feng woke up and saw the corpses of those hounds.

Didn't say anything.

Just send 10 million meters to the local gangsters.

"I want that big brown bear to die without a whole body!!".

After that, due to various factors, the total cost almost doubled, but that is another story.

In short, since then, Xia Feng has been cautious when he encounters Xiongba again!

He doesn't want to let his little old bottom in this world be ruined because of a bear bully!

But the problem is, if you don't let the hounds restrain you.

How can I keep that bear from escaping?

Before being provoked, even if Xiong Ba saw someone, his first reaction was to stay away first.

And not to take the initiative to attack!!

Just when Xia Feng had a headache here.

An unexpected person came to the door.

"Xiaofeng is at home. "

Xia Feng was expressionless, looked at the person who came, and greeted coldly: "Brother-in-law." "

The person who came was Xia Feng's brother-in-law, Liu Wenshan!!


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