Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 728 Discovered and surrounded! 【5500 words long chapter】

Ju Tianrui and the others are located at the junction of G357 and Shangyoujiang River.

Soon, they crossed the bridge over the Shangyou River and arrived at the G76 highway that Bai Wenyang said.

in the car.

Dongtai looked at the two roads, and said to Ju Tianrui: "Battle Commander, come from the G76 highway, one side is to the west, and the other road can pass through the bridge, and then take the north side of the G357 road, should we divide into two groups? , spread out and look for it?”

Ju Tianrui shook his head and said: "No, we didn't have many people here, but now we don't know how many people there are on the enemy's side. It's too dangerous to disperse. Is the drone fully charged now?"

They had been patrolling all day today, and the drone had been hovering in the sky and the battery was exhausted.

At this time, the drone has been charged in the car for an hour.

Dongtai checked the battery of the drone, turned around and said to Ju Tianrui: "It's a quarter charged, and it can fly for two hours without any problem."

"Okay, then fly the drone up and use the drone to scout and see if you can find those people." Ju Tianrui said when he heard that he could fly for two hours.

Dongtai nodded, then pulled out the charging port of the drone, then placed the drone on the ground and manipulated the operating buttons.


The drone flew up from the ground and directly rose to more than thirty meters in the air.

At an altitude of more than thirty meters, overlooking the surrounding area.

"Fly a little higher. According to Bai Wenyang, there are more than 50 people and more than a dozen vehicles. It should be easier to find. You just need to find a place where a large number of vehicles are parked." Ju Tianrui looked at Dongtai controlling no one. Machine, frowned and said.

Dongtai nodded, and then raised the drone higher.

As the drone gets higher, the places it can see get further and further away.

Suddenly, Ju Tianrui pointed to the southwest corner of the screen, where he could see dozens of ant-sized vehicles parked there.

"Zoom in the southwest corner. There seems to be something going on there." Ju Tianrui said excitedly.

Dongtai also noticed this, so he zoomed in on the southwest corner. As he zoomed in on the southwest corner, the drone slowly flew there.


"There's someone!" Dongtai raised his head and looked at Ju Tianrui.

Both of their eyes were full of excitement.

From the drone, it can be clearly seen that it is an orchard, surrounded by walls, and outside the orchard, there is a forest. On the way to the orchard, there is only one concrete road running from north to south, and the orchard The gate is on the edge of the cement road.

At this time, dozens of cars were parked densely in the orchard, and there were still many people coming and going in the orchard. From a rough look, there were more than a hundred people.

"Would you like to fly over and take a closer look? You can see more clearly if you get closer." Dongtai turned his head and said to Ju Tianrui.

Ju Tianrui hesitated for a moment, and refused: "Not for now, you raise the drone to a higher level, don't be discovered by them, it will be troublesome if you startle the snake, wait for the big troops to come."

"Okay." Dongtai raised the drone again to more than 200 meters. If it was before the end of the world, generally 120 meters is the limit, and it cannot be raised any higher. It is not because the drone cannot fly that high. It is a legal requirement.

On the other side, Ju Tianrui immediately took out the walkie-talkie and contacted Deng Ben who was around Gan City, reflected on the situation he had discovered so far, and reported the location of the group of people who were found.

After Deng Ben heard it, he immediately sent the news to Li Yu and others who were rushing to Gan City.

It was now five o'clock.

The third uncle and others had just arrived in Gan City and were about to contact Ju Tianrui when they heard news from Ju Tianrui.

Opening the electronic map and checking, their current location was less than ten kilometers away from Ju Tianrui.

It's just a matter of seven or eight minutes.

So the third uncle asked the ants to drive there, and he contacted Ju Tianrui: "Ju Tianrui, we have arrived in Gan City, and we are rushing to your side now, you wait for us over there, don't rush over there . All actions will be taken after I arrive."

Ju Tianrui was shocked when he heard the news about his third uncle.

You must know that the reason why they were able to come here now was because they happened to be near Gan City, even though they stopped and waited for a while at the intersection of the highway.

It has only been a little over an hour since the third uncle and the others received the news.

With this bumpy road condition, how fast do they have to drive to get to Gan City now?

Ju Tianrui was shocked and replied: "Okay, I have asked someone to raise the drone to two hundred meters. As long as you don't look carefully on the ground, you will definitely not be able to find it. In addition, we are on the G76 highway. But don’t come directly from G76, that side is blocked by limestone. You have to come from G357 first, then walk along the Shangyou River, and finally cross the bridge to get to G76.”

In order to avoid Wayne's pursuit, Bai Wenyang ordered several trucks to unload dozens of tons of limestone at the G76 highway intersection leading to Gan City.

After listening carefully to what Ju Tianrui said, the third uncle replied: "Okay, we will be there soon."

Then, he turned to Lao Qin and Jackal and said, "Guys, get ready to fight."

As soon as these words came out, excitement appeared on the faces of the three of them, whether it was the jackal, Lao Qin, or the ant.

Long time no see.

Soon, Uncle San and the others drove the armored RV to the river and found Ju Tianrui and the others.

The third uncle got out of the car and looked at the picture on the drone.

"Where is the person?" The third uncle looked at the picture on the drone and felt a little unclear.

After all, the height has risen to more than two hundred meters, and the people on the ground are as big as a grain of rice.

Dongtai then enlarged the orchard area.

Zoomed in to the limit of the drone camera.

Although the pixels are a little blurry, the naked eye can still see clearly that there are many cars in the orchard and many people among them.

"What are so many people doing around here?" The third uncle was a little confused.

But because the drone was pulled too high, it was impossible to see clearly.

Dongtai also shook his head and said: "There is no way. If you want to see more clearly, you can only get closer to them."

The third uncle sighed helplessly and said: "Next time you come out, try another drone. This one's performance is not very good."


Uncle San stared at the drone screen and observed the terrain of the orchard.

The mission he brought with him was to prevent the gang from leaving.

Now that group of people haven't discovered themselves yet, the situation is relatively optimistic for the time being.

But it is still necessary to surround these people as soon as possible and not give them a chance to leave.

The third uncle thought for a few seconds and quickly formulated a plan.

"Let's do this, Lao Qin, later you go to the southwest corner of this orchard, Ant, you go to the northwest corner, each find a commanding height, monitor it at any time, and don't let anyone climb over the wall.

In addition, Jackal, Ju Tianrui and the others took a detour to the cement road in the north of the orchard and blocked the intersection.

Ju Tianrui, divide half of your group and go with me to the cement intersection in the south of the orchard.

That Dongtai, follow me with the drone. Start taking action now. Be fast and gentle. Try not to alert the enemy and let the enemy discover us. "

As Uncle San issued the order, everyone quickly got in the car and left after receiving the mission.

Lao Qin stayed in Third Uncle's car for the time being. He had to first arrive outside the woods to the south of the orchard, then get out of the car and run to the west.

Ant and Jackal got into Ju Tianrui's car. After waiting outside the woods in the north of the orchard, Ant got off and headed to the northwest corner.

Except for the armored RV where the third uncle was sitting, the others were all new energy electric vehicles, which made very little noise when driving.

Soon, the third uncle and the others arrived outside the woods in the southern part of the orchard. They slowed down the vehicle and slowly entered the cement road. Seeing that they would reach the entrance of the orchard after walking a hundred meters further, the third uncle asked the driver. Parked the car.

Dongtai also raised the drone higher into the sky and flew near the orchard.

Because it flew to a relatively high position, the sound was not loud and it was not discovered for the time being.

in the car.

Lao Qin got out of the car, carrying a large black cloth bag with firearms and bullets in his hand, and ran towards the mountains and forests to the west like a cheetah.

The third uncle sat in the car and waited, waiting for people from the other three directions to arrive at the designated location.


Ten minutes later, the jackal's message came over the intercom, "Ju Tianrui and I have arrived at the northern part of the cement road. Now the ant has got off the car and is running to the northwest corner."

"Okay." Third uncle replied.

At this time, Lao Qin had also arrived at the southwest corner of the orchard. There were many forests here. Between the forest and the orchard, there was a piece of farmland, about two to three hundred meters away.

After Lao Qin arrived at the southwest corner, he searched around and felt that there was no suitable shooting point.

The orchard is in a relatively flat location, with mountains and forests to the north and south.

Lao Qin originally wanted to find a place on the top of the mountain forest, but he found that although the top of the mountain was relatively high, the sight line should have been the best, but there were some trees blocking the view.

With no choice but to find a small, slightly raised soil slope at the edge of the farmland at the foot of the mountain, the soil slope was covered with weeds.

The weeds are more than half a meter high, and it is difficult for people to hide in them lying on their stomachs.

More importantly, although the line of sight of this place does not have the effect of looking down from the top of the mountain, it is relatively close and can clearly see the situation in the southwest corner and the west.

This is enough for Lao Qin.

So he bowed his waist, and after coming down from the forest, he slowly climbed up the dirt slope.

But after he climbed to the slope, he realized that it was a tomb, no, it was two tombs built together.

Lao Qin didn't have so many taboos, but when he wanted to climb to the top of someone's grave, he said a few words of apology in a low voice.

Soon, when he climbed to the top of the small slope, he first took out the binoculars to look at the situation on the other side of the orchard.

This orchard is quite large, covering dozens of acres. From his perspective, he saw more than a dozen people refueling the vehicles.

Lao Qin slowly took out the sniper rifle from the black cloth bag, checked the data, and saw the enemy clearly through the magnifying glass.

Afterwards, he took out the walkie-talkie and contacted his third uncle: "Captain, I'm already at the southwest corner."

"Okay, observe the situation, don't shoot, if there is a situation, report it at any time." The third uncle said.

During this waiting process, Third Uncle asked the car to be driven to the side of the road, and everyone got out of the car, and walked to the grass only 50 meters away from the orchard.

Ju Tianrui gave him five people. Except for one person guarding the car, the third uncle sent two people to ambush in the grass on the west side of the cement road, and he took the other two people to the east side of the cement road, facing to the gate of the orchard.

They were all walking in the mountains and forests and did not appear on the cement road.

In this orchard surrounded by woods, everything looks quiet.

The insects that were originally chirping in the grass seemed to have sensed the chilling atmosphere at this time and stopped chirping.

In the silence, only a few dark gun muzzles poked out, pointing in the direction of the orchard gate.


At this time, the news from Ant came through the third uncle's headset that he had arrived at the designated place.

Everything is ready, waiting for the arrival of the final large force.

On the concrete roadside, Sanshu, Ju Tianrui and others from the north and south couldn't see what was going on inside because they were located parallel to the orchard gate.

It can only be viewed on the drone's screen.

On the drone screen, Uncle San vaguely saw a dozen people standing guard behind the orchard gate.

Some of them were sitting in the car, while others were outside the car, chatting boredly.

In addition, more than a hundred people could be seen gathering in the center of the orchard.

The third uncle hesitated for a moment and felt that the current layout was okay.

If you want to fly a little lower, you can see more carefully, but you will be easily exposed if you fly down.

So he took out his walkie-talkie and contacted Deng Ben: "Deng Ben, we are in position and have formed an encirclement. Please ask Li Yu where they are and how long they will be there?"

In addition, the third uncle also told Deng Ben about the enemy's layout and terrain.

After Deng Ben received the news from his third uncle, he immediately conveyed the news.

At this time, Li Yu and the others had left Xincheng and were still about 20 minutes' drive from Gan City.

Hearing that it was in the mountains and forests made Li Yu a little depressed.

As a result, the power of tanks and armored vehicles cannot be exerted to the extreme.

"Twenty minutes, we will be there in twenty minutes." Li Yu replied personally using the intercom.

At this time, the time came to 5:20 in the evening.

Shaliu Town, in the orchard.

After Gan Hu saw Kuizi in a coma, he had people pour water on him several times, but he didn't wake up.

I had to ask someone to bring the other person who was caught.

After waking him up, he thought Kuizi was dead when he saw Kuizi lying on the ground with blood on his hands.

Looking around, there were people I didn’t recognize.

It wasn't until he saw Wayne that he remembered what happened today.

I remembered being chased by a group of people and then hitting a tree and falling unconscious.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" He said with a trembling voice, looking at the group of people who were eyeing him.

Gan Hu's eyes were full of impatience, he rolled his eyes, pointed at Kuizi on the ground and said, "I ask, you answer, answer honestly, otherwise, he will be your end."

Hearing this, Xiao Cui trembled all over, looked at Gan Hu and said, "Okay, you ask, and I'll tell you everything I know."

Gan Hu smiled. He had long disbelieved that there were so many stubborn people.

"Very good, what is the name of the largest force here in Gan City, how many people there are, and where are they? And where are you from?"

Xiao Cui rolled his eyes and began to make rapid calculations in his mind.

I looked at the sky and saw that it was already evening.

It had been several hours since they met this group of people and they were captured.

In addition, he saw team leader Bai Wenyang escaping with his own eyes, and the Da Zhangshu Base had been emphasizing the need to be careful of strangers a while ago and report the situation once discovered.

Then, it can be inferred that the team leader will definitely report it, and since the Da Zhangshu base is so wary of strangers, there must be some preparations and ideas.

If you speculate like this, it is very likely that the Da Zhangshu Base has already begun to search for them.

"Hey! What are you thinking about? Why are you still standing there? Answer him quickly!" Gan Hu slapped his head with the back of a knife.

Xiao Cui grinned hoarsely in pain and opened his mouth to say: "I answer, I answer, here in Gan City, the largest force is called Jiefang City, and there are hundreds of people in it. The location is, the location is."

"It's on the edge of a small town 65 kilometers away in the north of Gan City. Cattle were raised in that place before. Then it was transformed. I can take you there."

The place he mentioned does exist.

But now there is nothing inside. This place is close to Xincheng.

He thought if he could take this group of people on the highway and pass by Deng Ben's camp.

After Deng Ben and the others see it, they will report it to the Da Zhangshu Base in time.

By the time his lies were exposed, the people from the Da Zhangshu base had almost arrived, and they were even able to arrive in advance and set up an ambush.

Only in this way, he might be able to escape with his life.

When Gan Hu heard the words and saw him answering so readily, he didn't know whether what he said was true or false.

So he asked again: "Okay, then tell me, what weapons do they have, how many guns do they have, and do they have a lot of food?"

A wry smile appeared on Xiao Cui's face, and he replied: "How do I know this? I'm not from that place. I really don't know about this, but they are the largest number."

Gan Hu frowned, stared at him and said, "Then why did you run away when you saw us?"

Xiao Cui said: "Brother, this is the end of the world. If you encounter someone chasing you on the road, of course your first reaction is to run away."

Gan Hu stopped talking and looked at Yao Zuo and the others.

Yao Zuo suddenly said: "What are you transporting the limestone for? This is the end of the world, what do you want the limestone for?"

When Yao Zuo asked this, Xiao Cui was caught off guard.

But he quickly realized that it was all lies and it was hard for people to believe it, but if it was half truth and half false, it would make people unsure.

So he said: "What a shame! It's all just for a bite of food. I heard that the Liberated City wanted this thing, so we stragglers ran out to transport it and see if we could get some food in exchange."

"You mean, there is a lot of food in Jiefang City? Otherwise, in this apocalyptic world, I won't be able to eat enough, so why would I need to replace this limestone?" Yao Zuo grasped this and looked at Xiao Cui with a playful look in his eyes. .

"As far as I know, limestone is one of the raw materials for making cement. Are they still building buildings?" Yao Zuo said in one breath.

Looked at Xiao Cui quietly.

Xiao Cui widened his eyes, looked at Yao Zuo in surprise, and said with admiration: "What you said makes sense. It is indeed true. Think about it this way, there must be a lot of food in that Jiefang City, otherwise how could it be allowed to happen?" Let’s change.”

After speaking, a greedy expression appeared in his eyes.

After Yao Zuo finished asking, he turned to Qianlong and others and said, "I think what this person said is basically credible. Food is so precious in the last days. The Jiefang City was able to use food to send people out to collect limestone, which shows that they are short of manpower." , I think it’s about the same for a few hundred people.

In addition, those who could destroy Chengzizhoutou must be armed with guns, and they should be between one hundred and two hundred people.

Therefore, we can initially judge a few points:

First, there is a lot of food in Jiefang City.

Second, buildings are being built in Jiefang City, which is a good time for us to make a sneak attack. "

Seeing his confident expression, Qianlong also believed in him.

A smile began to appear on his face as well.


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