Outside the trading market wall.

Three trucks loaded with fir trees were queuing up to enter the side entrance of the trading market.

A driver in the car threw a cigarette butt to the ground.

I raised my head and saw Jigong Mountain in the distance. I stared at a white cloud above Jigong Mountain in a daze.

Jigong Mountain is located in the south of the trading market.

It is a remnant of the Dabie Mountains.

With a radius of fifty miles and the highest point of 784 meters above sea level, Xiaoxiao Peak was named after the end of the world because the entire mountain resembled a rooster with its head held high, wings spread, and its neck crowing.

The sun shines through the gaps in the towering trees and falls variegatedly on the winding paths, forming a spectacle of light and shadow.

On the ground, green grass and miscellaneous flowers are blooming, and occasionally they are caressed by the breeze, exuding a faint fragrance.

Occasionally, a squirrel quickly shuttles among the branches, stirring up the dance of fallen leaves. Further away, a stream gurgled by, and the sound of water was clear and sweet, resonating harmoniously with nature.

swish swish——

A middle-aged woman wearing tattered linen clothes and a hat with two holes in it walked out of the grass.

Behind her were five young men and women in their mid-twenties.

They searched around, as if looking for something.

A young man followed behind. Suddenly, his skin was pierced by a fruit tree covered with thorns.


The young man looked down and saw that the fruit tree was covered with oval-shaped fruits and had a ring of thorns on the surface.

He quickly shouted:

"Professor Chu, can this be eaten?"

Chu Juan, who was walking at the front, frowned when she heard this, turned her head, pushed aside the weeds and walked over.

"Yongzhen, how many times have I told you, please speak softer when you come out. Although it is daytime, there may be zombies on the mountain. You can easily attract zombies with your loud voice."

As she spoke, she carefully picked a fruit while avoiding the thorns.

Look at the fruit carefully.

The surface of the fruit is reddish-brown, with raised brown dots; there are disc-shaped flowers on the top, a thin yellow column in the middle, and the lower part is tapering. When touched, it feels a bit hard.

Chu Juan stuffed the fruit into the basket behind her, "You can eat it, but don't eat too much or it will burn your stomach. This one is called golden cherry tree. It is a traditional Chinese medicine that can treat problems such as long-term diarrhea, hemorrhage, and urethritis." "

"Pick as much as you like. You don't have to pick too much to take up too much space. That's not our goal today."

While she was talking, several students around her had already picked all the fruit trees.

Chu Juan looked at them and sighed, the last days are difficult.

Fortunately, she was a botanist before the end of the world and knew all kinds of plants. At any rate, she could always find some satisfying wild vegetables and fruits in the mountains and forests.

After picking, she led everyone down the mountain.

Her main goal today is wild yams. There are many wild yams growing in the mountains and forests of southern Henan Province.

Moreover, the ripening season of wild yam is from September to October, and now September is the ripening season.

Yam is a nutritious root food. It contains about 43% starch. The starch content is relatively high. Moreover, yam has relatively high nutritional content. It contains protein, crude fiber and various trace elements, which can strengthen the spleen and nourish the body. Qi, increase the body's immunity.

This rhizome is rich in starch and can be used as a staple food.

The group walked down the mountain while picking various wild fruits.

It is mid-September now, the season when wild fruits are ripe.

Along the way, they picked wild fruits such as mountain twisters, wild hawthorns, ground pomegranates, and guaizao.

These wild fruits are rich in vitamins, but no matter how much you eat, you won’t be full.

After they picked it, they only ate a little bit, and kept most of it, and carried it back to dry the fruit so that it could be stored longer.

Everyone walked halfway up the mountain. A girl with a tanned face, rough skin, but pretty facial features walked up to Chu Juan and asked while panting:

"Professor Chu, why didn't you fill in the real situation? Now in the recruitment hall at the trading market, a notice has been issued, inviting doctors, professors and experts to find employment. Among the recruitment list is botany.

You can try it. "

Chu Juan stopped and slowly turned her head. Time seemed to have left no trace in her eyes, and her eyes were still as clear and clean as before.

The cruelty and hardships of the last days did not turn her into a resentful person.

Her eyes were calm and gentle, as if nothing could leave a trace in her heart.

"Let's look at it again. I'm afraid I won't be able to come and go freely. Isn't it good that we are like this now?"

Wang Beibei nodded, lowering his head and not knowing what he was thinking.

Chu Juan led everyone at the front and did not forget to teach some knowledge to the students behind.

"You all know what the wild yam we are looking for looks like. Who knows where wild yam usually grows?"

The words just fell.

Wang Beibei, the pretty girl who had been following her, said first:

"Wild yams generally grow on the forest edges of hillsides, under shrubs and ditches, as well as under forests, shrubs or weeds in valleys, so we are going down now. Just to find wild yams."

When Chu Juan heard this, she smiled.

Over the past few years, she often took her students to dig for edible wild fruit roots in the mountains and forests, but she managed to survive.

In the past, I always studied in the classroom and never applied this knowledge in practice.

It's in use now.

But it's been hard to endure these few years.

From the original 29 students, only five are left now.

Among them, three are sports students from the school's undergraduate department.

But without these three sports students, they wouldn't have survived until now.

They held sickles or hatchets in their hands, and carried baskets they woven on their backs, which were piled with wild fruits and vegetables, as well as digging tools such as small hoes.

The group walked down the mountain and happened to be in a valley.

There were towering mountains on both sides, and a flat land in the middle, covered with bushes and trees.

"Don't disperse, stay within my sight, and look carefully. This side is relatively humid, and it is very likely that wild yams will grow."

The crowd separated, three or five meters apart, and searched in a straight line.

The wild yams here have not been dug for many years. Once found, they must be the super-large wild yams.

More than ten minutes passed in a flash.

Suddenly, the young man with a high nose shouted again: "Professor Chu, this, this, I found it!"

"Wang Yongzhen, don't be so loud, damn!" A slightly stronger boy glared at Wang Yongzhen angrily.

"Isn't this too exciting, hehe." Wang Yongzhen scratched his head and laughed.

He put down the basket, squatted down, took out a small hoe from the basket, and dug twice vigorously.

The leaves of this small tree are palm-shaped and heart-shaped, with triangular shallow cracks on the edges.

It is the shape of wild yam leaves.

Chu Juan came over when she heard the sound, and she saw that it was wild yam at a glance.

"Yes, this is a wild yam, but Wang Yongzhen, I warn you, if you keep making such a fuss, you won't come out next time."

Wang Yongzhen clasped his fists and said with guilt: "I found this wild yam, I'm so excited, sorry everyone."

Chu Juan sighed, shook her head and said:

"Liu Zhuangshi, you and Wang Yongzhen dig this wild yam here, we'll go look for it nearby, don't run around."

Liu Zhuangshi was the strong man who scolded Wang Yongzhen. He used to be a college student majoring in physical education.

"Okay, Professor Chu." Liu Zhuangshi did not refuse.

He respected Professor Chu very much. If Professor Chu hadn't taken them to collect wild fruits and food all over the mountains in recent years, they would have starved to death long ago.

Perhaps because it was far away from the city, there were fewer people and zombies in the mountains and forests, and it was relatively safer.

In recent years, he also learned to recognize some wild fruit plants, how to preserve these foods, and how to survive the difficult winter.

Chu Juan then gave the two of them some instructions, and then took the remaining three people to continue walking into the bush.

After they left, Liu Zhuangshi turned his head and looked at Wang Yongzhen and said:

"You dig first, I'll help you watch the surroundings, and I'll do it when you get tired later."

Wang Yongzhen dug very carefully, digging down little by little, with an excited smile on his face.

"Zhuangshi, this wild yam, believe it or not, it is definitely more than 10 jin."

He dug to a depth of 30 centimeters, looking at the thick rhizomes of the wild yam, he determined that it was 10 jin.

Liu Zhuangshi glanced at him and took a look at the rhizomes of the wild yam.

Tauntingly, "Don't be like last time, with a big neck and a small body. This wild yam must weigh ten jin, and it must be at least half a meter long to reach it."

Hearing Liu Zhuangshi's words, Wang Yongzhen remembered the embarrassment of the last time.

The last time he looked at the trend of the rhizomes, he thought it would be more than 10 jin, but it turned out to be rotten below.

Only a small whisker grew out, and the total weight was less than 2 jin.

It embarrassed him to death.

This time, he must prove himself.

Thinking about it, he dug hard.

Sweat dripped down, and the light and shadow shining through the gaps in the leaves gradually moved.

Digging wild yam is a strenuous job and requires a lot of patience.

Wild yam grows straight, so you can only dig downwards, so the longer the wild yam grows, the deeper you dig.

Even if you dig the king of wild yam, you may have to dig a two-meter pit.

The workload is very large.

The two dug alternately, and after digging for an hour, they had dug a pit more than one meter deep.

"Hehehe, look, it's twins, not to mention ten kilograms, there are twenty kilograms here!" Wang Yongzhen breathed a sigh of relief and handed the small hoe to Liu Zhuangshi.

Climbed up the pit.

Liu Zhuangshi's eyes were also slightly excited. Twenty kilograms of wild yam was too much.

If you take it back to the trading market, you can exchange it for 10 points.

This kind of wild yam is very rare and can be eaten as a staple food.

However, fresh wild yam has a high water content, 80% of which is water.

10 jin of wild yam, after drying and grinding, only 2 jin of yam powder will be produced.

In theory, 2 jin of yam can be exchanged for 1 point, which means it can be exchanged for 1 jin of dry food. In fact, the exchange rate is still very high.

You should know that 1 jin of gold can only be exchanged for 3 jin of food.

However, since wild yam is also a Chinese medicine, and the Chinese medicine hall of the big camphor tree base needs wild yam as a Chinese medicine, and it is difficult to mine.

Therefore, the price is slightly raised.

Now in the task hall of the trading market, some other Chinese medicines are also released.

As long as you take them, you can exchange them for points.

All along, most of these herbs in the Chinese medicine hall have been collected by survivors and partners after the task hall of the big camphor tree base and the trading market issued tasks.

Another hour passed.

Liu Zhuangshi finally dug to the bottom of the wild yam. He said to Wang Yongzhen above:

"Yongzhen, we have dug to the bottom!"

"Fuck, these two wild yams must weigh 40 kilograms!"

The flesh on his face was shaking with excitement. This was the largest and thickest wild yam they had ever dug.

Wang Yongzhen's hands were shaking. He was so excited that he jumped up and down.

"Don't shout." Liu Zhuangshi saw him like this and quickly reminded him.

Wang Yongzhen grabbed his hair and yelled silently.

The veins on his neck were exposed, his eyes were red, he jumped and patted his chest.

So excited!

So excited!

"Wang Yongzhen, what are you doing?" Chu Juan and others came out of the bushes and saw Wang Yongzhen who looked like a madman.

"Professor, he may have been bitten by a zombie and will mutate. Stand back and let me do it." A man stopped Chu Juan behind him and took out a hatchet to kill Wang Yongzhen.

Wang Yongzhen shuddered when he heard them say that, and quickly said: "No, no, no, no!"

"I'm happy! Don't make a fuss!"

The man breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, but he wanted to make a joke.

"Huh? Zombies can still talk? I can't leave them alone, I'll kill them now!"

As he said that, he took a few steps towards Wang Yongzhen with a knife.

Wang Yongzhen stepped back a few steps and fell to the ground.

"Brother Bo, don't make a fuss, look at this pit below, there are more than 40 kilograms of wild yams, we are rich!"


As he said that, Wang Yongzhen couldn't hold back his smile and laughed loudly.

Brother Bo hurried over, and when he saw the two-meter-deep pit and the two two-meter-long, elbow-thick wild yams, his eyes slowly widened.

"Oh my! Oh my! So big!"

"Two more!"

Chu Juan and others hurried over, and when they found these two huge wild yams, everyone's face instantly showed a smile.

"So big!"

"We've made a fortune!"

"Here are 40 kilograms of wild yam, plus the 10 kilograms we just dug, which is 50 kilograms of wild yam, which can be exchanged for 25 points, that is, 100 corn cakes. This is enough for us to eat for ten days!"

"Wang Yongzhen, Liu Zhuangshi, you are so awesome!"

"This time, I want to change something to eat. Professor Chu, can we not eat corn cakes, can we change to other steamed buns?"

"I want to eat meat. I haven't eaten meat for a long time."

"Forget it, meat is too expensive, we can't afford it, let's save it."

"Corn cakes are good, I like to eat corn cakes, they are full!"

Before they took the wild yam back, they were already imagining the points they could get after taking the wild yam back.

Imagine the scene of using points to buy various foods later.

Many of them swallowed their saliva every time they passed by the barbecue restaurant, but they could only swallow their saliva and smell the smell every time.

Chu Juan was also very happy to see everyone so happy.

She smiled and said:

"Hurry up and dig out the yam. It's so long that it can only be divided into several sections."

"Okay!" Wang Yongzhen climbed up and jumped into the pit,

Dig wild yam!

(Little leek, begging for the guaranteed monthly ticket, I've fallen out of the monthly ticket list~) (End of this chapter)

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