Northern Commonwealth.

Among the garrison bases.

The third uncle put his arm around Yuan Zhi's shoulders like an old friend and walked towards a nearby building.

When the third uncle was still in the north, it was here that he and Yuan Zhi drank tea and played chess every day.

Behind Yuan Zhi, there were nearly twenty people.

Sima Dong's expression was also a little ugly.

He has already favored the Da Zhangshu Base. This time the troops stationed in the northern border of the Da Zhangshu Base withdraw, Yuan Zhi will definitely attack him.


Full of thoughts, he slowly followed.


Under the attentive "protection" of Zhu Xiao, Wu Jianguo and others, they entered the room.

After looking inside, the third uncle found that the living room had not changed much.

He smiled and asked Yuan Zhi to sit down.

Boil water, make tea, pour tea.

During this whole process, Yuan Zhi and others looked extremely ugly, and they now felt like they were being held hostage.

Yuan Zhi gathered his thoughts, organized his words in his mind and said:

"Minister Li, what happened in Oil City? How could it have such a big impact all of a sudden?"

The third uncle's movements in his hands paused slightly, and after pondering for a while, he said:

"Well, it's a long story, so I might as well not mention it. Have tea."

As he spoke, he handed over a cup of tea.

Uncle San's words were as good as unsaid, and it was impossible for Yuan Zhi to force Minister Li to say them.

But the more Uncle San didn't say anything, the more unsure Yuan Zhi felt.

He couldn't figure it out, couldn't figure it out at all.

What kind of changes must occur to cause everyone in their Da Zhangshu Base to withdraw their troops?

It was clear that they had taken control of the northern territory, but they withdrew their troops at this time.

This goes against common sense.

"Sit down, Sima Dong, Ding Yuanzong, sit down, the tea is ready." The third uncle waved to them and said.

Sima Dong and others looked at each other and sat down.

They were also a little restless and each had something on their mind.

Wu Jianguo, who was standing at the door, looked at Yuan Zhi and the others with complicated eyes.

There are mixed feelings in my heart.

He knows the captain and the city lord's TC plan.

Therefore, he clearly knew that these people in front of him would die soon.

However, when he thought of how Yuan Zhi treated him and his team members, the trace of unbearability he had had disappeared instantly without a trace.

The other side.

Ant and Jackal carried the silver box and walked towards several buildings divided into the garrison base.

The ant looked around and saw that there was no one around, then winked at the jackal.

The two of them entered a room together.

There is really a trick to hiding things, and you have to hide them in places that are completely unexpected.

The two of them cooperated with each other and hid the potion in a fireplace chimney and a potted plant indoors. They dug up the soil, poured the potion in, and then buried the soil.

Four bottles of potion were hidden in four different buildings, and in different places.

After finishing this, the two men carried the silver box and put it back into the helicopter.

Finally, he returned to his third uncle.

With just one glance, the third uncle understood that they had taken care of things.

After more than ten or twenty years of friendship, and the tacit understanding accumulated in countless life and death battles, one look is enough.


Yu Wei, Lao Qin and others were refueling the helicopter as quickly as possible.

On the inner city wall, Lao Xie hurried over and informed Lao Yi, asking him to bring all the combatants down and get on the helicopter quickly.

When Lao Yi heard this, he immediately asked everyone to get off the wall without saying anything.

Tap tap tap——

The figures on the wall of the inner city were running around.

The sound of them running attracted the attention of Yuan Li, Yuan Luo, Chaoyuan and others in the Northern Federation.

They did not follow Yuan Zhi to the garrison base, so they did not dare to do anything without orders from Yuan Zhi and others.

Originally, there were several entrances to the inner city wall, but after the Great Zhangshu Base took control, all of them were demolished except for the steps that could be climbed on the garrison base side.

Therefore, even if people in the inner city of the Northern Federation want to access the inner city wall, they can only pass through the garrison base.

That is to say, as long as the people at the Da Zhangshu Base do not leave, it will be difficult for them to get to the inner city wall.

Lao Yi hurriedly stood on the steps, watching a person coming down from the wall, constantly counting the number of people.

As he counted, he looked at the steps leading down to the wall and had an idea.

When he came down just now, he felt it was a pity to leave behind those anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns.

But they can't take it away.

Helicopters have limited capacity and people must be considered first.

Once the zombie attracting potion is used, when the inner city wall is regained control by the people from the north, a lot of ammunition and shells will definitely be consumed.

Although in the end, when everything is settled and the battlefield can be cleaned up by returning here, what the remaining weapons and equipment can leave behind at that time is unknown.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to blow up the steps leading up to the inner city wall.

Even though they can still think of some ways to go up, it will definitely take time, and there are not many people going up.

It's even possible that they didn't go up when the zombie wave came.

Then they can keep these weapons and equipment to the maximum extent, and when they return here from Oil City, they can get more weapons and equipment.

Thinking of this, Lao Yi started to make arrangements.

So he grabbed A Hong and said, "A Hong, go get some explosives and bury them under the steps. When we leave, blow up the steps to the inner city wall in one fell swoop!"

As he spoke, a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

A Hong was a little shocked, but he didn't question it.

He instantly understood Lao Yi's purpose of doing this.

He also felt a little reluctant to return these heavy weapons to the North.

So he nodded and said with excitement on his face: "I understand, I'll do it right away."

Lao Yi warned: "Try not to let anyone see you."

"Okay." A Hong nodded.

Then he hurriedly left the steps.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the reception room of the garrison base.

The third uncle and Yuan Zhi kept talking about nonsense.

When Third Uncle was arguing with Yuan Zhi, he also had an idea in his mind.

If we could catch all the people in front of us at this moment.

Is it possible to do without TC?

However, he soon gave up this idea.

Based on his investigation of the northern border some time ago, he knew:

In the Northern Federation, the Yuan family is the leader, the Sima family is the second, and the others are all small forces.

The Yuan family still has great control over the Northern Territory. There are dozens of immediate family members alone, and hundreds of people are related by relatives.

These hundreds of people occupy some large and small positions in the Northern Federation.

Among other things, the director of the Northern Federal Communications Department is Yuan Zhi’s cousin Yuan Li, the director of the logistics department is also Yuan Zhi’s younger cousin Yuan Luo, and his cousin Tian Yunxiao, the captain of the patrol team in the outer city Yuan Youzhi, the deputy Captain He Liangwei’s wife is also a member of the Yuan family.

The wife of Yin Xi, the guard chief of the outer city wall, is also Yuan Zhi's cousin.

As for the other Sima family, Ding Yuanzong and others, they are essentially nepotistic.

In the apocalypse, relatives are often placed in important positions.

Although they face some problems of insufficient ability, because they have family ties and common interests, relatively speaking, although betrayal is possible, the possibility of betrayal is lower.

In this precarious apocalypse, loyalty is often more important than ability.

If Third Uncle wipes out twenty or so people like Yuan Zhi at this time.

That. The intricate network of relationships behind them cannot be cut or untangled.

Even if they are suppressed by force for a while, there will probably be some rebellions in the future.

The Northern Territory is already relatively large. If the people in the Northern Territory really find out the details of the Da Zhangshu Base, they will most likely suffer backlash from the Northern Territory.

Based on this consideration, Third Uncle still feels that TC is still necessary.

Thinking of this, the third uncle dismissed the idea he had just had.


On the tarmac of the garrison base, Lao Yi counted the number of people in the helicopters again.

After counting, I found that there was one less person, from Dongfeng's group.

So he asked Dongfeng: "There is still one less person in your group, what happened?! Hurry up and find him!"

When Dongfeng heard what Lao Yi said, he stood up and said, "I just counted them and they are all here."

As he spoke, he glanced around at the people around him, frowned and asked, "Where's the tough guy?"

Liu Youguang stood up and said, "I just saw him saying that he wanted to get something from where he lives. Bastard, I've already reminded him to come here quickly."

"I'll go find him."

"I'm coming with you." Dongfeng said quickly.

The two of them ran out in a hurry. Lao Yi frowned and said to everyone present:

"Check the members of your team again. If there are any missing, go find them quickly!"


After Liu Youguang and Dongfeng rushed out of the helicopter, they went straight to where they lived.

Dongfeng frowned and said, "You just saw him leaving, you should tell me earlier!"

Liu Youguang also felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that he would scold Tietou when he saw him later.

The two ran as fast as they could into the residential building.

Ran into the dormitory.

I happened to see Tietou's figure. The dormitory was in a mess, and things were turned over.

"Tietou, what are you doing? All of us are waiting for you, what are you doing!" Liu Youguang yelled angrily as soon as he came in.

Tietou heard the sound, his face full of eagerness and guilt.

"I, I, I, I'm sorry, I didn't want to, but I clearly remembered to put the photo of my family in my bag, but I couldn't find it when I just got on the helicopter."

"That's the only picture I have of my parents."

Dongfeng and Liu Youguang, who were originally filled with angry faces, seemed to be struck by something in their hearts when they heard what he said.

When they met Tietou, Tietou was alone, without a father or a mother.


Dongfeng sighed slightly: "Look for it quickly. If you have light, let's help him find it together."

There was no blame or insult, but he quietly helped Tietou search.

Tietou was moved when he saw the team leader and Liu Youguang who were rummaging through the photos in the dormitory.

He originally saw the team leader and others coming in to hold him accountable, and he was a little worried that he would be taken away immediately.

That photo was the only photo of his parents, and he didn't want to forget them.

Whenever he was lonely, he would take out this photo and look at it.

Thinking about it, he rummaged around quickly without stopping.

Two minutes later.

Dongfeng glanced at his watch and said to Tietou with some confusion:

"Tietou, I know you are sad, but you can't delay everyone."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Youguang next to him suddenly grabbed a photo under the bed.

Excitedly, he crawled out from under the bed.

"Tietou, is this the one?"

Tietou quickly took it from his hand, wiped off the cobwebs and dust on the photo, and said excitedly:

"Yes, this is it."

"Thank you, Uncle Youguang."

Dongfeng saw that he had found it, so he quickly pulled Tietou away.

"We'll talk about it when we get back, let's go!"

The three hurriedly returned to the helicopter.

Lao Yi glanced at his watch from time to time. It had been almost ten minutes since Dongfeng and the others left.

Time was running out and they had retreated from the wall.

It is also more dangerous to stay in this helicopter.

At this time, Lao Yi saw the three Dongfeng people running towards them in the distance.


So he quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and contacted his third uncle: "Minister, we are all here and can leave at any time."

Reception room.

After the third uncle heard Lao Yi's words in the headset, he knew what he was talking about.

Looking at Yuan Zhi in front of him, he smiled and said:

"Governor Yuan, you've almost finished your tea. The mess in Oil City is still waiting for me to clean up. It's a long way to go, so I'll see you again."

After saying that, he stood up.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Zhi quickly stood up and said to his third uncle:

"Minister Li, you guys left so suddenly. Alas. Although you didn't say what happened specifically, I hope everything goes well for you."

"Yes, yes, our Northern Federation welcomes you to come back at any time." Sima Dong next to him said quickly.

Hearing what he said, Yuan Zhi took a deep look at Sima Dong.

There is something in the meaning of this sentence.

The third uncle glanced at Sima Dong, smiled and said to Yuan Zhi:

"Okay, we'll come back after we've settled the matter over there. Governor Yuan, you won't let me come over, right?"

Yuan Zhi looked embarrassed and said quickly: "How dare I? It's too late for me to be happy that Minister Li can return again."

"Haha." The third uncle smiled, patted Yuan Zhi on the shoulder, and walked out of the door.

Zhu Xiao, Wu Jianguo and others quickly followed the third uncle.

Walked out of the building.

The entire garrison base was empty. Most of the people were inside the helicopter, and a small number of dozens of people stood outside the helicopter with guns.

In addition, two helicopters have taken off in the sky and are hovering over the northern border.

The endurance of these two helicopters is two thousand kilometers, so wasting some fuel hovering over the northern border is enough to return to Oil City.

The biggest purpose of the two helicopters taking off early was to worry that if the helicopters took off together, they would be suddenly attacked by the Northern Federation.

The two helicopters were in the sky above the Northern Territory, and they could see the personnel changes of the Northern Territory Federation on the ground from a high position.

Once the people in the north move, they can immediately counterattack from the air.

Zhu Xiao followed closely behind Third Uncle, glanced behind Yuan Zhi and others who were looking towards them, walked a few steps faster, and asked Third Uncle:

"Minister, why didn't you just put them, the top officials of the Northern Territory Federation, in one fell swoop? If you deal with them, the Northern Territory will definitely be in chaos."

The third uncle thought for a while and said:

"A dog will jump over a wall when he is anxious, let alone a human being. If we kill Yuan Zhi and the others, those people in the northern inner city will definitely run over to ask questions when they hear the gunshots. The most important thing for us now is to leave safely. "

"Anyway, they will all die in the end, so there is no need to worry about it."

Zhu Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

The third uncle's pace quickened.

He quickly got on the helicopter, and then said to Lao Xie: "Let's go, let's go!"

After Lao Xie saw the last person getting on the helicopter, he picked up the walkie-talkie and contacted each helicopter and said: "Take off!"

Buzz buzz——

In an instant, the helicopters on the apron took off at the same time.

Before Uncle San returned to the helicopter, Lao Xie and Lao Yi had repeatedly confirmed the number of people to ensure that no one was left behind.

Falling down, only death awaits.

The helicopter slowly flew several hundred meters into the air.

The third uncle looked down at the ground and was already in the air.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.


He picked up the walkie-talkie and said to everyone: "Return to Oil City!"

By this time, there was no need to launch an attack on the Northern Federation.

A low-flying attack might be able to kill some people.

But there is also the possibility of being shot with a rifle by someone from the northern inner city.

on the ground.

Yuan Zhi watched the helicopter getting further and further away.

Mixed feelings.



The knife that had been hanging over his head was finally taken away.

A feeling of relief.

But he was not completely happy.

He always felt a little panicked.

I always felt that things were not as simple as what Minister Li said.

So he frowned and said to Ma Song behind him:

"Have Yuan Youzhi and the others come over immediately and take over the inner city wall."

"Yes." Ma Song raised his head and looked at the helicopter that disappeared from sight, nodded and said.

ten minutes later.

Yuan Youzhi led a team to the steps leading to the inner city wall from the original garrison base, and was about to go up.


Boom! ! Boom! !

A series of explosions rang in my ears.

Rubbles flew everywhere, burying Yuan Youzhi.

The entire staircase collapsed, along with a very small portion of the inner city wall.

Yuan Zhi, who heard the explosion, hurriedly walked out of the room.

He saw a scene that made his eyes wide open.

Damn the big camphor tree base.

He knew that Minister Li had no good intentions!

What on earth are they going to do!

What good would it do them if they blew up the steps leading up to the inner city wall? Maybe they would feel disgusted even if they left.

"He Liangwei, go rescue people quickly!" Yuan Zhi picked up the walkie-talkie and quickly sent people over to rescue people.

On the helicopter.

Uncle San already knew about Lao Yi secretly installing explosives.

He was furious and scolded Lao Yi all the way.

Make arrangements privately without your own permission.

Because Lao Yi did this, it would easily arouse the suspicion of the Northern Federation, and he would definitely worry that they had installed explosives in other places.

Maybe they will search the garrison base. If they find the potion, it will be troublesome.

The irritated third uncle then asked Ant Jackal and the others about where the zombie attracting potion was hidden.

After hearing where they stored it and pouring out the potion, the third uncle was slightly relieved.

Although the potion is black, the human nose cannot smell it, and it is hidden in a relatively hidden place, so it should be difficult to find.

However, even if one spot is discovered, it will not help.

The fog will reach the northern border within a few hours at most.

The smell of the potion will gradually disperse over the next few hours, attracting zombies from around it.

The situation of tens of millions of zombies besieging the northern border will be repeated again.

The only difference is.

The last time the zombies sieged the city, there was no rain or heavy fog.

But this time, under the foggy weather, the extremely rich water molecules in the air will also make the zombies more sensitive, resulting in a pile-up of zombies.

If there are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of zombies, the North has been able to survive.

But, this time it’s a dead end.

Heavy fog means there is no vision, and you can't see the surrounding situation and how to fight off zombies. The Northern Federation was not prepared in advance and it was difficult to resist.

Tens of millions of zombies can still pile up in foggy weather. No matter how high the northern wall is, it will not help.

The number is so huge that it’s terrifying.

The third uncle sat in the cabin. After careful analysis, he felt that it would be difficult for the Northern Federation to escape this time.

It’s hard to fly without wings!

(Please give me a monthly ticket. Sorry, I will update 5,500 words today. Once a year, I spend time with my family. They are watching the Spring Festival Gala. I am typing next to me and chatting occasionally. The typing speed is too slow. I will make up for it later. I will update it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Ten thousand.)

[Wish you all: Happy New Year, may you have abundant financial resources, good luck in everything, and good health! Happy family! 】

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