Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 1114. Come and take you to meet the Lord of the City!

An hour later.

They came to the vicinity of Oil City, but they did not get closer. Instead, they landed thirty kilometers away from Oil City.

Now the Northern Federation is at odds with Oil City. If it lands near Oil City, it will be over if it is shot down by them.

The helicopter lands.

Fan Haiyang asked his men to untie He Feng and others.

"That's it, Hefeng. You've been to Oil City and you know how to get there. You can get off here." Fan Haiyang said to Hefeng.

He Feng looked at Fan Haiyang and then at the other people around him, with excitement that could not be concealed on his face.

"Let's go!" Hefeng limped toward the direction of Oil City.

"Wait!" Fan Haiyang suddenly stopped him.

When He Feng heard this, he turned his head nervously and looked at Fan Haiyang, wondering if they had changed their minds temporarily.

Fan Haiyang pointed at Sima Xi who was thrown on the snow and said, "You can take him to Oil City by the way."


He Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he was just going to take Sima Xi with him.

So he nodded and said to Fan Haiyang: "No problem."

Fan Haiyang hesitated for a moment, threw a pistol to Hefeng and said, "You may encounter zombies on the road, so be careful."

In doing so, he also had some thoughts of his own.

Right now, the Northern Federation has a very low chance of winning against Oil City. The Northern Federation doesn't know what it will be like in the future, so be kind to them, or maybe you can fight for something for yourself in the future.

He Feng took it over with some surprise and looked at Fan Haiyang deeply.

When they returned to the north together from Oil City, although Tian Yunxiao did not speak for them when he was targeting them, at least Fan Haiyang did not add fuel to the fire in front of Yuan Zhi.

"Thank you." After saying that, he asked Ma Dong to loosen the rope around Sima Xi's legs, and then pushed him towards the direction of Oil City.

Watching them slowly walk away, Fan Haiyang sighed, shook his head and got on the helicopter.

When he just gave Hefeng the pistol, Yuan Youzhi was right next to him. He hesitated a little, but he still gave it to him.

Yuan Youzhi is Yuan Zhi's cousin. It is very likely that Yuan Youzhi will report him when he goes back this time, but he also has a way to deal with it.

After all, Hefeng and others are still quite far away from the Oil City, and there is no transportation. They can only walk there with their legs, and they are likely to encounter zombies on the road.

They have no weapons, so it will be difficult to deal with zombies if they encounter them.

The most important thing is that now that the Northern Federation is facing internal and external troubles, Yuan Zhi is unlikely to punish him too much.

"Let's go back to the Federation." Fan Haiyang said to everyone.

Yuan Youzhi looked at Fan Haiyang's back with twinkling eyes.

Hefeng and his group walked towards the Oil City.

Hefeng was walking with a limp due to a leg injury. In addition, there were some young family members in the team, which slowed down the walking speed of the entire team, so they did not walk very fast.

The sun was shining overhead, but it was still cold.

Ma Dong made a ring with a rope and put it around Sima Xi's neck. He walked in front and pulled him like an animal.

If looks could kill, Ma Dong would have been killed dozens of times by Sima Xi.

An hour after getting off the helicopter, they had walked less than 4 kilometers. Sima Xi felt that the poop on his calf was frozen, so he started to scratch his calf when he walked. He wanted to stop, but Ma Dong grabbed him.

"I said, don't cause trouble." Ma Dong looked at Sima Xi with warning eyes.

Along the way, Sima Xi also stayed on the ground and refused to move, but Ma Dong used some methods to force him to move.

Seeing Ma Dong's warning eyes, Sima Xi shuddered remembering what Ma Dong had done to him just now, so he could only follow behind obediently, not daring to have any evil thoughts again.

On the way, they also picked up some wooden sticks in the mountains and forests, and then broke them. The end of the sticks was somewhat sharp, and they used them as a counterattack weapon when they encountered zombies.

"Everyone has a five-minute rest." He Feng frowned and said to everyone.

His leg was broken by Tian Yunxiao. If he hadn't had a medical kit at the time, his leg would have become inflamed and he would have died.

But after all, he still didn't have a good time. After walking for such a long time, his legs could no longer hold on.

"Ma Dong, Ming Sheng, listen to me." He Feng found the two of them and said.

"If we walk at this speed, we may not be able to reach Oil City until dark. If we haven't reached Oil City by night, we will be in danger outside."

"In this way, you guys go quickly and go to Oil City first, then find the captain and bring someone to pick us up."

As Hefeng spoke, he breathed heavily and exhaled white breath.

Ma Dong shook his head quickly and said: "No, what if we leave and you encounter zombies behind you?"

Mingsheng also took up the conversation and said, "Yes, we are gone, who will protect everyone?"

He Feng looked at the two of them and said, "There are Shuntian and the others. You two can run fast, so just you two will go. I'll give this to you to defend yourself on the road."

With that said, he handed over the gun that Fan Haiyang had just given to him.

Ma Dong and Ming Sheng remained silent.

He Feng looked at the sky and saw that it was already afternoon.

So he said a little angrily: "When the captain left, did you ask me to take care of you? Don't you want to obey the order? Ma Dong, look at how your father can walk so fast at such an old age. And Ming Sheng, you My sister is only eleven years old, how can she walk so fast!"

Ma Dong and Ming Sheng heard what Hefeng said and had no choice but to accept it.

"We have this. I'll leave the gun to you. Help me take care of my family." Ma Dong glanced at his old father and said in a low voice.

He Feng shook his head and handed the gun over, "Take it."

"I told you we have this wooden stick, and we can run fast. Even if we encounter zombies, we can always run away." Ma Dong said, raising a wooden stick in his hand.

"Okay, you go quickly." He Feng said.

Afterwards, Ma Dong and Ming Sheng each went to the team to talk to their families for a few words, then tightened their shoelaces and ran towards the Oil City with their wooden sticks.

They had received two full years of special training under Wu Jianguo, so their physical fitness was quite good. The reason why Wu Jianguo selected them in the first place was because of their tough character and strong physique.

The two ran like crazy for more than 20 kilometers, which was slightly longer than a half-marathon. It would take an average person about two hours to complete the run.

At this time, the snow environment will affect them to some extent, and they were also tortured on the river a while ago, and their physical fitness has dropped a lot.

The two of them didn't waste any time, took the direction of Oil City, and ran as fast as they could.

The sooner they arrive at Oil City, the sooner they can bring people over to pick up Hefeng and others.

The cold wind howled in their ears, making their ears turn red from the cold.

The wooden stick in his hand was thrown away long ago because it seemed to affect the rhythm and speed of running.

The two of them had only one thought in their heads and ran to Oil City as fast as possible.

An hour later, they stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the Oil City in the distance, feeling extremely excited.

This is less than ten kilometers away from the Oil City, the final sprint.

The two continued to run wildly.

Since there were no breathing masks, the icy cold wind was sucked directly into their lungs, making their lungs and throats extremely uncomfortable.

Even so, they still dare not stop. The sooner they arrive, the sooner their families will be safe.

Crazy dash.

After coming down from the mountain, it is flat land.

They ran wildly across the flat ground, hoping someone from Oil City would see them.

Oil City.

On top of the sentry tower.

Dongtai looked around with the telescope, put it down, and then said to Su Yuan beside him: "Can you use the drone?"

Su Yuan controlled the drone to a height of two hundred meters and performed various difficult movements at will.

Hover, fly, turn, flip.


Dongtai saw him playing with the drone so smoothly, so he smiled and said, "Have you ever played with it before?"

"No, this is my first time playing. It's quite interesting." A smile appeared on the young man's face, looking a little innocent.

"Hahaha, young people can play this thing better than us. You are talented." Dongtai touched his head.

During this time, he also had a good impression of this young man who was still underage. He learned everything very quickly, and the most important thing was that he was also very sensible and clever.

He doesn't hold any grudge against his previous interrogation.

At this time, Dongtai suddenly heard the voice of the team member coming from the intercom: "At 12 o'clock, about seven kilometers away, there are two people heading towards the Oil City."

Dongtai quickly put the telescope on the stand and took a look.

In the field of vision, there happened to be two people running towards the direction of Oil City.

"These two people are somewhat familiar," Dongtai thought to himself as he looked at Ma Dong and Ming Sheng.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and immediately picked up the walkie-talkie to contact Li Yu:

"City Lord, there are two people running over outside. They may be sent by the Northern Federation, members of Angkor's team!"


“The repair of the gap in Oil City must be accelerated.”

Li Yu was talking in the conference room when he was interrupted by the voice from the middle station on the intercom.

Everyone in the conference room heard Dongtai's voice.


The third uncle suddenly stood up and walked outside. He wanted to find Wu Jianguo.

After Li Yu heard Dongtai's voice, he did not get up immediately, but closed his eyes for a few seconds.

Then he said to everyone:

"Strengthen martial law, prepare anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft machine guns."

"Lao Bi, you should go to the helicopter and stand by immediately, and take off as soon as you receive my message."

Finally, he said to Dongtai: "Okay, I understand, come here now."

The reason why he is like this is that he is worried that there is fraud in it.

The people have been delivered, but what about the helicopter?

The more times like this come, the less you can relax.

The meeting was interrupted and Oil City entered a first-level alert state.

As soon as Li Yu and Xiao Jun walked out of the conference room, they saw their third uncle coming with Wu Jianguo.

Wu Jianguo's face looked calm, but his heart was already in turmoil.

Li Yu glanced at Wu Jianguo and said to Wu Jianguo: "Uncle Wu, let's go over together to see if he is one of your team members."

"Yeah!" Wu Jianguo nodded eagerly.

The other side.

After Dongtai said that to Li Yu, Su Yuan's hand next to Dongtai shook and the drone almost fell. He quickly calmed down and quickly lowered the drone.

Then he asked Dongtai: "Is my sister here too? Let me take a look."

There was no concealment of excitement and joy in his tone.

Dongtai stepped aside to show him the two people in the telescope, and said, "Maybe your sister is behind."

Su Yuan did not see his sister through the telescope, and was a little disappointed at first, but after hearing what Dongtai said, he immediately clenched his fists and said:

"Yes, it must be behind, it must be behind!"

A face turned red from being too excited.

At this time, Li Yu came up with Wu Jianguo and Xiao Jun.

"City Lord."

"City Lord."

Dongtai and Su Yuan said quickly.

After Su Yuan saw Li Yu, the smile on his face faded a little, and he looked at Li Yu with respect and fear.

Li Yu glanced at Su Yuan lightly, nodded slightly to them, and then said to Wu Jianguo: "Uncle Wu, look to see if he is one of your team members."

Then he pointed to the telescope.

"Okay." Wu Jianguo didn't talk nonsense. After nodding, he stood directly in front of the shelf and looked through the binoculars.

At this glance, he recognized Ma Dong and Ming Sheng.

He said with a trembling voice: "It's them, it's them!"

Li Yu smiled and nodded: "That's good, Xiao Jun will send a car to pick him up."

Wu Jianguo said quickly: "I'll go too."

"Okay." Li Yu did not refuse his proposal.

Soon, a car that had been prepared for a long time arrived, and Xiao Jun and Wu Jianguo got on.

Boom boom——

drive out.

far away.

Ma Dong was running and saw a car driving out of the oil city. He shouted breathlessly: "Mingsheng, they have seen us, they have seen us!"

"Huhu——" Mingsheng slowly slowed down his pace, breathing heavily, with expectation and desire in his eyes.

The last time they came over and saw Oil City, they were on guard.

But this time, they contained desire and expectation.

Only Oil City could save them, and so it was.

They could guess that the reason why the Northern Federation sent them here was because of the face of Oil City.

They knew that it must be Wu Jianguo who proposed to Oil City to rescue them. However, facing such a large northern federation, Oil City was able to fish them out. This was a huge kindness.

One is the Northern Federation, where they have lived for several years, and the other is Oil City, which was their enemy at the beginning. The gap between them is ridiculously large.

Over the years, they have done hard work for the Federation, even if they don't take credit for it.

They had feelings for the Northern Federation before, but what Yuan Zhi did to them ruthlessly tore their feelings to pieces. Their near-death experience made them hate the Northern Territory, Yuan Zhi, and Tian Yunxiao.

Boom boom!

The vehicle will arrive in an instant.

The two of them looked at Wu Jianguo who got out of the car, their eyes were red, and they shouted to the captain.

The two of them were like wanderers who had been wandering outside for a long time and were bullied outside. When they returned home and saw their elders, the feeling of grievance suddenly came to their hearts.

Looking back on these days, when they were repairing in the rivers of the Northern Federation, in the dark and damp basement, they did not show any weakness in the face of Tian Yunxiao's various attacks.

But at the moment when he saw Wu Jianguo, all his strength melted away.

The flesh on Wu Jianguo's face trembled. He walked over, hugged the two of them hard, patted their shoulders and said, "It's all my fault for making you suffer!"

Ma Dong shook his head and said firmly:

"I don't blame you, I just blame Tian Yunxiao and that old guy Yuan Zhi. Captain, you were right when you left. If not for this, we still wouldn't be able to see their disgusting true face."

"Where are Hefeng and the others?" Wu Jianguo asked quickly.

Upon hearing this, Ma Dong quickly said: "They are walking slowly and are behind. Let's come over first to report the news. Captain, can you send someone to pick them up?"

Wu Jianguo thought for a while and said:

"It should be possible, but I will take you to see our city lord first."

"Okay." The two nodded.

They didn't see Li Yu the last time they came to Oil City.

This time I can finally meet this mysterious city lord of the Big Zhangshu Base.

With eagerness and anxiety, they immediately got in the car.

The vehicle started and drove to Oil City.

(asking for monthly ticket)

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