Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 696 Damn it, Captain! [Please subscribe, please monthly ticket]

The third uncle had a dream. He dreamed that when he was on a mission in Southeast Asia, there was heavy artillery fire and he watched his brothers die one by one.

Bloody and bloody, the brothers fell one by one.

He woke up with a start, his hands trembling slightly, and he stood up and saw Lao Qin on duty outside the car.

Slowly breathing a sigh of relief, he lit a cigarette.

Now in the end of the world, although many of his brothers are no longer here, he knows that with the strength of his brothers, he can survive in the end of the world.

As long as we don't die, we will see you again one day.

After smoking a cigarette, his sleepiness was gone.

So he got out of the car and walked to Lao Qin.

Lao Qin looked at his third uncle and noticed something strange about him.

So he asked: "Captain, what's wrong with you?"

The third uncle shook his head, threw a cigarette to Lao Qin, and said, "It's okay, I just dreamed about jackals and ants."

As soon as he said this, Lao Qin's hand, which was about to light the cigarette, paused for two seconds.

Only those who have been in the military know how precious the love of comrades is.

And they have lived and died together for many years, and have experienced battles that ordinary people cannot understand. In these battles, they must give their backs to their teammates 100%.

This kind of relationship is a life-and-death relationship.

Lao Qin also felt a little emotional, watching the moon set in the west and the fish belly white appearing in the east. In more than an hour, it will be dawn.

"Captain, do you want to rest again? There is still some time." Lao Qin asked.

It's still a bit cold this night.

The third uncle shook his head and said: "I can't sleep anymore. I can't sleep anymore. Just in time, let's see where we go tomorrow morning. There are many steel plants in Guangzhou. Let's discuss together which steel plant is suitable to go to first."

The two of them turned on the lamp, took the map, and circled dots on it.

The two discussed it until dawn.

Finally, four or five marks were made on the map. These places are relatively large steel plants. They can go to these places to check.

Four or five places were connected with a pen to form a line to ensure that they could search all the way without having to make detours.

On the map, the one marked 1 is the Guangzhou Iron and Steel Group in Litchi District.

This is the largest steel plant, with an annual output of tens of millions of tons of steel.

Of course, this is only the annual production, not the amount of stockpiling.

Under normal circumstances, they are produced and transported at the same time.

Therefore, there will not be too much steel stockpiled in the steel factory.

If it is some small steel plants, they have even less steel in stock, so their first stop is the larger Guangshi Steel Plant.

Its daybreak.

Everyone got up, and after eating something, they hit the road facing the sunshine.

We still walked around the city, after all, the steel plant would not open in the city center.

But even if it goes around the bustling area, after all, Guangzhou has a large population, so there are a lot of vehicles.

There were often scrapped vehicles blocking the road, so Lao Qin turned on the collision mode and knocked them away one by one.

The wheelbases of these cars are too large, so it would be easier to shuttle through them if they were motorcycles.

Everyone was walking on the beltway, looking at the dilapidated houses outside and feeling sad.

They did not expect that what was originally an international metropolis before the end of the world would become like this.

There are many tall buildings and we walked for a while.

The third uncle held the binoculars and saw several figures on a tall building nearby.

These people also discovered them.

The third uncle took out the walkie-talkie and reminded everyone: "At three o'clock, one hundred and fifty meters away, there is someone on the high building. Please pay attention to safety and be alert."

Zhu Xiao, Guo Peng and others looked at that place one after another.

The men soon disappeared from the balcony.

The third uncle was not too surprised. After all, this is a city with tens of millions of people. There are many zombies and there are many people.

They still passed through the outskirts of Guang City, where the population before the end of the world was still relatively small.

If you are in the city center, that place, if you stay there at night, if the number of people exceeds a thousand, then you can appreciate what it means to have millions of zombies climbing the stairs.

A person's popularity is relatively weak.

The popularity of ten people will be greatly enhanced, and it will be easier to attract zombies hundreds of meters away.

Once there are hundreds of people, it will be extremely popular and spread over a wide range, enough to affect zombies for several kilometers around.

If there are more than a thousand people, zombies within a dozen kilometers radius will be attracted.

On heavy rainy nights, this range will be greatly enhanced.

And during heavy rains, the mobility of zombies will be improved, so it is generally difficult for large or extremely large groups to survive in heavy rains.

Just because there are more people, more zombies will be attracted.

In Guangzhou, which is already densely populated, and in the city center where there is heavy rain, it is even more terrifying.

Guangzhou is quite large, and we don't drive in a straight line. We go around the outskirts of Guangzhou in a big circle, and the roads are not very easy to walk.

Therefore, even though they galloped all the way without rest, they did not arrive at Litchi District until noon.

"The litchi area is ahead." Lao Qin said, looking at a blue sign on the roadside.

The third uncle nodded slightly and said: "Let's go and take a look first. If possible, we will station there tonight. I looked at the map and found that it is in the suburbs and on the edge of Litchi District. The zombies are relatively Less, relatively safer.”

"Okay." Lao Qin replied and continued to drive the vehicle towards Litchi District.

The other side.

After a night's rest, Ant also got up early, put the dagger back into its original position, carried the crossbow on his back, and walked downstairs.

He looked at the sun with an expressionless expression.

After touching Xiao Hei's dog head, Xiao Hei jumped on the motorcycle without waiting for his order.

Boom boom boom——

The motorcycle started with a bang and headed towards the place where it stopped yesterday.

Soon, he arrived at that place.

After carefully examining the mark, a cold light flashed in his eyes, it was this way.

This kind of tracking difficulty is nothing to him.

Instead of running over the tire tracks, he went around them.

The wheelbase of a motorcycle is relatively small, which is convenient.

Time slowly came to noon.

He also came to Litchi District.

Looking at the bridge in front, there are the Pearl River and Dongping Waterway on both sides.

After observing the surroundings and finding nothing, he continued to drive the motorcycle slowly.

After driving two kilometers, he suddenly stopped.

He looked up at the walled industrial park in front of him, thought about it, and turned off the motorcycle.

Then he pushed the motorcycle and placed it in a bush, and then piled some dead branches and leaves on the ground. From the outside, it was impossible to tell that there was a motorcycle hidden inside.

Ant carried a crossbow on his back and the quiver on his back, and checked the equipment on his body.

He turned around and said to Xiao Hei: "You just hide in there and don't come out, you know?"

Pushing Xiao Hei into the bushes.

Walked out.

Xiao Hei jumped out again.

The ant shook his head, pointed at it and said, "Don't follow me. It's dangerous. Just wait for me here."

Xiao Hei swung his tail and rubbed the ant's trouser leg with his big black head, looking aggrieved.

The ant had no choice but to let it follow.

He walked out of the bushes and made a silent gesture to Xiao Hei behind him. Xiao Hei understood instantly and even his steps slowed down a lot.

A smile appeared on Ant's face.

Then he walked outside the industrial park and looked at the tires on the ground. It was obvious that those people were inside.

He tiptoed and leaned against the wall, holding a mirror in front of the door to check what was going on inside.

"It's a pity. If we could have caught that dog yesterday, we would have had dog meat to eat."

"What are you thinking? That man is so fierce. Fortunately, we ran fast, otherwise we would have to tell him where he was."

"Where's Brother Fang?"

"I didn't see Brother Fang when I came back yesterday. I heard that the boss asked him to come over."

"Hey, they also said they were eating dog meat. We lost so many people yesterday. I heard that the boss was very angry. Brother Fang probably got criticized too."

"But why hasn't Brother Fang come out from the boss's side yet? Could it be that something happened?"

"That's not the case. You can't run away after being scolded. As for other things, it's definitely impossible. Do you know the relationship between Brother Fang and the boss?"

"Tell me, I really don't know this."

"Brother Fang is the cousin of the boss. We are related. You said that with this relationship, even if brother Fang gets into a big trouble, the boss will not do anything to him."

"I see, that's what I'm saying."

Ant listened to the conversation in his ears and saw in the mirror the four people he had seen yesterday in the duty room at the door.

These four people were the ones who blocked the road yesterday and tried to rob him.

Ant slowly put the mirror back, his eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Soon, he slowly walked away from the wall.

"You have to take a look at the situation inside and make a plan before taking action." Ant just heard the voices of those people. Although he was angry, he remained rational.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be safe.

He is not in a hurry and is very patient.

Went back to the bush and picked up the luggage from there.

After observing the surrounding environment, he spotted a dozen-story building opposite the industrial park.

From there, you should be able to overlook the layout of the industrial park clearly.

So he walked towards the building.

The other side.

The third uncle and others drove a vehicle and also came to the area.

There are many automobile companies here, as well as some industrial processing plants.

The steel factory is also here, forming a relatively good industrial chain.

The short distance can save a lot of transportation costs.


Lao Qin drove his vehicle through the industrial park.

The ant happened to walk to the stairs of that building and climbed up, but did not see this scene.

In the duty room at the entrance of the industrial park, several people heard the roar of the car and immediately ran out to check.

They saw a dozen cars passing by and were alert.

One person ran directly into the industrial park to inform the boss that an outsider was coming.

There were three people left, holding weapons in their hands, looking at Uncle San and others with vigilance.

Uncle San and others naturally discovered them.

The third uncle looked in the rearview mirror and saw several people walking out of the gate. Their eyes were calm, like an ancient well, without a trace of ripples.

Along the way, several teams were discovered, but these people were watching and did not move.

The third uncle is not worried about them. If someone dares to block the road, it can be used to scare the monkeys and avoid prying eyes.

Along the way, there were people snooping, and there were even a few cars following behind, but these people did not make any move and maintained a one-kilometer range.

Over at the gate, the three people looked at Uncle San's armored RV in the distance, their eyes full of greed.

"What do you think these people are doing here?"

"How do I know, but what I know is that it's time to live! Hehe!"

"That armored RV is so beautifully modified. Boss should like it very much."

This road is long and not easy to walk.

So before Uncle San and the others left this road, the boss of the industrial park rushed out with a group of people.

"Where is it?" The boss had a strand of white hair on his head.

Obviously this strand of white hair is natural.

Because of this strand of white hair, people gave him the nickname, Brother Bai Tou.

The boy standing at the door pointed at the vehicles that were about to disappear at the end of the road and said, "Over there."

Brother Bai Tou had a puzzled look on his face and asked, "Do you know me? Is he from Laodong, the one who returns the crow?"

The younger brother replied: "No, by the way, brother, those people look very fat. I just saw that they have a super nice armored RV, which looks very impressive."

The younger brother knows that the boss has always liked RVs, and now there are three RVs that the boss has collected in the industrial park.

But there just wasn't an armored RV.

Brother Bai Tou's eyes lit up when he heard this. He had no other hobbies but just liked playing with cars, especially RVs.

He rolled his eyes, slapped the younger brother who had just spoken, and said angrily: "Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and catch up to see where they are going? You follow first, and we will come up behind."

After saying that, he directed people to get into the car and catch up.

Several younger brothers quickly drove their vehicles to chase the third uncle.

Soon they caught up with Uncle San and the others.

The third uncle frowned slightly as he looked at the vehicle less than 500 meters away from them.

Are you targeting them and can't help but take action?

So he took out his walkie-talkie and said to everyone: "Get ready to fight."

At this time, Lao Qin turned the steering wheel, pointed to the right after the corner and said excitedly: "Captain, it's here. We're here."

When the third uncle heard this, he looked at a signboard more than ten meters away on the right front, which read: Guang, Gang.

The remaining words may have been dropped or blown away by wind and rain.

The third uncle nodded slightly, and then asked Lao Qin to park the car at the entrance of the steel factory.

There is a quite large square at the entrance of this steel plant, and they park their vehicles there.

The trucks parked one after another, facing the gate of the steel plant.

The gate of the steel factory was wide open and rusty, and it looked desolate inside.

Lao Qin was a little confused. He didn't know why he didn't just go in and parked outside.

So he asked: "What should we do next? Should we go in? Or should we deal with these tails outside first?"

The third uncle hesitated for a moment, he was not afraid of killing people, but he was afraid of killing endlessly, killing his grandson, then his father, killing his father, then his grandfather.

It's not difficult to kill people, I'm just afraid that it will affect my ability to carry steel.

But there is nothing we can do. Late pain is worse than early pain, and long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain.

Just tell them to be honest.

So he said to Lao Qin: "Solve the trouble first, so as not to cause trouble if someone interrupts the transportation."

"Then shall we go down?" Lao Qin asked.

"Let Guo Peng and the others go in first, and the two of us will go explore the depth of this group of people."

"Okay." Lao Qin replied.

Then he took out the walkie-talkie and asked Zhu Xiao, Guo Peng and others to go in first.

He parked his vehicle outside the factory.

After all, this armored RV was heavily modified by He Bing.

A five-centimeter steel plate and bulletproof tires are attached to the outside.

And a hole was opened in the top of the center of the vehicle, and a heavy machine gun was installed. It can be manually controlled, or you can directly open the machine gun's baffle and raise the machine gun.

However, from the outside, there is no evidence of weapons equipment being installed.

It can only be seen that this car is covered with a thick steel plate, which is very hard.

Opposite the industrial park, Ant climbed up to the top floor. He looked at the entrance of the industrial park with a telescope, but saw that the few people just now were gone.

But more people showed up.

"Huh? What's going on!" He was a little confused, wondering if he was exposed.

But soon, he saw nearly ten trucks not far away, entering a place.

"If I remember correctly, that should be a steel factory." Ant murmured.

Two seconds later, he saw an armored RV.

He didn't know why, but looking at this armored RV, his heart started beating violently.

Through the car's glass, he couldn't see what was inside.

After all, Uncle San's car is equipped with bulletproof one-way perspective glass. You can see the outside from the inside, but you can't see the inside from the outside.

In fact, not only this RV, but other armored RVs in the base are equipped with this kind of glass.

He stared at the armored RV, feeling inexplicably excited.

He had no idea why he was excited. He touched his head suspiciously, feeling a little strange.

The cars following Uncle San saw Guo Peng and his truck entering the steel plant and stopped there.

A person got out of the car. After getting off the car, this person did not go to the third uncle.

Instead, he ran directly to the industrial park.


Brother Baitou heard his younger brother beaming with joy as he told how Uncle San and the others went to the steel factory.

Brother Bai Tou couldn't sit still anymore and shouted directly: "Brothers, bring your guys and work!"

Hundreds of people carrying spears and knives were marching toward the steel factory in a menacing manner.

In his eyes, the steel plant was his territory. How could those people run in without his permission?

Brother Bai Tou took the lead and walked over there.

The distance is only a few hundred meters, so walking is fast.

A few minutes later.

The third uncle looked at a large group of people coming out of the corner and walked toward them with good intentions. He saw clearly that they had no firearms, only cold weapons.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"We're finally here. Lao Qin, go raise the heavy machine gun later."


Then he rolled down the window and shouted to the group of people with a smile from a distance: "Hello."

Upstairs in the industrial park, Ant saw the armored RV shaking down and saw a familiar face.

I couldn't help but uttered a curse word: "Fuck! Captain!"

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