Northern Commonwealth.

Fan Haiyang and others arrived in the inner city. As soon as they got off the helicopter, Fan Haiyang and Yuan Youzhi immediately went to the Governor's Mansion to report to Yuan Zhi.

The Governor was sitting in his office at this time, with several people standing in front of him.

"You still haven't figured out the reason for the zombie siege?" Yuan Zhi asked with a frown.

A man wearing gold-rimmed glasses said nervously:

"We caught two zombies, dissected and studied them, and compared them with previous zombies, but found nothing. The zombies outside are most likely controlled by some means that we can't see, and we have no way of starting."

After hearing this, Yuan Zhi waved his hand distractedly and asked them to go down.

"It's still the same idea I gave you before, the path of the five senses. You check them one by one. I won't talk about the rest. You should find out the reason as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Governor, we will go all out!" the man with gold-rimmed glasses said quickly.

After saying that, he and several experts beside him left the governor's office.

When they went out, they happened to meet Fan Haiyang and Yuan Youzhi who walked in.

There was no communication with each other and they just passed each other.

"Governor." The two said to Yuan Zhi in unison after entering.

Yuan Zhi nodded slightly and asked, "Sent them all? Nothing went wrong, right?"

"No, according to your order, we sent Hefeng, Sima Xi and others thirty kilometers away from Oil City. They should arrive in Oil City now." Fan Haiyang said.


Yuan Zhi stood up from the sofa, walked to the window and looked at the desperate tide of zombies outside, and said quietly: "I hope the letter I wrote can have some effect."

After Fan Haiyang finished his report, he stood and waited for a while. It was not until Yuan Zhi asked them to go down that Fan Haiyang resigned and left together with Yuan Youzhi.

The two left the Governor's Mansion together and separated.

It was already getting late, and Fan Haiyang planned to go back to his residence to rest, but when he turned the corner, he turned back and glanced at the Governor's Mansion.

But he found that Yuan Youzhi, who had just separated from him, returned to the Governor's Mansion.

When he saw this scene, he squinted his eyes, pretended not to notice it and continued to turn back to his residence.

Office of the Governor.

Although Yuan Zhi was confused when he saw Yuan Youzhi coming back, he quickly guessed that Yuan Youzhi had something to say to him, and it was about this trip.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Zhi looked at him and asked.

"Cousin, I think Fan Haiyang may have some small thoughts." Yuan Youzhi said in a low voice.

Yuan Zhi frowned and asked, "Why do you see it?"

So Yuan Youzhi told Yuan Zhi that Fan Haiyang took good care of He Feng and others along the way, and even gave him a gun when he left.

After Yuan Zhi heard this, his eyes narrowed into a thin line.

At present, Oil City is powerful and the Northern Federation is weak. Fan Haiyang's doing this is a bit like making good friends with Hefeng. Making good friends with Hefeng means making good friends with Oil City.

Does this confirm that the Northern Federation has failed, that Oil City can win the final victory and then pave some way for itself?

But on the other hand, He Feng already had a relationship with Fan Haiyang, and he was thirty kilometers away from the Oil City. It was reasonable to give him a gun for self-defense, and it was also for the purpose of completing the mission.

Fan Haiyang couldn't fault it when he did this.

However, this incident was like a thorn in Yuan Zhi's heart.

He couldn't help but wonder whether he should take back the rights in Fan Haiyang's hands.

After thinking for a while, he gave up.

At present, the Northern Federation is facing internal and external troubles. Fan Haiyang has been with him for many years anyway, and his ability is quite outstanding. He has managed the Northern Federation in an orderly manner, so he should keep him for now.

After thinking clearly, he said to Yuan Youzhi:

"Okay, I know what's going on. Is there anything else?"

Yuan Youzhi said with some surprise: "Don't you want to deal with him?"

Yuan Zhi said in a somewhat unpleasant tone: "I have already told you that I know what I am doing. The situation is not very good now. If I touch him, what will others think?"

"I understand." Yuan Youzhi saw that his cousin was not in a good mood, so he did not dare to talk back.


Yuan Zhi opened the window, and a loud noise came from outside. It was the outer city construction team repairing the wall.

Yuan Zhi sighed: "The human heart cannot be dispersed."

Oil City.

Li Yu took the letter that He Feng personally handed to him in the afternoon, and it was also a letter written to him personally by Yuan Zhi.

In the afternoon, I discussed the arrangements of Hefeng and others with my third uncle, and also contacted Lao Xie and others who were coming to Oil City.

He never had time to open it and read it. It was at night that he remembered the letter.

He tore open the envelope and shook the letter paper inside.


I wrote three whole pages, which were densely packed with words.

After spending a few minutes reading the contents of the letter, Li Yu raised his head, took a deep breath, smiled and shook his head.

This Yuan Zhi is indeed a person who can establish such a powerful force as the Northern Federation. In his letter, he actually said that Li Yu would take over the Northern Federation. He, Yuan Zhi, was willing to step down as governor, but the corresponding request was not to adjust. Existing organizational structure.

And, most importantly, he asked Li Yu to go to the Northern Federation to discuss the matter in person.

This old fox!

If Li Yu really passed away, once he was under control, it would be difficult to come out again.

Showing weakness first, and then digging such an obvious hole, is this looking down on him?

He even secretly promoted Li Yu in his heart, praising Li Yu as a brave and courageous person, and picked him up just to seduce him to go to the Northern Federation in person.

Perhaps Yuan Zhi had learned through Liu Weimeng that Li Yu was relatively young, so he adopted this provocation method.

But Li Yu is the kind of young boy who will run over in person when provoked.

He stood up and threw the letter on the table, his eyes flashing with thought.

Since Yuan Zhi invited him, he can talk, but he can't go there to talk by himself, he has to send someone to talk.

Who would be better to send over to talk? Li Yu looked at the letter on the table and fell into deep thought.

The person sent out represents their Da Zhangshu base, and to be able to deal with the old fox Yuan Zhi, he must have enough determination.

After thinking about it, there are several candidates, including Sanshu, Ju Tianrui, Xiao Jun and Lao Xie who came over, they should all be suitable.

However, sending him to the Northern Federation would involve certain risks. Out of selfish considerations, he excluded his third uncle from the list of options.

He looked at the dark night outside the window, thought carefully for a long time, and finally settled on Ju Tianrui and Xiao Jun.

I haven't decided who to let go yet, but I'll wait until Lao Xie and the others arrive.

Thinking of this, Li Yu got up, turned off the light, and went to sleep!

It is more than 200 kilometers away from Oil City.

Wu City.

Starting all the way from the Da Zhangshu base, Lao Xie and others, who stayed up and down at night, were stationed in the suburbs of Wu City.

It was a cold night, so they stayed in the car and turned on the heater. Although it consumed more fuel, the four tank trucks they brought loaded with more than 100 tons of fuel were enough for them to consume.

The space inside the car is limited, so they can only lie down on the seats to rest.

But it's better than staying outside.

"Tomorrow, we will work hard to arrive in Oil City in the afternoon!" Lao Xie said to Huang Zheng next to him.

Huang Zheng nodded and said: "It should be okay, it's only more than two hundred kilometers, so it won't be so rushed."

Lao Xie opened the car window a little to allow fresh air to enter the car, pushed the seat back, and put a hat on his head.


After saying that, the purring sound started five seconds later.

"???" Huang Zheng looked at Lao Xie who fell asleep in five seconds, surprised and a little envious. This speed of falling asleep was a little too fast.

"Okay." Huang Zheng murmured, and then he also knocked down the seat, stretched his legs forward, folded his hands on his chest, and slowly fell asleep.

the next day.

Li Yu woke up early in the morning and saw his third uncle finding him in a hurry.

"Hefeng's leg can't be dragged any longer. I took a look at his injuries yesterday. If it drags on for a while, he may actually be walking with a limp for the rest of his life."

Li Yu just got up, his mouth was dry and he was drinking water.

After hearing what his third uncle said, he put down the empty glass of water.

He said to his third uncle, "Then I'll ask Lao Bi and He Ma to prepare, load the medical equipment that Master Hu sent previously onto the helicopter, and then set off."

"Well, Lao Xie is arriving today. After they arrive, we should go to the Northern Federation, right?" Third Uncle asked.

Li Yu nodded, picked up a letter from the table, handed it to his third uncle and said:

"This is a letter written by Yuan Zhi, the governor of the Northern Territory Federation, and asked Hefeng to bring it to me. Third uncle, please take a look."

The third uncle took the letter, opened it and read it quickly.

He frowned and said immediately: "You can't go!"

Li Yu said with a smile: "I know, of course I won't go there in person, but I also want to know what Yuan Zhi is up to."

"Besides, we have to wait until Lao Xie and the others arrive to do this together. Then we won't have to worry about the threat from their helicopters."

The third uncle nodded slightly and said, "Okay, you definitely can't go, I can go there in your place."


Li Yu shook his head and said: "Third uncle, you can't go. I plan to let one of Ju Tianrui or Xiao Jun go there. Well, if possible, I hope Uncle Wu can go too. He is more familiar with the Northern Federation."

The third uncle frowned and said, "But."

"In case they detain the people we sent."

As he spoke, the third uncle stopped again.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "Okay, I will do as you say. I will talk to Nut about this later. We will deter them near the Northern Federation by then, and they should not dare to mess around."

"Yes, I thought so too."

The two agreed, and Li Yu also briefly talked about the people he planned to send and the conditions proposed by Yuan Zhi.

The third uncle added some suggestions, and then the two of them went downstairs.

After going downstairs, the third uncle immediately found Lao Bi and asked him to carry the batch of medical equipment that Master Hu had given him to the helicopter and take them back to the headquarters of the Da Zhangshu base. In addition, he also asked him to take the injured He on his leg. Take Feng back to the headquarters together.

When Lao Bi heard that he could go back to the headquarters, he naturally agreed.

So he asked Marcelon and the others to help and get the medical equipment onto the helicopter.

The other side.

After the third uncle finished explaining his death, he found Wu Jianguo and told him about taking Hefeng back to the headquarters base.

Wu Jianguo seemed very happy after hearing this.

"Nuts, there is another matter I want to discuss with you." Third Uncle said.

Wu Jianguo saw the serious expression on his third uncle's face, so he also suppressed his smile and said: "Captain, if you have anything to do, just ask me. I will do it regardless of whether I can do it or not."

When he heard what he said, the third uncle did not beat around the bush and said straight to the point:

"When Lao Xie arrives, we will go to the Northern Federation again to resolve this matter completely."

"Yuan Zhi, the governor of the Northern Federation, wrote us a letter, saying that he can step down from the position of governor and let us, the city lord, take over. He just needs the city lord to go and discuss some specific matters with him in person."

When he heard that Li Yu was asked to go in person, Wu Jianguo quickly said: "The city lord can't go. He is going. Soldiers are not afraid of deception. We will be very passive when the time comes."


The third uncle nodded and continued: "When the time comes, we will take the team there with us. We just need two people to negotiate with them, and one of them needs to be familiar with the Northern Federation."

Wu Jianguo understood what his third uncle meant instantly.

But he hesitated for a while, asking him to face Yuan Zhi again and negotiate with him at the same time. This was a bit difficult for him, who was not good at words.

So he hesitated and said, "I can go, but my ability to express myself is not very good, mainly because I'm afraid of causing trouble."

The third uncle replied: "You don't need to worry about this. You don't need to speak. We will send another person to talk to them. You mainly accompany him and protect him."

"In addition, we will also be ready near the Northern Federation. Once the Northern Federation captures you, we will immediately bomb their walls."

Wu Jianguo was relieved when he heard that he didn't have to communicate with Yuan Zhi himself.

"That's no problem, I can go."

When he heard that Wu Jianguo agreed, although it was as expected, the third uncle was still very happy.

"Okay, I guess we will go to the Northern Federation in the next two days. Then we will give you two walkie-talkies to keep in communication at all times."


Later, the third uncle and Wu Jianguo found Hefeng and asked him to come to the helipad for two hours and take Lao Bi's helicopter back to the headquarters' Dazhangshu base.

After Ma Dong and others heard the news, they were even happier than He Feng.

"Brother Feng, your legs will definitely get better when you go to the Da Zhangshu Base."

"Yes, yes, I heard from people around me yesterday that the headquarters of the Da Zhangshu Base is great. When you come back, you can tell us what the Da Zhangshu Base looks like."

Seeing everyone so excited, He Feng felt warm in his heart and said with a smile: 'No problem, I will come over and join you as soon as my leg injury heals. ’

Watch until the clouds open and the moon shines brightly.

Hefeng, who was locked in the cell and thought they were dead for a time, now looked better and better, and longing for a better future burned in his heart.

I am even more curious about the legendary Big Camphor Tree Base.

What is the difference between the Great Zhangshu Base and the Northern Federation?

He thought secretly in his heart.

Just two hours later, Hefeng walked to the tarmac.

When Lao Bi saw He Feng, he took the initiative to walk over and said with a smile: "You are He Feng, right? We met yesterday. Just call me Lao Bi."

After Hefeng saw Lao Bi, he quickly said: "Hello, Brother Bi, I'm sorry."

"Be polite!" Lao Bi pretended to be serious.

Then he smiled and said: "I'm kidding you, get on the helicopter quickly, I'll be waiting for you."

Hefeng nodded quickly and limped onto the helicopter.

Outside the helicopter, Ma Dong, Wu Jianguo and others were watching them leave.

Buzz buzz——

The helicopter took off with a roar and flew towards the Da Zhangshu base.

In the opposite direction, there was a mighty motorcade heading towards Oil City.

The third uncle told Li Yu that Wu Jianguo was willing to go, and Li Yu communicated with the third uncle.

It was finally decided to let Ju Tianrui go over. Ju Tianrui has the style of a general and is calm and calm in facing various scenarios. This time he will not lose the people of Oil City.

And at the critical moment, Ju Tianrui is calm and rational, and should be able to withstand Yuan Zhi.

Ju Tianrui left, and Dongtai and Xiao Jun will manage the Oil City for the time being.

Later, Li Yu found Ju Tianrui and explained the task to him. His third uncle went there with him because he wanted to see Ju Tianrui's reaction.

"I'll go." After hearing what Li Yu said, Ju Tianrui agreed without hesitation.

Li Yu was very satisfied with his attitude, so he said with a smile: "We can't guarantee that after you pass, Yuan Zhi may tie you up or kill you."

Ju Tianrui raised his head and said: "Then City Lord, you can bomb them. They should not dare to do anything to us."

"Hahaha." Li Yu laughed.

Ju Tianrui won his heart and what he said was very nice.

(asking for monthly ticket)

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