In the octagonal cage.

Li Yu easily blocked the mysterious man's fatal blow to the black hand.

Everyone in the audience was stunned, and they looked at this scene in disbelief.

"Fuck, fuck, is this a joke? Can it be blocked like this?"

"Yes, this is totally unreasonable."

Six fingers on the edge of the octagonal cage saw very clearly that the punch that the mysterious man just dropped was very heavy, but such a heavy punch was easily caught by this young man.

The speed and strength of the young man should have reached a terrifying level.

In the octagonal cage ring.

The mysterious man was horrified, and then anger appeared on his face.

"I asked you to stop it!"

He swung hard, trying to shake off the right wrist that was caught by Li Yu.

But the embarrassing thing was that even if he used all his strength, he still couldn't shake it off.

He was angry and humiliated and swung his left fist towards Li Yu's head.

But what made him desperate was that Li Yu actually grabbed his left wrist again.

Both of his hands were controlled by someone, as if they were held in an iron hoop.

"Who are you?" The mysterious man had never met such a person.

He could feel that the young man was incredibly strong.

If it was just his strength, it would be fine. His speed and reaction were also the strongest he had ever seen.

"Temporary referee."

Li Yu pointed at the half-dead Black Hand lying below and pursed his lips.

"I declare that Wukong wins!"

As he said that, he forcibly raised the mysterious man's right hand high, just like the way the winner raised his hand after the battle.

The crowd watching off the court looked at Black Hand lying on the ground motionless and unable to get up.

Compared with the mysterious man who was still able to stand up, it was clear who was winning and who was losing.

The survivors who supported the mysterious man shouted loudly: "Wukong! Wukong! Wukong!"

The survivors who had originally bought Black Hand's victory looked disappointed and lost all their points.

No one would think it was unfair. After all, everyone saw that the mysterious man had indeed won the fight.

However, this referee was also very fierce.

I wonder who would win if this referee fought with the mysterious man.

Many viewers had this thought in their minds at this time.

The door of the octagonal cage shook, and Six Fingers was about to come in with his men to lift the black hand down.

At this moment, the mysterious man looked at Li Yu who raised his right hand high next to him.

His eyes became colder and colder.

Li Yu stopped him, and in his opinion, humiliated him.


He suddenly exerted force with his right hand, and his wrist slipped out, and he yelled at Li Yu: "You shouldn't stop me!"

As he said that, he rushed towards Li Yu.

Li Yu frowned, he didn't like this kind of disobedient person.

I said you won, and you still want to continue fighting?

Li Yu didn't reach out his right fist until the mysterious man was about to hit him, and then he hit the mysterious man's ribs.

The mysterious man was hit hard, and he couldn't catch his breath and fell back.

But before he could take two steps back, he felt that his right fist was caught by someone.

Li Yu grabbed the mysterious man's right wrist with one hand, spun it around and swung it.

The mysterious man felt like he was flying.


He fell to the ground.


He was swung to the iron frame next to him.

The octagonal cage shook and was about to fall.

He was like a sandbag, being swung back and forth in the air by Li Yu.

Left, right, left, left, right.

Until he fainted completely.

Li Yu let go.


The mysterious man fell down like a sandbag and rolled to the edge of the octagonal cage, shaking the fence.

Fainted and motionless.

Li Yu looked at the mysterious man and curled his lips, "If you don't accept my toast, you'll have to drink a penalty."

On the field, Black Hand and the mysterious man fainted on the ground, only Li Yu, the temporary referee, was still standing.

He felt that it was meaningless, clapped his hands, and walked out of the octagonal cage.

The six fingers standing in front of him quickly stepped aside, and the people of the Axe Gang on both sides looked at Li Yu with eyes like looking at a god.

The audience also saw this scene and was quiet.

For a moment, the whole arena fell into silence, looking at the octagonal cage in horror.

Until Li Yu walked out of the octagonal cage, the arena burst into cheers.


"This, this, this, this, this is a real tough guy, my god."

"Let him participate, he will definitely be the champion if he participates!"

"Where is he? How come I can't see him in a blink of an eye."

"He's coming, coming towards us."

After Li Yu walked out of the octagonal cage, he walked towards Li Zhengping and the others.

Li Zhengping widened his eyes, his eyes full of admiration and surprise.

He knew that his elder brother was very strong, but he didn't know he was so strong.

"Why are you looking at me? Go, get out!"

Li Yu frowned and walked out with everyone.

When he walked out, the survivors on both sides gave way and looked at Li Yu with fiery eyes.

"Brother, you can participate in the next ring match. I will definitely buy your championship!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Didn't you see that they are patrols? They don't need to come to the ring."

Under the gaze of everyone, Li Yu and his party left the arena.

After walking out of the arena.

Li Yu said to Lao Huang and Li Zhengping:

"Two things."

"Find the information of the black hand and the Wukong masked man and show it to me."

"Also send a doctor to treat the two of them. Uh. The first ten injured people will be treated free of charge. Keep a record of these ten people for me, keep an eye on them, and try to win them over appropriately."

"Okay." Lao Huang and Li Zhengping answered in unison.

Li Zhengping thought for a while, "Brother, are you interested in them?"

Li Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "They are useful."

Those who can make it to the top ten are not weak, and they are all desperate.

Desperadoes are not afraid of death and have strong strength.

Such people can be used as a sharp sword if they are used well.

Now buy these desperate people who don't care about their lives, and send them to the northwest to cause trouble in the future.

Or do some other more dangerous tasks, they can let them go.

The northwest is so far away, and the defense is so strict. If you send the commandos or other teams there, there will definitely be a lot of casualties, and they can go but can't come back.

But if you let these desperate people go, you won't feel bad.

Every time a ring competition is held, there will be a new batch of strong desperate people.

Li Yu and his team left, but the scene of Li Yu's fierceness in the octagonal cage just now was deeply imprinted in many people's minds.

They didn't think that someone could really do this.

Although the mysterious man had just consumed a lot of physical strength and his combat effectiveness had decreased.

But he was not to be played with like this.

Black Hand was already very strong, and the mysterious man was even stronger, but the temporary referee who ran out easily crushed the mysterious man, which was enough to shock people.

The next day.

Busy Old Huang started a new day again.

He was busy until the middle of the night last night, and the city lord and his team went back to rest after visiting the night market.

But he had to contact Ni Guangkuo and his team at the medical clinic to go to the arena to save people.

In addition, he had to find the information of the mysterious man Wukong and Black Hand and send it to the city lord.

The city lord fell asleep, so he put the information in the conference room.

There were a lot of things to do today, so he slept for four hours last night and got up early in the morning.

He hurried to the conference room and took the information to the door of Li Yu's residence again.

It happened that Li Yu opened the door while brushing his teeth at this time.

"City Lord, this is the information you asked me to find about the black hand and the mysterious man yesterday. Please take a look."

As he said that, he handed over the stack of papers in his hand.

Li Yu raised his eyebrows and took it, "Okay."

Old Huang bowed and said, "City Lord, then you look at it, I'll go down first."

"Go." Li Yu nodded.

He walked to the table with the stack of papers and put it on the table.

Open it.

The first page is Wukong's photo and name.

Name: Xiangqian.

Occupation: Sweeper.

Level: Level 5.

Points: 198.

Skills: Weaving.

The filling is very simple, and it is impossible to tell that this person is so good at fighting.

As for the points, as an ordinary survivor, he actually has 198 points. This is very rare, even higher than the points of a team.

According to the trading market, one point is exchanged for one kilogram of food.

198 points can be exchanged for 198 kilograms of food.


Li Yu took a quick look and found that this mysterious man and Black Hand were the same as many survivors, and they didn't fill in their real experience and occupation truthfully.

Now these survivors have been called upon to fill in their real occupations, but people...

Nothing will happen without benefits.

Without benefits, the survivors who are vigilant are not willing to tell others about their experiences and what they have done before.

Until recently, the recruitment began, recruiting various tasks and giving rewards. A lot of corresponding talents emerged at once.

After Li Yu took a quick look, he threw the stack of papers aside.

He murmured: Go forward, Black Hand?

It doesn't matter, no matter what experience you have, as long as you can use it for me.

After Lao Huang hurriedly left Li Yu's residence,

he rode a small electric donkey to Building 4 in the North District of the trading market.

Outside the door of Building 4, there were two rows of people standing, and the survivors lined up to enter Building 4.

Lao Huang got off the small electric donkey and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw so many people queuing.

There was a long queue at the main entrance, so he entered Building No. 4 from the side door.

As soon as he entered, he saw Wen Biao registering there.

He approached and asked with a smile:

"Brother Biao, how is it, are the carpenters recruited enough?"

Wen Biao is a Level 2 outer city staff, one level higher than Lao Huang.

Now Lao Huang's level is a Level 3 non-staff staff, but he controls the internal affairs and market of the entire trading market and has great power.

Wen Biao turned his head and saw Lao Huang,

"Brother Huang, there are 34 people who have signed up now, and we are still recruiting."

"But how is your wood prepared? In addition, these carpenters need some tools: saws, hammers, rulers, ink fountains..."

Lao Huang scratched his head and said:

"As for wood, I have already talked to Xie Changshan the day before yesterday. His transportation team will send people out to cut trees and transport them to the West District.

The West District has already stockpiled some wood. If you recruit carpenters, just send them directly to the West District Industrial Park."

"As for tools, I'll think of a way."

Wen Biao handed the matter over to another person next to him, stood up, and put his arm around Lao Huang's shoulders.

"Some carpenters brought their own tools, but their tools were sealed up and could not enter the trading market. You should say hello to Liu Long of the Sealing Management Office and ask him to take out the corresponding tools for use first."

Old Huang thought about it and it was okay.

His recent proposal to improve the living environment of the trading market and some other suggestions were all approved.

But implementation requires the mobilization of many people, which is quite complicated.

He is also just a small non-staff member, so when dealing with the heads of various parties, his attitude is always very low.

What is being implemented now is actually to build windows and furniture for the houses in the trading market.

Apart from anything else, it is impossible for every survivor to come in and sit on the cement floor with nothing.

At the very least, there is a bed, and a few bunk beds. A room can accommodate more people, and for many survivors, they don't have to lie on the cold ground.

And with a bed, the materials brought in by the survivors are easier to store.

The space can be maximized.

There is no need to pile up large and small bags like now.

After building the bunk beds, things can be placed under the beds and on the beds.

In addition, the crowd is divided into different groups, and each person is assigned to a room.

Teams are placed in one room as much as possible.


Old Huang patted Wen Biao on the shoulder, "Thank you, Brother Biao, please help me recruit people here."

Wen Biao smiled and said:

"What's the big deal, Director Luo and the others asked us to follow your command, Brother Huang, you are too polite."

Old Huang smiled and said:

"Okay, Brother Biao, you help me watch over here, and send the recruited carpenters to the West District later. I will go to see how much wood has been obtained in the West District."

"Go." Wen Biao let go of Old Huang.

Old Huang ran out of Building No. 4.

The first step in the transformation of the residence of this trading market is to transform the basic living environment first.

Windows, beds.

And according to the different grades of houses, the supporting items inside are also different.

According to his idea, this highest-grade room must be the largest and the best living environment. This kind of room cannot use bunk beds, but a big bed.

In addition, there are some simple decorations, which require the recruitment of professional decoration workers, or asking Xie Changshan to dig people over to do it.

The worst third level is simple, with a row of upper and lower beds.

Even the distance between the beds can be shortened.

As long as it can accommodate people, after all, the points of the third level are very, very low.

Lao Huang rides a small electric donkey.

The trading market.

The sidewalk is crowded with people.

On the roadway, more than a dozen trucks roared past.

On these trucks, several trucks were full of people, all of whom were workers who went out to cut and saw wood.

Most of them were personnel of the affiliated forces of the North, and some were survivors temporarily recruited in the trading market.

These people ran out to cut down trees to prepare the raw materials for wooden beds.

(Seeking monthly tickets)

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