Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 1111 There is always a thing or two in the world

Northern Commonwealth.

Amid cheers, the wave of zombies pouring in from the gap in the outer wall was successfully blocked.

However, the engineering team and the survivors in the outer city are still reinforcing and thickening the blocking wall to ensure that the blocking wall will not be overwhelmed by the zombie wave.

dozens of kilometers away.

Based on the location given by Yuan Zhi, Han Li flew the helicopter to the area where Li Yu and the others were.

After searching around, as he expected, he found no trace of Li Yu and the others.

Coupled with the fact that there was not much fuel left in the helicopter, they had no choice but to return to the Northern Federation.

Buzz buzz——

The helicopter landed in the inner city of the Northern Federation.

After getting off the helicopter, Han Li was stopped by Chao Yuan who came up to him.

"As soon as the Governor asks you to come back, go find him."

Returning without success again, Han Li was already in a very bad mood. After hearing Chao Yuan's words, he said in a somewhat unpleasant tone: "I know."

He had just flown the helicopter back on the road, and he had already seen the damage caused by the people in Oil City to the outer city.

Seeing the huge gap, he felt extremely aggrieved.

Came to the Governor's Palace in a hurry.

In the office, both Yuan Li and Fan Haiyang from the Communications Department were present. They frowned and looked like they had been scolded.

"Governor." Han Li stood at the door and said to Yuan Zhi inside.

Yuan Zhi saw him, nodded slightly and said, "How is it? Did you find anything?"

"No, after searching around, those people from Oil City were like rats, running away very fast! The helicopter ran out of fuel, so I came back first."

"Yeah" Yuan Zhi didn't blame him.

He continued: "Tomorrow, you go do something and send some people to Oil City."

"What?" Han Li looked at Yuan Zhi in disbelief, his tone full of shock.

He could think with his buttocks who the group of people Yuan Zhi was talking about sending out, and he had also read the letter written by Li Yu, the city lord of Da Zhangshu Base, to Yuan Zhi himself.

It said above that Sima Xi, Su Qian, and He Feng should be handed over.

Once this is handed over, it is equivalent to giving up.

He never thought that one day the Northern Federation would bow to another force!

He was too proud to accept this.

Yuan Zhi glared at him, "Just let you do it, I feel more uncomfortable than you!"

The emperor humiliated his ministers to death, and when he saw Yuan Zhi, whom he admired, lowered his head, Han Li wished he could die immediately with the people in Oil City.

Being upright, he stood angrily and said nothing.

Yuan Zhi sighed when he saw his performance.

He trusted Han Li's loyalty to him, but he was too straightforward.

After thinking about it carefully, I felt that it would not be appropriate to ask Han Li to take He Feng and the others there. If Han Li impulsively launches a suicide attack on Oil City, and if he offends the people of Oil City again, then there will be nothing he can do. Talked.

In negotiations, you always have to go back and forth and communicate back and forth.

Fundamentally speaking, Sima Xi was the cause of the attack on Oil City this time. In order to calm down Oil City's anger a little, they could only hand over the people first.

Then try to see if we can negotiate with the Da Zhangshu Base to see if we can get them to modify their previous requirements.

You have to give it a try, otherwise the foundation you have built for so many years will be abandoned all at once. Yuan Zhi feels like a knife in his heart just thinking about it.

"Forget it, don't go."

Yuan Zhi glanced at Han Li, and then continued to say to Fan Haiyang: "Haiyang, please take someone there. You have been to the Oil City several times, so you are familiar with it."

"When the time comes, you can meet with their city lord and express our apologies."

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something and changed his words:

"I will write a letter later. You can give it to Hefeng and ask him to take it to the people in Oil City. Also, don't get too close to Oil City. Once Hefeng and the others are placed near Oil City, fly the helicopter immediately. Fly back."

"The situation is so tense now. If you go directly there, they will probably seize both the person and the helicopter."

Hearing this, Fan Haiyang nodded and said, "Okay, it's just the Governor. Hefeng and the others are in our hands. It's no problem to take them there."

"It's just that Sima Xi is still in Sima Dong's hands. I'm afraid he won't hand over Sima Xi."

Yuan Zhi's eyes were filled with anger and he said angrily: "Sima Xi caused all this, and he must bear the consequences!"

"He has to hand it over even if he doesn't!"

Yuan Zhi said and punched the table angrily.

Fan Haiyang lowered his head and remained silent.

"Lao Fan, help me make an appointment with Sima Dong later. I want to talk to him in person." Yuan Zhi said gloomily.

He didn't want to hand over people, but Sima Xi was the cause of this incident. Now Oil City is making a big fuss out of it. If the Northern Federation can crush Oil City, then it doesn't matter if they don't hand over people.

However, there are now millions of zombies outside the outer wall. Once Oil City bombards them with heavy artillery, the entire Northern Federation will not be able to save it.

If the people can be handed over and the anger of Oil City is calmed, that will be the best result for the Northern Federation.

Fan Haiyang was a little unhappy when he heard that Yuan Zhi asked him to go find Sima Dong, but the governor had already given the order. If he didn't do it, he might cause the governor's displeasure.

So Fan Haiyang said: "Okay"

Another place.

Since Oil City opened the door to the building where Sima Xi lives, he has never left the room.

Every time he went out, he would see someone looking at him with complaining eyes.

Even if he goes out for a walk, he is always on tenterhooks, fearing that someone will harm him.

Since then he has never dared to go out again.

During the heavy artillery bombardment, he also saw the wall collapse. At that moment, he regretted extremely, why did he offend the Oil City!

In the past few days, he was like a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouted at him to beat him.

Everyone felt that it was because of him that Oil City came to cause trouble.

He had thought about asking Mu Yang to take the helicopter back and then fly away.

But how could Sima Dong return the helicopter he handed over to him.

Every day feels like a year!

He was worried that the Northern Federation would push him out to calm the anger of Oil City, and he was anxious every day.

But he can't go anywhere now. Sima Dong's people will follow him wherever he goes.

What's comforting is that Mu Yang is still by his side, so he won't be completely alone.

"Mu Yang, do you think they will hand me over?" Sima Xi sat on the sofa and looked at Mu Yang and asked without editing.

His eyes were red and his cheeks were sunken. It was obvious that he hadn't had a good night's sleep in a long time.

Mu Yang pursed his lips. He had also been under great pressure during this period, so he comforted: "Sima Dong is your eldest brother after all, he should be able to help you."


Sima Xi snorted and laughed suddenly.



"Cough cough cough."

He laughed so much that he coughed and couldn't straighten up.

But still laughing wildly.

"It seems that his personality packaging is very good. Hahahaha, Mu Yang, let me make a bet with you. I bet that he will hand me over." Sima Xi smiled and said seriously after a sudden pause.

Mu Yang pursed his lips and did not answer Sima Xi's words.

My heart was desolate.

Although Sima Xi is not a good person, there is nothing to say to him, so he can follow Sima Xi so loyally.

But now, the mountain has collapsed, and no one can tell him how they will go next.

It seems that we have reached a dead end.

Fan Haiyang finally found Sima Dong and took him to meet the governor.

Sima Dong was not alone when he came here. He came with his own guards.

Yuan Zhi saw Sima Dong coming, so he asked the guards around him to leave the office, and asked the guards from both sides to wait outside.

They want to chat privately one on one.

The guard who stopped Sima Dong was originally unwilling to leave Sima Dong, but when Sima Dong saw that the guard beside Yuan Zhi was also called out, he shook his head at the guard.

"You guys wait outside."

The guard paused and did not force himself to follow.

Entering Yuan Zhi's office, Sima Dong said to Yuan Zhi politely:

"Governor, you are looking for me."

When he bombed the outer wall with heavy artillery today and the zombies rushed in from outside, he also sent his men to support him.

At this time, he still had two brigades under his command building blocking walls outside.

The current Northern Federation is experiencing both prosperity and loss.

The zombies are really going to rush in, and everyone will be doomed.

Yuan Zhi stretched out his hand and motioned for him to sit down and chat.

I made him a cup of tea myself and pushed him over.

He didn't say a word the whole time, and his face was expressionless.

Sima Dong also kept his composure and did not speak, his mind frantically thinking about Yuan Zhi's purpose in finding him.

A long while.

Yuan Zhi then said:

"Originally, as the heavy artillery bombardment from Oil City continued today, our outer city would most likely be breached. But they stopped and gave us a choice."

"Hand over Sima Xi!"

"I agreed!"

Yuan Zhi didn't talk nonsense and told him the situation straight to the point.

When Sima Dong heard this, he immediately put down the tea cup that he had put to his mouth.

He frowned and said, "He is my brother!"

The tone is extremely firm!

Yuan Zhi took a deep breath and replied: "You must protect him?"

"Then let's just wait to die!"

Sima Dong frowned when he heard this.

I have a lot on my mind.

Finally he said with a livid face: "I can't do it myself!"

He finally gave in.

Sima Dong's performance was similar to Yuan Zhi's expectation, so he gave a plan: "Tonight, I will send someone to capture Sima Xi, and the guards around you will be transferred."

Sima Dong heard what he said and said, "Can the war with Oil City be avoided by handing over Sima Xi?"

Yuan Zhi said mockingly: "If we hand over Sima Xi, there may be some negotiations, which can delay it for a while; but if we don't hand over, you and I will have no choice but to run away and leave the northern border."

But leaving the North, where else can they go?

All their efforts and hard work are here.

Hearing what Yuan Zhi said, Sima Dong said helplessly: "Okay."

He didn't say too much other nonsense, just like Yuan Zhi at this moment.

At this time, they are grasshoppers on a rope, all for the common benefit.

"No." Yuan Zhi said in a low voice.

This is the time to see off the guests, the matter has been discussed, there is no need to continue to waste time here.

Sima Dong stood up and left without even saying hello.

Both sides understand that the old festivals are not important now, nor are the polite greetings. What is important is how to face the oil city and how to solve the current crisis.

at dusk.

Oil City.

There was a buzz in the sky.

Xiao Jun, Ju Tianrui and others ran out from everywhere and looked up at the helicopter flying over in the sky.

"The city lord and the others are back." Ju Tianrui murmured.

The Northern Federation was beyond his imagination.

He originally thought that this time the city lord went out with the zombie attracting potion and would be as invincible as before.

But he didn't expect to come back now and wait until Lao Xie and the others came over before setting off on the expedition.

It is enough to prove the strength of the Northern Federation.


The helicopter came down.

Ju Tianrui and others greeted him.

"City Lord."

"City Lord."

Li Yu nodded slightly, then looked at Ju Tianrui and said, "Is there any news about the Southern Paradise recently?"

Ju Tianrui quickly said: "Not yet, it's only been a few days since our last transaction ended."

It's only been a few days.

Li Yu breathed a long sigh of relief. It seemed like a month had passed in the past few days in the Northern Federation.

Too many things happened. He was not fully prepared to face the Northern Federation this time, and he was indeed a little hasty.

Oil City is obviously warmer than the northern federal side, but it's still around minus five or six degrees Celsius.

Li Yu saw Wu Jianguo coming down from another helicopter, thought for a while and walked over.

"Uncle Wu, don't worry, I will help you fish out those team members of yours. If the Northern Federation knows what they are doing, they should be sent over in the next few days."

When Wu Jianguo heard what Li Yu said, he said gratefully: "Thank you City Lord!"

He also wanted to say some other words of gratitude, but he didn't know how to say them, so he just said these four words.

Li Yu smiled and said to Wu Jianguo: "We are all our own people, you are welcome."

Afterwards, he had a short five-minute meeting with Xiao Jun, Ju Tianrui and others, then left and returned to his residence in Oil City.

He has a special room in Oil City and will arrange for him to live here whenever he comes to Oil City.

Later, his room was spotted by Sima Xi, who simply decorated it, and the living environment immediately improved to a higher level.

Li Yu didn't take a shower these days and felt a little uncomfortable all over.

In the previous life, he would not feel uncomfortable even if he did not take a bath for half a year, but in this life, living in the inner city of Da Zhangshu Base with favorable conditions, he has become accustomed to taking a hot bath every day.

Returning to Oil City this time, it was normal to rest for two days while waiting for the Northern Federation's choice.

After taking a hot bath, Li Yu put on a new combat uniform and lay on the sofa to review the events of the past few days.

Down a building not far from here.

Young Su Yuan has been released from the interrogation room. During this period, he has been working under Dongtai as an errand boy.

Although this boy is young, his brain is quite active, which makes Dongtai quite satisfied.

Cannon found him, and his first words were: "Your sister may be sent here in two days."

Su Yuan's eyes widened, and then a smile appeared on his face, "Really? Don't lie to me."

Cannon said with a smile: "Well, unless the Northern Federation really wants to die, they should send it here."


The young man's smile made Cannon feel happy too.

Help him realize a dream, just think of it as helping him realize his dream, Dapao said with emotion in his heart.

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