Xiao Ma and Wan Nian pushed the two of them in and said, "Hurry up, hurry up."

Dayong staggered and almost bumped into a zombie, with hatred in his eyes.

How could he not know that although these zombies are not moving now, they may wake up, but if he didn't come in just now, those people would have killed him directly.

Slowly getting up from the ground, carefully avoiding the zombies next to him, Yuan Zhong on the other side also carefully moved slowly from among the many zombies.

Being so close to the zombies made both of their calves tremble a little.

The end of the world has erupted for so long, and they have seen countless people being swallowed alive by these zombies. When they think of some not-so-good scenes, they tremble a little.

Outside the door, Wannian and Xiaoma felt a little timid looking at so many zombies.

But now to search for food, it is hard to find a place that has not been searched, how can I let it go.

So, Wannian said viciously:

"Go in and look for it, don't waste time, if you don't find it, don't come out, if you get it done early, come out sooner."

Inside the door, Dayong and Yuan Zhong looked at each other, mustered up their courage, and walked inside step by step.

There are relatively few zombies at this door, and the more you get inside, the more zombies there are.

The two held their breath and stood on tiptoe, not daring to make too much noise.

After walking about ten meters inside, they stopped when they saw the scene in front of them.

The zombies in front of them were crowded together, and the distance between zombies was less than half a meter.

The two of them stood in front of these zombies, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Outside the door, Wan Nian stared closely at the zombies in front of him.

Tick ​​tock~

A drop of water fell on the ground, and he discovered that the layer of frost on the surface of these zombies was melting under the sunlight at noon.

The zombies closest to the door began to tremble under the scorching sun.

"Not good." Wan Nian said secretly in his heart.

He pulled the pony beside him and whispered: "Look at these zombies, they seem to be moving."

When Xiao Ma heard this, he was about to say something sarcastic, but when he saw it, his eyes shrank slightly and he really moved.

The two looked at each other and hurriedly walked in Brother Wang's direction.

The sound of walking attracted the attention of Dayong and his two men who were looking for supplies inside the door.

The two people quickly looked back and saw the two people standing at the door running outside.

My heart skipped a beat.

A thought flashed through my mind, what happened?


Dayong accidentally hit a billboard on the wall and fell to the ground.

This sound immediately woke up the zombies who were already on the edge of the door.


The first zombie roared, and then the zombies around it began to wake up.

Dayong and the two people watched clearly from behind, and a trace of despair flashed in their hearts.

The roar of these zombies is like a button.

Later, the zombies that were not exposed to the sun also began to wake up.

Like waves, waves of zombies wake up.

The few zombies at the door woke up and ran directly out the door, in the direction of Wan Nian and the others.


Zombies howl.

Wan Nian and Xiao Ma had just ran out for more than ten meters when they turned around and saw a group of zombies chasing after them.

Amazing speed!

Wan Nian's heart trembled, and he shouted to Brother Wang and others in front: "The zombies have awakened, run!"

Brother Wang, who was always paying attention to what was going on here, picked up his backpack and ran away without saying a word.

The two people behind followed. The woman who was with Brother Wang looked at Xiaokui who was squatting on the ground holding her head and asked: "Brother Wang, what should I do with her?"

Brother Wang said without looking back: "Don't care what she is doing, just run away."

The woman looked at Xiaokui.

Xiaokui also saw the zombies behind Wan Nian and others. She stood up and looked at her with pleading eyes.

It's a pity that the women are not the two people at the big iron gate at this time. No one like Brother Wang would care about her life or death.

In the last days, wish yourself good luck.

The woman ignored Xiaokui's prayers and didn't even untie the rope that bound her, and followed Brother Wang without saying a word.

Xiaokui wailed: "Help me, don't let me go."

But both the woman and Brother Wang paid attention to her.

Wan Nian and Xiao Ma, who were running behind, also chased after her. Xiao Kui looked at Wan Nian pitifully and said, "Untie me and take me with you. I will be yours."

Xiao Ma ignored this person and glanced at Wannian with amusement in his eyes.

Passed by Xiaokui.

When Wan Nian heard this, he felt like he was constipated. This Xiaokui, it would have been fine if she hadn't spoken just now, but he wasn't going to do anything.

However, Xiao Ma's look just now seemed to say: This is the kind of taste you have.

Especially remembering that he said he wanted to join their family before.

social death scene

This made him feel extremely humiliated. Looking at this fat woman, an unknown fire surged up.

Wan Nian directly stabbed the woman in the leg.


The knife cut open the woman's thick pants, and blood came out directly.

"Ah. You are so cruel!" After the woman was stabbed, her center of gravity became unstable and she fell directly to the ground.

Wannian glanced behind him and saw that the zombies seemed to smell blood. After being hungry for months, they became even crazier and ran faster.

"Fuck." Wannian cursed secretly.

When he originally thought about using this woman to delay the zombie pursuit, he didn't expect that after the woman was stabbed, the zombies became even more excited.

These zombies ran very fast, faster than the zombies he remembered before.

Is this the power of hunger?

Wan Nian shook his head. What time of the year was it? What on earth was going on in his head.

Xiaokui looked at the zombies getting closer and closer, and the familiar feeling of fear returned.

She trembled and squirmed her fat body to the side, but her hands were tied, and her body was too fat to move.

She could only watch helplessly as these zombies chased after her.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she felt the zombies' open mouths drooling.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!!! Ahhhh!" The woman was wailing as the first zombie chased her.

He bit his arm directly.


The arm was pulled off abruptly, and the zombie immediately behind it was buried directly in her belly, using its sharp teeth to disembowel her.

Other zombies surrounded Xiaokui, biting her face, neck, legs, chest, feet, and arms.

These zombies are too hungry. If they catch a person at this time, they will immediately bite and swallow them crazily.

The zombies were like locusts crossing the border, and the original seven or eight zombies were the first to bite this woman.

However, the dozens of zombies who followed behind seemed unwilling to compete with other zombies.

Within 30 seconds, zombies ran over, like locusts crossing the border!

There were only red marks left on the ground, not even a bone.

Such an obese woman was eaten up in such a short period of time, which made Wang Ge and others who had already run away feel their hearts pounding when they saw it.

They hadn't felt this feeling of being chased by zombies for several days.

During the coldest period, they even suspected that the zombies had disappeared, until they found the frozen zombies.

However, during that coldest time, although they almost froze to death, they didn't have to worry about zombie attacks all the time.

Now, the zombies are awake!

Thanks to that woman, the zombies were somewhat blocked from pursuing, which allowed Wannian and Xiaoma to chase after him.

Wan Nian asked out of breath, "Brother Wang, where are we going now?"

Brother Wang said while running: "Leave here first, and after these zombies leave, we will go in and search for supplies. Let's run now."

Everyone ran away.

Followed by dozens of hungry, crazy zombies.

Inside the big iron gate.

At the same time, when the zombie woke up, Dayong and the others were overwhelmed with fright.

They are now in a pile of zombies, there are zombies that have just awakened outside, and there are more zombies inside, although they have not yet awakened.

But fortunately, the few zombies that woke up ran directly outside.

Dayong and the two breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the two men who were running away, Dayong said comfortably: "They deserve it, let us come in."


Just as they were relaxing, several zombies around them also woke up.

Damn it, it’s over!

This was the first thought that appeared in the hearts of the two of them.

There are zombies all around, how can you run!

But they were not the kind of people who wanted to die, so the two of them rushed away from the zombies that had not yet fully awakened.

Suddenly, Dayong saw a small door less than 4 meters away from them.

Storage room!

But this place is among those crowded zombies.

At this time, the zombies near the door have awakened.

The zombies around them were waking up.

The zombies 4 meters away were also trembling slightly, but they had not yet woken up.

Dayong said: "Go over there and take a gamble!"

There was definitely no way to get through the door. There were more than a dozen zombies blocking the door. The door was so big. When they rushed through, the zombies behind them also woke up and chased after them.

"Okay." Yuan Zhong said.

Because of the cold, both of them wore a lot of clothes.

The two of them squeezed through the pile of zombies like they were squeezing a train during the Spring Festival.

Because it was too crowded, the distance between some zombies' faces and theirs was no more than 2 centimeters.

Being too close, they could even see the texture of the skin on the faces of these zombies, black and white, with a smell of decay.

And these zombies seemed to smell the smell of humans, their noses twitched, and they were about to wake up.

The awakened zombies further away have chased them to less than 5 meters away.

There are still 2 meters away from the small gate.

Among the crowded zombies, the zombies that had already woken up and were excited were blocked by the zombies that were about to wake up.

There is still one meter.

With hope of living on his face, Dayong squeezed hard.

Finally reached the door and pulled hard.



There was a loud noise.

Dayong found that the door was blocked by the zombies next to him.


At this time, all the zombies near them woke up.

Yuan Zhong stood by and saw this scene. Gritting his teeth hard, he leaned hard on the zombie.

Then push hard.

Push the surrounding zombies to the ground.

Dayong took advantage of the situation and quickly opened the door.

The door opened.

Dayong felt happy.

Turning around, he saw Yuan Zhong pushing behind a zombie, only to be grabbed by his clothes.

Direct entry or rescue?

how to choose.

In the moment of life and death, Dayong gritted his teeth and cursed.

His right hand grabbed Yuan Zhong's clothes and tugged hard.

The body turned.

He directly pulled Yuan Zhong into the storage room.

Immediately afterwards, when the zombies were about to catch up, they dodged and entered inside.


The small door to the storage room was closed.

Just a little bit missing.

Bang bang bang!

There was the sound of the zombie door slapping outside the door.

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