"Yes, I don't think it's appropriate for you to go there in person." Ding Jiu said from the side.

Li Tie and the others did not speak. Ever since his father started to serve as the captain of foreign wars, he and Da Pao seldom went out with Li Yu.

Cannon was originally a militant. When he heard Li Yu say that he wanted to go out, he was immediately excited.

In the base, three core combat groups have been formed.

One is Lao Qin, Ant, and Jackal led by the third uncle.

The other is a combat team led by Li Yu with the core of five people: Li Tie, Li Gang, Dabao, and Yang Tianlong.

The last one was Lao Lu, Lao Xie and others led by Uncle Li Yu.

These combat groups are not always fixed. Depending on the tasks, the personnel of each group will be changed and assigned.

In addition to these three core battle groups, Song Min, Ju Tianrui, Lao Luo, Xiao Jun, Lao Bi, Lao Yi, etc. in the inner and outer cities all have good fighting abilities.

In the early days when the Dazhangshu base was just established, Li Yu once led Da Pao and Li Tie to fight everywhere, annihilating Ping An City, Farm Paradise, and even Corpse Whisperers, in exchange for the entire Xincheng, and even Jiangxi. In the city, Dazhangshu base has a unique position.

They haven't conducted long-distance operations for a long time.

Especially for Cannon, perhaps he was infected by Li Yu and slowly transformed into a militant who likes big cars and cannons and advocates the aesthetics of violence.

Thinking back to the beginning, when the apocalypse first broke out, my parents were robbed by some bad guys and died in the mouths of zombies.

It made him a little desperate for zombies and humans.

Later, he followed Li Tie and others to join the Dazhangshu base. At the beginning, he was still a shy and taciturn person. In his heart, there was always a sigh of relief that he had not vented.

He hated this apocalypse, hated zombies, and hated those who killed his parents, so much so that later on, this became his inner demon.

However, Li Yu actually led them later to help him find his enemy. The moment he killed his enemy, he felt the pleasure of killing.

Revenge was taken, and the inner demons were removed.

But Li Yu's ruthless way of acting shocked him deeply.

On the other hand, he felt the warmth of family from Li Yu and from everyone in the city at Da Zhangshu Base.

This approach of being decisive and ruthless externally and gentle and kind internally has reshaped Cannon's values.

He has regarded Da Zhangshu Base as his home, and even the person he likes, Song Min, is a pitiful person.

When two poor people come together, they naturally cherish what they have now even more.

Song Min was also rescued by Li Yu when he was in Gan City, and with Li Yu's help, he personally defeated his enemy.

Later, Song Min and others went through untold hardships and later joined the Da Zhangshu Base.

In the eyes of those who got up early to join the Da Zhangshu Base, they all have a kind of blind worship and belief in Li Yu.

If Li Yu hadn't pulled them out of the abyss, they might have died in this apocalypse.

Li Yu pulled them and handed them a knife. This knife is not just a weapon, but also wakes them up like a bell, telling them what to do: facing the enemy, only violence can solve it. Only by being more ferocious than the enemy can you resist.

Therefore, the most intolerable thing for Cannon is that someone has ill intentions towards the Da Zhangshu Base.

Hard-won things will make people cherish them more.

Whether it is Da Pao, Song Min, Ding Jiu, Bai Jie, Anya, Lao Lu and others, they all have the same feeling.

Therefore, when Cannon heard that the Western Conference was to be solved, he immediately raised his hands in favor.

When he heard that Li Yu was going there in person, he knew in his heart that he would probably go with him.

After Li Yu proposed to go to the Western Alliance in person, Ding Jiu, Er Shu and others started to dissuade him.

The third uncle raised his head and glanced at Li Yu, and then said slowly: "Xiaoyu, how about I go."

Li Yu shook his head and said to the third uncle: "Third uncle, you have a heavy burden on your side. You will lead the team to those steel materials after the rain stops."

The third uncle thought for a while and said: "It's okay, there are two ways, one is to wait for me to finish the steel task, and then go to the Western Union.

The second is that I handed over the transportation of steel to Xiao Jun and the others, and they followed suit a few times anyway. The route is also familiar, so there should be no problem in handing it over to them. "

The second uncle kept frowning, feeling that neither of what the third brother said was appropriate.

Li Yu shook his head and said: "Uncle San, you are already very tired from going back and forth from Guangzhou to the base, the first method you mentioned is not suitable.

It takes at least four days to transport steel materials back and forth, plus one day for loading and unloading, and it takes five days here. Even without rest, it would take fifteen days to go back and forth three times.

After 15 days, the Western Union headquarters probably have reacted, and it is even possible that they will send more people.

So can't wait.

Besides, it is impossible to leave everything to Uncle San, even if you finish transporting the steel in half a month, you will have to travel more than 1,000 kilometers to the Western Union, which is too tiring.

As for the second method you mentioned, steel materials are of great importance. At present, we are still far from reaching the level of smelting steel, and steel products cannot be produced at this stage. Therefore, the more strategic materials of this kind, the better.

Over there in Guangzhou, I heard from you last time that a group of snoopers were wiped out there. What if some snoopers come again, so I can only rest assured that this matter is handed over to you. "

Seeing the second uncle, the third uncle and others were silent.

Li Yu made the final decision, "Since everyone agrees, it's settled."

"Third Uncle, after the rainy season is over, you will lead people to Guangzhou City to transport the steel back as soon as possible, and I will go to the Western Union headquarters to solve the follow-up troubles. As for the base, I will leave it to Second Uncle and Uncle. La."

"By the way, Xiaohang, you can give uncle a copy of the meeting memo later so that he knows what we discussed at the meeting."

After Li Yu finished speaking, the second uncle had no choice but to smile wryly and said, "Since you have already made up your mind, that's the only way to go. However, it's not certain that you will go there alone, so let Da Pao and the others go there with you."

Li Yu nodded, and then said: "Well, this is what I originally planned, Tiezi, Gangzi, Dapao, Yang Tianlong. The four of you will come with me after the rainy season is over."

"Received!" The four said in unison.

There was excitement on their faces. For them, staying in the base all the time was comfortable, but after a long time, they would feel bored.

Peace is what people want. That's because many people's lives are not peaceful, so they yearn for peace.

Whether it is in the last days or before the last days.

The siege always exists.

When you are busy for a long time, taking an indirect rest will make people feel happy physically and mentally.

But if you are always resting and don’t know what to do, it will be extremely boring.

Li Tie, Li Gang and others looked at Li Yu with hot eyes, carrying a strong fighting spirit.

The second uncle suddenly said: "Xiaoyu, do you need to bring more people over? Aren't the five of you too few?"

Li Yu shook his head and said seriously: "In the past, we didn't want to confront them head-on, but to use the effect of the enhanced version of the zombie-attracting potion to eliminate the people of the Western Union.

Besides, having a few more people won't help much. On the contrary, it will become more popular because of the large number of people, which will attract more zombies.

If there are just five of us, and we use some camouflage clothes coated with ground zombie corpses, we should not be noticed by the zombie wave. "

The second uncle was about to speak, but the third uncle said one step ahead of him: "Xiaoyu is right, in this case, a large number of people cannot play a corresponding role. With fewer enemies and more enemies, we must have borrowed other methods.

But Xiaoyu, you must remember that once the enhanced zombie attracting potion doesn't work, remember to return to the base immediately. Don't try hard. "

As the hall-level figure of the small column assault, the third uncle will have different styles of play for various situations. The long-distance settlement of the Western Conference this time is more like an experiment.

Once this experiment is successful, it means that the enhanced version of the zombie attracting potion can be used to deal with other forces.

The strategic significance is that among the many unknown forces, this enhanced version of the zombie attracting potion is no different from a small nuclear bomb before the end of the world.

Once it is detonated, zombies will rush in.

Human beings are always making weapons to destroy their own people.

Even the last days are the same.

Inadvertently, perhaps a product developed by accident will always be used against human beings themselves.

This is an inevitable problem of human nature itself.

Survival of the fittest.

When you face it squarely, those who can still go on bravely are the real strong people.

In the hierarchy of human society before the end of the world, those at the top have no so-called compassion and no so-called benevolence and righteousness.

There is only eternal benefit and result.

It doesn't matter how the process is.

Although they are ruthless and cold-blooded, they hold the most assets and enjoy the best configurations.

This group of elites has mastered the information media channels, and they already have control over what they want the public to see and hear.

In the mass media, kindness and compassion are told, and morality is more important than profit, and countless role models are even set up.

However, none of these top elites did this.

Benefit first, and then do some good deeds to improve public reputation.

The little beauty talks about truth, goodness and beauty, claiming to be for fairness and freedom, but what she actually does is robbery and violence.

Where there is interest, there is beauty, there is conflict and violence, and then there is "fairness and justice."

Human nature, this is the case.

The underlying logic of society is that only those with fists have the right to speak. This fist can be many things.

Facing the sudden statement of the third uncle, the second uncle sighed and said nothing.

After all, he was not a combatant, and he went out less often. Compared to his third brother, who had shocked him countless times, he still felt that the third brother was a professional, and professional matters should be listened to by professional people.

After Li Yu heard Uncle San's opinion, he nodded seriously and said, "I know, don't worry, if this test fails, I will bring the team back immediately, and I won't run over to die in a foolish way."

"That's good." The third uncle saw that Li Yu really felt that way, so he said nothing more.

Pick up the nail sharpener and start rubbing it.

After Li Yu saw that the matter was confirmed, he looked at the time and found that an hour and a half had passed since the meeting.

So he said to everyone: "Let's see if there are any other issues you want to discuss. Let's talk about it today."

Da Pao suddenly raised his hand and said to Li Yu: "That Hai Chao, Gao Ru, Gan Hu, Qian Long, and that Wayne have already squeezed them out, and there is no news to be squeezed out. How to deal with them?" ?”

Li Yu thought for a while and said, "What suggestions do you have?"

Everyone looked at each other.

To be honest, I really have no experience in this area.

So far, all the enemies who have fought against the Da Zhangshu Base are basically dead.

They have never made a habit of turning their enemies into their own side.

After all, this is the end of the world, people's hearts are unpredictable, and people who are enemies are inherently untrustworthy.

If you let someone who is not trustworthy be released, you are afraid that he will come back again. If we don't root out the problem, a bunch of people will be attracted to cause trouble.

Therefore, the past management has always been a slaughter.

Seeing that no one spoke, Li Yu didn't bother to argue and said directly: "Keep the obedient Wayne and kill the others."

"Huh? Wait, let's keep that Ganlong and Ganhu. Tied up by then and see if it's useful. If not, it's not too late to kill him." Li Yu added.

Cannon nodded and knew how to deal with it.

Next, everyone also chatted about some problems currently encountered by the base. In terms of details, such as Bai Jie's amazement at Kong Shuang, and his shock at Kong Shuang's extremely high attainments in the field of chemistry and biology.

This also made Li Yu pay attention to it, and began to think about whether to expand the research room, or set up another research room, and let Kong Shuang be in charge of chemistry majors.

Regarding the refining of petroleum into gasoline and diesel oil; about how to make daily chemical products, and even more chemical materials, they are actually crucial to the future of the base.

Unexpectedly, I found a treasure from Lao Dong.

As a result, buy one get two free.

The couple are both great figures in their respective fields, so it’s a good thing they can get together.

In addition, they also talked about the proposal proposed by Father Li, which was reported to Father Li by Zhou Weiguo, who is specifically responsible for breeding.

Regarding the current sows, they are experiencing some physical discomfort after giving birth.

Li Yu didn't know what to do about this.

This Zhou Weiguo does know how to breed animals. Although he knows some about treating animals, he is not a professional veterinarian after all.

After seeing the sow giving birth, he was getting more and more anxious.

This matter may seem like a small matter, but pork is currently the most important meat in the base. It produces the largest amount of meat, is the most stable, and is the easiest to feed.

There is a problem with the sow, which is a big problem related to the base's rations.

Hearing this, Li Yu thought of a book, but he didn't speak.

Want to see other people's reactions.

The second uncle picked up a thick personnel registration list. On this list, the names, ages, occupations before the apocalypse, and specialties of the base owners, including inner and outer cities, cooperative personnel, and non-staff personnel before joining the base were recorded. , how many people have been killed, how many zombies have been killed, and why

Of course, this was added later.

There is no information about Third Uncle, Li Yu and others in this book.

The second uncle was looking around, and suddenly saw a person in Guo Peng's group who had been a veterinarian, and judging by his age, he was also an old veterinarian.

So he said to Li Yu: "There is a man in Guo Peng's group who is nicknamed the old veterinarian. Why don't you send the sow over and let him have a look?"

Li Yu's eyes lit up and he said happily: "I think it will work!"

Although the second uncle wasn't very effective at fighting at the beginning, the end of the world has erupted for so long. Li Yu, the third uncle, and the uncle have been swayed by it, and almost everyone in the inner city is forced to train with guns, which has also improved a lot.

But for the second uncle, what he is best at is internal affairs management. He manages the big camphor tree base up and down, inside and out, clearly and clearly.

Once something goes wrong, he can quickly find a solution.

For example, this personnel registration list was also made by him, and it has now become a fixed process at the Da Zhangshu Base.

Everyone who has just joined the Da Zhangshu Base, even if they are collaborators, will have their information registered in the register for emergencies.

Everyone discussed some other matters and all were resolved one by one.

Today's Da Zhangshu Base already looks a bit like a company.

Today's core staff meetings feel a bit like a board of directors.

Slowly it began to become more organized, and everyone's responsibilities slowly began to become clearer.

This meeting lasted nearly three hours.

After the meeting, it was already evening.

But it was still raining.

The pitter patter.

Li Yu was under the eaves on a rainy night, breathing the fresh and humid outdoor air, feeling refreshed and refreshed.

There were so many people in the sealed conference room just now, and staying there for a long time naturally made people feel dizzy.

He twisted his neck, stretched his fists and legs, and made a clicking sound.

I just sat in the meeting room for too long, and my buttocks are a little numb.

A damp wind blew.

Looking up, I felt the rain falling under the eaves hit my face, it was cool, watching the raindrops hit the street lamp under the light, the rain line was clearly visible, and there was a kind of hazy beauty.

Looking up at the two mountains in the distance, in the rainy night, the mountains and forests are steep and black, as if covered with a layer of tulle, giving people a sense of mystery that cannot be seen clearly.


Li Yu took a breath of the moist air, and then lit a cigarette.

White smoke rises slowly.

But a gust of evil wind came from nowhere and blew away the smoke.

Li Yu stared blankly in the direction where the smoke was blown away, in a daze.



OS: If you have ideas and opinions, please mention it.

Readers are my teachers.

Thanks for the pointers.


Brothers are so awesome.

This book has reached the 26th place on the science fiction bestseller list and the 4th place on the combat power list.

Thank you everyone!

Chong Duck~~

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