
In the morning light, the convoy slowly drove out of the mountain forest.

They drained the fuel from Gan Hu and others' cars and took them away. They also took away 20 cars in relatively good condition.

On the bus, Xiao Cui and Kui Zi were lying on two hospital beds.

The bullet in Xiao Cui's calf has been removed by Liu Pengfei. After the wound was treated, he is now in good condition.

It's just that except for Kuizi's two thumbs, the front third of the other eight fingers were cut off. It has been too long and there is no way to put them back together.

It was only able to stop the bleeding and reduce inflammation, and then some medicine was given.

A section of my finger is broken. When the wound heals, it will definitely not be as convenient as before.

But at least I can still live and do things normally. It's just that I can't hold things as easily as before.

For Kuizi, he was satisfied. It was worth it to be able to save his life.

The vehicle arrived in Gan City soon.

Then after driving for about ten minutes, we arrived at Deng Ben's station.

Downstairs of the tallest building nearby, Deng Ben and others have been waiting here for a long time.

Li Yu asked someone to stop the car, opened the door, chatted with Deng Ben for a few words, and then left.

During this period, Bai Wenyang's gang had been staying here. Originally, they wanted to kill the enemy with Li Yu and save Kuizi and the others.

Just considering that they didn't know how to use firearms and couldn't help much in the past, they told them not to follow.

Unexpectedly, they stayed here until they came back.

Bai Wenyang and the others got on the bus and looked excited when they saw that Kuizi and Xiao Cui were injured but still alive.

He felt a little guilty, but he knew that in such a situation, even if he returned, it would be meaningless.

Kuizi and Xiao Cui in turn persuaded Bai Wenyang not to think too much.

After bidding farewell to Deng Ben, the vehicle drove straight to the Da Zhangshu Base without stopping.

The group of them stayed up all night last night and were exhausted physically and mentally. At this time, they just wanted to return to the Da Zhangshu Base and have a good sleep.

As Ching Ming Festival approaches, the weather is getting hotter and more humid.

Fortunately, it didn't rain last night, otherwise they wouldn't have been so relaxed.

Li Yu once thought about evacuating back to the Da Zhangshu base overnight after dealing with the enemies who came to Gan City.

But they have to walk for two or three hours during the day, let alone at night.

In addition, zombies come out at night and drive on the road. Once they are surrounded by zombies, the car in front is okay. Ruju Tianrui and others behind them are driving new energy vehicles, which have poor protection and are easily stopped by zombies.

Li Yu didn't want to be blocked by zombies on the road in the middle of the night. The risk was too great.

After solving the enemy, Li Yu was in a good mood.

On the way, the windows were open and the wind blew, which was very pleasant.

In the base of the big camphor tree.

Since Li Yu informed his second uncle and the others that the invading enemies from the Western Alliance were dealt with, the martial law level was lowered by one level early this morning.

And let many non-staff and collaborators hiding in the first outer city return to continue building the third outer city.

The Western Alliance incident has delayed the progress of base construction.

The remaining steel in Guangshi has not had time to be transported.

The construction of the third outer city was also suspended for a day.

Rebooted this morning.

Today, 90% of the foundation of the Third Outer City has been built. It is estimated that the foundation will be completely laid in another three or four days.

This speed is already very fast.

The patrol teams originally distributed around the Da Zhangshu base also resumed the transportation of building materials.

ten o'clock in the morning.

Li Yu and others arrived at the big camphor tree base.

Entering Wengcheng, the second uncle, uncle and others came down to greet him.

Li Yu briefly talked to the two of them about what happened yesterday, and then asked his uncle to lead people to collect these guns and the captured firearms.

Seeing Liu Pengfei and others carrying Kuizi and Xiao Cui out of the car, they thought about it and walked over.

Earlier today, Li Yu also communicated with the two and learned in detail what they had experienced yesterday.

In any case, these two people have merit.

At least no information about the Da Zhangshu base was revealed to the enemy.

This is worthy of Li Yu rewarding them.

In addition, they are collaborators.

A good reward will definitely set an example among other collaborators.

This will inevitably enhance the recognition and loyalty of many collaborators and non-staff members to the Da Zhangshu Base.

Li Yu walked up to the two of them and said to Kuizi and Xiao Cui: "You are injured now. Please stay in the base to recuperate for the time being. You have done a good job this time. With your contribution this time, I will give you You have two choices.

One option is that the two of you can directly join the outer city of Da Zhangshu Base. The second option is to have everyone in your group listed as non-staff, and the food distributed to you two every month will be doubled. "

As soon as this statement came out.

The two got into a tangle.

To be honest, when they saw Team Leader Bai Wenyang leaving, they were somewhat sad.

But they also knew very well that even if the team leader stayed and all of them were there, the outcome would be the same.

In addition, after seeing Bai Wenyang with a haggard look on Deng Ben's side just now, he also thought about it.

If the team leader had not left immediately to report the news, the people at Da Zhangshu Base would not have known about it, and no one would have come to rescue them.

The team leader's approach is already the optimal solution.

Faced with the two choices Li Yu mentioned, Kuizi and Xiao Cui had hesitant looks on their faces.

Entering the outer city, that was the place they had always wanted to go, and now this opportunity was before them.

Kuizi, in particular, has a very good relationship with Bai Wenyang.

To be able to naturally form a team in the apocalypse, there must be like-minded people, otherwise they would have dispersed long ago.

Every team is like a small family.

Kuizi hesitated again and again, and finally said: "I choose the second one, and let the people in our group become non-staff members."

Xiao Cui glanced at him and said, "My choice is the same."

When Li Yu heard this, he was not too surprised.

So he said to the two of them: "You are injured now. Let's recuperate in the outer city first."

Kuizi said with some embarrassment: "Well, City Lord, I want to go back and see my family. They have been worried about me, so I want to go back. I'm really sorry."

Li Yu raised his head and glanced at him. It seemed that Kuizi was still from the Gu family.

So I had no choice but to accept his idea, "Okay, I will ask Liu Pengfei to change your dressing when the time comes, and I will ask him to come over to check you regularly."

Turning his head to look at Xiao Cui: "What about you?"

Xiao Cui hesitated, but still said: "Then I will go back too."

Li Yu nodded, and then explained to Liu Pengfei, asking him to take good care of these two people, and sent a car to take them back.

After handling this matter, Li Yu smoked a cigarette and saw Dapao and Yang Tianlong escorting Qianlong and the others towards the inner city of Dazhangshu Base.

Li Yu walked over quickly and said to the Cannons: "Interview slowly, don't be in a hurry, go back and rest first."

Cannon kicked Gan Hu and said, "You're still eavesdropping. I think you're dissatisfied?"

Gan Hu's clothes were full of footprints. He was wearing a black cloth cover and tape on his mouth. He couldn't make a sound and could only shake his head to show resistance.

"Brother Yu, I have already asked a few questions on the way. The two Gan brothers were tough-talking and did not explain anything, but the one named Wayne answered quite smoothly. According to what he said, when they came this time, they were the only ones who came here. These people, there is no one else.

Moreover, the people who came here this time were all their elites.

There is now a shortage of bullets in the Western Alliance. Excluding the 300 people they came over this time, there are only 2,000 people in the Western Alliance.

In addition, I learned from his mouth that they are currently short of food and facing a severe food crisis.


Da Pao drove all night last night. Li Yu originally wanted Da Pao to have a good rest, so when he returned, he asked A Hong to drive back.

But Cannon was not idle. He ran to Qianlong Ganhu's car and interrogated the two.

Cannon is very experienced in interrogation.

When interrogating Wayne, he just took a knife, took off his pants, and said he wanted to castrate him. Unexpectedly, Wayne told him everything he knew.

After listening to Da Pao's words, Li Yu felt confident.

Looking at Qianlong and the others, he told Yang Tianlong and Cannon: "Tie them tightly and be careful with everything. Also, don't tie them with ropes, weld them with chains, and don't leave any locks."

"Don't worry, we have experience." Yang Tianlong was also led by the cannon. He now feels that interrogating people is quite interesting.

Li Yu shook his head and watched them leave.

These people in the base now, under the influence of whoever they are, are getting more and more ruthless.

Li Yu's physical strength is very good. Although he didn't sleep all night last night, he is still alive and well.

Seeing Li Yuan registering vehicles, firearms and bullets over there, I was a little relieved. Now my sister has grown up a lot and is able to share a lot of things for herself. She is no longer the aggrieved person who loves to cry.

Li Yu walked up to the wall again and walked around the wall.

When he saw that the foundation of the third outer city was about to be built, he said to He Chao, who had been following behind him: "Are there any problems with the construction of the third outer city now?"

He Chao thought for a while and said: "There is no problem now, but Ding Jiu is a little worried that it will rain during Qingming Festival, so he is rushing to work and try to build the foundation before Qingming Festival."

"Calculate the time, the day after tomorrow is Tomb Sweeping Day, tell him not to be stressed, and stop work if it rains. Anyway, the third outer city cannot be built all at once."

He Chao nodded and said yes.

Li Yu finished his turn while chatting with He Chao.

Inquired about the current situation of non-staff personnel and cooperating personnel.

Then he climbed down the wall and returned to the inner city.

In the outer city at this time.

The bathroom was full of people, Ju Tianrui and others were taking a bath there shirtless, a group of old men with muscles all over their body.

After they finished washing, they came to the hall, lay down on the long spliced ​​stools, and asked the old Chinese doctor Hua Gan to cup them.

Taking a hot bath, cupping, and then having a good night's sleep is already a pleasure for them.

Returning to the base means returning home.

Yesterday during the day, I was on the road, killing people, killing limbs and arms.

The bloody scene remains in my mind.

Last night, he was tense again and kept resisting the zombies.

After more than twenty hours without rest, their bodies had reached a critical point and were in urgent need of a rest.

The ant lay on the long stool, feeling the waves of heat coming from behind, with a smile on his lips.

so comfortable!

After Li Yu returned to the inner city, he came to the interrogation room and checked Gan Hu's situation and saw that they were tied tightly enough.

Cannon and the others fully implemented Li Yu's arrangement, directly tied the hands and feet of the three of them to death with iron chains, and then welded them to the iron pillar in the middle with steel plates.

When he saw Cannon holding a red-hot iron rod and thrusting it into Gan Hu, Li Yu clicked his tongue twice and then left.

Damn, these two are perverts.

After lunch.

Half past one in the afternoon.

Li Yu originally wanted to take a nap, but he never thought that he was too energetic and couldn't sleep during the day.

Just as he was about to get up and go to the Third Outer City construction site to check on the progress, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Generally speaking, those who can directly enter the villa are Li Yu's immediate family members. Apart from them, there is only Yutong.

Li Yu stood up and opened the door.

But he saw Yutong appearing in front of him.

Li Yu has always been relatively slow in terms of emotions.

After Yutong entered the room, she hugged Li Yu tightly.

Li Yu touched her head and hugged her back.

"You told me to go with you, but you refused." Yutong said angrily.

Li Yu looked at her beautiful lips and felt something in his heart.

Approach slowly.

Yutong pushed him away and closed the door behind her back.

"Lie down." Yutong said.


Li Yu was a little shocked.

But he was very obedient and just lay down.

Looking at Yutong expectantly.

Yutong smiled when she saw him like this.

"Close your eyes." Yutong said.

Li Yu thought to himself that he didn't expect Yutong to have a special program.

Close your eyes with anticipation.

After a few seconds, some rustling sounds are heard.

Then, a pair of cold hands massaged his temples.

Then he rubbed his head.

It turned out to be a massage for me.

Li Yu was a little disappointed.

I have to say that Yutong's massage is very comfortable.

The movement is very slow, but the point is very accurate.

"Turn over and I'll massage your shoulders and waist." Yutong said in his ear.

The hot air blew against Li Yu's ears, making the little carp a little excited.

But we can't disappoint Yutong's good intentions.

So he lay down.

Yutong didn't know where she learned how to pull and knead the crown.

The technique is very unfamiliar, but it feels very professional.

Li Yu asked curiously: "Where did you learn this technique?"

Yutong said with a smile: "There are some tutorials on massage techniques in the computer video. I watched it out of boredom."

"I see."

Li Yu felt that the various videos he downloaded before the end of the world were simply the wisest decisions.

Press and press.

Just when Li Yu felt like he was about to fall asleep, Yutong suddenly said: "Turn over."

Li Yu was in a daze, and turned over obediently.

I thought Yutong would still massage his head.

Um? ? ?

Li Yu opened his eyes in a daze and saw that Yutong had tied up two ponytails at some point.

Suddenly, Yutong felt a fiery look behind her.

His face turned red.


Li Yu lit a cigarette with a lighter.


At this moment, Li Yu felt that life was wonderful.

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