Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 737 Enhanced version of zombie attracting potion [5300 words, please vote for me]

Oil city.

Zhong Chuchu looked at the evacuating motorcycle gangs, breathed a sigh of relief, and felt relieved.

This notorious motorcycle gang is said to have robbed several survivor forces. They are not engaged in production, but only rely on plundering supplies from other forces to make a living.

Behind her, many residents also saw the evacuation convoy in the distance and burst into cheers.

But as she looked at the convoys, worry came to her mind.

Obviously, those motorcycle gangs did not choose to retreat because their side was too strong, but because it was going to rain and to avoid zombies, they chose to leave.

When the rain stops and the sun comes out, these guys will definitely come back.

At that time, it will be another tough battle.

Western Conference.

Gan Xiong looked at the dark clouds outside worriedly. To be honest, he already regretted letting Qian Long and the others go out.

Just one day after Qianlong and the others left, Lao Zhuang came to report tremblingly, and Gan Hu also disappeared.

After searching throughout the Western Alliance, Gan Hu was not found, and Zhuang Shaohua at the entrance also reported that he did not see Gan Hu leading anyone out.

There is no doubt that Gan Hu secretly followed Qian Long and ran out.

Gan Xiong was already very old. He had three sons and one daughter. His daughter and youngest son all died outside.

Now only two sons are far away from him at this time.

If there is an accident, Gan Xiong will never be seen again.

Over the past year, the various natural and man-made disasters that have continued to break out have made him nervous and nervous, making him look a little older.

At this time, the strong wind outside the house was blowing.

The dark clouds in the sky are extremely depressing after seeing them.

Lao Zhuang was waiting nearby, not daring to take a breath.

On the eve of Qianlong's last departure, he went to Gan Hu's room to check that Gan Hu was still there.

But he never thought that in the blink of an eye, Gan Hu would sneak into the car.

If anything happens to Gan Hu and the others, he will be more responsible.

"How is the progress of the planting team now?" Gan Xiong opened his mouth slightly and asked Lao Zhuang behind him.

Lao Zhuang said: "The progress is very good. Now that we have switched to wheat, the wheat has grown well and is resistant to cold and drought. It is expected to be harvested in three months."

"How much can it produce?" Gan Xiong nodded. They had also tried to grow rice, but rice required too much water. Once it encountered drought weather, it was likely to die directly.

Lao Zhuang hesitated for a moment and said: "This time we tested it more cautiously. We planted about 100 acres. According to calculations, we can produce up to 40 tons."

Gan Xiong nodded slightly. One ton of wheat is enough to feed four people for a year.

40 tons, almost enough to feed 160 people for a year.

But there are more than 2,000 people in their base. If they are evenly distributed, they can only feed them for one month. If they save food, they can only feed them for two months.

So there are bound to be people who are hungry.

Today, the food reserves in the Western Alliance only have one month left.

If after a month, no new food is replenished, the Western Alliance will face the crisis of running out of food.

A person is hungry, even to the extreme, but he can do anything.

In fact, they have been thinking of ways to grow their own, but the weather is changing. They had planted rice before, but all of it died during the dry weather that lasted for several months.

Since there are zombies in the river, their base is not close to the river either.

Only ground water can be used.

But in the driest time, people will die of thirst, so they will not care about the crop fields.

In comparison, the Dazhangshu Base has a Shantang Reservoir, which stores a large amount of water during the rainy season, enough to support them through the dry season.

In addition, their number was not large, and their planting area was not that wide.

But for the Western Conference, the pressure is relatively high, there are many people, and the pressure of food is on the head.

So they expanded a large planting area, but as the number of plantings increased, more water was needed. During droughts, they were unable to provide water for irrigation, and could only watch the crops dry up and die.

Hearing the amount mentioned by Lao Zhuang, Gan Xiong sighed slightly and said: "It's still not enough, far from enough."

Lao Zhuang remained silent and stopped talking.

The sky outside the window was as black as ink.

The strong wind picked up some weeds, dust and some discarded waste products on the ground and blew them into the sky.


A bolt of lightning struck, and a patter of rain fell.

In the base of the big camphor tree.

Li Yu looked at the zombies walking out of the woods amid the torrential rain, lightning and thunder.

These zombies are so clear in the lightning.

The searchlights were turned on, penetrating the rain curtain and shining on the zombies. The walking steps of these zombies began to become more agile.

It is completely different from the state before the heavy rain. The sensitivity and strength have been greatly improved.

Whenever Li Yu sees this scene, he sometimes wonders why these zombies have changed like this.

Previously, Madi and the others used elements extracted from meteorites to treat cancer, but later found that they had huge side effects. This side effect would cause people who received the vaccine to completely lose their minds and then turn into zombies.

Recently, Madi and the others have been studying the correlation between rain and zombies. Although there was a small progress last time, they are still too far away from developing an antidote.

By chance, a zombie attracting potion was developed, and later an enhanced zombie attracting potion was developed again.

Li Yu, who was under the eaves of the duty room, was thinking wildly.

At this time, he heard footsteps coming from beside him, which attracted his attention.

It's the second uncle.

"Xiaoyu, are we still going to have a weekly meeting today? It was originally scheduled for three o'clock this afternoon, but you see it's past time now." The second uncle didn't know when he put on water shoes and came to fetch water.

Li Yu looked at the zombies outside the wall. It had just rained heavily, and there were not many zombies below. There were only a few hundred at this time, and they were probably all within five kilometers of the Da Zhangshu base.

Nowadays, many collaborators and non-staff have spontaneously built wooden fences, and there are people living around the Da Zhangshu base, so many zombies have been cleared in this area.

However, once it rains heavily, the zombies' sense of smell will increase several times, and they can come to crowded places from far away.

Li Yu looked at the zombies under the wall. It seemed that it would take at least half a day to form a large-scale zombie wave.

So he said to his second uncle: "Let's do this. The weekly meeting will be held as usual. There are many things that need to be discussed. Let me inform everyone that the weekly meeting will be held as normal."

"Is it still held in the inner city?" asked the second uncle.

Li Yu hesitated and said, "Well, let's still hold it in the inner city."

The second uncle nodded, and then informed other core members of the base.


In the inner city of Dazhangshu Base, on the first floor of the villa area.

meeting room.

There were dozens of people sitting in Wuyangyang. Except for the uncle and Lao Lu who were guarding the wall, everyone else was present.

Everyone took their seats.

Yutong stood up, counted the number of people in the conference room, lowered her head and said to Li Yu: "There is still one person left, He Chao has not arrived yet."

Li Yu frowned, and then looked at the time. It shouldn't be. The second uncle informed that the meeting would be held in half an hour.

From the outer city to the inner city, no matter how slow it is.

Besides, He Chao was often the first one to arrive, so how could he be late today.

At this time, He Chao was at the door of the villa, shaking off the rainwater on his umbrella. The rain was so heavy that the umbrella did not provide him with much protection. After all, most of his clothes were still wet.

He looked down at his watch and slapped his thigh.

"Late, late. Oh, if I had known, I would have waited until the meeting was over before looking for my daughter." He Chao muttered and hurried to the conference room.


The door of the conference room was opened. When He Chao saw everyone present, his heart skipped a beat.

Li Yu glanced at him and said nothing.

After all, today's weekly meeting, originally scheduled for three o'clock, was canceled at short notice, and then rescheduled at four-thirty at short notice.

In addition, He Chao was not late for a few minutes, so I won't talk about him this time.

Wait until he comes in.

Li Yu went directly to the topic and said to Ding Jiu, who was responsible for building the third outer city, and He Chao, who was providing assistance: "Ding Jiu, He Chao, you two can report on the progress of the construction of the third outer city. "

Ding Jiu and He Chao looked at each other, and He Chao made a gesture of invitation to Ding Jiu, meaning that he wanted to speak first.

Ding Jiu understood, and then opened his mouth and said: "The current construction of the third outer city is just a little short of the foundation. According to the progress, it can actually be built tomorrow.

When the rain stops, we will immediately build the remaining foundation, and then we can start building the upper part of the third outer city wall.

It is expected to take up to two months to complete, and then work can begin on the buildings within the walls. "

Li Yu nodded, and then said: "Okay, the urn city in the third outer city has been built together, and then a duty room will be set up on the wall. You must be aware of this."

Ding Jiudao: "Okay, all the construction processes and the overall construction look are based on the original design drawings."

Li Yu then asked He Chao: "Are there any problems with the building materials now?"

He Chao stood up and said: "After collecting during this period, the core building materials, steel and cement, are completely sufficient for the construction of our third outer city. It is estimated that we can complete the third outer city in half a month at most. All building materials used in the construction of Sanwai City are collected and transported."

"Well, when the outer city wall is built, we will start building greenhouses at the same time."

Li Yu thought of this, and then said to Anya: "Anya, you have to keep up with me over there. After the wall of the third outer city is built, 80 acres of greenhouses will be added over there, and seedlings will also need to be cultivated." Things like that are done.”

When Anya heard Li Yu calling her, she stood up and said, "Okay, Mr. Li, I would like to report to you the current planting situation. Currently, it includes the greenhouses in the inner city, the two outer cities, and the plantations in the basement. There are a total of one hundred and fifty Ten acres are expected to produce 60 tons of grain in two months, including 40 tons of rice and sweet potatoes."

Hearing the data reported by Anya gave everyone a sense of security.

When the third outer city is built, the planting area can be expanded again to 230 acres. The food produced by then will definitely increase a lot, and it will be able to feed a larger population.

As far as the current food consumption of the base is concerned, even including the inner and outer cities, it is only a few hundred people, plus the subsidies of non-staff personnel and the food exchange of cooperative personnel.

There will be a surplus.

You know, since the construction of greenhouses and underground plantations, weather factors can be completely ignored in planting.

Being able to achieve three harvests a year will undoubtedly greatly improve the harvest of food.

Especially with Anya, an agronomy expert, they can cultivate the crops in the base in a refined manner. Together with Bai Jie, they can help produce chemical fertilizers and synthetic fertilizers, which has greatly improved the yield per mu of crops.

The current yield per mu of planting is not much lower than the yield per mu of large-scale integrated planting before the end of the world.

Even, in some vegetables, the yield is even higher.

Later, Li Yu asked about the situation of the second uncle's food factory.

Since the construction of food factories, many foods have been processed to extend their shelf life.

The benefits of the food processing plant are strongly felt by those who perform tasks outside the facility every time.

No longer need to eat dry vegetable cakes, now you can pair it with some other foods, which makes you full quickly and conveniently, while also taking into account nutritional balance.

After talking about the current construction and production in the base, Li Yu said to his third uncle: "Third uncle, how much steel is left in the steel plant in Guang City that has not been transported?"

Uncle San had been trimming his nails on the left seat when he heard Li Yu ask him.

He took out a small book, opened it and said: "4,000 tons have been transported so far, and there are still 8,000 tons left. According to the current transportation capacity of the base, it is expected that in three more trips, almost all of it will be emptied. "

Li Yu thought for a while and then said: "Actually, there is one more thing. The Western Alliance came to our side to cause trouble a few days ago. Now at the Western Alliance headquarters, I plan to solve it once and for all, otherwise they will send people over later. , we are tired of being on guard all the time. What's your opinion?"

The third uncle happened to be talking to Li Yu, and saw that everyone was looking at him.

It seemed that he wanted to speak first, so he said to Li Yu: "To be honest, I can do it. This is nothing more than an active attack and a passive defense. This time, people from Bai Wenyang's group just happened to discover it. The next time it will be No more coincidences.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to guard against a thief. My idea is to settle the Western Union earlier. "

When the second uncle heard what the third uncle said, he had a different opinion and said: "It's a long way to go. According to the results of the cannon interrogation, although the people coming this time are elites, the overall strength of the Western Alliance has been greatly reduced, but there are still two thousand People, if we go over there, there will be fewer people passing by and we won’t be able to defeat them. If there are too many people, accidents will easily happen on the road, and we might be scattered by the zombie wave.

According to Wayne from the Western Alliance, they set out with 300 people. When they arrived in Gan City, there were only more than 260 people, and the personnel loss reached one-tenth.

If we go there, how many people will we send there? How many cars? Fuel consumption is estimated to be a huge amount. "

The second uncle was talking about practical issues, and he had to consider them comprehensively.

There are few oil fields in the south, and there is not even a single oil field in Jiangxi Province.

Fuel is used more and less. It is for this reason that Li Yu made up his mind to establish an electric power research institute to transform more fuel vehicles into electric drives as soon as possible based on current capabilities.

It doesn't matter even if the current technology is not up to the mark. Now we don't care about the cost, whether it looks good or not, and only consider the problems that can actually be solved.

For example, the battery life is not enough.

Then use a battery stack, stack the battery up, and force the battery life to increase. You can even take a car to load the battery, after all, they are a convoy operation.

These problems mentioned by the second uncle are also the core reason why they did not take the initiative to attack the Western Conference before.

Li Yu looked at the crowd and said to them, "During the last storm and flood, I tested a medicine. Do you remember?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone remembered the bottle of enhanced zombie attraction potion that Li Yu tested at that time.

They had never seen zombies so crazy. They were so crazy that even zombies that were eating their own kind a second ago could drop the flesh and blood in their hands and run towards the bottle of potion.

From this we can imagine how attractive this enhanced version of the zombie attracting potion is to zombies.

Cannon, who was sitting behind the seat on the right, lit up when he heard Li Yu say this. He seemed to know what Li Yu wanted to do.

Since this thing can be used to deal with zombies, it can definitely be used to deal with people.

Use zombies against people.

That being said, it's somewhat unethical.

But when dealing with enemies, there is nothing moral to say.

"I know, the power of that thing last time was amazing." Yang Tianlong said.

Bai Jie was smart. When she heard Li Yu mention this thing, she remembered that some time ago, Li Yu suddenly came to her and asked herself and Ma Di to prepare this enhanced version of the zombie attracting potion again.

Could it be, could it be just for today’s plan?

You know, at that time, the people from the Western Conference hadn't come around yet.

As expected, Li Yu saw that everyone was impressed by this enhanced version of the zombie attracting potion.

So he said to everyone: "So, I think we can use this enhanced version of the zombie attracting potion, which is a small bottle.

Imagine if, in the middle of the night, this enhanced version of the zombie-attracting potion was shot from a long range, or if a drone was flown over the Western Union and a bottle of this potion was put in, how much it would attract the surrounding zombies.

If it rains, the power will be even greater.

We don’t need to send out many people, even a few people are enough.

The key is to first wait for a rainy day, and secondly, when it rains, throw this bottle of medicine into the Western Conference base.

However, this requires a strong mental quality and strong combat effectiveness to be able to do this. "

After hearing this, the second uncle carefully considered the feasibility of this approach.

After a long time, he said: "If you say so, it's okay, but it's also very dangerous. In order to be able to put the medicine in, you must be close to the Western Alliance headquarters and find a safe place to avoid zombies. Tide. This feels a bit difficult."

Everyone nodded.

Li Yu slowly said: "So, I plan to go there in person."


In an instant, the entire meeting room seemed to explode.

There was a lot of discussion.

The second uncle even frowned and said, "No, it's too dangerous. If something happens to the core of your current Da Zhangshu Base, the consequences will be disastrous."

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