November 22nd, sunny, windless and muggy.

The dark night that lasted for several days came to an abrupt end.

It seems to have returned to normal day and night, but what is unusual is that the sun is very strong and the temperature is as high as 36 degrees.

The sun finally came out, and Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

There has been no sun for so many days, and the high-voltage power grid is turned on 24 hours a day at the wall, which really consumes a lot of the electricity stored in the past few days.

Looking at the late rice that was bent down by the ears of rice, Li Yu was thinking about whether to harvest the late rice in the next two days.

Before Li Yu could speak, Grandpa came up and talked about it.

The sun is just shining, but there will be heavy rains in a few days. I harvest it quickly. I can also use these three days to dry the rice so that it will not get moldy when stored.

Just do it.

Except for those on duty, everyone went to the fields to harvest.

With the efforts of more than 20 people who cut rice, threshed grain and tied rice straw, 4 acres of land were harvested in less than three hours.

In the afternoon, the harvested rice was spread out on the built cement road.

There is sunshine and higher temperatures during these three days.

Judging from the situation, it is estimated that the sun will be ready before the heavy rain comes on the 25th.

Everyone was still very afraid of the apocalypse at first, but after they got over the fear,

In addition, I haven't encountered any danger recently, so I don't have to worry about food and clothing.

So the feeling is not much different from before, and it seems that the end of the world is not so scary.

But what they don't know is!

If there wasn't this wall,

If there is not enough food,

Without this safe base,

Can we still live such a relaxed life?

Since the beginning of November, day and night have been reversed, and the temperature difference has changed. The government has advocated staying away from home, and even completely closed traffic in the past few days.

In more than 20 days, supermarkets, takeaways, and convenience stores have been gradually closed. In the countryside, it is okay, and there is more food at home, but in the cities, people have begun to starve to death!

Before his rebirth, Li Yu just happened to stock up on some supplies, otherwise it would be difficult for him to survive the early days of the apocalypse.

On November 24, Li Yu took Li Hang, his second uncle, and his uncle Lai out of the base, intending to see the situation in the village.

Looking along the way, there were no pedestrians on the road.

Occasionally, two zombies can be seen wandering around.

Seeing these situations, everyone was in a bad mood.

In order to avoid accidents, after looking around, Li Yu drove a few people back to the base.

But on the way back, they didn't see a few figures following behind.

The car drove to the gate. My uncle was on duty today.

After seeing Xiaoyu getting out of the car, he quickly went to unlock and push the door open.

A person can only push one side at a time when pushing the door. When Li Yu saw this, he was ready to step forward to help.

Just as I was about to walk towards the door, I suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis saved him many times in the last days.

In an instant, Li Yu turned his head.

His eyes were fixed on a forest behind the car.

There was no movement on the other side of the woods, but Li Yu was still staring there.

Seeing Li Yu's movements, the second uncle in the car quickly got out of the car and looked towards the woods, but after looking for a while, he found nothing, so he asked, "Xiaoyu, what's wrong, what's behind? Is it a zombie? "

After hearing this, Uncle Lai and Li Hang also got out of the car, each holding a crossbow in their hands.

"I wish it were just zombies, ha!" Li Yu sneered.

At the same time, he raised the compound crossbow in his hand and shouted: "If you don't come out, I will shoot!"

A gust of wind blew by,

The pine needles fell from the trees, making a thin rustling sound.

one second

two seconds

three seconds

Finally, there was a sound of footsteps, and several figures appeared behind the bushes.

I saw a middle-aged bald man appear holding a butcher knife.

Take a closer look!

It turned out to be Li Yu's next-door neighbor, Wang Maoniu!

The one who killed thousands of dollars to do pyramid schemes!

Why the hell is this guy still alive? Wasn't he surrounded by zombies in the toilet last time I saw him?

There were a few people following him, all of them second-rate people in the village, and even the bastard son of the village party secretary.

A group of five people each wore several gold rings on their fingers.

After seeing Li Yu, several bums called Brother Yu and came forward to say hello.

"Xiaoyu, we don't mean anything malicious, we are all neighbors." Neighbor Old Wang greedily looked at the base behind,

Then he said: "Now there are a lot of monsters in the village, it's too scary, you, can you let us enter your tourist park?"

"No!" Before Lao Wang finished speaking, Li Yu refused decisively.

The second uncle and the others looked at each other, but didn't speak.

When the bums next to me heard this, they immediately became unhappy.

"Calling you Brother Yu is to save face, you really picked it up?"

"That's right, hurry up, get out of the way, let us go in!"

"Don't get in the way, or I will give you good fruit to eat."

"Yo! It's really terrible. Believe it or not, I will kill you! Er Gouzi dared to stop us yesterday. Do you know what happened to Er Gouzi?" One of the little yellow hairs said arrogantly.

"Chopped up by me! Hehe, his wife is really...Run!"

After hearing this, the village party secretary's son stared blankly at Xiao Huangmao: "Don't you just brag, did you really do this?"

The little yellow hair looked at him contemptuously, raised his right hand, pointed to one of the watches and said, "Here, this watch belongs to Er Gouzi.

It’s not just me, some of them are even more ruthless and spend more money playing than me, hahahaha. In the past, I took you to play because you were the son of the village party secretary. Now you are nothing! "

When the son of the village party secretary heard this, he said in disbelief: "How dare you! How dare you!"

The other side.

After the second uncle and the others heard this, their faces didn't look good.

On the other hand, Li Yu didn't seem too surprised after hearing this, as it was within his expectations.

The end of the world is here, and it would be naive to use the previous moral standards to measure human nature.

Some people are kind in nature, but after being hit by social reality, they slowly go astray.

And some people are evil at heart, no matter how they are educated, they are still evil.

Li Yu has his own set of rules for dealing with real villains.

Seeing these second-rate men approaching while talking, the second uncle couldn't help it anymore and was about to remind Xiaoyu.

When these second-rate men saw Li Yu and the others holding crossbows, although they were a little wary, they were not very afraid. They seemed to have something to rely on!

They felt that Li Yu and the others did not dare to shoot them! Because they are good people!


Right between the eyebrows!

That second-rate guy had a bow and arrow stuck in his head, and his eyes were still shocked until he died!

Li Yu has always believed in: If you can solve the problem with your hands, never talk too much.

"Fuck, that's too cruel!" Li Hang from behind shouted.

"It's so cruel, but it's also so cool!" Li Hang added.

When the second uncle heard this, he looked at him speechlessly.

Look, is this what people say?

Why did I think you were going to say that Yu Zai was not good?

The second-rate guys behind were also shocked, the rhythm was wrong!

According to the normal operation, shouldn't it be a quarrel, and then they suddenly attack at close range?


Although they are bad and have killed people indirectly, they are not so cruel!

What's more, Li Yu wants to be cruel to them!

How not to be afraid of bad people?

That is worse than the bad guys! Then bad people will be afraid of you.

The few idiots at the back stopped immediately and backed away shivering. The son of the village party secretary next to him felt his legs weaken and collapsed on the ground in fear.

The second-rate son thought to himself: You are a bad person! Your whole family is bad!

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