Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 57: Chess, Calligraphy, Painting, Poetry and Wine

Li Yu and others drove slowly and entered the gate.

Under the wall, since it was still noon and the weather was a bit hot today, there were not many zombies.

The second uncle and others opened the first door, waited for the car to enter, then closed the door and opened the second door.

Li Yu took advantage of the situation and asked: "Second uncle, you are not on duty today. Why are you here at the gate?"

The second uncle saw that everyone was there, and no one seemed to be seriously injured, and he felt at ease.

He smiled and said: "When you go out, the people outside are sinister and there are so many zombies. I'm worried!"

"So I thought, wait here at the gate. If something happens, I can help in time."

When Li Yu heard his second uncle's words, a warm current surged in his heart. Although his second uncle had been in business for many years, he was slippery and sophisticated, and even sometimes insincere to others.

But he is sincere and sincere towards his family.

The second uncle is also more thoughtful, observes carefully, and considers all aspects well.

Li Yu nodded to his second uncle, then drove into the base.

The two cars were driving on the originally built cement road, heading towards the warehouse.

In the base, everyone ran out when they heard the sound of heavy trucks.

Li Haoran and Li Haoxian saw the heavy trucks returning with full loads and wanted to help.

But having no choice but to be on duty at the gate, I had no choice but to give up.

The heavy truck parked behind the villa, and everyone looked at the heavy truck with excitement.

These days, although there is shooting practice every day in the base,

But the designated quota of bullets per day is too few.

Li Yu got out of the car and opened the trunk of the heavy truck.

Everyone was extremely happy when they saw the guns inside.

Roll up your sleeves and ask for help to carry them down.

All firearms must be registered, and the number of bullets for each gun must be clearly stated.

Li Yu asked his mother and father, who had been in charge of the warehouse, to help with the inventory and inspection.

Use a pen to write on each box what it is and how much it contains.

Counted three times. After the number verification and counting was completed,

Everyone began to carry these firearms.

Even the younger Li Suxin and Xiao Xuanxuan want to join.

But they were only allowed to carry some lighter explosion-proof armor.

Firstly, he is too young, and secondly, he needs to be very careful when handling these things.

"Be careful when carrying it. Don't move those grenade men. Let us do it." Li Yu couldn't help but said when he saw the second aunt and others trying to lift the box.

Li Yu looked at the people who were moving, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

After counting carefully, in addition to Lai Xiyue who was on duty in the monitoring room, the two brothers Li Haoran were on duty at the gate.

One person is missing.

Li Zhengping, the son of the fourth uncle’s family!

Li Yu was a little confused, looked at his fourth uncle, and asked, "Where is Zhengping?"

Fourth uncle Li Hongcheng was also a little confused when he heard this.

Looking at the youngest daughter Li Suxin, she was sticking her butt out and struggling to move things, but it seemed that a pair of explosion-proof armor was a bit heavy.

He moved it, but his body quickly tilted and he fell on his butt.

"Su Xin, where is your brother Zhengping?" the fourth uncle asked.

Li Suxin climbed up from the ground like a little adult,

After hearing his father's question, he rubbed his hands, raised his brows, and pursed his lips.

He gestured in one direction and said with a look of disgust: "No, you are playing games in the room again. You don't want to do anything. Unlike me, you are already a well-behaved and mature adult."

Li Yu smiled and touched her little head. Li Suxin raised her head with an expression of enjoyment.

However, when the fourth uncle heard this, his dark face instantly turned red with rage.

"He's still playing! He doesn't do anything every day but just plays! Let's see if I don't beat him to death this time!"

He stood up and searched around with his eyes, as if looking for something handy.

Finally, he picked up a broom and rushed to the room angrily.

The apocalypse has come, and many things have changed, but because of the protection of Li Yu and others, everyone can enjoy a lot of life before the apocalypse.

However, it does not mean that you can enjoy it in vain and in vain for the hard and exhausting efforts of others.

Most of the people in Li Yu's family have relatively correct views and good character.

Among the younger generations, there are always one or two people who just sit back and enjoy the success without making any progress.

My second uncle has always been a good tutor.

The third uncle and the eldest uncle's family were both soldiers or armed policemen, so their upbringing was strict.

Although the two younger children in my aunt's family are a little skinny and young, they have never grown crooked.

Only the fourth uncle's family has been lacking a mistress since the fourth aunt passed away.

In addition, my fourth uncle is a simple and honest person and not good at speaking.

I have never been quite sure what to do about my children’s education.

The eldest son Li Zhengping is 16 years old this year, a rebellious age.

As for the younger daughter, I don’t know what’s going on. She’s a brat, but she’s very sensible. He is simply the little baby of the big family, and everyone loves him very much.

When everyone saw the fourth uncle holding a broom, he was going to beat Li Zhengping.

The second aunt and the third aunt tried to dissuade her. After all, the child had lost his mother a few years ago, so it was pitiful.

Li Yu looked at his fourth uncle who wanted to rush over forcefully.

He took the broom from his hand and placed it in the corner.

He said calmly: "I'll do it."

The fourth uncle looked at his nephew with an invisible sense of persuasion.

Sighing, he slowly put down the broom.

Li Yu walked into the room quietly and looked at Li Zhengping with an expressionless face.

As the eldest grandson of the two families, Li Yu is very protective of the younger generation.

Therefore, the younger generation listened to him very much, including Li Zhengping.

He is not afraid of his fourth uncle, but he is afraid of Li Yu.

Li Zhengping heard the noise and trembled when he saw Li Yu entering the room.

She looked at him a little scared, with a little admiration in her eyes, and said, "Brother, I."

Li Yu looked calm and did not scold him.

Li Yu knows that many people actually have a confused stage, the chaotic stage, which means they have no awareness;

Some people are in their teens, some are in their twenties, and they are still in this state.

I don’t know what to do all day long, I don’t know what to do, and I don’t seek to make progress.

Fear nothing, not even death.

So, many people will give up on them.

Li Yu raised his hand, and Li Zhengping shrank his head and closed his eyes, as if he was afraid that Li Yu would slap him.

Unlike his fourth uncle, Li Yu just patted his shoulder lightly and said, "Let's go out with me to move things."

His words were gentle and his tone was encouraging.

Li Zhengping was a little surprised and felt something strange in his heart, so he followed Li Yu out.

Everyone looked at Li Zhengping who came out. There was no surprise and he continued to move things.

But Li Yu was thinking about another thing, why family businesses before the end of the world were always prone to harbor evil and evil.

Because of corruption and the fetters of family ties, companies cannot maximize their profits.

But as the end of the world approaches, family ties are indeed more reliable than strangers outside. Coupled with common interests and huge external conflicts, internal unity is promoted.

When the nest is overturned, there are no eggs left.

The apocalyptic environment provides the soil for family-style development.

Although now, the people in the base are still peaceful, with basically no disputes.

But just in case in the future, a set of institutional standards must be formulated in advance to regulate everyone.

Li Yu looked at Li Zhengping and saw that he was working hard to move things.

With some ideas in my mind, I also joined in the transportation.

Soon, with the participation of everyone, the moving speed was very fast.

In less than a few minutes, everything was moved to the underground warehouse, the firearms area.

Li Yu looked at everyone and said, "Now, let's have a meeting."

No one refuted, Li Yu spent a lot of money to build the base, and everyone survived because Li Yu saved them.

The two old men with the most important words in the family unanimously asked Li Yu to lead;

And in these few incidents, he led everyone to solve various problems.

Everyone believed him, and Li Yu seemed to have become the core figure of this base.

When everyone settled down, Li Yu began to talk about his thoughts, and some normative systems of the base were approved by everyone in the second uncle.

Li Yu arranged for everyone to do things, with a clear division of labor and clear responsibilities; reward and punishment system; duty planning

No one had any objection.

Even Li Suxin and Xiao Xuanxuan stipulated how many words they should know and what books they should read.

A person, even in a desperate situation, still needs to read books so as not to become illiterate.

Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar tea,

Music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and wine.

Material is the basis,

But human beings can’t just have the basics;

And a lot of superstructure.

limited life,

Look at the infinite scenery,

So you must always be on the road.

Books are beautiful, and some books may seem useless, but they can help you find your heart, fill your soul, and keep you from being at a loss.

Among them, everyone also talked about the current situation of the county, and Li Yu also gave a brief introduction.


Li Yu looked at Li Zhengping and said, "The past two days, Zhengping, you go out with us,


Kill a lot of people! "

As soon as the words came out, murderous intent overflowed.

Everyone was shocked!

The whole room was filled with a sense of solemnity.

What should a person do if he is muddled and unaware.

Give me some encouragement, give me some time, and give me a chance to grow.

This chapter has many words.

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