Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 1124 Our city lord said, you are thinking shit!

His tone was understated, but his words were extremely strong.

This resolute attitude expresses the position of the Da Zhangshu Base.

If you want to talk, then show your sincerity. If you don't talk, we don't care.

This is not a reciprocal negotiation. When someone holds a gun to your head, it means nothing if you talk nonsense.

On the contrary, it will also cause dissatisfaction on the other side.

After Yuan Zhi heard Ju Tianrui's words, his face turned extremely ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said one word: "Talk!"

Hearing this, Ju Tianrui put down the teacup, stared at Yuan Zhi and said, "It's so serious that it's already like this. I have to say something else."

"Still the same conditions, 1. Allow us to station troops in the Northern Federation.

2. Turn in all helicopters.

3. Leave control of the military to our leadership.

4. All large-caliber artillery pieces were handed over.


Yuan Zhi sat down slowly, and instead of answering directly according to Ju Tianrui's words, he said, "I have some questions, I hope you can answer them."

"1. If the military power is handed over to you, how can we ensure the personal safety of our people?"

"2. In addition, how do you plan to arrange the rest of us?"

Yuan Zhi asked many questions.

After finishing speaking, he quietly waited for Ju Tianrui to answer.

But Ju Tianrui did not answer Yuan Zhi immediately, but listened carefully to what Li Yu said to him.

After a full minute, he slowly said:

"first question."

"You can retain most of the existing teams. In addition, we will not interfere with the operations of the Northern Federation. You only need to hand over 10% of the food produced by the Northern Federation every month and some other Industrial products, and the labor costs provided to our garrison personnel can be deducted from ammunition and food.”

"It's just that your existing helicopter brigade and the inner city wall air defense brigade must be handed over to us."

"You are free to make your own decisions regarding other matters, but if there are major military activities, you must apply and report them to the Zhangshu Base."

"second question."

"Actually, it overlaps with the first question. I just said that we will not manage the affairs of the Northern Federation. You can maintain the existing system and even personnel appointments. We fully respect you."

In response to several questions raised by Yuan Zhi, Ju Tianrui answered them one by one.

The Northern Federation is too complex. If it wants to be completely under control, a large number of personnel must be sent to fill the vacancies.

However, there are not many people in Da Zhangshu base, so at most two to three hundred people can be sent here.

But as long as there is the deterrent of zombie attracting medicine, it is equivalent to possessing nuclear weapons before the end of the world.

It has the highest military command of the Northern Federation, and many military orders require the permission of the Da Zhangshu Base, so it already has a lot of initiative.

Whether before the end of the world or now, the most important thing is always the military command power. As for other rights, they are not as important.

In addition, occupying the helicopter brigade and the air defense brigade in the inner city is equivalent to controlling the air superiority in the Northern Federation.

Once the Northern Federation has mastered the air superiority, once the Northern Federation gets naughty, it will be easy to clean up.

Helicopters can be sent from Oil City to carry out bombing at any time.

At the same time, the heavy weapons of the Northern Federation were weakened. When the Da Zhangshu base gradually develops into a stronger one, it can gradually increase its control over the Northern Federation.

Now, for the Da Zhangshu Base, the most important thing is to gain air control.

After Yuan Zhi listened to what Ju Tianrui said, he was silent for a few seconds.

Sima Dong and others beside him began to discuss.

For them, the request put forward by the Da Zhangshu Base is completely acceptable to them.

After all, the Yuan Zhi family was originally the largest in the Northern Federation. Before Sima Liang died, the Sima family could still fight with Yuan Zhi.

But with the death of Sima Liang, Sima Xi destroyed nearly half of the Sima family's strength. Sima Dong alone could not fight Yuan Zhi.

For them, it is nothing more than having an extra grandpa.

The forces in the Northern Federation were relatively complex, and Yuan Zhi was unable to fully integrate them, so he established a federal system.

He arranged his own manpower at key positions in the Northern Federation, and left some uncritical positions to other forces.

Therefore, as long as the Da Zhangshu base does not take away their rights, they will not suffer much loss if Da Zhangshu comes in.

However, the person who felt the most uncomfortable with this suggestion was Yuan Zhi.

Because this means that in the future there will be a father above his head who will take care of him at any time.

A sad group.

But it seems that Yuan Zhi can only accept the current situation.

Or all those years of hard work have been wasted.

Or just endure the big camphor tree base riding on his head.

Yuan Zhi is not alone. Behind him is the entire Yuan family. There are dozens of direct members of the Yuan family.

This is also the reason why Yuan Zhi can control the Northern Federation in the end of the world. He has a family behind him.

However, because there were too many people, it became the reason why Yuan Zhi was unable to break the pot.

If the zombies break through, they can leave here in a helicopter.

But the capacity of the helicopter is only that large. Where can they go after leaving the Northern Federation? Helicopters can't bring much food and supplies, so let them give up their rights and build a brand new home by themselves. If they encounter a wave of zombies, they will be destroyed in minutes.

Moreover, the Yuan family, who were accustomed to stability in the Northern Federation, were actually unwilling to leave the Northern Territory.

Driven by various subjective and objective factors, Yuan Zhi had reasons to stay in the north.


After Ju Tianrui finished speaking, Sima Dong said, "Captain Ju, if this is really what you said, then there is no problem with our Sima family."

"Yes, there is no problem with our Ding family."

"Second, my Zhao family has no problem."

"My loyal friends also agree."

This formation has the feeling of forcing the palace, forcing Yuan Zhi, the largest force in the Northern Federation, to agree.

In fact, this was foreseen.

During this period, the siege of tens of millions of zombies caused great psychological pressure on them. In the past, when there were no foreign enemies like the Da Zhangshu Base, Yuan Zhi was able to completely suppress them.

But now that life and death are at stake, everyone naturally seeks to survive.

As for the helicopter brigade, Yuan Zhi is in control and will not take away their rights at all.

When the Da Zhangshu Base came in, it also wanted 10% of their food and industrial products.

It was pretty much the same as it is now.

In the Northern Federation, which was previously under the control of Yuan Zhi, they also had to pay some tribute to Yuan Zhi.

Now it is nothing more than giving the donated materials directly to the Da Zhangshu Base.

After being oppressed by Yuan Zhi for so long, they are happy to see the results!

Listening to the discussions around him, Yuan Zhi's face became increasingly ugly.

Internal and external troubles, as expected.

Just after the discussion, the internal support has basically shifted towards the Da Zhangshu Base. How can we strive for more rights and interests?

Show generosity to others, what these people do is genuine 6.

Yuan Zhi looked down on them before, but now he gave him a fatal blow.

Yuan Zhi glared at Wu Jianguo, because Ju Tianrui would not have made such a request if he did not have a relatively in-depth understanding of the Northern Federation.

Invisibly attracting other small forces.

After Ju Tianrui finished speaking, he quietly waited for Yuan Zhi's answer, neither urging nor speaking anymore.

Yuan Zhi had no time to get angry at this time, and his mind was a little messy.

He did not expect that Sima Dong and others would be stabbed in the back.

"In this case, can you let me think about it for two days and give you a reply after two days?" Yuan Zhi said in a consultative tone.

After Ju Tianrui heard Li Yu's answer, he shook his head lightly and said:

"No, our time is precious. We must talk clearly today. If we can talk, we will talk today. If not, then..."

He didn't finish what he said, but the meaning was self-evident.

Yuan Zhi suddenly stood up and said to Ju Tianrui: "Give me twenty minutes and I'll think about it. I'm not feeling well right now. I'll come down later."

Ju Tianrui made a gesture of invitation, "Whatever you want."

Yuan Zhi left the large conference room without looking back.

After he left, Yuan Youzhi and Yuan Luo followed him.

After Yuan Zhi left, the other leaders of small forces in the conference room immediately showed their favor to Ju Tianrui.

"My name is Ding Yuanzong. There are also hundreds of people here in the Northern Federation. I am currently mainly responsible for car maintenance and some food production."

"Sima Dong, I really want to make progress."

When Ju Tianrui heard the name Sima Dong, he glanced at Sima Dong in surprise and asked, "Sima Xi is your brother, right?"

Sima Dong didn't hide anything and replied: "Yes."

"You won't be angry if we kill your brother, right?" Ju Tianrui felt a little unhappy when he said this.

It feels a bit bitchy.

Sima Dong said with a normal expression: "I'm not familiar with him. He deserves it. I've warned him before. If he doesn't listen, death will be the retribution."

"Don't worry, if Sima Xi dies, he deserves to die. Our Da Zhangshu base is also doing this to eliminate harm to the people."

When Lao Bi heard what Sima Dong said, his lips almost curled up, and the whites of his eyes rolled up to the sky.

He snorted coldly.

But Sima Dong did not show embarrassment because of Lao Bi's cold snort.

When Ju Tianrui saw his performance, he took a look at Sima Donggao. He was not a simple guy.

As far as he knew, apart from Yuan Zhi, the Sima family was the most powerful in the Northern Federation.

This Sima family should be more careful in the future.

Ju Tianrui nodded slightly, and then continued to argue with several other little bosses.

Li Yu has given him a death order. No matter what, today's negotiation must have a result.

Too much time has been spent on the Northern Federation.

This is just a negotiation. The subsequent garrisoning and handover will take time, and things may easily go wrong.

Let’s talk about it first, and then we’ll look at Yuan Zhi’s performance later.

But he said that after Yuan Zhi left the conference room, he returned to the governor's office upstairs.

A dozen people came in behind him, all of them were his confidants and the Yuan family.

"Governor, how about I kill them, and then let's escape in a helicopter!?" Liu Wei said with fierce eyes as soon as he came in.

Chao Yuan glanced at Liu Wei but said nothing.

There are only eight helicopters in total. Even if the helicopter that flew the people from Oil City was snatched, it would not be able to accommodate many people.

Not to mention there are supplies and fuel.

Yuan Zhi has always been in charge of the helicopter. They cannot take all the Yuan family members away, let alone outsiders like them.

Liu Wei is still too naive, Chao Yuan thought to himself.

Wang An looked at everyone, thought for a while and said:

"Governor, how about we agree to them first and stabilize them first? After all, the current conditions are still acceptable and we also have a certain degree of autonomy.

After they control the zombies and leave, we will slowly figure out why they were able to control the zombies, and then we will take them back! "

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Zhi's expression changed.

After Ma Song saw Yuan Zhi's expression, he took the initiative to stand up and said:

"Governor, Wang An is right."

"We first verbally promised them to push back the zombie tide. Even if they want to garrison troops, air defense brigade, or helicopter brigade, they can delay it for a while with the excuse that it takes time. The top priority is to let them get rid of the zombies. Walk."

"And when they clear out the zombie tide, we may be able to figure out why they can control the zombies."

"If they can't control zombies, we don't have to be afraid of them."

What Ma Song said completely aroused Yuan Zhi's interest.

So he said to everyone: "What do you think?"

Chao Yuan closed his mouth and said nothing. He actually thought that the people in Oil City would not be so stupid and would get rid of the zombies first.

This Ma Song might have been kicked in the head by a donkey today for coming up with such a bad idea.

Yuan Zhi was under too much pressure during this period, and consumed too much mental energy. His thinking was a little slow, and he was not thinking carefully about problems.

Seeing that no one else answered him at this time, he said: "That's it, I will promise them later, and you will all observe carefully for me to find out how they control the zombies. "

Twenty minutes flew by.

Chao Yuan followed Yuan Zhi and sighed calmly.

Before Yuan Zhi entered the conference room, he heard laughter inside.

"Hahaha, Captain Ju, I didn't see you the last time I came to Oil City. I did deal with that Xiao Jun." Fan Haiyang said to Ju Tianrui with a smile.

There was a faint smile on Ju Tianrui's lips. Before coming to the Northern Federation, Li Yu gave him a list.

On this list, there are people in the Northern Federation who are worth winning over.

Among them is Fan Haiyang.

Being able to win over and weaken Yuan Zhi will be of great benefit to the later control of the Northern Federation.

If the Northern Federation were to unite like an iron bucket, it would still be a bit tricky.

If water leaks everywhere, it will be much easier to control.

In the Northern Federation, not only can these small forces be utilized, but also a few of Yuan Zhi's subordinates can be supported to prevent Yuan Zhi's family from becoming dominant.

Ju Tianrui said calmly: "I heard Xiao Jun mention you, you are very good."

It was a very good sentence, which gave Fan Haiyang an instant reassurance.


At this moment, Yuan Zhi walked in.

After he came in, he kept looking at Fan Haiyang, who was no longer frightened at this time.

He has someone on his staff.

Now that Da Zhangshu Base is here, we can protect him.

In the future, as long as we hold on to the thigh of Da Zhangshu Base, we will never have to look at Yuan Zhi's face again.

Ju Tianrui saw Yuan Zhi walking in, so he asked:

"How's it going? Governor Yuan, have you thought about it?"

Yuan Zhi looked heavy and nodded slowly:

"Okay, but I have a few conditions."

Ju Tianrui said: "You say it."

"I am still the governor, managing the entire Northern Federation."

Ju Tianrui nodded and said, "Okay."

"The zombies have been sieging the city for a while. Can you get rid of the zombies first? The helicopter brigade and air defense brigade are a bit complicated, and the handover will probably take some time. Get rid of the zombies first, and we can hand over slowly."

After Yuan Zhi finished speaking, he looked at Ju Tianrui nervously.


Everyone looked at Ju Tianrui in unison.

Ju Tianrui said with a smile: "Our city lord said that you are thinking nonsense!"

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