Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 1185 Secret passage? Counting Harvest (8000 words)

"Brother, you see, we have searched everywhere in this building, but we can't find the underground secret room. Could it be that that old guy Yuan Zhi didn't do this?"

Li Tie searched for a long time but couldn't find it, and he couldn't help but suspect that there was no underground secret room at all.

Li Yu did not answer him immediately, but walked around the first floor. There were even many holes in the wall made by Li Tie and others with electric drills.

But there was still no sign of a secret passage or secret door.

When he came to where Li Tie was digging the ground with an electric drill, he took one look and then squinted his eyes.

More than two meters have been dug, and the underground secret room has not been dug out yet.

Either there really is no secret room, or it is very possible that this secret room is very deep.

He even pretended that he was Yuan Zhi, and he might have hidden the underground secret room somewhere.

Secret door?

I just walked around and found that the walls are all solid and there are no hidden walls at all.

Li Tie behind him saw that Li Yu had searched around but couldn't find it, so he couldn't help but said:

"If you ask me, brother, there may not be one. Let's not waste time here."

Li Yu shook his head and said, "I'll go upstairs and take a look."

As he said that, he passed the elevator and walked to the stairs upstairs, and was about to walk upstairs.


He stopped, slowly turned around, and asked Li Tie:

"Have you seen it in the elevator?"

"Ah? Elevator? No, there's a power outage and it can't be opened." Li Tie said quickly.

As he spoke, his eyes lit up and he said to Li Yu:

"Brother, you mean"

"Go get the tools quickly." Li Yu said.

This elevator looks a bit unreasonable and too big.

Such a large elevator is generally only used in shopping malls or hospitals.

Most home elevators are only one meter wide, but this elevator is two and a half meters wide.

Li Tie quickly asked someone to bring the crowbar, and then came to the elevator door.

Since there was no electricity, I had to use a crowbar to pry it open.

Li Tie and others took crowbars and struggled to pry open the two elevator doors.


The elevator door made an unpleasant scraping sound.

After prying for a while, a gap of less than ten centimeters was opened.

Li Yu frowned and said to Li Qi next to him:

"Hurry up and ask someone to find a way to restore the power system of this building."

Hearing this, Li Qi quickly nodded and left.

Restoring power is not that simple. No generator was found in this building. It is possible that the power in this building was drawn from other places.

Seeing that Li Tie and the others were trying their best to open a gap of less than ten centimeters, Li Yu walked over impatiently.

"You go away, I'll come."

Li Tie and others had stern expressions on their faces, and then stepped back with crowbars in hand.

I saw Li Yu walking to the elevator door, then moving his hands towards the elevator door, one left and one right, and then pulled it to the side with force.


In the shocked eyes of Li Tie and others, the elevator door was opened by Li Yu with his bare hands.

When it reached a width of one meter, Li Yu pushed to the right with both hands. After pushing to the end, he changed the direction and continued to push to the left.

Until the entire elevator was pushed away.

The scene in the elevator comes into view.

The elevator has a width of two and a half meters, a depth of three and a half meters, and an area of ​​nearly 9 square meters.

Elevators of this size are very rare.

Even better than some smaller bedrooms.

At this time, no matter how stupid people were, they could tell that there was something wrong with the elevator.

Li Yu walked into the elevator and stepped on the floor below.

Then I looked at the buttons on the elevator floor. There were only nine buttons, nothing unusual.

Li Yu looked carefully inside the elevator, and finally focused on a mirror inside the elevator.

His eyes are as bright as a torch.

There were gaps on the left and right sides of the mirror, so he fumbled to move the mirror.

But I still can't find the switch.

So he walked out, took the crowbar and slammed it on the mirror.


The mirror was smashed, but it didn't hit the iron plate of the elevator as expected.

Instead, it was directly smashed through.

There is a hole in the mirror!

Li Yu used a crowbar to pull off the remaining glass fragments.

Then he stuck his head out and looked outside the mirror.


Li Yu took out the flashlight from his waist and shined it at the hole.

There was a gap of nearly one meter between the outside of the cave and the elevator. There was even a handrail going down on the wall outside the cave. Li Yu took the light and shined it down.

There is still a height of more than 20 meters below.

Li Yu's heart moved slightly, and he knew that there must be a secret room.

The space of more than twenty meters below is enough to explain the problem.

It's just that he has never found the mechanism to go down, and there is no button to go down next to the elevator button.

How to get down?

Li Yu frowned. He felt that there must be some mechanism inside. Otherwise, what would happen if there was a power outage? Is it possible to climb out of this hole and then hold on to the handrail and go all the way down?

It's not impossible.

But Li Yu felt that there might be other more convenient mechanisms.

"Wow! Brother, this place is empty!" Li Tie came over, held a lamp and shined it down there.

Li Yu nodded, and then said: "Go down and have a look."

The mirror is one meter high and eighty centimeters wide.

Li Yu swept away some broken glass on the side to avoid scratching his hands when he climbed in later.

Climb in, and then grab the protruding handrail on the opposite side with both hands.

Go down step by step.

The dark tunnel looks terrifying.

Li Yu walked down and climbed three or four meters, but there was still a wall next to him. No wonder Li Tie and the others couldn't find it even after digging for a long time.

Keep climbing down.

It wasn't until three minutes later that Li Yu hit the bottom.

Hold a flashlight and shine the surroundings. There is an elevator above you and two thick tracks opposite the handrails.

The space below is more than twice as large as the elevator.

When he stepped on the ground, he felt a little stinging on his feet. He lowered his head and looked at it and found two tracks.

Li Yu followed the track and shined a light on it, and unexpectedly found another small elevator.

Study for a while.

Li Yucai roughly understood.

This small elevator is a track attached to the wall that goes up and down.

After ascending to the big elevator above, you can open the floor below the big elevator and enter the small elevator.

The big elevator above must have a mechanism to open the floor.

Just as Li Yu was thinking about it, Li Tie and others climbed down after him.

"Hey! It's so big down here! No wonder I couldn't dig out the underground secret room after digging for a long time. This secret room is so deep, I probably wouldn't be able to dig it out even if I had to dig for ten days and a half! This old thief Yuan Zhi is really cunning. Yes." Li Tie said with emotion after coming down.

Li Yu shook his head and said, "Let's go in and take a look."

As he spoke, he walked towards an entrance next to the small elevator.

Everyone was very careful and held their guns ready to attack at any time.

Entering this entrance, after walking four or five meters, a door appeared in front of you.

Li Yu hesitated and tried to twist it.

Unexpectedly, the door was immediately opened.

After unscrewing the door, Li Yu shined a flashlight in.

I saw a huge scene similar to an air raid shelter appearing in front of me.

It is nearly six meters high, about ten meters wide, and about ten meters deep, with nearly two hundred bungalows.

There were shelves and supplies on both sides.

However, it seemed that the supplies had been taken away, and he looked a little flustered when he left. Some supplies were scattered on the ground.

Li Yu frowned and walked inside.

There are several rooms next to it, including toilets, bedrooms, and a gym.

However, they did not find Yuan Zhi.


Suddenly the overhead lights came on.

Li Yu quickly turned around and saw Li Tie saying awkwardly:

"I tried to turn on the light, but I didn't expect there was no power outage in here."

Yu Lei from behind said:

"The power system here is separate from the building above, and there is a complete generator inside."

Li Yu looked around clearly. He searched in every room, but there was no one.

More than 20 meters below, I finally found this place, not even a human figure.

The supplies on this shelf are quite abundant.

Various foods, cans, solid alcohol, medical supplies, and even firearms, purified water, and fuel

It's just not a lot, but if it's only for a few people, it's enough.

Look at the shelves. If they were originally full, they are now only one tenth less.

Li Yu walked to the sofa and saw a plate on the table.

There were still crumbs of food on the plate, and there was a glass next to it with no water in it.

This shows that people have lived here.

Yuan Zhi must have come down here.

But it is unknown whether he stayed here with nothing to do before the city was broken, or whether he hid here after the city was broken.

But Li Yu touched the table and judged from the thickness of the dust that Yuan Zhi should have come down within a month.

If it's half a year, the thickness of the dust will be more than that.

"Brother, I don't think there are a lot of supplies here, but it's better than being complete." Li Tie came over and said after searching around.

Li Yu frowned and stood up slowly.

He said to him: "Yuan Zhi is not here. He must have come down after the city was broken. There are zombies above. It is impossible for him to go up again."

"Look for it, there may be a secret passage. He may have escaped through the secret passage!"

Li Tie was shocked and said: "Huh??"

Li Yu himself built a secret passage in the Da Zhangshu base, which can lead to secret passages outside the base.

The cunning rabbit has three caves.

Yuan Zhi might do the same, so that he could have an escape route when the base reaches the point of no return.

However, this escape route is too difficult to find.

In comparison, my own escape tunnel was nothing more than a small fuss.

His secret room was built more than 20 meters underground.

Even if a missile hits here, it can be withstood.

"Look for it quickly." Li Yu said again.

As he spoke, he touched the wall with his hand and checked it bit by bit.

Knock on every place to see if the back is empty.

Everyone searched for more than ten minutes.

"There's a problem here!" someone shouted.

Li Yu heard the sound and quickly walked out of the room.

When he came to the long hall outside, he saw Jiu Ge at the end of the hall and said excitedly:

"It's empty here. Come and take a look."

Li Yu walked over and knocked on the wall.

It wasn't that dull sound, and it sounded like there was some reverberation in it.

So he looked around, trying to find the mechanism.

The walls are unpainted and made of bricks.

Li Yu tested brick by brick.

As a result, the second brick counting from the bottom felt a little loose.

Press hard inside.


The front wall began to rattle.

I saw that the front wall had moved to the right.

As the wall moved, a deep corridor appeared inside.

The corridor is only about two meters high and two meters wide, and can accommodate three people walking side by side at the same time.

Li Yu looked to the side of the corridor and saw a switch.

Beat it down.

Miso miso miso!

I saw the light on the top of this deep corridor turned on.

The corridor stretches continuously with no end in sight.

Moreover, this corridor still goes downwards.

Yu Lei widened his eyes and asked, "Did Yuan Zhi run away from here?"

Li Tie's face was not very good, he nodded slightly and said: "Brother, this is really possible, what should I do?"

Li Yu said angrily: "It's not possible, but it's certain. What else can we do? Let's walk along this corridor and see where we can go."

With that said, he walked inside without hesitation.

This corridor leads downwards, and there are even thoughtfully poured cement steps on the road.

Keep walking, and after walking about a few dozen meters, the corridor suddenly turns to the right.

And it did not continue down, showing a flat road.

Li Yu recalled that this Governor's Mansion was the highest position in the entire Northern Federation.

Although the underground secret room above is dozens of meters underground here, it may not be deep when viewed from a parallel perspective.

That's why the corridor just went all the way down.

After walking for another four or five minutes, Li Yu estimated that he had walked seven or eight hundred meters.

Although there were many twists and turns, he felt that the entire corridor was heading east.

Li Yu weighed the backpack behind him. When he came down, he had people prepare gas masks and oxygen bottles for him, but so far they have not been used.

"Brother, we have been walking for so long and we haven't walked out yet. Where does this tunnel lead to? I'll go." Li Tie said with some emotion.

Li Yu sighed and said: "Keep walking, we have already come here."

With that said, he continued walking deeper into the corridor.

Walked for another ten minutes.

At their speed, they had walked at least three or four kilometers.

In the front they were relatively slow, but in the back they were running at a trot and walking quickly.

The more Li Yu walked inside, the more he felt the huge amount of this underground project.

How much time and effort it would take to dig out such a long tunnel.


Moreover, he can be sure that this tunnel was not only dug before the end of the world, but most likely after the end of the world.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly the road ahead started to go up.

"Go faster, the exit is probably in front." Li Yu said to the people behind him.

This goes up, indicating that it is leading to the ground.

Sure enough, they continued walking for two hundred meters and saw a round well in front of them.

There are handrails on both sides of the circular well for climbing up.

The bottom is about twenty meters away from the top.

It seemed to be covered with something, and it was dark.

Li Yu grabbed the handrail and climbed up.


He climbed to the top.

A circular iron plate appeared above, with a switch on the iron plate.

This switch should be to prevent people from outside from entering rashly, and it can be locked below.

Li Yu saw that the switch was on, which was enough to show that someone must have gone out from here.

So he often pushed forward.


There is no push.

Pushing it again, he felt that something seemed to be pressing on the iron plate, so he couldn't open it.

If this were an ordinary person, he might have to go back and get a chainsaw to cut open the iron plate.

But Li Yu is in very good health, as good as a human being.

So he stuck his feet on the iron handrail below, fearing that the handrail could not bear the weight, so he used one hand to hold another handrail.

Then use all your strength, push your feet upwards, concentrate your strength on your right hand, and push upwards with all your strength.


The iron plate was pushed away by him.

As the iron plate was pushed away, an unknown heavy object crashed onto the floor above.

A light suddenly flashed above.

Somewhat glaring.

They stayed in the corridor for more than twenty minutes, and some of them got used to the dark environment.

Li Yu squinted his eyes and was not in a hurry to crawl out.

He took out the water bottle from his backpack and threw it outside.


He wasn't sure if Yuan Zhi and the others were still here. If they were still here, they could easily get shot in the head if they showed up.

The kettle was thrown to test whether there was anyone on it.

After the test, Li Yu put on the helmet visor, then leaned out a little and nodded to take a look at the environment above.

On the left, less than one meter away is a shabby iron frame bed. This bed is very shabby, with rust on the surface, and it doesn't even have a mattress.

On the right is an overturned carpet and a broken table.

To the north, there is a wall with nothing.

To the south, there is a door with a pair of broken shoes beside the door.

After seeing that there was no one above, Li Yu climbed out.

Standing on one side of the ground is the round iron plate that Li Yu just pushed open.

Next to it is a scrapped vertical air conditioner.

It is estimated that the vertical air conditioner was blocked by the iron plate just now.

He walked to the window and looked outside.

What I saw outside was an ordinary farmhouse.

Overgrown weeds and crumbling walls.

Li Yu took a deep breath, opened the mask, and walked out of the room.

Walking out of the room, there is a living room outside.

Only half of the old overhead fan is left.

There is a photo hanging in the center of the hall. It is a black and white photo of an old man. It is covered with a layer of dust. There are some cauldrons used for burning incense underneath.

There were only a few sticks on the tripod that had been burned out.

The surrounding walls were in tatters and peeling off, and the door of the opposite room made a creaking sound as the hall wind blew.

All of this exudes a strange atmosphere, which makes people's hair stand up after seeing it.

"It's finally out."

Li Yu glanced behind him and saw Li Tie and the others crawling out of the round well.

Li Yu thought for a while, walked out of the hall and came to the deserted yard.

There are many weeds in the yard, just

He noticed that the weeds on the ground seemed to have been crushed by something.

When I got closer, I saw the marks of two wheels running over it.

At the end of the wheel tracks, he saw what seemed to be a room next to the house.

When I walked in, I saw that there was just enough space for a car.

There are even two tires on the wall.

Li Yu looked at the car marks outside and sighed slightly.

Yuan Zhi, ran away.

As for where he went, he didn't know.

This is a disaster after all.

But there was nothing that could be done about it. If Third Uncle and the others had attacked Yuan Zhi when they left the northern border, there would have been no way for them to escape unscathed.

Who knew that Yuan Zhi was so afraid of death that he could create such a complicated tunnel.

Just at this time.

The intercom rang.

"City Lord, we have restored the power system of the Governor's Mansion. Are you still down there?"

Li Yu picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Not down there, just wait."

He turned and looked back at the house, a three-story building.

So he hurried up to the top floor of the building and looked to the west, and sure enough he saw a corner of the Northern Federation.

So he said: "Send out, we are east of the Northern Federation, uh, about four kilometers, there is a small village around here."


Li Qi was confused. She couldn't figure out why the city lord and the others suddenly ran outside the city after they had clearly gone down to the underground secret room.

"City Lord, how did you get there?"

Hearing Li Qi's question, Li Yu saw Yu Lei, Jiuge and others in the yard, and knew that this corridor could no longer be hidden.

So he said: "There is a corridor down here that leads directly to the outside of the city. Send a car over quickly."

When Li Qi heard this, she quickly said: "Oh, okay."

Afterwards, Li Yu sat on the roof and looked around.

This village should be the closest village to the Northern Federation.

There are only a few dozen residential houses, and there is an abandoned brick factory nearby. The brick tower that originally stood in the brick factory collapsed, leaving only the lower half.

The breeze blows.

Li Yu frowned slightly. He felt very uncomfortable when he thought of Yuan Zhi running away.

But now there are no clues and Yuan Zhi’s whereabouts can’t be found at all.



The cannon then drove the vehicle over.

After getting off the car, he looked curious and asked Li Tie:

"Tiezi, where is the tunnel? Take me to see it. I saw a tunnel before, or it was a tunnel battle movie I watched before."

Li Tie pointed to the bedroom inside expressionlessly.

Cannon ran over excitedly, and after seeing the bottomless secret passage, he kept saying "Fuck".

I was also very interested in going down to have a look.

Li Tie saw that Li Yu had already gotten into the car, so he said to Cannon:

"You've been spotted. Seal this secret passage quickly. We're going back."

With that said, he led Yu Lei Jiuge and others to seal the secret passage, but instead of placing the vertical air conditioner on it, he picked up the dirty carpet on the ground and laid it on it.

Cannon got in the car and saw Li Yu and the others in a somewhat unhappy mood.

After thinking about it carefully, he guessed the reason why Li Yu and the others were not happy.

Since there is a secret passage, it is very possible that Yuan Zhi from the north has escaped.

Thinking of this, the novelty of discovering the secret passage suddenly dissipated a lot.

At this time, Da Pao didn't dare to talk nonsense for fear of offending Li Yu.

A few minutes later.

They returned to the Northern Federation.

Li Yu and the others had been working at the Governor's Mansion for more than an hour. In addition to the previous hour, more than half of the cleaning work in the northern territory was completed.

Several men were sent to repair the gate to the Northern Confederacy.

Outer city.

Looking at the densely packed shacks not far away, and the food growing area separated by fences on the right.

Some food is also grown in the outer cities of the Northern Federation, but the harvest is not very good.

But there is an area in the inner city that uses greenhouses, but the area is not large.

The weather was just right at this time, and in the grain-growing area of ​​the outer city, corn seedlings were sprouting, and they were so green that people loved seeing them.

Li Yu looked at these greens and thought secretly in his heart.

The infrastructure here in the Northern Federation is very good, and the walls are even higher than those of the Great Zhangshu Base. Although there is no mobile gate knife, if you don't encounter the same level of zombies as before, it is easy to handle the ordinary zombies. past.

This place must be kept in your own hands, otherwise it will be wasted.

Enter the inner city.

He saw Bai Wenyang and others building steps and repairing the steps under the inner city wall.

The northern territory hasn't been thoroughly searched yet, so he doesn't run around.

Lest survivors or zombies from the north suddenly appear.

Under Li Tie's strong recommendation, Li Yu went to the Governor's Mansion.

He was also somewhat interested when he saw Li Tie exaggeratingly describing how luxurious the Governor's Mansion was.


When he arrived at the Governor's Palace, he had just seen the first floor, but had not been to the second floor or above.

As he checked floor by floor, he also felt a little emotional.

The entire building was transformed into a palace by Yuan Zhi.

This building was probably built before the end of the world, and the cost was probably much more than what he originally spent on building the Big Zhangshu Base.

Sure enough, he is a rich man, and the place he created is luxurious.


It's mine now.

Li Yu looked at the large floor-to-ceiling window with undisguised satisfaction in his eyes.

"Brother, from now on this Governor's Mansion will be your City Lord's Mansion. Tsk, tsk, tsk, look how cool it is."

Li Yu frowned and said, "Isn't this good?"

Li Tie looked at Li Yu and couldn't help but smile and said:

"Brother, if you don't want it, give it to me, hehe!"

The cannon next to him couldn't help but mocked:

"Tiezi, you're drifting."

"Only Brother Yu can live in this place."

Li Yu waved his hand and said: "I will keep the floors above the sixth floor, and the lower floors will be opened as a leisure and entertainment area for the personnel stationed here."

"Okay!" Li Tie nodded.

Then she said again: "Just now, Li Qi found out the mechanism of the underground secret passage. It's just above the elevator. There's a screen showing several layers. As long as you click on that screen, the elevator below will rise up, and then there will be a big elevator below. It’s open and connected to a small elevator.”

"You can use the small elevator to land directly."

"Yeah." Li Yu nodded slightly.

"Then, what should we do about that corridor?" Li Tie asked worriedly.

Li Yu thought for a while and then said: "Modify the secret passage below and lock it with an iron door. This way you can go out, but you can't get in from the outside."

"In addition, those who know this secret passage today are told not to tell anyone about it. Violators will be severely punished!"

Li Tie was originally worried that Li Yu would directly let people fill in the secret passage.

He was slightly relieved when his elder brother said to keep it.

Although it seems useless now to keep this secret passage, it is always safer if it can be used later.

Besides, it would be a pity to fill such a long corridor with soil.

Time passes slowly.

Li Yu stood on the roof of the Governor's Mansion, playing golf with a golf club.

He will not.

But he is very strong.

The ball hit directly penetrated the curtain behind.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about."

Li Yu shook the golf club in his hand and felt it felt good.

"It should be quite easy to use this to headshot zombies."

With that said, he stuffed the club back into its original position.

Arriving at the edge of the roof, overlooking the entire Northern Federation.

As time goes by, everything that can be found is found.

The sound of gunfire slowly disappeared.

In a blink of an eye, it’s two o’clock in the afternoon.

Lao Yi and others came to the office that was originally the Governor's Mansion and is now the City Lord's Mansion.

This office has a low-key luxury, with mahogany tables and stools also made of mahogany.

The decoration is also quite exquisite.

Li Yu sat at the top, looked at everyone and said:

"Have you finished the search? Let me tell you the material statistics."

Li Gang glanced at the people around him and saw that no one stood up to speak, so he took the initiative to speak.

"I'm responsible for counting the vehicles."

"A total of 5 armored vehicles, 4 explosion-proof vehicles, 12 military pickup trucks, 5 off-road RVs and 3 tanks were found."

"There are also 6 cranes and 15 excavators of various types."

"In addition, 34 pickup trucks."

"A total of 245 vehicles of various types!"

The words just fell.

Everyone was shocked, and the conference room was full of discussions.

"Holy shit, so many!"

"I calculated before that there were at least a hundred cars, but I didn't expect there were more than two hundred cars."

"Yeah, it's really beyond my imagination, but I really didn't expect that they have tanks."

"I heard it's in the underground garage. I don't know why they don't use it."

"It goes without saying that tanks consume so much fuel. How many cars does one tank cost? Although they have many cars, they can't afford them."

"Hahaha, fortunately we have an oil city, so fuel is not a problem."

"In this way, can we all be able to allocate vehicles?"

"It's impossible. It's too wasteful. There's no one person per car. The most is distributed to groups. The fuel will always be used up."


Li Tie saw everyone talking.

The conference room was extremely noisy.

So he stood up and said, "Everyone, be quiet."

Li Yu breathed out, looked at Lao Yi and said:

"Lao Yi, you are searching the oil depot. How is the situation there?"

Hearing this, Lao Yi quickly stood up and said:

"At the oil depot, there are still 67 tons of aviation kerosene, 134 tons of diesel, and 56 tons of gasoline."

Li Yu frowned when he heard this.

This amount is not too much.

The amount of fuel transported from the Oil City to the Da Zhangshu Base is hundreds of tons.

It seems that the Northern Federation really doesn't have enough fuel.

Then he looked at DaPao and asked, "DaPao, you are in charge of the scientific research room. How is it over there?"

Cannon stood up and said:

"In the scientific research room, I just made a brief count. I don't know what many of the equipment there are..."

Li Yu frowned and asked Cannon to sit down.

In the scientific research room on the northern side, Ma Di or Bai Jie will be asked to come over later, let them select the equipment that can be used, and then transport it back to the headquarters base.

Li Yu looked at Yang Tianlong and Lao Xie. They were in charge of the warehouse.

This is the highlight.

In addition, he also heard that Yang Tianlong had encountered a tough situation.

So he asked:

"Tianlong, have the people in the warehouse underground been found?"

Yang Tianlong smiled and said, "I smoked them all to death."

(Please give me a monthly ticket~~Thank you [202306121617_bA] for the reward)

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