"Cannon, wake up, it's time for us to take action." Li Yu walked to the sofa, whispered, and shook Cannon awake.

Cannon opened his sleepy eyes and looked outside the dark car. There was only a small red dot inside the car. This small red dot was from the drone.

Cannon stretched out his hand and groped on the sofa. After a while, he touched something hard, and then he put the night vision goggles on his head.

In order to avoid exposing the location of the lights emitted from the car at night, they try not to use the lights at night, but bring night vision goggles so that they can use them at night.

The outside of the car was covered with a layer of camouflage cloth, blocking out all the moonlight, so it was so dark inside the car that you couldn't see your fingers.

After Cannon put on the night vision goggles, he could clearly see the surrounding situation.

Near the front of the car, Li Gang was checking the status of the drones. They brought four medium-sized drones and one small drone.

These drones are crucial in this operation.

Cannon stood up, and suddenly, a small voice came.

It was the sound outside the car.

He slowly rolled down the car window, and only heard the roar of zombies outside the car. This sound seemed to be in his ears, very close.

Li Yu saw his action and waved towards him.

When Da Pao saw Li Yu's action, he slowly moved his body and walked to the front.

Following Li Yu's gaze, he took off his night vision goggles and looked at the surveillance video outside the car. He could see two or three zombies passing by the entrance of the courtyard.

After more than ten seconds, the roars of the zombies slowly became farther and farther away.

"Okay, Tianlong, open the roof of the car and let the drone out." Li Yu said to Yang Tianlong who was behind.

Yang Tianlong was very tall, about 1.9 meters tall. He reached out and unscrewed the top lid, and then gently put the lid down.

The movement is very slow, and there is hardly a trace of sound.

Li Yu put a bottle of zombie attracting medicine that he had prepared on the drone. The mouth of the bottle was sealed and had not been opened.

Li Yu looked down at Li Tie and said, "Are you ready?"

"Okay, after putting it on, I can fly the drone out, and as long as it reaches the designated place, I just need to press this button, and the clip holding the bottle will be released. Meter height, it will definitely break if it falls." Li Tie lowered his voice and said slowly.

Li Yu looked at his watch, it was fifteen minutes past midnight.

He handed the drone with the enhanced zombie attracting potion to Yang Tianlong and asked him to put the drone on the roof of the car.

Yang Tianlong also knew how precious this potion was, so he held it carefully for fear of bumping and falling.

Yang Tianlong gently placed the drone on the roof of the car, steadily.

"Put it away and you can fly at any time." Yang Tianlong checked it and said to Li Tie.

"Fly!" Li Yu gave an order to Li Tie.


A drone buzzed suddenly in this silent night.

But as the drone rose higher, the sound became quieter and quieter.

Until then the sound of the drone was not heard at all.

In the car, Li Yu watched the drone controlled by Li Tie slowly take off into the air. After turning on the night mode, the drone could clearly see the situation on the ground.

Looking at the armored RV they were in, it was getting smaller and smaller.

After flying to a certain height, the drone then turned around and could see the direction to the west, where there was some light.

And that direction is exactly where the Western Conference is.


The drone flew past.


Cannon closed the roof cover of the car and walked to the front and leaned his head over.

Five pairs of eyes stared at the screen.

They were all a little nervous, worried about whether the enhanced zombie attracting potion would be blown down by the wind while the drone was in the air.

With this concern in mind, the drone flew over the Western Alliance base a few minutes later.

The Western Conference is very big, and the delivery points that were promising during the day are suddenly no longer available.

"Left, left, I remember it's directly west of the water tower." Li Yu pointed at the screen and said slowly.

Li Tie controlled the drone and flew over the Western Alliance.

"Yes, that's it." The sound of a cannon suddenly came from behind.

On the screen, this area looked more desolate than other places.

In the Western Alliance, the most indispensable thing now is a place to live. So much money was spent to design buildings that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

There were indeed tens of thousands of people in the early days, but now there are only about 2,000 people inside.

So even after the Zhou family evacuated and this place was flooded, no one moved here.

The entire Western Conference seemed to be asleep, it was dark, with only a few lights, like fireflies in summer, flickering weakly.

The drone was at an altitude of more than 200 meters. The higher the place, the stronger the wind, and the drone shook slightly.

Li Tie carefully controlled the drone and tried to get as close as possible to the drop point they determined during the day.

At such a high height, the bottle itself weighs little and can easily be blown to other places by the wind.

The drone hovered in the sky for four or five minutes, always looking for a more suitable time to launch.

Three minutes later, the wind weakened a bit.

Li Tie pressed one of the buttons without any hesitation.

The clip that had been holding the enhanced zombie attraction potion was suddenly released.

The small glass bottle just slowly fell down.

7 seconds later.

The glass bottle containing the zombie attracting potion hit the edge of the building identified during the day.


The fragile glass bottle made a crisp sound when it hit the hard cement.

This sound was crisp, neither loud nor quiet.

But since no one lived in the Zhou family area, no one heard it.

A gurgling red-black liquid was flowing on the edge of the top floor of the building.


A gust of wind blew by, blowing the rich bloody smell farther away.

The drone stayed in the air for a while, and everyone kept staring at the dark area below.

The glass bottle was too small and they couldn't see where the zombie attracting potion ended up.

Before setting off, Li Yu replaced the original container with an easily broken glass bottle.

In this way, when dropped from a high altitude, it is easier to break.

Li Yu also thought about opening the lid of the bottle before the drone flew into the sky, and then flew over, so as to ensure that the liquid inside would flow out after it fell.

But there is also a huge problem, that is, the drone itself will shake, and after flying into the sky, the wind will make the drone body shake, and it is easy to spill the liquid in the bottle.

So in the end I used a relatively brittle container, which would definitely break if dropped.

In the Western Conference at this time, Gan Xiong was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep.

As I get older, it is also difficult to fall asleep.

In addition, he has been worried about the safety of Qianlong and the others, and he hasn't had a good night's sleep in a long time.

"Alas" Gan Xiong finally gave up sleeping, lifted the quilt, sat up from the bed, put on his shoes, put on a blanket, and walked to the window.


Gan Xiong opened the curtains, and the moonlight from outside spilled in. The bright moonlight made him feel a little calmer.

There was worry in his eyes, his eyes were bloodshot, looking at the moon in the sky, he felt inexplicably anxious. This anxiety was inexplicable, as if it came suddenly.

"It's been so many days, according to the plan, it should be on the way back." Gan Xiong knew that many things have to wait, and it's useless to be anxious.

However, at this time, he could not calm down.

After a long time, he turned on the light in the room, slowly came to the desk, took a brush, spread out the rice paper, and wrote three big characters on it, "hold your breath".

After reading it carefully, I felt that what I wrote was almost meaningless.

So he wrote another one, and wrote these three words again.

He frowned, not satisfied.

So I wrote a dozen more pictures with exactly the same three characters in a row.

Calm down!


The more Gan Xiong wrote, the more anxious he felt inside, so he threw the brush onto the inkstone.

The tip of the brush touched the inkstone, and some ink splashed out and fell on the white paper.

Gan Xiong originally wanted to calm down by practicing calligraphy, but he didn't expect that instead of calming down, he would become even more anxious.

He put on his coat, walked out of the room, and came downstairs. The security personnel downstairs were on duty at the door. Seeing Gan Xiong coming down, he was a little puzzled, but seeing Gan Xiong's face seemed a little displeased, so he didn't Dare to get into trouble and ask.

"Boss." The two staff on duty said to Gan Xiong.

"Well, take a walk outside." Gan Xiong said lightly.

The security personnel looked at each other. They were up late at night and had to walk around the base.

They were all sleepy.

But the two of them did not dare to complain and followed Gan Xiong closely to protect his safety.

At the gate of the Western Union, on the wall.

Zhuang Shaohua was lying on a camp bed, waving his hands twice from time to time, and there were two mosquitoes buzzing around him.

Zhuang Shaohua was having a sweet dream, but when he was about to show off his power, he would be interrupted inexplicably, making him a little irritable and frowning.

Outside this small pavilion, there were three or four people sitting on the wall, bored and a little sleepy.

His head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Lack of spring, sleepiness in summer, nap in autumn and hibernation in autumn.

Since the rain during Qingming Festival, the weather has become much hotter. This kind of weather can make people sleepy easily.

The night was quiet.

In Lao Zhuang's room, Lao Zhuang was snoring, his chest rising and falling regularly with his breathing.

In a certain corner of the Western Conference, there is a strong man, shirtless, working in the fields.

Someone seemed to have scratched his back, leaving two red scratch marks.

In the night wind, after the bottle of zombie attracting potion fell, they could not see any trace at all, and they could never find where the bottle of potion was dropped.

"Fly away and have a look." Li Yu said to Li Tie.

Li Tie nodded, and then controlled the drone to fly away from the sky over the Western Alliance.

"Huh?" Gan Xiong was walking in the base at this time. He looked up and seemed to see a small red dot. When he looked over again, he couldn't see it anymore.

"Am I dazzled?" Gan Xiong murmured in a low voice.

Turning his head to ask the two guards who followed him, both of them shook their heads to show that they didn't see it.

"Forget it, let's go back." Gan Xiong felt sleepy for a while after walking outside for a short distance, so he walked to his living place.

Under the wall of the Western Union, there were already some zombies below.

The Western Union base is not far from Chengcheng, nor is it close.

It is also 20 to 30 kilometers away from the suburbs of Chengcheng.

It is 60 to 70 kilometers away from the city center.

Even so, there are some small towns around the foundation, and the population is not small.

Under the wall, one of the zombies moved its nose, as if it smelled something extraordinary.

In the next second, the whites of the zombie's eyes originally occupied three-quarters of their eyes, which instantly turned red.


It opened a big mouth full of mucus, and there were some muscle tissue between the sharp teeth. This muscle tissue was rotten, and some small white flesh worms could be vaguely seen wriggling on it.

This zombie became extremely hyperactive, and originally just wandered blindly under the wall.

At this time, it was as if he was on a stimulant. He greedily raised his head, roared, and kept scratching on the wall.

This is not just an example.

One head, two heads, three heads.

More and more zombies raised their heads from their lowered heads at this time, with their hands raised high, their ferocious and rotting faces showed a kind of extreme madness.

It seems that there is something that makes them desperately long for it.

These zombies seemed to have opened up multiples, crazily hitting the walls and gates.

"Ho ho ho!"

The roars of zombies came and went.

If it was a calm lake just now, it is now like a huge stone that hit the lake directly from the sky.

At the gate of the Western Union, the men who were dozing off suddenly heard the movement below, woke up one after another, and then stood up.

Seeing the crazy appearance of these zombies, a younger guy among them said: "This, this, what's going on?"

It's not the first time they've been on duty here, and it's not raining, and there's not much movement and noise in the base, so why are these zombies rioting all of a sudden.

"Could it be that the moonlight is too bright today?"

"What logic, why don't you say the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, it has nothing to do with moonlight, okay?"

"Go and notify Brother Zhuang."

Zhuang Shaohua slapped himself on the face and sat up slowly.

He stared blankly at the mosquito in his hand.

The palms of my hands were covered in blood.

"Damn it, I sucked so much blood from me."

The noise from outside came in, and his heart tightened.

He quickly stood up and ran out of the small pavilion.

I happened to meet my subordinates coming over.

"The zombies are rioting outside. Brother Zhuang?"

Seeing the zombies rioting under the wall, he frowned and asked the men beside him: "What's going on? What's the reason?"

"I don't know, it was very sudden. It was fine a few minutes ago, and then suddenly there was a riot."

Zhuang Shaohua frowned even more when he heard this. These zombies would not riot for no reason. There must be something irritating them.

Based on their past experience in fighting zombies, there are usually several reasons for zombies to riot.

Heavy rain, blood, loud noises.

However, at present, none of these points exist.

"What's going on?" Zhuang Shaohua pondered for a few seconds, raised his head, and his pupils shrank slightly.

He quickly used his headlight to shine into the distance, and saw hundreds of zombies coming towards him hundreds of meters away.

There is still 12 o'clock.

Asking for monthly ticket

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