Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 62 A real man is born between heaven and earth

The woman fell to the ground, and the people behind her were shaking.

Li Yu looked at the people holding their heads in their hands and begging for mercy on the ground.

He said, "Where is that Brother Hao?" His tone was cold and without any emotion.

A young man pointed at a middle-aged man on the ground with a big gold chain hanging on his chest.

Said: "He, he, he is Brother Hao."

In the panic just now, Brother Hao couldn't dodge and was shot to death by Li Yu and others.

Brother Hao, I have been mentioned in Li Yu’s ears these days.

But before I even formally introduced myself, I was already packing lunch.

Hearing this, Li Yu pointed to the man on the ground with a big gold chain hanging around his neck and said, "Is he Brother Hao?"

He pointed the gun vaguely at several other people.

When the others saw Li Yu's actions, they trembled and nodded.

Li Yu thought for a while and said no more.

The people on the ground quickly begged for mercy, hoping that Li Yu could spare their lives.

But Li Yu’s experience before his rebirth told him not to leave any trouble behind.

Raise your gun and shoot.

People on the ground cried for father and mother, but Li Yu remained unmoved.

Bang bang bang!

A pile of corpses.

The blood seemed to have merged into a small river, flowing rapidly towards the low-lying areas.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhengping's legs and feet felt weak and he could not stand upright.

He couldn't imagine such a peaceful big brother at the base.

A person who cares so much about these brothers and sisters,

So cold-blooded outside.

Killing so decisively,

As if like a demon.

But Li Yu didn't care about him, didn't comfort him, or even look at him.

The purpose of bringing him out today is to make him recognize the reality and the way to survive after the end of the world.

Either you die or I die.

Weakness is the original sin, strength is the last word.

At this time, Zhao Dapao's voice suddenly came: "Brother Yu, come here, there is something good."

Hearing this, Li Yu ran over quickly holding the gun.

The direction is exactly the above-ground parking garage, with some charging piles above.

Zhao Dapao pointed to several electric cars inside and said: "Brother Yu, this is the Seal electric car that just came online this year.

The battery life can reach more than 700 kilometers, and even if it is reduced, it can reach more than 400 kilometers. "

Then he added: "Our base now has solar photovoltaics and sufficient power, which can fully support it.

Although it cannot go to relatively far distances, it can be used in the surrounding areas. This new energy electric vehicle makes less noise and is less likely to be spotted by zombies when we drive it. "

After Li Yu heard it, he thought that this thing might be useful.

Asked: "Is there still electricity?"

Zhao Dapao said: "Also, I just found the key from their room,

Although it has been stored for a few months, the power has decreased by 10%, but it is completely enough for us to drive back to the base. "

Li Yu looked at the three electric cars, feeling a little happy in his heart, and finally the trip was not in vain.

"Okay, anyway, you all know how to drive, and you will take them all back with you when the time comes."

Then he said: "Everyone search, if there is anything useful, bring it back to the base. Don't waste it!"

After hearing this, everyone walked towards the room with guns in hand.

Li Yu glanced at Li Zhengping and remained where he was. Bewildered and at a loss.

So he said: "You follow me."

Li Zhengping glanced at Li Yu with a little fear, and timidly followed Li Yu.

Li Yu walked without looking back, and said, "How do you feel today?"

Li Zhengping hesitated to speak, but he was more confused.

Everything he saw today had a great impact on him.

Li Yu turned his head and saw Li Zhengping's face was blank, tangled, and fearful.

Knowing that he was in a state of confusion.

Li Yu saw him like this.

The tone suddenly changed and started to slow down, with memories in his eyes.

It seems to be reminiscing about some past events: "I can understand that you are at a loss now, and don't know what the direction of your efforts is.

I don't know what to live for, and I don't know what is right and what is wrong.

I also feel that the world is like that, and I feel that I am right. "

Seeing Li Yu like this for the first time, Li Zhengping was a little curious, and began to raise his head, listening carefully to Li Yu's words.

Li Yu's voice continued:

"When I was studying, someone told me that there are four levels of human cognition:

1. Don't know that you don't know, this is self-righteous;

2. Know that you don’t know, and start to be in awe;

3. Know that you know and grasp the rules of things;

4. If you don’t know what you know, you will always maintain an empty cup mentality. "

After Li Yu finished speaking, he glanced at Li Zhengping and continued:

“And you, maybe now you think you are right.

Always careless about everything.

But, do you think this is an optimistic attitude?

Do you think you are a wanderer in the game world? "

The two questions immediately stopped Li Zhengping, and he began to doubt himself.

"This state is very comfortable, indeed very relaxing."

"But you have to know what's going on now!"

"You're just running away!"

These words seemed like a knife, ruthlessly tearing open the depths of Li Zhengping's heart.

Bloody and bloody!

"If, one day, the place where we are is ruthlessly massacred like them, do you still think it is right for you to stay in your room and play games?"

"What if, on that day, you, me, my fourth uncle, and your sister Su Xin were all slaughtered.

Can you still sit idle and be a waste in the base? "

Li Zhengping was heartbroken upon hearing this.

It was as if there was an image of his family being slaughtered in his mind, and it felt as if several large rocks were placed on his chest, weighing him down and making him unable to breathe.

The head that had just been raised was lowered.

When Li Yu saw this, he walked forward without stopping and said:

"Everyone has their own way of living,

You always have to find the meaning of your existence. If you can't find it for a while and feel confused,

You might as well survive and do it first. Protect your family first. Think again. "

"I won't interfere with what kind of person you want to be in the future. That's your freedom."

Li Yu glanced at Li Zhengping.

“But, in this situation, you can survive because of me.

Can you survive without me? "

Li Zhengping lowered his head deeply, as if he wanted to bury his head in his chest.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he was so ashamed that he wanted to dig a hole and crawl in!

At this moment, Li Yu's words did not have a teaching tone, nor were they gentle, nor did they even contain a trace of emotion.

Just speaking in a very objective tone.

It is precisely because of this that every word is so straightforward, profound and directly inserted into his heart.

Let the sea of ​​his soul rise with waves, turbulently impacting his three views.

"In Zen Buddhism's Ten Cows Diagram, finding the cow is the first step." Stepping over a corpse, the clouds were calm and the wind was gentle, Li Yu continued.

"If a person doesn't think about anything, it is actually a kind of happiness.

But external factors will always interrupt, and you can't do it for long.

So many people choose to escape. As time goes by, people around you will be disappointed.

Even if you are touched, you dare not act rashly or make an effort. "

Li Yu didn't care whether he understood or not, he seemed to be talking to Li Zhengping, and he also seemed to be talking to himself.

“Because of cowardice and fear, I dare not do it and take the first step.

Fear of failure, fear of not being satisfied despite hard work. You are afraid of other people's eyes. "

When Li Zhengping heard this, his breathing became more rapid. He felt as if his whole body was shaken at this moment.

The most unbearable side in my heart was stripped away by Li Yu and displayed naked,

He is aggrieved, guilty, embarrassed, confused

It seems that emotions have reached a peak, like a volcanic eruption, about to explode.

There was a light of wisdom in Li Yu's eyes, as if he was recalling something,

It seems to think of how to survive the years before rebirth.

“Ten oxen, finding the oxen is the first step;

There must be a heart to seek cattle, a heart to work hard, and the courage to take action.

The end of the world is coming, and I am also very desperate, but what happens after despair? Find hope from despair!

Now that we are in despair, what are we still afraid of?

If you work hard with a desperate attitude, are you afraid of any consequences? Is there a worse outcome? "

Li Zhengping raised his head, his eyes were filled with tears, and his eyes were full of remorse.

Li Yu saw him crying and smiled.

His eyes suddenly became sharp and domineering.

He said in a heavy tone: "Why are you crying? You are a man!

A man born between the heaven and the earth should run amok in the world!

Men, you have to be tough on yourself.

Facing the darkness in the world, you have to be darker than the darkness to overcome the darkness.

Protect yourself with the armor of darkness,

Arm yourself with the spear of darkness,

Keep the bottom line of your heart in the dark, so that the light can bloom!

don't cry

Don't let me look down on you! ! "

The words were cadenced, and the tone was full of chills,

It seems to be a declaration before the war, full of appeal.

Li Zhengping wiped away his tears, and there seemed to be light in his eyes, which were shining brightly.

Nodding heavily, he said forcefully, "En!"

Two-in-one, I was afraid that the emotions would be incoherent. In order to maintain the continuity of the plot and emotions, I didn’t dare to break it. New book, please give me more support.

Thank you!

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