4:30 in the evening.

Nearly two hours have passed since Li Yu and others left the Western Conference.

The vehicle was towed and the ground was slippery, making the road difficult to drive. The team drove for nearly two hours and covered less than 100 kilometers.

But at least, they have left the boundaries of Chengshi. After the end of the world, Chengshi once became one of the cities with the highest concentration of zombies.

In the apocalypse, almost everyone can drive, there are no more traffic rules and worries, and most of them have automatic transmissions, so driving becomes a very simple thing.

You only need to learn how to start, ignite, brake, step on the accelerator, run a few more laps, and crash a few times before you become proficient. It doesn't matter how it looks...

Li Yu drove the Unimog at the front. On the G5013 highway, water stains on the ground could still be seen.

Cannon and others followed closely behind. In the car, everyone was chatting and driving the vehicle.

"Brother Yu, where is the station tonight? I just looked at the map. There is a Liujia village 20 kilometers away. Maybe we can station there tonight." The sound of cannon came from the intercom.

Li Yu controlled the vehicle with his left hand, opened the iPad hanging in the middle with his right hand, entered Liujiazhaizi, checked and estimated, it would only take half an hour to get there.

So he said, "Okay, let's go and have a look."

Everyone was chatting on the walkie-talkies and driving their vehicles, and half an hour flew by unknowingly.

Soon, they drove the vehicle to the off-ramp, but when they got off the off-ramp, Li Yu clicked on the map and looked at the criss-crossing high-speed hub not far ahead, which was at least thirty meters above the ground.

Li Yu thought for a while and said: "It's just off the ramp from Liujiazhai, but I see there are more residential buildings down there, and there must be more zombies. I think we'd better camp on the viaduct in front."

This is not the first time they have chosen to camp on a viaduct.

There are several benefits to being stationed on a viaduct.

The first one is relatively high from the ground, with only a few load-bearing pillars in the middle. Even if it rains, zombies have no way to climb up and can only walk from both sides of the highway.

Second, the intersection on the viaduct is relatively narrow. Even if zombies come at night, they only have to face the zombies at the intersections on both sides. If it rains, they can even use C4 bombs to blow up the intersection on one side.

What's more, the high-speed hubs here crisscross each other, giving them more buffer space.

If it doesn't rain, you only need to block some scrapped vehicles on the highway before nightfall, and you can sit back and relax.

Li Yu's proposal won the approval of Li Tie and others. In the end, they did not choose to get off the ramp to Liujiazhaizi, but continued to the elevated hub.

Ten minutes later, they reached the top of the elevated line.

The highest point of the viaduct was more than thirty meters above the ground. Li Yu opened the door and got out of the car. After looking around, he found no zombies, so he took off his helmet and took a deep breath.

Although wearing a full-coverage helmet can protect the entire head, it can also become boring if worn for a long time.

The dim yellow sunset in the evening shines on the deserted residential buildings. The peeling walls, plants growing on the walls, a gust of wind blowing by, and the creaking sound of the broken iron doors give people an uncontrollable feeling. A sense of desolation.

In the other direction of the viaduct is the green belt, which covers a large area and is now lush and lush with vegetation.

DaPao and others also got out of the car. After Li Yu saw them getting out of the car, he said to DaPao and Li Gang: "DaPao, Gangzi, you go to both sides and move those scrapped vehicles, blocking the front and rear roads. "

After hearing Li Yu's order, the two got out of the car, untied the tow rope of the car behind them, and drove a car over.

After all, it would be difficult to push those scrapped vehicles by manpower. We can only use the existing vehicles to tow them, especially some larger vehicles.

Yang Tianlong and Li Tie also went over to help, while Li Yu put the drone into the sky and controlled the drone to circle around the area twice.

About four hundred meters away from them, there was a lake over there, but there were no animals in the lake. In the apocalypse, those birds seemed to have known the dangers in the lakes and rivers, and were extremely cautious every time they drank water.

After dusk, the sky darkens faster as we get further back.

After 40 minutes, half of the sun in the sky was under the mountain, and it was about to set.

It's early summer now, and the sun sets later than before.

"Okay." Dapao and Li Tie, both covered in sweat, walked over and said to Li Yu.

Li Yu glanced at them and said, "Okay, let's have something to eat. Let's rest early today and start early tomorrow."

After saying that, he continued to look at the screen of the drone in his hand and controlled the drone to fly back to the viaduct.

A few minutes later, accompanied by the drone of drones in the sky, Yang Tianlong and Li Gang also blocked the vehicles on the north side.

This is not the first time they have done this, so they have some experience.

Blockers should be set up on viaducts, and scrapped vehicles on the road should be used according to local conditions. First of all, you can tow some cars a hundred meters away. This is relatively easy. It is best to get a few more cars so that you can have more circles of protection.

Then they found a few larger cars and towed them close to them, and finally the vehicles they drove themselves.

Everyone has been busy today. Li Yu gave Li Tie another drone on the Unimog, so that he would not have to get out of the car.

The five people sat in the car and turned on the air conditioner in the car to blow away the hot air during the day. They all ate their dinner slowly while watching the sun set outside the window. After the sun set, it became dark faster. .

At 6:45, it gets dark.

Hearing the roars of zombies on the right, Li Yu glanced at the screen of the drone. After turning on the night mode, he could see the situation on both sides of the road a little more clearly.

The five people still arranged a shift, and each person was on duty for two and a half hours, a total of twelve hours. By seven o'clock tomorrow, it would be almost dawn.

Close the car windows, leaving only two small gaps for ventilation.

The night was not quiet. Li Yu took off his helmet and lay on the bed of the Unimog to rest.

Li Tie and others did not get on the Unimog, but slept in their own cars.

Generally, there will be a small sleeping area in the front of the truck.

The evening breeze is blowing and it won't rain tonight.

In the middle of the night, although some zombies arrived at the viaduct, they were unable to pass through the obstruction formed by the scrapped vehicles placed by Cannon and others in the evening.

Nothing happened all night.

After a good night's rest, everyone finally recovered.

Early in the morning, they started the vehicle and returned to the Da Zhangshu base.

Returning like an arrow.

Back and forth, it has been ten days since we left Da Zhangshu Base, and it will take at least three days to get back.

They returned home with a full load, but due to the long journey, they did not dare to relax their vigilance easily and were always in a state of combat.

Big camphor tree base.

Uncle San, along with Ant and others, had already made two trips back and forth from Guangshi, without a break, and returned to the Da Zhangshu base again on this day.

Inner city, villa area.

On the steps outside the downstairs of the villa, the second uncle and the third uncle were sitting side by side.

"Third brother, there were no accidents in the past two times, right?" The second uncle said to the third uncle while chewing on the corn cob.

The third uncle stretched out and said lazily: "Nothing happened, everything went smoothly. I think one more trip will be enough to pull out all the remaining steel."

The second uncle nodded and was silent for a long time. Then he suddenly stopped and said to the third uncle:

"Hey, I wonder what's going on with Xiaoyu over there. In the blink of an eye, they've been gone for ten days. Counting the time, they should be back soon."

The third uncle said:

"It's almost the same. The time set by Xiaoyu is up to half a month. With Xiaoyu's character, he should not have any accidents if he is so stable. Don't worry."

It can be said that although the second uncle is not very good at fighting, he is the most worried person in the base.

Not only must he manage various internal affairs of the base and maintain the normal operation of the base, but he must also monitor the construction progress of the third outer city and coordinate internal and external personnel.

"When Xiaoyu comes back, half of the wall of the Third Outer City should be built. It is now twelve meters high. Speaking of this, the old Dong made the electric and hydraulic device, and Ding Jiu and the others reported that it was quite good. It’s easy to use, this is quite a talent.”

The second uncle said with a smile on his face.

The third uncle didn’t understand this either, so he echoed:

"I don't know much about this aspect. I've met that old director a few times. I personally feel that he has a good temperament and is capable. It's about time we let him know about the existence of zombie generators. Maybe after he knows this , which can prompt him to research some new things that are useful to the base."

The second uncle pondered for a long time, thought about it and said:

"Anyway, if Xiaoyu comes back, it will only be a few days. There is a ban on the zombie generator. It cannot be leaked without permission. Should we tell Lao Dong about the existence of the zombie generator, or should we wait until Xiaoyu comes back? It would be better to discuss and negotiate.

His opinion is more important. "

The third uncle nodded, and he also recognized what the second brother said.

Unconsciously, they have become accustomed to handling some major matters and will obey Li Yu's arrangements.

The second uncle and the third uncle chatted for a long time, and finally got up and went about their own business.

On the construction site of the Third Outer City.

Ding Jiu, Xiao Liu, Xiao Liu and others have been staying in the sun and have tanned a lot these days.

With the cooperation of many collaborators and non-staff personnel, after these days of running-in, the efficiency has gradually been greatly improved, and the construction speed of the third outer city wall has become faster and faster.

The walls in the third outer city look almost the same every day and are being built at an extremely fast speed.

The third uncle only rested for one day at the base before embarking on the road to the Guangshi Steel Plant again.

Xiao Jun, Guo Peng, Zhu Xiao and others who were accompanying them were busy and happy. They knew that when all the steel was transported back this time, their testing period would also have results.

If there are no accidents, it is very likely that they will advance from the status of non-staff personnel to the status of personnel from the outer city.

These days, they are in the car every day, driving when they wake up, and guarding against zombies at night. Their nerves are always tense, which makes them very tired.

The third day that Uncle San and the others left.

Li Yu and others kept going all the way from Chengshi. Finally, four days later, they crossed into Ganshi and contacted their second uncle and others.

After Lao Luo, who was on patrol outside, heard the news about Li Yu, he took about ten people to respond.

Huichang County under Gan City.

Lao Luo contacted Li Yu with a walkie-talkie: "Mr. Li, we have arrived at the First Square in Huichang County. Where are you now? We will come to find you."

After hearing Lao Luo's voice, Li Yu replied: "Ten minutes, I'll be there soon."

After they left the Western Alliance, they didn't stop on the road. Fortunately, they didn't encounter any accidents or robbers on the way.

It didn't rain again, so they arrived in Ganshi smoothly.

Lao Luo hasn't seen Li Yu for a while. When he was in Luo Tianyan, he met Li Yu for the first time and he was very impressed by Li Yu.

Followed by Xiao Shi, they joined the Da Zhangshu Base. He felt that this was the most correct decision he had ever made.

In the Da Zhangshu base, at least he had no worries about food and clothing. Seeing the prosperity of the Da Zhangshu base, he felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

More importantly, Li Yu, as the core soul of Da Zhangshu Base, always rushes to the front when encountering problems. This practical deed makes him admire him even more.

ten minutes later.

Following a tremor on the ground, Lao Luo and others stared at the vehicle approaching in front with wide eyes.

There were ten cars in total, but five of them were driving them.

There were five vehicles, each with a truck or van towed behind them. Looking at the trucks covered with tarps, it looked like they had gained a lot.


There was an unpleasant sound of braking.

Li Yu got out of the car and waved to Lao Luo, who was about ten meters away: "Lao Luo, here are a few people to help drive."

Lao Luo quickly said to the team members around him: "Go over and help."

Then he led his team members to greet him.

"How was this trip?" Lao Luo said to Li Yu with a smile on his face.

Li Yu looked a little tired. It took several days to travel back and forth, and the road was uneven. They were almost vomiting after driving for more than ten hours every day.

Now Li Yu just wants to have a good sleep and then wake up to eat and drink.

Not only him, Cannon and the others have lost their temper these days. Sometimes when a tire blows out on the road, they have to stop the car and take out the jack to change the tire.

But fortunately, apart from tire punctures and some minor malfunctions, the vehicle did not have any other major problems, and we came back without incident.

"It's okay. There's no big problem. Lao Luo. In this way, Tiezi and the others behind have been driving for several days. Five people will come over and help us drive. We'll go back to the base first. By the way, you'll be here later. My car, help me drive."

Li Yu finished speaking in one breath, then got into the car and sat in the passenger seat.

Lao Luo saw the tiredness on Li Yu's face and knew that Li Yu and the others were working very hard these days, so without asking anything else, he asked a few team members to help Li Tie and the others drive, while the rest took the car they drove over. go back.

Li Yu sat in the passenger seat, unscrewed the bottle and took a sip of water.

Watching Lao Luo get into the car, Li Yu closed his eyes slightly and said, "During the time we left, did you discover anything in the base?"

Lao Luo closed the door, turned the key in the ignition, pulled the handbrake, stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle started slowly.

"No problem happened, but a few days ago, there were about a dozen survivors from the north who fled south. I heard from them that a force had recently arisen in the north, called, what is it called, the Motorcycle Party? Yes, that's right. Call them bikies.”

Lao Luo drove towards the Da Zhangshu base while driving.

"Motorcycle gang?" Li Yu murmured. He had never heard the name of this force in his previous life.

In his impression, there is a relatively powerful force in the north and south, but it is not named by that name.

"Yes, the motorcycle gang. I heard from the survivors who escaped that the motorcycle gang used to be mobile, but then they established a base and began to sweep away the surrounding small forces.

Many small teams were robbed, and some places were even taken under the banner of motorcycle gangs. Specialized in planting, but because the biker gang wants too much, they kill people at every turn.

Later, some survivors began to flee that way, heading south, and some came to our side. "

Lao Luo recalled that the survivors he saw a few days ago were discovered during his patrol. After discovering them, he immediately reported them to his second uncle and the others.

After questioning, I learned the information he just mentioned.

Li Yu frowned, feeling that something was different now than in his memory.

It's possible that he was too bad in his previous life and didn't know this at all. It's also possible that something went awry in this life.

Li Yu opened his slightly closed eyes and said to Lao Luo: "What about those people now? How to deal with them?"

Lao Luo said: "Those people should not be from the Western Alliance, so my second uncle didn't make it difficult for them. He gave them a choice to stay to collect supplies and exchange them for food contributions, or let them leave on their own."

Li Yu frowned and said, "Then, which path did those people choose?"

"Those people chose to stay. Yesterday I saw them helping some cooperative members to get into the car and unload the goods." Lao Luo said.

Li Yu thought for a moment, opened the car window, looked at the receding street trees, and said nothing. He would wait until he returned to the base to talk about this.

As for what the second uncle did, I can’t say it’s good or bad.

Now that the Western Alliance has been wiped out, there are currently no visible enemies in the Da Zhangshu base.

With the passage of time, if the Dazhangshu base is to expand, it must have more people.

The premise is that they can feed so many people, but now they only need to build the third outer city, and their food production can be doubled.

At that time, they can absorb some more population.

As for the people who came here on their own initiative, it is also beneficial to keep them for the time being, as they reserve population for the expansion of the base.

Lao Luo's driving skills are very good and he drives very steadily on the road.

Li Yu sank into the seat and squinted for a while at the back.

Li Tie and others in the car behind fell asleep directly in the passenger seat. They didn't sleep well last night.

Last night, the zombies had been making noise outside. In that narrow station, they were surrounded by many zombies and made an unpleasant roar, which made it difficult for them to sleep well.

There was no danger last night, the zombies did not break into their temporary camp.

However, this kept them awake for almost a whole night, and they kept driving early this morning, anxious to come back. They did not want to stay outside any longer. They were used to the sense of security brought by the high walls in the base. When they were outside, they were in a hurry. The time is acceptable.

As time went on, they missed the sense of security brought by the camphor base.

At least, you can sleep well, and you don't have to worry about zombies suddenly surrounding you in the middle of the night.

Moreover, zombies are one thing, and sometimes they worry about survivors hiding outside with malicious intentions.

Therefore, in the last days, it is extremely important to have a place that gives you a sense of security.

Two and a half hours later, they finally came to the gas station outside the national highway, not far from the Dazhangshu base.

Generally speaking, if you drive a new energy vehicle or other small car, you can go back in one and a half hours. However, due to the load of the harvest and the towing of a vehicle, the speed naturally slows down.

Seeing this gas station pretty much means they're back home.

The vehicle turned a corner and entered a rural road.

Lao Luo was about to wake up Li Yu, but before Lao Luo called him, Li Yu opened his eyes and sat up.

Looking at the familiar scene outside the window, it felt like it was the other day.

It's only been half a month, but it seems like half a year has passed.

In the past half month since he went to the Western Conference, so many things have happened that it gave him the illusion that a long, long time had passed.

Soon, the vehicle arrived at the gate of Dazhangshu Base.

The door was open at this time. The second uncle, second uncle, eldest uncle, Li's father, Yutong and others stood on the wall and looked at the entrance, and finally saw the vehicles of Li Yu and others.

After entering Wengcheng, Li Yu rubbed his face and squinted slightly in the car just now. Now his overall condition is much better.

The second uncle didn't exchange too many greetings. He just came back with a simple sentence and didn't grab Li Yu to ask questions.

The general situation was given to Li Yu when he crossed the boundary of Gan City.

After Cannon and the others got off the bus, several of them had panda eyes, and it seemed like they had not slept well.

Li Yu pointed to the nine trucks he had brought back and said to his second uncle: "Second uncle, the things in these trucks are what I told you on the road. People will transport these things to the inner city for inspection later." Then seal it in the warehouse."

"By the way, Yuanzi, take notes there and don't take snacks secretly." Li Yu said to Li Yuan.

When Li Yuan heard this, he was excited and surprised and said: "There are also snacks!?"

"Well" Li Yu felt that he talked too much, maybe because he had not slept well these past few days and his mind was a little slow.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have told her.

But Li Yuan had to register before entering the warehouse. Li Yu shook his head and didn't think much about it.

After talking to his second uncle and others, he went back to rest with Dapao and the others.

When the second uncle and others saw how tired they were, they gave them a few instructions without pestering them with questions, and then went over to count and seal the materials they brought back.

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