In the remote Pacific Ocean.

Deep in the ocean, there is a huge meteorite. The surface of the meteorite is uneven and exudes a faint light.

A deep-sea animal swam past the meteorite, and the water rippled on top of the huge meteorite.


A bubble suddenly appeared on the surface of the meteorite.

Immediately afterwards, this huge meteorite continued to emit heat, and more and more bubbles emerged.

Half an hour later.

Gulu gulu——

In this small area of ​​​​the sea, bubbles are constantly popping up.

Even the sea water nearby became boiling hot, churning up more water vapor.

The bubbling area is getting bigger and bigger, expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The water vapor evaporates, forming a sea fog.

The sea fog was hazy, and nothing could be seen in the thick fog.

As time goes by, the area covered by sea fog becomes larger and larger.

Oil City.

After running around for three days, Li Yu, Lao Luo and others finally arrived here.

Third Uncle and the others returned to Oil City as early as yesterday.

They left two helicopters in the Northern Federation and brought the rest back.

Excluding the two in the Northern Federation and the two in the Da Zhangshu Base, there are a total of eleven helicopters in Oil City.

When Third Uncle and the others returned, Marcelloin, Sister Lan and others were stunned.

They never knew how many helicopters there were in Da Zhangshu Base. In the past, they saw only six or seven at most, but this time, there were more than a dozen helicopters parked on the tarmac of Oil City, which shocked them.

meeting room.

Li Yu took off his hat and walked in.

"Third uncle."

The third uncle was sitting in front of the military radio at this time. After seeing Li Yu come in, he nodded.

Li Yu picked up the cup and walked to the hot water bottle on the side to pour a cup of hot water.


The steam from the cup was blown away by Li Yu.


Li Yu drank two sips of hot water and felt much warmer.

It is said that it is not cold when it snows, but it is coldest when the snow melts. This saying is not unreasonable.

The snow is obviously melting, but the body temperature is even lower.

"Okay, okay, are He Bing and the others so fast? Okay, let's fly over first and try."

"Well, I will talk to Xiaoyu about this later. He has just arrived in Oil City."

"Okay, that's it."

The third uncle put down the military radio headset, then stood up and walked towards Li Yu.

Li Yu's hearing is sensitive. He just heard his third uncle mention him, so he raised his head and looked at his third uncle.

The third uncle came over and said to Li Yu:

"Xiaoyu, let me tell you some good news. When Cannon left Da Zhangshu Base last time, he mentioned a suggestion to your second uncle to extend the helicopter's cruising range. You should know that, right?"

Li Yu thought for a while and said: "There is such a thing. Both Cannon and my second uncle told me about this matter. What's wrong? Is it possible that it's done? Logically speaking, helicopters are much more difficult to modify than vehicles. .”

The third uncle smiled and said: "Yes, it has been modified."

"Do you remember those named Ding Zhao and Qin Feng? They studied aircraft maintenance as undergraduates, aviation science and technology as graduate students, and Xue Zhihua's group studied mechanical engineering."

"They have cooperated with He Bing and several others, and have been working day and night for the past three days. They have installed an internal auxiliary fuel tank on a helicopter in the base. After actual flight testing, it is feasible!"

When the third uncle spoke, his face was filled with joy.

After hearing this, Li Yu thought about it carefully and remembered the group of top students from the southwest. Among them were Ding Zhao and Qin Feng. Both of them were plain-looking and didn't seem to talk much. Unexpectedly, they were quite capable. capable.

So he asked: "Is there any problem? The modification has been completed in such a short time. Also, what is the cruising range after the modification?"

The third uncle shook his head and said:

"Anyway, your second uncle said that he thinks the flight test results are pretty good, but the specific test still needs to wait for someone from the base to drive over. The cruising range is up to 1,500 kilometers.

It can be expanded if necessary, but some internal space will be lost. "

Li Yu stood up from his chair and after thinking for a long time, he said:

"In that case, let's fly a helicopter to Oil City tomorrow to test it and see if there are any problems."

"If there are no problems, four more helicopters will be modified at that time, and the cruising range will be adjusted to two thousand kilometers."

When the third uncle heard the modification number mentioned by Li Yu, he hesitated and said, "Xiaoyu, I think more helicopters can be modified."

"Currently we use helicopters, and the most common use is to go back and forth from Oil City to Da Zhangshu Base. If we go back and forth with the current helicopters, we have to refuel halfway."

"Except for the few patrol helicopters fixed at Da Zhangshu Base and Oil City, I recommend that all other helicopters be modified."

"In order not to reduce too much space in the helicopter cabin, it can be modified to have a cruising range of about 1,200 kilometers. In this case, our helicopter can reach three places directly without stopping for refueling."

"What do you think?"

Li Yu was silent for a while. He was still a little worried that the modified helicopter would affect the stability of the fuselage.

But what the third uncle said does make sense.

So he replied: "Let's wait for my second uncle to send someone to fly the helicopter over and test the long-distance stability first. If there is no problem after the test, then we will modify it in batches."

The third uncle nodded and said, "Okay."

This is a great good thing.

All their current helicopters have a range of more than 900 kilometers.

But whether it is from Oil City to the Northern Federation, or from Oil City to Da Zhangshu Base, the distance is about a thousand kilometers.

Although it was just a little bit short, the helicopter had to stop for refueling on the road.

Moreover, it is impossible for a helicopter to run out of fuel and then think about stopping to refuel, so it usually finds a suitable location halfway along the way to refuel.

If the cruising range of most helicopters is increased to 1,200 kilometers, it means that they only need to occupy a small part of the cabin space to travel between three places without stopping.

Because it only takes up a little space in the cabin, it will not affect the helicopter's transportation.

In today's apocalypse, the journey that originally took seven or eight hours before the apocalypse may now take three or four days, or even longer.

If it is a low-profile car, it will be even more difficult to move.

Natural disasters in recent years have caused huge changes in the road surface.

It is covered with weeds in the summer, rockfall, ice and snow in the winter, and the ground is pitted and undulating.

Unless you need to transport a large amount of materials, you need to transport them by land.

Otherwise, helicopter air transportation is currently more convenient.

And the speed and efficiency are higher.

The two discussed for a while about preparing to build a trading market.

On the northern federal side, when the third uncle left, he had already discussed it with Yuan Zhi. When the weather got warmer, Yuan Zhi would send the first batch of construction teams over.

The weather is still a bit cold now, so outdoor construction is extremely inconvenient and results in half the effort.

"Third Uncle, things here are almost settled. You can take Lao Bi and the others back to the Da Zhangshu Base first." Li Yu said to Third Uncle.

The third uncle heard this and replied: "Okay, okay, just wait for two more days. Didn't you just say that your second uncle would send someone to test the modified helicopter and fly over tomorrow? I will wait for the helicopter to fly over and then bring Most of the helicopters were returned to the headquarters for modification.”

Li Yu nodded and said, "Okay, let's arrange it this way."

Seeing that the conversation was almost over, Li Yu drank all the water in the cup and said to his third uncle: "Third uncle, I'm going to go up and rest first."


Li Yu had been sitting in a car for the past few days and was tired from traveling. Although he was riding in an armored transport vehicle with excellent off-road performance, it still made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Pick up the hat on the chair and walk upstairs.

He went upstairs and opened the room that was exclusive to him in Oil City.

The layout of the room was still the same as when he left, and no one came in.

The room was as warm as spring. Li Yu hung his hat on the wall, then took off his heavy combat uniform. In the past few days, he slept in his clothes in the car.

After taking off his heavy boots and then his body armor, his whole body became more than ten pounds lighter.

I walked to the window and saw the sunset outside.

I thought of Yutong who was thousands of kilometers away, and I didn’t know how she and her child were doing now.

Northern Commonwealth.

On the inner city wall.

Lao Yi lazily leaned on the wall, smoking his homemade cigarette, and said to Lao Huang beside him: "Try this, the shredded tobacco made from corn silk is much better than the withered grass you picked up on the road. .”

Lao Huang raised his eyebrows, took the tobacco bag handed over by Lao Yi, and grabbed a handful of dried corn silk from it.

Then he stuffed his homemade pipe.

Bah, bah, bah—

Took a few puffs.

The originally frowning brows relaxed.


"Not bad, Lao Yi's shredded tobacco made from corn silk tastes much better than foxtail grass, and it's not so choking." Lao Huang said with a smile.

Lao Yi took a few puffs and opened his mouth and said: "Let me tell you, in fact, fennel tastes better if it is dried and then fried. But fennel is not grown much in the base, so we just smoke corn silk. Well, there are a lot of them."

Lao Huang said with some embarrassment: "In fact, it's not easy for me to get corn silks."

Lao Yi smiled and patted Lao Huang on the shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, I'll give it to you. Here, I'll give you this pack."

Lao Huang took it and said gratefully: "Thank you, Captain Yi."

He was a long-time smoker and had smoked all the good cigarettes before the end of the world. When the end of the world came, it was even difficult to get corn silk. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

A lot of corn is planted in the Da Zhangshu Base, and often these corn stalks, corn leaves, and corn silk are used to feed pigs. As a worker from outside the city, it is not difficult for Lao Yi to get some corn silk.

"Old Huang." Lao Yi suddenly said.

"Well, Captain Yi, please tell me." Lao Huang quickly replied.

Lao Yi turned his head and looked at Lao Huang and asked: "I heard that you once served as the chairman of a large state-owned enterprise, and then resigned to go into business and founded a large enterprise. Is it true?"

When Lao Huang heard this, the movements of his hands stagnated slightly, and he said with some embarrassment:

"That's all a matter of old rotten grain."

Lao Yi raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "It seems to be true."

"Let me ask you, how do you think we can make this northern federation more stable? I always feel that they are always looking for opportunities to cause trouble."

After pondering for a long time, Lao Huang said:

"Actually, this is normal. Once the zombie tide subsides, they will definitely find a way to regain the initiative. However, the reason why they are not taking action now is because they are afraid of us."

"But I think this is not enough. We must make them divided again. Minister Li has actually done a good job before. We just need to continue the method of Minister Li."

Hearing this, Lao Yi asked curiously: "Oh? For example?"

"For example"

After thinking for a while, Lao Huang said: "For example, didn't Fan Haiyang come to see you today? I heard that he had dealt with our Oil City before."

"This person is obviously biased towards us. He came to complain that Yuan Zhi wants to remove his position, so we must protect him. Not only must we protect him, but we must also give him more support."

"If we are unable to support those who favor us, then those people will inevitably turn to Yuan Zhi. In this case, Yuan Zhi's power will become stronger and stronger."

After hearing this, Lao Yi looked at Lao Huang with some changes in his eyes.

Today, when he and Lao Xie were at the garrison base, they also used the military radio to contact Third Uncle and Li Yu for their opinions. Their opinions were very different from what Lao Huang said at this time.

He thought to himself: No wonder Minister Li asked him to talk to Lao Huang more when he had something to do.

It seems that this old Huang still has two brushes.

So he smiled and said: "The city lord's opinion is similar to yours. Tomorrow, you and I can go meet that Yuan Zhi in person."

Lao Huang looked calm and nodded: "Okay."

But there were some disturbances in his heart.

This is a good opportunity for him. As long as he performs well and plays a role in the stability of the North, he will be reused more.

The opportunity for me, Lao Huang, has finally come!

the next day.

Big camphor tree base.

There is a helicopter parked in the Second Outer City. From the outside, no changes can be seen at all.

But as soon as you enter the helicopter, you will find that the space inside the helicopter cabin is smaller than before.

Ding Zhao stood next to his second uncle and said:

"The auxiliary fuel tank in the aircraft is made in a square shape and extends to the height. This takes up less effective space and is conducive to space utilization. You see, less than one-sixth of the space in the cabin is used. It is already maximizing the use of the helicopter. There’s space inside.”

The second uncle looked at the square fuel tank inside the helicopter, nodded and said, "Not bad."

Then he said to Dingshan who was sitting in the driving position of the helicopter: "Dingshan, it's almost time. Get ready to take off and go directly to Oil City."

"Okay, President."

Afterwards, the second uncle and Ding Zhao got off the helicopter.

The people in the cabin got up and closed the helicopter door.

A few minutes later, the second uncle watched the helicopter take off.

I thought to myself: I hope the test goes well.

(Ask for monthly ticket)

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